Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 174 The light of hope has officially entered the electrical age!

Lin Yue rummaged through boxes and cabinets, found several light bulbs he had found in the secret realm before, put them in each room one by one, and connected them to the gasoline generator that was working continuously.

Soon, the bulbs came on one by one, replacing the flickering torches and the faint light of the flashlight, illuminating everything in the sanctuary.

The robot dog emitting a shimmering light in the kitchen has walked around the aisle of the entire kitchen many times according to Lin Yue's advance design.

Shortly after it started running, he received an on-screen prompt to install the camera.

The camera is necessary for this autonomous patrol robot, but there is no such thing in the design drawing. Lin Yue couldn't help feeling that this was a bit outrageous.

What if a robot has no eyes?

Even the action is very laborious, isn't it?

Fortunately, it would be at the fire station near the Tokyo Tower in the secret realm. He got a lot of cameras and came back, but they were just usable.

The camera was fixed on it, and after connecting the wire, it became the eyes of the robot dog, and soon it was perfectly connected to its main body with a universal upgrade design drawing.

With this, it is not a blind eye, but a higher-level robot with a "vision system"!

The procedure for setting its action is extremely simple and quite easy to operate. Lin Yue edited it a little, and it was easy to set its action route. After a brief observation, he understood the power of this thing. here.

"It's actually not bad at all, the flexibility is stronger than expected, and even the speed is not slow, this thing is really good."

Lin Yue felt that this thing has great potential, and it will become more powerful with the development of his own technology or manufacturing!

For example, add an M19, equipped with a magazine, and become an escort robot, which can attack unexpectedly when encountering strange mutant creatures;

Or, add a small robotic arm like the one in the factory, and then carry a basket to harvest vegetables;

Or, using its speed, equipped with a high-power scope, as a scout to explore unknown places...

The uses seem to be quite broad.

This so-called escort robot, in the final analysis, also works according to the program.

As long as he is set, as long as he wants to get things, as long as his tools are complete enough, then this robot dog is almost limitless!


The robot dog seems to have aroused the collective hostility of Xiaobai and the little ice lizards, and they are constantly roaring at it.

"The robot dog will also be your partner in the future. Maybe it can help us do a lot of things in the future. Come on, stop barking." Lin Yue patted these little guys who were overly vigilant about new and unfamiliar partners, but the effect quite slight.

Also, they are facing, but there is a kind of mechanical bionic robot, although it is only connected by various alloys and machines, but it has actions like mutant creatures, it is indeed too difficult for Xiaobai to understand them.

It can even be said that, except that it is indeed a machine driven by electricity, its behavior is not much different from that of living things.

Get used to it slowly.

There is really no good way.

Looking at the time, it was already night outside, and he looked up at the long-lost, dazzling light of modern life emitted by light bulbs.

In fact, this thing should have been fixed a long time ago, but recently there have been too many messy things. This time, the problem of the light bulb was solved by the way of the charging of the robot dog.

Before I knew it, I actually lived an electrical life.

He walked over to the gasoline engine, shut it off for a while, and refilled it with oil.

1 hour to consume 3L of gasoline, say more is not much, say less is not much.

He still has less than 90L of gasoline, which is indeed a little less.

"Let's buy some. Diesel is fine. After all, diesel generators are also useful, right?" Lin Yue immediately opened the system panel and looked at the trading mall.

It's time to buy a wave, and put some of your own inventory down by the way.

【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Items for sale: red wine 600ml】

【Needs: Gasoline or Diesel】

[Seller's message: There are other vegetables and fruits that can be exchanged, and those with higher prices will get it, and you can chat privately]

He does have a lot of red wine, and this time he also got a lot of whiskey from the secret realm. There is indeed a lot more wine in stock, so there is no need to always hide it.

Moreover, there should be a lot of people in the group who are eager for this stuff, right?

Anyway, the existing gasoline can be used for about three days with a little saving, and there is no need to keep it on. Let's wait for the quotation first, but I'm not in a hurry.

He glanced at the trading panel that had been put up before, telling everyone how dangerous the underground ruins were, and he saw a lot of responses.

As a result, he suddenly discovered that the top one was actually sent by Xia Feihong.

"Lin Yue, I would like to say thank you for the six people in our team! If it wasn't for you, they wouldn't be alive. Lin Yue, I have initiated an exclusive transaction for you, please confirm it immediately, this is one of our Have a little heart, and cooperate more in the future."

Oh, so that's what happened.

When he went to the underground ruins yesterday to clear the map, he accidentally saved a lot of survivors, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

That meeting seemed to have indeed rescued a few people in Xia Feihong's refuge village. At that meeting, Tang Fei had indeed said that he would go back to their boss, Liu Kai, and give him some alloys.

He searched, and sure enough, he found a deal that said it was an exclusive deal for him.

Exclusive deal? There is this stuff too.

It seems that unconsciously, the system has some updates in various places, but it does not seem to tell the survivors directly, as if they want people to take the initiative to explore.

【Exclusive transaction】

【Seller: Xia Feihong】

【Designated Trader: Lin Yue】

【Items for sale: Hard aluminum alloy X35】

[Required: Wood X1]

[Seller's message: Lin Yue, you saved the lives of our members in the underground ruins, our team owes you a favor, please accept it, you are welcome. 】

Lin Yue was indeed a little surprised when he saw this transaction.

They actually gave 35 pieces of hard aluminum alloy all at once?

Just because he accidentally saved their members' lives?

However, he also noticed that there are a large number of messages under this exclusive transaction.

Most of them are envious of him, and many people admire him for saving so many people in the underground ruins.

Lin Yue found that he seemed to have gained a lot of favorability before he knew it.

Although he doesn't want it, it seems that it can have some positive effects on future transactions, so it doesn't matter.

After clicking to confirm the transaction, Lin Yue quickly discovered that there were 35 more duralumin alloys in his storage space!

"I don't want to be polite."

Since people gave it, he wouldn't pretend to be polite and shirk it.

Why live up to people's good intentions?

At this time, he found that there was one more message on the product he had just hung up.

"Lin Yue, I have a lot of gasoline. What I need is watermelon, vegetables and wine. In addition, I have many machine parts, but I need you to exchange them for others."

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