
Lin Yue looked at the message from Feiyue and the text on it, and finally understood why Feiyue had not replied to the letter for so long.

That third master, has Meng Yutang passed away?

He glanced at Meng Yutang's chat messages, and his avatar had indeed turned gray.

Lin Yue flipped through the chat messages with Meng Yutang.

Last time, this third master Meng Yutang wanted to hand over his refuge village of more than 100 people to him and make him the leader of those 100 people.

But Lin Yue refused.

The reason couldn't be simpler.

What he needs is not the position of commanding a hundred people, a thousand people or even ten thousand people, or even more survivors.

Lead these people to overcome many difficulties, to transform this different world, and finally let human beings prosper here again.

This is not what he wants to pursue.

Character is part of the reason.

Just like what Liu Kai once said about him, he is a lone wolf player, and he doesn't like being in the company of others, passively accepting the complicated emotions from those complicated people.

Ability is also part of the reason.

He believes that he may have some cleverness in surviving, and he can also make full use of the system of 100% explosion of the treasure chest, making it a force under his control, rather than being influenced by it.

But leadership, he is not at all.

Originally, he was not such a type of person. Even in the more than ten years of school, he had never held any position, not to mention the one who was always ignored in the orphanage.

Lin Yue felt that he might not be able to bring five people to him, let alone a hundred or even more.

If he had to say that he had to lead mankind forward, and he really had this idea, then he could only be fighting alone at the forefront, carrying all the burdens on his shoulders.

rather than with a large group.

People's hearts are very complicated, and one of them is enough.

If a real human being will usher in the moment when he will return to the glory of the past, then he will also hide in the crowd and be the least conspicuous one.

Neither his own character nor the 100% ability to explode treasure chests he now has are allowing him to make such a choice.

Think about it, even if one more person knew that he had a 100% treasure chest system, what would happen?

At that time, no matter how strong his combat effectiveness is, it is estimated that he will not be able to resist the swarms of survivors.

This ability, from the moment he started to have it, was destined to make him have to accept the identity of a lone wolf, and he must work hard to survive.

The third master Meng Yutang passed away.

Lin Yue had heard this name on TV news before.

A well-respected old man with extraordinary abilities.

When I chatted with him privately at that time, Lin Yue already felt his courage and wisdom.

Now, the people are gone, and it is useless to say anything.

What is the domination that Feiyue speaks of...?

Feiyue said that he is already the leader, why is there so-called "domination"?

What was he thinking?

Lin Yue was puzzled by this.

Already refused.

"My condolences," he replied.

"Thank you, the third master has been talking to us about you before his death, and we also accepted the last wish of the third master, and wanted you, Lin Yue, to become the ruler of our refuge village." Feiyue quickly conveyed the message back.

He repeated the meaning of the message just now.

"You're already the leader, how can I still dominate?" Although Lin Yue didn't want to be the leader, he still wanted to know.

"That's right. First of all, let me introduce the situation of our refuge village. There are 122 people in our refuge village, 74 young and middle-aged people, 11 elderly people, and the rest are underage children. The ratio of male to female is basically 1:1. , We now have sufficient food and water to a certain extent. At present, some individual survivors send information to us every day to ask for shelter, so the population should continue to rise."

Lin Yue said black question mark face, what are you doing?

"After the third master passed away, he appointed me as the leader of this refuge village. I was in charge of all the normal operations of the entire refuge village, including hunting, collecting food and drinking water, collecting secret realms, exploring underground ruins, etc. What we all mean is , I want you to be the ruler of our refuge village. We are relatively independent, and we will solve food and other needs by ourselves, while other aspects, such as collection in secret realms and exploration of underground ruins, are all collected according to your ideas. Supplies, of course, we still exchange your vegetables and fruits with you as before. Lin Yue, that's what it means."

Lin Yue once again looked at the face of the old man in the subway.

good guy.

The wisdom of the third master... This trick is indeed too high.

The conditions can indeed be said to be attractive enough.

You don't want to be our leader? It's ok.

You are our ruler, we will use all our strength to find what you want, and then use these things to find you in exchange for the melons, fruits, vegetables and other materials that we originally provided, and exchange what we have.

Said to be the dominant person, it is more like the kind of task issuer, which suddenly made him active instead of the original passive.

Want cams, want hydraulic push rods, want all kinds of alloys? We help you find materials, and we are specifically looking for these!

If you don't accept it, then keep the status quo, what we find, in case you want it, exchange it, if you don't need it, we keep it to ourselves.

After Lin Yue figured it out at the moment, he had to admire this third master.

If he wants to pursue better, then it is naturally the best to be this so-called "dominator".

It can even speed up his current farming speed, and unlike what he said before, he has to think about how to manage a hundred people, and he has to worry about their food, drink and sleep.

It seems that the temptation is quite big!

He looked at the two robot dogs that were working hard.

If it were twenty, or even one hundred and twenty, how spectacular would it be?

And, if that were the case, efficiency would not be as simple as multiplying.

Even before the food processing factory and the fresh-keeping cold storage are built, it is only a matter of time before many are built.


Lin Yue didn't see any cost at present.

It is equivalent to letting him be a hands-off shopkeeper and letting his hands go to work. He is only a ruler, not the kind of hard-working who needs to think about everything.

"I'll think about it." Lin Yue thought about it for a long time and felt that this proposal could make him think for a while before making a decision.

"Then we are waiting for good news from you."

Feiyue should have other things to do, so he didn't say anything.

It is estimated that he has to be busy with various handovers after the death of the third master.

After Lin Yue and the other leaders of the refuge village who added friends last time asked if they had what he wanted, he didn't get the good news he wanted.

What a robot dog needs is complex, numerous, and not easy to find.

But if you specifically look for it...


So tempting.

This old guy, the third master, was put together by him.

After putting his resources on the trading panel as usual and emphasizing what he wanted, he closed the system panel again.

Look at the hard-working robo-dogs, who have collected a sizable pile of natural sulfur ore.

"It seems that I really have to think about it." He sighed.

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