The breeze blew the blood-stained flowers of the poisonous British grass, and the clothes of the nearly 200 corpses on the wasteland, swaying up and down.

Lin Yue stood in front of the corpses with a rather complicated feeling in his heart.

Killing so many survivors in one breath, no, it should be said that he has become a human being who has become a "predator". He said in his heart that there is no turbulence, that is impossible.

After all, he is not a devil, and in the face of so many dead corpses, he can still maintain his composure.

At that time, he was next to the ancient gate of the secret realm, opened a little crack in the door, and after confirming that the people outside had finally rushed past the door, he rode on Xiaobai's back and walked out from the ancient gate of the secret realm. Soar to the sky!

When he was inside the door, he had thought about countless questions.

To him, these people were undoubtedly enemies.

Whether it's dozens or hundreds, the number of enemies doesn't matter anymore.

Those who were so malicious towards his refuge were doomed to be killed by him.

If he hesitated, or had some Virgin thoughts like "why can't they sit down and talk", "they have a home too".

Then it is definitely him who is lying on this wasteland at the moment, not these greedy demons.

Leverwick took advantage of the dark side of mankind and used his sanctuary to gather these people, and even in the end, gathered a terrifying number of nearly five hundred people.

Its target is him.

He has a huge amount of resources, and has a larger refuge than anyone in this other world, and these also attract this group of mad wolves and make them rush.

After killing these people in a very short period of time, Lin Yue now looks at the bodies of these people and still feels a little unreal.

It has been more than a day since he knew the arrival of this group of people, and he had long foreseen the fate of these people.

But when it came time to see their bodies, the unspeakable emotion made him feel so uncomfortable.

"This is the law of the weak." Lin Yue finally came to a conclusion on this matter.

Moths are always moths, and they will eventually be wounded and killed by the flames after they rush into the flames.

In the future, Lin Yue knew that his name would once again shock all other survivors in the world who knew about it, and told them that he was the most powerful one in the world!

He raised his head and looked into the distance.

Xing Lingfeng and others who had left were already at the end of their sight, turning into black spots.

Despite their selfishness, they did not become a bystander because of this, or simply did not come out of their own shelters. he.

Although it really didn't help, Lin Yue felt that this intention was enough.

When they left, Lin Yue also learned that in addition to the refuge villages of Xing Lingfeng, Fei Yue and Liu Kai, several refuge villages also sent a large number of people to participate in this operation.

In this regard, after adding these people's friends, he expressed his gratitude to them, and agreed to supply them with fruits and vegetables in the future, provided that the refuge villages of these people can find what he wants.

As for the refuge villages of Xing Lingfeng and the three of them, Lin Yue naturally prepared some gifts.

Each refuge village sent 10 bottles of wine and three large watermelons.

If these things are put on the original earth, they are nothing at all.

But at this time, it is something more precious than gold.

Hard currency, what is hard currency?

These are hard currency!

He would have moved out a huge amount of wine in the wine warehouse under the hotel, and sent out only thirty bottles without even blinking his eyes.

As for the watermelon, it was really because he really couldn't eat it, and the watermelon in the greenhouse entered the fruit concentration outbreak period, so he sent it out by the way.

Although it is "send", it is enough to prove that he is sure that these people can take the initiative to help him guard the shelter.

Of course, these people will probably remember this day because of this.

They move, so they get something.

In the future, if there is anything else going on here, they will be the first to rush over.

Although Lin Yue didn't think there was anything that could threaten his existence.

In short, the relationship is a step closer, which is good.

"More than 300 people have escaped... But they shouldn't come out of this ancient secret realm again, as long as they are not stupid." After more than 300 people, it's not too much, but Lin Yue's purpose was originally Not to kill them all.

【You get 1 cubic meter of storage space】

[All items in the original storage space will be merged into your storage space synchronously. 】

"How much storage space will be credited?"

Lin Yue took the storage space on the corpse in front of him, and was still very satisfied with the spoils.

All he lacks is storage space.

【You get 1 cubic meter of storage space】


After receiving 12 in a row, Lin Yue asked Xiaobai and Xiaomeng to pile the corpses together.

It is better to dig a hole and dig a hole.

However, Xiaobai did not listen to Lin Yue's words.

It has been looking at the sky, as if it has noticed something, and suddenly rises into the sky!

What's wrong?

Lin Yue immediately looked at the sky, and found that Xiaobai had already flown in the southerly direction, and in that direction, a large area of ​​dense things had already flown over!

What exactly is that?

"Quack!" Xiaobai's roar was full of deterrence and warning, and its figure also rushed over there at the fastest speed!

Lin Yue realized the danger, he picked up the tip of the gun, and just wanted to take the opportunity to collect the storage space for a few people, but he found that at some point, several large holes appeared on the ground dozens of meters away, and dozens of The ugly head of a lizardman also appeared at this time!

Man, this is so accurate, isn't it?

Xiao Meng rushed out quickly, but the lizardmen were faster, they closed the hole again, and opened the hole again after Xiao Meng rushed elsewhere.

Lin Yue looked up again, and found that Xiaobai had already fallen into the midst of the black crowd of flying creatures, and black shadows kept falling from that place.

But Lin Yue also saw that Xiaobai was also retreating in a series of battles, and he was giving himself enough time to retreat!

"Tsk, the Oriole is behind, right!" Lin Yue shot a flaming arrow at a lizardman who was holding his arms at the entrance of the hole and wanted to throw a stone axe at him, and the hole immediately burst into flames. Run fast in the direction of the shelter!

These corpses provoked the monsters in the sky, and also attracted the lizardmen.

"Little fierce!"

Xiaomeng chopped off the head of the third lizardman, but he also knew that he would be in a hard fight, and it also went to the shelter with Lin Yue.

Xiaobai fought and retreated in the air. It wasn't that he couldn't kill these monsters, which were extremely numerous and had wings like him, but they were too numerous.

These creatures fell in the air under the attack of its constant icy aura, and more and more came to attack later!

Many of them even flew to the ground, going straight to the direction of the corpse that the owner and it and Xiaomeng killed just now.

Xiaobai looked at the ground again, the owner was less than 100 meters away from the shelter, and it immediately turned its wings and flew down.

You can't fight at this moment, let alone this time!

The white dragon rushed to the sanctuary, and after the monsters in the sky were no longer obstructed, they and the hundreds of green-scaled monsters on the ground started a feast of scramble for corpses!

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