The underground ruins are about to collapse!

The rumbling sound came from all directions like thunder, and Lin Yue kept running forward against the wall.

In order not to increase his burden, the little ice lizards have been running ahead of him to explore the way.

Through the wooden door, through the main road, one, two...

"It's almost there!"

The surrounding stone walls kept cracking and falling apart, and some fell to the ground from time to time. Lin Yue didn't know why the power of the explosion could collapse this seemingly fragile underground ruin, but he knew that if If you run too slowly, you will...

boom! ! !

A burst of noise suddenly came from not far in front, and the smoke billowed. Lin Yue wore goggles to prevent himself from being hit by the splashing stone in his eyes, but he found out that the fork in front of him led to the shelter. The road in the direction has been completely blocked by stones!


Seeing that the road was completely blocked, he looked back again, only to find that a large number of stones were also falling behind him!

Good guy, what kind of tofu dregs project is this, what about the underground ruins?

There is no way to go back, only to rush forward!

In front... by the way, there is an ice lizard cave in front!

The little ice lizards also seem to understand this very well, and they also rushed towards the direction of the ice lizard cave at the fastest speed!

Lin Yue gritted his teeth and ran at full speed, and finally shoveled directly into the passage of the Ice Lizard Cave!

After drilling into it, the little ice lizards quickly took him from here to the inside of the ice lizard cave.

The moss exuding blue shimmer completely illuminated the area. Lin Yue came here again, and also saw the little ice lizards who came to welcome him.

Huge vibrations continued to sound far behind, but there was only a slight shaking, there was no collapse or similar risk, and there was no gravel or falling.

After feeling a sense of security for a moment, Lin Yue also completely relaxed.


Are there too many little ice lizards?

Now, Lin Yue was lying between the gravel, almost lying on his back, surrounded by little ice lizards who were always groaning.

Even after the black dots and the little six sons were mixed in with them, Lin Yue couldn't tell them apart at all.

"Pfft puff!" Suddenly, the four little ice lizards stood up from the pile of little ice lizards and ran to the entrance of the cave, and soon the other little ice lizards rushed in. Lin Yue looked back and saw, They suddenly spewed out a terrifying chill at the passage!

Lin Yue also immediately felt that the temperature of the ice lizard cave had dropped a lot, and he quickly wrapped the skin of the mutant sheep in the storage space on his body.

And with the rapid formation of the ice wall at the door, Lin Yue also understood what they were going to do.

After feeling the crisis, Black Spot and the others led other little ice lizards to block the entrance with an ice wall. Even if this cave would not be affected by the collapse of the underground ruins, it could still prevent it from happening.

Wrapped in sheepskin, Lin Yue slowed down for a while before realizing that the temperature had returned to normal. He also took advantage of this time to take out all the bread in the storage space.

When the group of little ice lizards around him saw Bread, they immediately became excited, as if they had already equated Lin Yue and Bread in their hearts.

Lin Yue looked at the gang of foodies vying for bread, and then looked at Black Dot, Green Claw, Little Six and Red Line, who had calm expressions and showed no interest at all.

He found that he could quickly tell which four were following him.

Taking out the bread one by one, Lin Yue found a comfortable place and lay down again on the sheepskin.

Breathing in the fresh air here, and looking at the moss that exudes a dreamlike blue light all around, Lin Yue suddenly felt that this place is actually quite good.

Of course, he still prefers his own sanctuary.

How to go back?

The previous roars gradually became smaller and even disappeared completely, which also proved that the C area of ​​the underground ruins had completely collapsed, and there was no room for compression.

The way back is now completely blocked... So what should I do next?

He looked in the other direction.

There is a hole leading to the F area of ​​the underground ruins, and it seems that it is not blocked by the little ice lizards.

Otherwise, go to the F area and see if there is any access.

Lin Yue didn't want to disturb the eating of the little ice lizards, he stood up again.

After resting for a while, his spirit recovered a little, Lin Yue moved a little, and then went straight to the passage in the F area.

It can be regarded as a familiar road, he can be said to have traveled a lot from here.

Even without the help of the regional map, Lin Yue had already come to Area F from the Ice Lizard Cave.

The passage was silent, and there was no sound at all.

Lin Yue took out the alloy tactical crossbow alert again, and a few of the black dots around him also followed.

"Are there any enemies nearby?"

"Pfft." The little ice lizards didn't respond, and Lin Yue was relieved. He opened the regional map again and looked towards Area C.

It turned out that almost from the intersection at the center, the surrounding area was almost blocked by stones and the like, not to mention the road in the direction of the shelter, which was also completely blocked.

If the only thing that can be relatively complete, it is probably the huge room that he did not have access to in the end.

If you want to go back, I am afraid it will be even more difficult!

"That would indeed be a bit reckless." Lin Yue couldn't help sighing.

When the three turtle crocodiles were chasing him at that time, he really had no way to subdue them, and burning with gasoline was indeed a solution that he came up with because he was forced to feel helpless.

His speed is not much faster than those three monsters, and they seem to have similar means of long-distance attack.

If he didn't do anything at that time, then maybe he has suffered some unacceptable situation, maybe it is.

Lin Yue shook his head, it was already like this, regretting it now is useless.

Go back to the shelter first, then talk about it.

"Then, the plan is to find the Shimen, the underground ruins in Area F."

Lin Yue took a step forward.

No matter what you think, if you don't do it, if you don't verify it, then nothing will be done.

The stone gates of the underground ruins may appear anywhere, and these stone gates may also lead to any place in this different world.

Although Lin Yue didn't want to go a long way to avoid the refuge, but from the current situation, even if he didn't want to, there was no way.

Now, I hope that the opened stone gate of the underground ruins can at least lead to the wasteland.

There was silence in the long passage.

Lin Yue could only hear his own footsteps and heartbeat. He found that it seemed as if something like an "extinction spell" had been released here, and he didn't even notice the shadow of a lizard man.

Could it be that after the F area was broken by him, there was a "rule" that neither lizardmen nor mutant creatures could enter?

However, after the little ice lizards turned the five golden poisonous horned spiders into small ice cubes and smashed them on the ground, they also solved Lin Yue's doubts.

"It turns out that there are still creatures..." Lin Yue took out their venom and put it in the bag.

The storage space is quite large, and it is not a problem to hold such a thing, but then again, what did these golden poisonous horned spiders eat?

Lin Yue thought about these messes, and walked all the way from this road to the fork in the road.

Here to the right, walk forward for a while, and then go up one more stairs, and you will come to the location where the stone gate of the underground ruins opened for the first time.

Lin Yue hardly hesitated, and immediately walked in that direction.

However, after reaching the end, he only saw a bare wall and no stone doors.


what happened?

Lin Yue suddenly felt that something was wrong.

How many districts are there in the underground ruins?

There are still billions left in the entire human race. Even if they are now made into refuge villages, there will still be at least tens of millions of refuge villages.

And these tens of millions of refuge villages should have tens of millions of underground ruins Shimen.

If you look at the number and distribution of these stone gates discovered now, then this matter is very wrong.

Unless there are tens of millions of subterranean ruins, if he just came here, he should be able to see dozens or even more stone gates.

But it seems that since the first underground ruins Shimen appeared, after the underground ruins appeared, this kind of thing seems to have never happened.

Even, since then, I haven't met many survivors...

What's the situation?

Could it be that not everyone can enter the underground ruins?

Or are there really so many subdivisions in the underground ruins?

Judging from the size of the underground ruins, there is indeed such a possibility...

Lin Yue returned to the same path again, and soon came to a wooden door along the passage.

He opened the wooden door and carefully inspected every aspect of the cave.

Between the kitchens and between the altars, I searched carefully all the way, and there was not a single place that looked like a stone door.

Not even a single lizardman was found.

This gave Lin Yue an illusion, as if he was now in a dream, not reality.

This is incredible.

With a lot of doubts, he came to the huge room again, which was also the last area in the entire F area that he hadn't checked carefully.

However, nothing.

There were still some bloodstains left on the ground, and the corpse that had been here before was long gone.

The surroundings were empty, and only the huge mural remained, telling him that this place was not illusory.

"In the end... where have the lizardmen gone? Where are the underground ruins Shimen?"

The strange things continued to increase, making Lin Yue even more puzzled.

Could it be that after stepping through this place, the stone gate will no longer be opened? The lizardmen also didn't come because they were killed so much?

Lin Yue looked at the two huge circles in the center of the room.

Last time, he remembered that he had done a little bit of cover up in order not to be found by others, covering it with stones or something.

But now, the place has returned to its original appearance.

He took out an iron block and placed it on a circle, while he stood on another circle.

This is also the right way to open up that huge and empty underground space of bones.

With the rise of smoke and dust, the sound of grinding stones that made people's teeth sour spreads to Ali, and the entrance to the White Bone Space is finally opened!

However, at this moment, a few metal spears suddenly flew out from inside!

"Pfft!" The little ice lizards instantly turned into four silver lights and rushed inside, and then several screams sounded at the same time!

And, it's not over yet.

The screams kept coming, kept coming.

Lin Yue even heard some human voices, and the battle of the little ice lizards did not end soon either.

Lizardmen, and beggars.

Are they actually hiding here?


He didn't enter and fight with the little ice lizards. In this space, he will become a target walking from top to bottom. Even if a lizardman or a beggar sees it, he will definitely give him a Fatal blow!

But to deal with these little ice lizards that are not too big, and their speed is agile, the lizards and beggars have absolutely no way to do anything.

With the final scream, and the blood-covered little ice lizards returned to the top again, Lin Yue also confirmed that there was no life in the ground.

He took out a few steaks as a reward to the little ice lizards, while he picked up the spray and walked down the steps slowly.

The torches shone on the underground corpses, and their death was indeed tragic enough. Those who could hold on for a round under the attack of the little ice lizards could actually be regarded as big bosses.

Lin Yue crossed the corpse all the way and quickly came to the bottom.

There was not a single beggar on the stairs, and these gangsters had to run to the bottom pile of bones.

But for the little ice lizards with a keen sense of smell and red-eyed killing, wherever they go, they are dead.

【You get 1 cubic meter of storage space】

【You get 2 cubic meters of storage space】

【You got... 】


"Oh, 19 cubic meters of storage space! Wait, is it more than 100 cubic meters?"

Lin Yue was happy with the harvest this time.

Who would have thought that he could find so many lizards and beggars in this place?

I thought it was completely gone, but it was quite a surprise to find them in this secret place.

Lin Yue looked around and confirmed that there was no one alive. Just as he was about to leave, he found that the little ice lizards had run into the underground pile of bones looking for something.

"What's wrong?" He walked over, only to find that the little ice lizards had found a wonderful thing under a piece of cloth.

"Ruby?" Lin Yue raised his eyebrows, what's the situation? Such a large ruby?

The bright red translucent gemstone in front of you is extremely dazzling, and it also has a very distinctive feature - it is almost the same size as the previous rough sapphire stone!

They even seem to be similar in shape.

It's just that the rough sapphire stone is now in the shelter, and it seems that we can only compare it after we go back.

Sapphire, then ruby... Wait, it seems like you got a diamond here before?

What are these gems for?

Lin Yue felt more and more strange that this mystery was really one after another.

However, he doesn't have time to explore and solve puzzles now, so he still has to find a way to go back to the sanctuary first.

Thinking like this, Lin Yue went all the way back and returned to the Ice Lizard Cave.

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