Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 255 The discovered secret, rush out of the encircling net!

At this moment, Lin Yue, who was fighting with high spirits, suddenly let out a roar!

This voice even overshadowed those underground lizardmen who had been shouting "Sa!"!

And after this sound, Lin Yue also immediately discovered that the other party stopped their resonance, the ground was surging and churning, dozens or hundreds of lizardmen actually drilled out from all directions.

"Haha, the one who sent the treasure chest? You rubbish!" The alloy tactical crossbow in Lin Yue's hand fired first, and a flaming arrow flew out, accurately shooting a Lizardman, and at the same time it turned into a fireball !

And this fireball also ignited the two lizardmen beside it at the same time!

Three fireballs suddenly appeared, and the lizard people who surrounded Lin Yue immediately showed a trace of panic.

"Little ice lizards, rush out and kill!" Lin Yue gave the order, and at the same time changed his weapon!

boom! !

There was a strong vibration from the sprayer, the bullets shattered, and the small steel balls fired at extremely high speeds scattered and erupted. The four lizardmen who were farthest from Lin Yue were also hit and blown away. !

Lin Yue didn't stop, and sent out two flaming arrows in succession in his hand. After forcing back a group of lizardmen closest to him, Lin Yue suddenly saw a scene he had imagined appear.

"Lizardmen, you bastards! Sure enough!" He put down the sprayer, and the M19 fired 16 bullets in an instant!

These 16 bullets, he did not deliberately aim at the enemy's forehead, but hit their thighs as much as possible, making them lose their combat effectiveness.

Then, when the little ice lizards sprayed a large amount of ice mist in the lizard crowd, he immediately put on new bullets.

Bullets poured out one by one, and soon Lin Yue emptied the magazine again. At this moment, a lizardman rushed over, almost reaching the edge of his low wall!

Lin Yue didn't even think about it, he swept away with the iron spear in his hand!

With the addition of the exoskeleton and the manipulator, this sweep even cut off the legs of the other two lizardmen who rushed up at the same time!

And this blow also caused the lizard people who wanted to surround them to take a step back in fright!

Lin Yue immediately changed the magazine while taking advantage of the momentum, and emptied the magazine again, and the sixteen lizardmen also fell to the ground, basically no fighting power or threat.

Change the magazine and shoot again!

Lin Yue was mad as he hit the M19 pistol hot!

But he knew that it was impossible to continue like this.

No matter how wonderful the world is, all things must obey objective laws.

If the barrel is used like this, it will definitely not last for long!

He picked up the sniper rifle, and now he doesn't care about being close or not.

Six bullets were fired, and new ones were fired immediately. The screams of the lizardmen became more and more intense, and their numbers kept shrinking.

Lin Yue knew that he was now in an extremely dangerous situation.

Moreover, his current tactics are also being used by these lizardmen.

Although the lizardmen's ambush this time may be a temporary intention, but more, Lin Yue felt that they seemed to have discovered a pattern, so they attacked him with such a big fanfare!

"These rubbish, I know that I can 100% burst the treasure chest, so I don't hesitate to use the amount to pile it up! Just for the treasure chest!"

The lizardmen didn't want to use those weapons to hurt him, so they kept using numbers to suppress him, and kept getting closer just to catch him!

After all, only he can burst the treasure chest!

These low-level lizardmen actually noticed this, and immediately thought of how to suppress it?

The sniper rifle emptied six magazines in a row, but the number of lizardmen was still like a mountain!

Their purpose is the treasure chest!

Lin Yue looked at the treasure chest that burst out beside the three lizardmen who had burned into a fireball. The three lizardmen had already grabbed them away. The remaining lizardmen did not throw their weapons, but continued to boldly. Move closer to him.

Lin Yue stood in the car, there were too many lizardmen around.

If it goes on like this, he is likely to be completely surrounded by the sea of ​​lizardmen, and then drowned and caught!

It won't work like this.

Lin Yue picked up the alloy tactical crossbow again and aimed at a crowded approaching lizardmen with one shot!


Come again!

Lin Yue didn't care how many fireballs were burned. At the same time as the fireballs were burning, the lizard people immediately moved away from the compatriots who were struggling in the large fireball. The steel repeater fired a second flaming arrow. At the same time, he jumped out of the car, put the car into the storage space, and jumped out of the low wall.

"Little ice lizard! Concentrate on erupting a little!"


The four little ice lizards basically have no strength at this moment. There are too many enemies and their attack power is too poor, so they basically did not help much, but were almost caught several times.

The smart ones also know that if something happens to the big man around them, even they can't escape this prison.

They immediately gathered together obediently, and in front of Lin Yue, a quadruple polar ice mist was spewed forward!

A large amount of cold mist froze the lizard people charging in front of them, and Lin Yue also took advantage of this moment to rush into the side of the ice mist, and the little ice lizards also followed him and moved away.


The sprayer exploded with a bang, and a group of lizardmen in front of Lin Yue was instantly beaten into a sieve. He directly took away the copper treasure chest that burst out!

Want to steal my treasure chest!

Lin Yue immediately put on new bullets and fired another shot among the dumbfounded lizardmen!

And then, he immediately shot a flaming arrow in the other direction, and took this opportunity to reload!

After continuing to operate several times, Lin Yue became more and more proficient.

He didn't drop any of the treasure chests bursting out by the lizardmen killed by the spray, and at the same time he opened a path among a large group of lizardmen!

The M19 pistol was put into battle again, a clip of the bullet was quickly emptied, and it was reloaded immediately, and it was emptied again!

Lin Yue had already seen that there were fewer and fewer lizardmen in front of him, and he became more and more calm.

In this kind of siege battle, the opponent has no intention of attacking, so what he has to do now is to repel the approaching lizardmen, and then find a life channel!

The M19 fired more than ten bullets again, but suddenly jammed on the next one. Lin Yue directly put it in the storage space, and at the same time used the alloy explosion-proof shield on his left arm to push away several approaching lizardmen. , At the same time, the manipulator on the right arm grabbed the excellent iron spear and turned a circle on the spot, like a full moon!

The surrounding lizardmen screamed and fell to the ground. Their legs were basically severely injured by this blow, and Lin Yue also took this opportunity to take out the spray gun again and replaced it with bullets, and put the last few in front of them. The lizardmen sprayed into a sieve!

【You got a copper treasure chest! 】

【You got... 】

Lin Yue quickly rushed out of the encircling net. He also paid attention to his feet and kept moving in a curve.

The lizardmen were still chasing after him, but Lin Yue was now out of the danger of the biggest siege.

"If there is an explosive in my hand, I'm afraid you will be surrounded?" Lin Yue couldn't help but want saltpeter mine more and more.

The little ice lizards followed him all the way, constantly vigilant, allowing Lin Yue to escape smoothly.

He took off the helmet, exoskeleton and mechanical arm at this moment, and his body became much more relaxed.

With the sprayer in his hand, he was already covered in sweat.

Although the wasteland is full of potholes, it is still flat. Lin Yue retreated in the "Zhi" shape. Seeing that the Lizardman was a while away from him, he fired another flaming arrow. Without looking back once, I ran straight ahead!

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