How much energy do people have?

Depends on his limit.

And where is the limit?

Depends on how big the threat is.

At this moment, Lin Yue is constantly creating his own limits.

How terrifying the hurricane is, he has only brushed it on the video website: countless buildings collapsed, blew up, and were completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris. Under the violent storm, countless lives were simply harvested.

Floods from torrential rains will inundate low-lying areas and dramatically alter the terrain.

And another compound disaster, named "thunderstorm".

Thunderstorm, Lin Yue is very familiar.

He had read books and videos specially introduced in this regard before, and the reason was his experience working in the weather station.

At the Weather Observatory, he had been a temporary worker for a while, just before he was officially on duty.

In addition to getting a lot of living expenses during that part-time job, he also gained some knowledge, including knowledge about this "thunderstorm".

Thunderstorm is not a simple "thunder", but a generalization of extremely strong convective weather that will bring a lot of complex weather conditions.

Lightning strikes, lightning, heavy precipitation, and sometimes even short-term torrential rain and hail.

Lightning strikes endanger personal safety, and household appliances and computer rooms are directly damaged by lightning strikes or induced lightning, and sometimes cause fires.

There are also several types of thunderstorms, single-cell thunderstorms, multi-cell thunderstorms, and super-cell thunderstorms.

Single-body thunderstorms occur when the atmosphere is unstable but with little or no wind shear. These thunderstorms are usually short-lived, lasting no longer than an hour. There are also many opportunities to see such thunderstorms on weekdays, so they are also called thunderstorms.

Multi-cell thunderstorms are composed of multiple single-cell thunderstorms and are the further development of single-cell thunderstorms. At this time, a gust belt will be formed due to the flow of airflow. This gust belt can extend for several miles. If the wind speed increases, the atmospheric pressure increases and the temperature drops, this gust belt will become larger and larger and blow over a larger area.

Supercell thunderstorms occur when wind shear is extremely high and are composed of thunderstorms of varying degrees. This type of thunderstorm is the most destructive and has a low-to-moderate probability of a tornado.

It can be said that even if the thunderstorm appears alone, it is enough for all survivors.

Under the roar of thunder, storms, thunderstorms and hail...

So hi.

What about regrouping with hurricanes?

Lin Yue felt that a picture of hell was unfolding in his mind.

The huge tornado that was enough to swept the sanctuary into the sky swept the sky and the earth, and under the violent storm, while the thunder was raging, countless hailstones fell along with it.

good guy.

The system is saying to all the survivors, "You all die for me", right?

It seems that after the last disaster, the system really felt that there were too many people alive.

After all, it is true that after the earthquake disaster, when the acid rain subsided, only 100 million people died in the world.

Compared with the previous two disasters, this is simply too much less.

Apart from the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, those who do not pay attention to disasters, and some who are too adaptable, or even some who are not very smart and do not know how to use the system at all, the rest, as long as they are not bad luck , basically can survive so many days.

Lin Yue also noticed that it seems that in addition to their group, through the world group, it seems that some other shelters and refuge villages are not short of water at all.

Maybe they really weren't in this barren place like the Wasteland.

However, it may well be different after that.

Lin Yue felt that if everyone's operation was not done well this time, it is very likely that a lot of people would lose their lives this time.

So, with that in mind, he's now working his life to repair the shelter and other buildings.

Unlike others, he has too many buildings on the ground.

When other people's refuge villages are dead, they are one by one refuge, and there are more of them.

And he not only has a huge shelter, but also two large warehouses, a melting furnace, a private jet, and a larger ICBM launch vehicle.

Therefore, Lin Yue has obviously much more work to do than others.

If he wants to fight the hazards of hurricanes, he must ensure that the buildings are strong enough. This can be done by using metal to support the structure, but now that there are thunderstorms, he must get some lightning rod devices.

He has seen lightning rods countless times in the secret realm. As long as there are some high-rise buildings, there will definitely be such things. Just like the Tokyo Tower he just came out of, there are many tall buildings with lightning rod devices on them. .

He just had to go before dark, get some back, use a high-precision research workbench to break it down into blueprints, and install it on shelters and other buildings.

But he also has an upside.

After the last acid rain flood, he had already had some experience in dealing with the flood successfully, so he would not panic because of it.

Not to mention, he also has a "high-level fence design", which can be used this time.

The stone wall with a height of 5 meters, a width of 3 meters and a thickness of 35 centimeters is just enough to enclose the most dangerous and largest ICBM launch vehicle in this disaster.

And the stone material in his hand is indeed a lot now. If nothing else, it is more than enough to get a stone warehouse for this launch vehicle.

Lin Yue was indeed the first to surround and seal the launch vehicle with a high-level fence.

Moreover, for stability, he also used a lot of steel to inlay into it, so that at least the hurricane couldn't lift it into the air.

Then, Lin Yue used the same method to wrap the smelting furnace and private jet.

There were not many stones left, so Lin Yue removed the first layer of walls and re-decomposed them into stones. This process really took a lot of effort.

Then, he repaired the previous drainage channel again, filled the sandbags one by one, and placed them around the main shelter...

After doing this, Lin Yue felt that his body had been hollowed out.

From the beginning of the morning until this close to the afternoon, he basically did not rest.

"However, it seems that a lot has been done that can be done."

After fighting against disasters many times, Lin Yue also developed the best way to immediately think about how to survive the disaster.

But this time, he didn't want to share this information method exclusively like before, but chose to share it with others.

He doesn't want what others think of him, but he wants a lasting development, not his own world in the end.

Moreover, if the earth is to be rebuilt, what is needed is not only his own combat power, but many people.

Opening the system panel, he looked at the friend list.

There are now 13 people in it. Except for Xing Lingfeng, Fei Yue, and Xia Feihong, who were added before, the others are the leaders of several refuge villages who had come to help him guard the refuge in the morning.

Lin Yue did not hesitate to share his knowledge about thunderstorms and hurricanes, as well as his countermeasures, with these people, and told them that they could share it freely with anyone.

After doing this, he did not wait for the reply from these people.

After climbing the ladder, Lin Yue came to the roof again.

At this moment, the Eagle Wings hadn't made a big move for a while.

Have they finished fighting the lizardmen?

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