
Xiaobai's huge claws clawed open the bricks in front of him, letting the boulder blocking the road reveal its true colors, and Xiaomeng immediately slammed into the place with a heavy blow!

The steel-like dragon tail swept past, and a crack was blasted out of the boulder!

Xiaobai stepped forward, and a huge amount of icy mist was sprayed out there!

The cracks of the boulder continued to increase, and with the small blow of the hard exoskeleton on the back of the hand, it shattered unexpectedly!

boom! !

They suddenly heard the sound from not too far away!


"Xiao Bai!" The voice was not loud, but it sounded like thunder in the ears of the two giant dragons!

is the master!

Immediately they accelerated the destruction of the masonry and boulders in the way, and the master was in sight!

After a while.

As the last stone was shattered by Xiaomeng, the figure of the master Lin Yue was finally revealed from there!

"Quack!" "Goooo!"

Xiaobai and Xiaomeng were overjoyed, they finally saw their master again!

"Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, haha, you two are too fierce... Wait, Xiaomeng, why have you changed?"

Lin Yue suddenly discovered that the "Xiao Meng" in front of him was completely different from the previous Xiao Meng!

It has a grayish-brown body, and is a little worse than Xiaobai in height, but its muscles are extremely developed, especially its legs and tail, and it is even much stronger than Xiaobai.

Moreover, its arms, legs, back, and the back of its tail have a thick layer of outer bone armor, which seems to be quite strong.

Even above its head, there are actually two crescent-like horns!

However, it doesn't have wings, but judging from the muscles all over its body, the speed of this thing is definitely not slow!

Lin Yue looked at the greatly changed appearance of Xiaomeng, and couldn't believe it for a while.

How did it evolve? when?

Moreover, the system did not remind ah.

[Congratulations, you and your pet have developed a strong emotional bond, and your pet has developed the second stage of bond evolution! 】

【Please confirm your pet information】

【Pet Race: Crazy Dragon】

[pet name: Xiaomeng]

[Status: Adult]

[Description: A cherished mutant creature with extremely terrifying power, running rampant on the earth and plains, it is the worthy king of the ground]

[Ability: Explosive Rush: The extremely sharp claws and teeth will cause extreme force to launch a crazy impact on the prey under the blessing of terrifying speed.

Lan Blade Storm: After the claws are violently swung, the airflow will be cut open to create a vacuum. Under the continuous slashing, the vacuum will produce a certain degree of small storm in the state of tearing, which will cause great trauma to the enemy!

Tail Dragon Car: Under the blessing of the explosive force, the tail covered with the outer bone armor can make small and medium-sized enemies split into several sections, and large-scale enemies cannot withstand this terrifying blow and faint. 】

[Basic talent: Brave and Berserk: Facing the more powerful opponents, the stronger the combat power and the greater the attack power]

Ah this.

The sound of the system is really timely.

However, Xiaomeng's panel shows that it is too wild and violent, it feels like a killing machine.

It seems that this one has a lot to do after that.

While delighted with Xiaomeng's changes, Lin Yue also guessed some ways to upgrade and evolve the little ice lizards.

Trapped evolution.

This way of evolution is beyond the original understanding of Lin Yue.

After all, although the creatures on the earth will also evolve, it will only change after an extremely long period of time, when the adaptation to the environment and the adaptation to survival have reached a certain level.

And this kind of change will also be extremely long, not like Xiaobai, there is a huge change that is almost completely different from the original, even beyond imagination.

The body size has changed from small to large, and the shape and shape have also changed considerably.

Even, even if the ice lizards were originally of the same race, they will have different evolutionary directions in the future!

What is even more amazing is that this evolution seems to occur only after the emotional bond between the two parties has deepened to a certain extent.

During this period, it seems that they also need to accumulate a lot of combat experience required for evolution, or in other words, the experience of killing enemies.

Just like Xiaobai killed so many strange mice, mutant sheep, tabby shadow deer and so on at the beginning, Xiaomeng killed a lot of strange mice and so on on the island, only after killing a lot of enemies. in this way.

They have changed from small ice lizards to larger creatures, and they are undergoing more significant changes every day. The deepening of the bond has produced evolution again!

This kind of evolution has surpassed the common sense of Lin Yue who was originally on the earth, and it has also surpassed the cognition of all human beings.

However, Lin Yue felt that it was very likely that no one could imagine or understand this situation.

He recalled before, when he had a live broadcast at the beginning, everyone saw that Xiaobai was a little ice lizard at first, and then someone saw Xiaobai's evolution in the underground ruins. When it came to the battle with Levick, Xing Lingfeng's group saw Xiaobai's form when he became a flying dragon again.

But from the world channel and group chats, Lin Yue has never found anyone who has completely and directly connected the little ice lizard, the little dinosaur and the flying dragon.

So far so far.

Unless someone tamed wild mutant creatures like him, and successfully established a master-servant relationship, and developed a bond, otherwise, evolution is generally unimaginable.

After all, it has only been less than a month since the beginning, who would have thought that a small creature would have such a big change?

"Evolution of ties... It's very powerful." Lin Yue couldn't help but sigh as he looked at his partners who became more and more powerful.

Xiaobai evolved from Little Ice Lizard to Snow Shadow Hunting Lizard, and later evolved into Silver Flash Ice Dragon. The first time was because of the long-term relationship, and the second time was because of his high fever at that time, and the second time Xiaobai produced to protect him after he fought bravely to kill the enemy.

Xiaomeng evolved from a small ice lizard to a salamander hunting lizard, and just recently evolved into an explosive dragon. The first time was abrupt, it was an evolution that broke out immediately after he officially became his pet, and the second time, probably after fighting together for a long time, he was seriously injured after the battle with the Lizardmen yesterday. An evolution created by the emotional entanglement that he developed after careful bandaging and treatment.

And it's not just evolution.

This amazing creature also has a process called "molding".

After molting, their combat power and strength will be greatly improved!

Xiaobai has changed from a small flying dragon that can only fly for a short distance and a short time to a giant dragon with huge wings that can fly for a long distance and a long time. The change is not big.

Lin Yue is now more and more looking forward to how Xiaomeng will improve when he sheds his skin.

When the master and servant met again, Lin Yue had a lot of complicated feelings in his heart at the moment, but at this moment he also knew that this C area could not stay longer.

The structure here is very unstable and there is no telling when it will collapse again!

"Okay, let's go back to the sanctuary first, thanks to you guys this time." Lin Yue hugged Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, and the four little ice lizards, and then walked towards the exit.

Along the way, there were gravel and bricks everywhere, and Lin Yue moved forward at the fastest speed, while also paying attention to Xiaobai and Xiaomeng.

The closer he got to the shelter, the more excited Lin became.

Finally, finally able to come back!

boom! !

That is, when it was less than ten meters away from the Shimen of the Refuge, the rumblings behind him suddenly exploded!

In Lin Yue's heart, a horse sells skins for a while, and I know it!

This is simply the necessary vulgar bridge in this situation!

"Crush!!" Lin Yue roared, and at the same time felt that he was instantly picked up by Xiao Bai and came to Shimen in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaomeng also came to the door with the little ice lizards in his arms!

There was a loud bang from behind the door, Lin Yue didn't even look at the back, he jumped off Xiaobai's arm and returned to the shelter!

Soon, Xiaobai, along with Xiaomeng and the little ice lizards, rushed out one by one, and the passage behind him almost collapsed under the shaking of the distance!

Lin Yue didn't want to see a lot of dust entering the shelter, so he closed the stone door directly.

"Finally... I'm back." Lin Yue sat on the ground with his buttocks, his arms were almost unable to lift up, and hitting those boulders with a diamond and iron pick for a long time was really exhausting.

Fortunately did not give up.

The basement was still as usual, but Lin Yue, who was relaxed, also heard the rumbling and continuous thunder from outside the shelter, as well as the sound of pouring rain hitting the windows, and the howling wind, And then it continued to enter the ear.

"The inside of the cave and the outside of the cave seem to be the same. It's quite noisy." Although he was exhausted, Lin Yue still struggled to get up and returned to the first floor.

There was lightning and thunder outside, and through the glass, the torrential rain that hit the window had turned into a mist of water, completely blurring the sight.

And one after another flashes of light, as well as the violent thunder, also made the entire refuge become quite noisy.

Lin Yue glanced at Xiaobai and Xiaomeng, they seemed to be quite used to it and didn't have much reaction.

"Are you okay?" Lin Yue was surprised at the adaptability of these two goods, and looked at the window for a while.

But really, if you're used to it, it's really not a big deal.

The lightning rods have been set up outside, and the ICBM launcher was also wrapped in stone walls by him, and lightning rods were also set up. As for other buildings, they were also protected, and even the greenhouses were drained.

Unless this disaster reaches an extremely terrifying level, otherwise, this sanctuary will be as usual, and it will become an ark that can never be sunk on this wasteland!

Lin Yue returned to the living room, lay on his back on the sofa, placed two pieces of sheepskin next to the sofa, and Xiaobai and Xiaomeng also lay on top of the sheepskin.

Their current size is no longer able to run around in various rooms, which makes Lin Yue feel that it is really necessary for him to prepare a bigger rest for these two little guys, and even the black spots that are about to evolve. space for entertainment.

"There's... less than three and a half hours." Lin Yue glanced at the time.

There is lightning and thunder outside now, and the dark sky is like day.

If you go out, you can't go out anyway. Even if something happens outside, you can't do anything.

But that doesn't mean he has nothing to do.

After a short rest, Lin Yue walked into the kitchen and filled his stomach first.

He went to the kitchen, washed the rice and cooked first, cut some bacon into the pot, cut shredded pork with lion-headed bear meat, fried a meal of shredded meat and chicken feathers, and cut some onions and Mutant lamb.

After a meal, he also made himself a bowl of vegetable soup.

There's nothing better than a bowl of soup that warms one's body up in this slightly chilly weather.

Lin Yue brought the table and chairs and put the dining room in the living room.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten so much." Lin Yue sighed and picked up his chopsticks.

In this world, how many people can eat such a sumptuous meal like him?

Lin Yue picked up the soup bowl and took a sip of the hot soup first. Xiaobai, Xiaomeng, and the other little ice lizards focused their attention on the meat and began to scramble to eat them one by one.

After the hot soup was eaten, the body also became warmer.

The wind was howling outside, and the thunder and lightning were howling, as if it were the end of the world.

And the painting style inside the huge refuge above the wasteland is completely different from the painting style of the outside scenery.

One bite of meat, one bite of vegetables, one bite of rice.

Lin Yue finally got a little tired of eating, and took out a bottle of low-proof wine from the warehouse.

He picked up the goblet, poured some, and put some ice cubes in the ice maker. Lin Yue swayed the wine glass and stood in front of the window that was beaten by the rain and fog again.

He looked back at Xiaobai and them, they were still scrambling to eat the rest of the meal.

Smiling and shaking his head, he remembered something.

The information from the system that would be suddenly received, more than a hundred copper treasure chests, silver treasure chests, and gold treasure chests were added.

When the new underground ruins stone gate opens tomorrow, should I look for a passage that can lead to Area C, then clean up the bricks and stones there, and then put the treasure chest in my pocket?

Although the number of copper treasure chests is indeed too many, to the extent that he can hardly lift his spirits to open them.

But since it's exploded, it should be picked up.

It's a treasure chest anyway, even if you keep it, you can't just throw it away, right?

Not to mention there are four treasure chests inside.

"We'll see the situation tomorrow, and I'll have a good rest today." Lin Yue took a sip of the cold wine and felt a unique aroma of grapes, as well as the spiciness of the wine blooming in his mouth.

Still not used to it.

Lin Yue felt that this thing was really not as good as a drink.


"Quack~" Xiaobai and Xiaomeng poured a little bit for each of them just now, but they both fainted and slept soundly.

Seems like your drink is pretty good?

After drinking the remaining wine slowly, Lin Yue reopened the system panel.

Looking at the time, there is still nearly half an hour before the disaster officially begins.


The notification from the system seems to be coming.

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