Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 225 Break the rules and reconstruct the singularity of the world!

[Building alone, the shelter can be placed on the ground or underground in any terrain]

[Please select the construction location. 】

The system continued to speak as if it was deliberately reminding Lin Yue.

Its mechanical voice reverberated continuously in Lin Yue's mind.

"Can, can you build a shelter?"

Lin Yue took a deep breath, but he didn't react for a while.

A sanctuary, even in this secret realm, can be established on this earth in a few decades?

Lin Yue squatted down, and he suddenly found that a lot of cold sweat was pouring out densely on his forehead and back.

He had wanted to try it half-jokingly before.

But in the end, the system didn't seem to deny this possibility at all, but told him that as long as he wanted, as long as he had the materials, the shelter could be made, just like in another world!

"Wait, if this can be used, can other things be used as well?"

Lin Yue did not continue to generate the shelter, but interrupted the process.

He is still on the top of the three-story building coming out of the ancient gate of the secret realm. If he builds a shelter here, there must be something wrong with his head.

According to the original "rules", the storage space can only use the items in the inventory, and all other functions in the system are restricted and cannot be used.

But now, Lin Yue saw another possibility.

"If, if the location of the secret realm can be determined, is it possible to rebuild the earth every day?"

Once this idea appeared, it could no longer be contained, so that he could no longer think about other things.

Build a sanctuary on Earth, although the system will be forced to send it back when the disaster arrives on the last day, but what if the sanctuary is the center to reconstruct the neighborhood, the city, and the entire planet?

It seems, not impossible.

But there are indeed some obstacles.

Disasters on the other side of the world need to be prepared for disasters, and they must be able to make sure that he himself can withstand the disasters when they come.

Another important point is that there are countless monsters on this side of the earth.

Whether it is a giant mouse, a monster pterosaur, a tentacle monster, a giant spider, a black worm or that giant creature, as well as other monsters that he has never encountered before, these things, according to his inference, are creatures from another world. Now it has been sent to the earth by an unknown force. I don’t know how many years have passed, and now the number is extremely large.

If you want to transform the earth, then completely destroying them has become one of the most important points.

"No, this is something a person can't do no matter how strong..." Lin Yue shook his head.

No matter how strong he is, even if he drives the No.

Moreover, it is necessary to find a way to deal with the law of "forced exit" of the system.

The power of one person is too small.

Lin Yue pondered for a while, and finally decided to treat this place according to the original setting-resource point.

Use the resources here to ensure the construction, maintenance and upgrade of the shelter and related facilities in the other world.

Some things cannot be done overnight, and the effort and practice of ideas also require a process.

"Xiao Bai, let's move things first. I'm not at ease if the wine is not emptied."

"Quack~" Xiaobai stretched out his wings and nodded in agreement.


in another world.

on the wasteland.

The team of more than 400 survivors continued to move forward on the wasteland. After dozens of people joined, the total number of the team increased again.

Their line was long and bloated, like a monstrous and ugly monster, slowly advancing westward.

When they first gathered in the easternmost part of the wasteland, there were only a few dozen of these people.

And as they continued to move westward, the survivors who had contacted before also joined in, from dozens to one hundred, from one hundred to two hundred, three hundred, four hundred...

These Lin Yue refuges have great malice, and the survivors who want to take it as their own and also want to carve up everything inside are not predators.

Just because Lin Yue's existence is too conspicuous.

Since the beginning of the ranking list, Lin Yue has maintained the first position, the first time, the second time, the third time, it has always been like this.

Even after the world rankings were opened, Lin Yue took the world's No. 1 throne into his hands.

It would be nice to say that there is a huge team behind Lin Yue, but various facts show that he has achieved such achievements by himself.

Hundreds of people have achieved a very high survival point score, and they can't even touch him.

How much material does he have? How much wealth does he have?

Food, water, vegetables, fruit, wine, whisky...

These things that other survivors seem to dream of, I am afraid that Lin Yue can't finish eating or drinking them himself!

Why is it that we can only drink a little water and eat a little food a day, so that he can make a big fish and have enough wine and water?

Why should we fight to the death when we meet the disaster, so he can sit back and relax?

How can he get a platinum treasure chest when we have a hard time getting a wooden treasure chest?

Envy gradually turned into jealousy because of his embarrassment, and as disasters came again and again, after struggling to survive, it turned into hatred.

There is jealousy, but no laughter.

In this last days, the inferiority of human beings will be infinitely magnified.

Not to be alarmist, the greatest manifestation of this inferiority is the army of 400 people led by Le Vic.

Without a common purpose, it is impossible for them to gather here, even at a considerable cost.

Each of these people has a greedy desire that will not lose to others.

They all know that this action is not the end, but a beginning!

It has been almost a month in this different world, and during this time, the entire human race is in absolute chaos.

There is no legal restraint, no moral restraint, strength can decide everything, and guns are the truth!

If the strongest survivor in the world, Lin Yue's sanctuary, can be captured, then what are the other sanctuaries?

What second place, third place... Anyway, it's the end of the world, why do you care so much!

They all robbed them!

As long as there are enough supplies, it doesn't matter how many disasters come!

These so-called "beliefs" support these people to keep moving forward.

Start at sunrise, rest at sunset.

Until you reach Lin Yue's Refuge!

At the same time, on the World Channel, countless people are following the development of this matter.

The significance of this event is significant to all.

If Lin Yue's crusade succeeds, it will be a disaster for all other sanctuaries.

Since we can break through Lin Yue, will ours be broken too? Shall we join in this invasion of other sanctuaries?

But some people don't think so.

The 60-man army set out from Xing Lingfeng's refuge village and walked along another road towards Lin Yue's refuge. Feiyue and Liu Kai's refuge village also sent people to gather at the same time.

Even some people from the surrounding refuge villages were invited by Xing Lingfeng and Liu Kai to join the "Linyue Guards".

A peculiar scene gradually unfolded in this wasteland.

And, it's getting worse.

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