The violent wind continued to whistled.

The gust of wind seemed to tear everything apart, constantly shaking everything in this other world violently.

Lin Yue was in the warehouse, constantly rummaging for things.

He still has some hard aluminum alloys, but he can't find the precision electric actuators and power controllers at all.

When he made the robot dog before, he used up both of them, so if he wanted to use it again, he had to re-manufacture it himself, or disassemble it from those electrical appliances. He would definitely not be able to repair it.

Especially the power controller, which has been burned down by half.

He put the power controller on the high-precision research workbench and decomposed it into a design drawing. Lin Yue found that it was not too difficult to make this thing. It only needed a few things to get it out, and it was quite easy to find.

Soon, a white light lit up in the basement, and then quickly fell.

【You got the power controller X1】

Get one thing done.

He looked at the design of the exoskeleton again.

[Primary exoskeleton: body, arms, legs, footsteps, connecting joints, active joints, elbow joint components (hard aluminum alloy X10, power controller X1, battery pack X1, power cord X10, copper ingot X15, strong cotton cloth X5, Rubber X1), precision electric push rod]

The battery pack is also broken, burnt out, and the power cord is broken one by one, but these two things are okay to say.

It seems that there is only one big problem left with a precision electric actuator.

But after disassembling it, Lin Yue found that he couldn't find many things in the design.

"It seems that you have to go to the group to buy, or go to the secret realm... Wait, can Feiyue and the others help?"

Lin Yue remembered the thing about dominating people, and felt that it was a little bad for him not to agree to others, but if he directly asked them to look for them, the other party should not go either.


He quickly stopped this line of thinking.

He opened the system panel and clicked on the friend list. He thought about it, and then directly asked Xing Lingfeng.

"Precision electric putter? This one really doesn't exist."

As usual, Xing Lingfeng answered his question almost in seconds.

"Thank you, please let me know if you find it." He was about to ask Xia Feihong and the others again, but Xing Lingfeng sent another message.

"By the way, Lin Yue, thank you so much yesterday. Without you, the forty of us would be there..."

Xing Lingfeng's message came over, but Lin Yue felt nothing.

However, the opponent's combat power was indeed lower than he imagined.

There are indeed many problems here.

To deal with the current fully-armed lizardmen, there is still no good way for the survivors.

Of course, this is also because there are many survivors who do not know the weaknesses of the lizardmen.

"That's nothing."

"It's very good, Lin Yue, you are very powerful, I think you are really strong."

The other party's sudden compliment made Lin Yue feel a little uncomfortable. What's wrong with this? If you hadn't gotten in the way yesterday, I would have killed the gang more easily.

However, these people are really weak.

He also remembered the Lizardmen Legion that had gathered between the altars yesterday and seemed to be ready to attack and was burned down by him.

There are too many lizardmen.

There seem to be more of them than Survivors...

If those beggars are armed with all the weapons of this extremely large number of lizardmen races, then they will be dispatched in groups and attack the refuge villages everywhere...

Lin Yue recalled the incident when he was almost caught in the wasteland at that time.

It seems that it is still not enough to rely on him alone to deal with the lizardmen.

In other words, what he can do alone is too limited.

"Xing Lingfeng, I think it's not how strong I am, but your combat effectiveness is a bit poor."

Lin Yue felt that although his words had no emotional intelligence, they were indeed telling the truth. Whether the other party could listen to them or not was the other party's business.


On the other side, after Xing Lingfeng had just instructed the survivors in the refuge village to put various supplies, food, water, etc. into the basement, and made the final waterproof measures, he was able to concentrate on exchanging information with Lin Yue.

You Siyuan and the others were also resting beside them. Everyone was very tired. It was too windy outside, and they really couldn't do more things.

And the last message from Lin Yue made Xing Lingfeng smile bitterly.

"Boss, what's the matter?" You Siyuan asked Xing Lingfeng like this immediately.

Feng Peng and Huo Yu also followed.

Xing Lingfeng sighed and shook his head: "Lin Yue said that our combat effectiveness is a bit poor."

"Ah? Damn it, isn't this Lin Yue too crazy? He has a... grass, he is really good, right, we are really too much." You Siyuan said halfway, and immediately spoke again. change.

If someone said that to them, they would definitely yell at them right away and then line up.

But if Lin Yue said so, they would have no objection.

Compared with Lin Yue, their combat effectiveness is indeed low. For example, no, no example, just take last night as an example. Forty of the most powerful people in the refuge village were dispatched together. They originally wanted to go to the underground ruins to teach them a lesson. Look at the lizardmen and respond to Lin Yue's initiative with action.

As a result, I was fooled by those lizardmen with a bomb.

If it wasn't for Lin Yue's help, they would probably be all gone now, and none of them would be left.

"He's right." Xing Lingfeng's eyes were blank, "What he said is indeed the truth, our combat effectiveness is too weak, not only in weapons and Lin Yue are very different, but also in combat literacy, mentality and tactics, etc. It's too far from him. Now I'm still saying that, give any of us that sniper rifle, can you make every bullet hit the enemy's leg and knee accurately?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Come on, they can't even guarantee one shot.

Sharpshooters are fed by bullets, and the will to fight cannot be cultivated in a short period of time.

And Lin Yue told them, what does it mean that there are people in the sky, and there is a sky in the sky.

Their long bows and steel guns were a joke in front of Lin Yue.

Don't say anything else, what was the result of the last time Le Vic and the others attacked Lin Yue's shelter?

Lin Yue didn't even use hot weapons such as sniper guns and pistols to let those people go straight to the dog's leash. Apart from crying and calling his mother, he could only flee in all directions. The previous mad dog-like appearance collapsed in an instant.

You know, that's more than 500 people in full armor!

"Lin Yue has a lot of secrets, and he also has power that we can't imagine. What the other party showed us when he dealt with the lizardmen was his calmness and composure when he suppressed dozens or even more lizardmen by himself. I Think, maybe there will be another hundred Lizardmen, and he will be able to kill them easily. If we are not there, maybe he will be faster."

As Xing Lingfeng said, he stroked his hair back.

The others looked at each other.


They were like a hindrance in the underground ruins yesterday.

"If... wait, Lin Yue sent him something very important!" Xing Lingfeng wanted to continue to sigh, but suddenly found that Lin Yue sent him a rather long text!

"Brother Xing, what did he hear from him?" Feng Peng and the others immediately recovered.

The important words from Lin Yue were about lightning rods and how to survive this disaster.

Although he has not survived this disaster and cannot test whether Lin Yue's statement is correct, his proposal has benefited almost the entire group of survivors!

If the disaster is truly over by then, then what Lin Yue has done will be a great redemption for the survival and continuation of the entire human race!

"What he sent... how to deal with the lizardmen, and various points... you all remember it."

"What!!" "No way, those things can still be dealt with now?" "Lin Yue won't let each of us take a submachine gun, where can we find it?"

Everyone was lively and said anything.

Lizardmen are completely different now from the past, and even if they are the same as before, it is not easy to deal with a large number of them.

What method can Lin Yueneng have? At this moment, everyone has everything on their minds, and they are all waiting for the information that Xing Lingfeng is about to convey.

"The status quo, the lizardmen have been supplied with weapons and tools from the 'beggers', which is completely different from the past. They are cruel and easy to kill, their numbers are huge and their attack power is stronger. They are crazy in battle. Assist, they also become more dangerous."

Xing Lingfeng said, everyone listened carefully.

Indeed, Lin Yue summed it up quite well.

The current situation, the lizardmen are a very dangerous group. When they were in the underground ruins, when they encountered these low-level civilization races, they wanted to laugh when they saw the stone guns and spears in their hands, and often a group of people rushed Those monsters run.

But now, when the weapons were equal, and even when the other party still had explosives, their positions were completely reversed. Until last night, before Lin Yue tried to turn the tide, they were almost cornered.

"But even so, the weakness of the lizardmen is obvious. They are extremely afraid of flames. If they are attacked with weapons with flames, especially long-range weapons, they will be easily knocked down and turned into clumps. fireballs, which works especially well when they're congregating."

"What? Is that kind of monster so afraid of fire?" "Speaking of the last time we got a lizardman into a corner, it hit a bunch of torches and it was set on fire." "Fuck I thought It's ice, isn't the lizard a cold-blooded animal?"

Everyone discussed it again, but with Xing Lingfeng's voice, it became silent again.

"In addition, the power of the lizardmen's bombs is very low, only the sound is relatively loud. When facing the attack of the lizardmen group, the priority should be aimed at the bombers in front of them, and the beggars in the team, pay attention, try to pull away as much as possible. Distance attack. Finally, if you encounter lizardmen on the ground during the day, keep moving, or look for places where the ground is not mud, and try not to act alone. These are what I want to tell you, if possible, I hope you will take these Send it to the world channel like last time. Survivors cannot be destroyed in the hands of these aliens!"

After Xing Lingfeng finished reading the words conveyed by Lin Yue, everyone fell silent.


Human beings were collectively transported to this different world. They were originally short of food and clothing. Before the disaster, they had to do everything possible to find materials and build shelters, and at the same time they had to face the threat of mutant creatures.

Today, in order to face the disaster more easily, some people have chosen a behavior that has lost their human face and degraded their personality-to be a cow and a horse for those lizardmen, a feline for a tiger, and in turn deal with the survivors.

These people even gave the lizardmen weapons and tools, and even that bomb may have been provided by those people.

They, already like them, will be the most terrifying enemies of those who are trying to survive in the future!

Lin Yue's words were very clear, and after the shock last night, everyone here understood how complicated and dangerous the current situation would be.

Double disaster, and the threat of underground lizardmen, if you don't want to sit still, you must take the initiative!

"The lizardmen are stronger than we thought, but they are not as powerful as we thought. Everyone, although I haven't tested it yet, I believe what Lin Yue said, after this disaster is over, we will annihilate the lizardmen and beggars. The main target is the living, otherwise, a refuge village like ours may not be able to withstand a charge from the Lizardmen!"

After Xing Lingfeng said this, he walked to the center of everyone.

"Everyone, now start to reinforce the refuge village again. After this disaster, we have to change the existing strategy!"

At the same time, he sent the information conveyed by Lin Yue to the World Channel!


"No..." Lin Yue didn't care about it at all.

He searched the trading mall and the survival point mall for a long time.

There is no such thing as a precision electric putter.

On the trading panel, he used two bottles of wine to buy, but no one offered any price, not even the lion opened his mouth. All of them were a group of survivors asking him questions about the lizard people.

As for those friends, they all said "no" one by one, so Fei Yue came over and asked, we will go to the secret realm to see if there is any, and everyone else will just shake their heads.

Without the exoskeleton, it is actually quite deadly.

Before this thing existed, he didn't have much strength to move those heavy weapons.

Even when wielding an excellent iron spear, he would be incapable of fighting for a long time.

The exoskeleton can easily allow a person to gain much greater strength than before, avoid fatigue to the greatest extent, and reduce unnecessary physical output. Under the boring and large amount of labor, the auxiliary ability of this thing Almost invincible.

But the disadvantage is that it is easy for people to rely on it, and even after it is lost, people will feel anxious about the lack of very important things.

"It seems that I rely too much on the exoskeleton." After Lin Yue continued to fail, he had to accept this fact.

He calmed down for about half an hour and finally figured it out.

He looked at the sniper rifle, the M800 spray, and the M9 pistol, as well as the steel repeater and the alloy tactical crossbow.

Seems like these things don't take much effort?


He felt that he might really be caught in a vicious circle of limited thinking.

Some things don't seem so complicated?

There are robot dogs when mining, and hot weapons when fighting.

Feixiang has Xiaobai, while Hurrying has cars.

Doesn't seem to need to rely on exoskeletons?

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