The door of the store was quite tattered, Lin Yue just pulled it gently, and it shattered into slag like a bubble.

Lin Yue covered his nose, walked into the store against the dust, and went straight to the big iron guy he had just seen.

And as his hand touched the thing that was not damaged much by the passage of time, soon, information came from the system!

【You get a built-in steel fireplace】

Who would have thought that something that took a long time to make would be found in this secret realm under such simple circumstances?

Lin Yue thought of a possibility.

About the meaning of the existence of this secret place.

He looked around the house, the flames on the torches in his hands kept beating.

Xiaobai didn't make a sound all the time, but lay obediently on his shoulder.

Those ruby-like eyes looked at everything around him curiously.

Tables, chairs, benches, books, paper, etc., are all rotten and rotten, and metal objects are covered with rust.

However, he did see some dusty glasses and china plates, and carefully placed them in the inventory.

There are not many things that cannot be taken away by the torrent of time, but glass and porcelain are easier to preserve than wood and metal.

Lin Yue didn't know how many years later the earth was, but it should be the earth he knew.

He searched carefully in the store, and even came to the second floor to look around.

After I didn't find much useful things, I thought about it and decided to avoid the refuge first, and this place will come back another day.

Now that you've found the fireplace, look no further for perforated steel mesh.


"Pfft! Puff!"

At this moment, Xiaobai suddenly screamed twice in a row, and when Lin Yue was also preparing to fight, he found that Xiaobai was hiding directly behind him, biting his clothes hard, shaking all over.

"Xiao Bai?" Lin Yue believed in Xiao Bai's intuition, and several times in a row, the little guy had correctly judged the big mice who came to attack.

And as it is now, it proves that... there is danger!

He squatted down to the farthest corner in an instant, and at the same time piled a few pieces of wood in front of him, completely hiding his location almost instantly.

At the same time, he looked in the direction of the window frame on the second floor, which had no glass, through the gap between the wood.

Outside, there was a hazy mist.

Suddenly, a shrill cry sounded, and then a black shadow fell from the sky and landed on the window frame!

Lin Yue was surprised to find that these were three monsters he had never seen before!

It has a dark red body covered with a wrinkled horny skin, and has a pair of membrane-covered wings on its back.

Their strong hind legs with horny claws like birds are now gripping the window frame tightly, and their bright yellow eyes like lizards are constantly scanning the room.

Lin Yue was convinced that their long, horny mouths that were as hard as awls, the small round shield on his hand and the wooden armor on his body could not resist the blow at all!

Not only that, when these monsters turned their heads to look at another place, the long white tentacles like worms on the back of their heads kept swinging up and down!

What kind of monster is this...?

It looks a lot like a combination of a bat and a bird, and a bit like the pterosaur he had seen with only a concept map!

But those tentacles...

He tried his best to control his breathing, tried his best not to make any sound, even lowered his head and stopped looking, while Xiaobai even closed his eyes and curled up motionless.

The danger of this kind of creature beyond his knowledge is self-evident!

Lin Yue knew very well that if he rushed out, there was no doubt that he would become the food for this group of terrifying monsters!

Time passed slowly, and Lin Yue never thought that time would pass so slowly.

He tried hard not to let his heart beat so fast, and at the same time hoped that the monsters would leave quickly.

After an unknown amount of time, the three-headed monster spread its wings, made that indescribable twisted cry again, and flew into the air and disappeared.

Lin Yue waited for a while longer, his legs were almost numb, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and sat gently on the ground.

Xiaobai returned to his shoulders from behind him, as if he was still in shock, and kept looking around.

After resting for a while, and after confirming that it was safe, Lin Yue stood up gently, put away the wood one by one, and immediately went down the stairs to the first floor.

At this moment, the heart is like a fully powered motor, beating wildly!

"What kind of creature is that? Does it exist on Earth?"

Lin Yue felt that compared to them, the mutant sheep he encountered before were simply real little sheep.

He recalled what some people in the group said, and some people said that they didn't come out. Maybe they encountered those monsters.

Drilling out of the house, Lin Yue also returned to the lying building at the fastest speed, and immediately found the end of the yarn ball, and walked all the way to the ancient gate.

Of course, he was extremely careful along the way, and he always paid attention to Xiao Bai's arbitrary actions.

However, when he arrived in front of the ancient gate, he found the body of the big mouse that he had killed before, and there was no trace at this moment.

On the hard asphalt road, there were only puddles of blood and huge claw marks that shocked him!

Pushing open the ancient door, Lin Yue breathed in the air of the wasteland again, and his spirit relaxed from the extremely tense state, and sat directly on the ground.

Too dangerous!

At this moment, he has no strength at all and the strength of flying monsters with a length of two meters, let alone three!


At this time, a crystal snowflake slowly swayed and fell from his eyes, and finally turned into a drop of water on his trousers, and disappeared instantly.

Lin Yue raised his head, and more snowflakes fell from the sky that had been gloomy for some time.

"It's snowing? Wait, why is it snowing so quickly?"

Today is the fifth day, and the disaster will come the day after tomorrow.

The snowflakes in the sky are getting denser and denser.

But after falling to the ground, it quickly turned into water droplets and soaked in the soil.

Despite this, Lin Yue also felt the coolness brought by this snowflake!

Lin Yue thought that Xiaobai, who would spit out cold air, would like snow very much, but what he didn't expect was that this little guy actually got directly into his trouser pocket, and he didn't even dare to come out.

"What's the matter? Isn't this your favorite weather?"

Lin Yue felt strange in his heart.

Not right.

He walked quickly towards the shelter, and when he got to the house, after taking off his equipment, he found that Xiaobai seemed to be fine again, walking around on the table.

However, for this ice lizard, this is the most suitable snowy day for its action, but it did not attract its slightest interest.

Instead, Lin Yue felt that it seemed to be afraid of the snow.

Could it be that there is a problem with the snow?

Lin Yue walked outside the house and reached out his hand to catch a snowflake, but when the snowflake melted, he suddenly felt a slight burning sensation!

Thanks to the readers: 08a, Shenfeng, Dongpo has a lot of meat, and Xiao is irritable for the reward!

The new author is cheeky to read again, thank you all


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