[You have obtained a small solar power generation device X1, a medium-sized regional map fragment X2, a sleeping bag X1, a gas mask X1, and a repeating crossbow design diagram X1]

In front of Lin Yue, the four silver treasure chests disappeared as soon as he took out the contents.

Some of these are very useful, but some can only be thrown away first.

Sleeping bag, what can I do?

Lin Yue couldn't see for the time being that this thing could be used for anything other than occupying space.

Throw it aside first.

He looked at the golden treasure chest.

In addition to the one he just played, he now has 15 golden treasure chests. To be honest, this time is the one that has opened the most golden treasure chests since he arrived in this different world.

"Maybe something big will come out, emmmm... try it first?"

Although it's not really scary now.

He has 128 cubic meters of storage space, and more if he can receive the bodies of those beggars tomorrow morning.

Unless the medium-sized soilless cultivation set like last time is issued, then there is no need to worry about the problem of not being able to fit!

However, it would be better if a soilless cultivation kit was really opened.

What Lin Yue needs now is to expand the scale of vegetable production. A little more is actually better, but it really doesn't work... It's okay to go out again.

After this battle, Lin Yue felt that the night was not as dangerous as he thought.

Being outside for a long time may lead to a crisis, but going out quickly in a short period of time is not much of a problem.

The Heavenly Dragon armor and mask on him now can block the damage to him from the flying mutant creatures he has seen so far, and there is still Xiaobai.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yue began to open the golden treasure chests one by one!

[You got G3 assault rifle design X1, medium-sized soilless cultivation set X6, long-grain fragrant rice 100kg X1, large off-road vehicle design X1, household small wind power generation set X2, lamp combination set X2, micro-robot design X1 】

After Lin Yue saw the words "medium-sized soilless cultivation set", he started to carry it almost immediately.

He didn't take off the Tianlong battle armor, he put on the Tianlong battle helmet directly, and rushed out with a few treasure chests.

He placed the six soilless cultivation suits in the open space in front of the previous greenhouse. Every two was counted as a horizontal row and divided into three parts.

After that, after placing it, he immediately ran back to the shelter.

He just ran out for more than a minute, and some moths or something rushed over, saying that there was no attack power or anything, and there were a lot of thieves and an annoying group.

Lin Yue didn't like this kind of bug. After running back to the shelter, he found that there were still two on the armor. As a result, Black Dot and Xiao Liuzi ate them one by one.

High protein chicken flavor? Lin Yue said he didn't quite understand.

However, he didn't have time to sigh.

Design drawing of the G3 assault rifle!

This thing is a good thing...

Wait, I seem to have come up with a design drawing of a submachine gun before?

He looked in the blueprint column, and sure enough, he saw the label "MP5 submachine gun blueprint".

[MP5 submachine gun design drawing: gun body (barrel, grip, sliding sleeve) alloy X3, plastic block X1, firing mechanism, firing mechanism (strike pin spring, recoil spring, hammer, hammer pressure rod, trigger, magazine clip , resistance iron) alloy X4]

[Design drawing of G3 assault rifle: gun body (barrel, grip, sliding sleeve) alloy X5, firing mechanism, firing mechanism (strike pin spring, recoil spring, hammer, hammer pressure rod, trigger, magazine, sear ) alloy X6, iron block X1]

These two guns are basically made of alloys, plastic blocks and iron blocks are also available, and it is easy to make them.

"Assault rifles and submachine guns... It seems that there will be more choices in combat in the future."

There are still a lot of alloys left, and they are still hard aluminum alloys and zinc alloys. The materials are sufficient, so Lin Yue chose to make them immediately without hesitation!

【You got MP5 submachine gun X1! 】

[You got a G3 assault rifle! 】

Almost instantly, two guns shone with metallic brilliance on the ground!

Lin Yuexian picked up the nearly one-meter-long G3 assault rifle and found that the barrel was short, the butt was telescopic, and it was equipped with a bracket, but it was not equipped with a scope. He tried it a little and found that it was quite handy.

The biggest difference between this gun and the previous sniper rifle is that it can be fired in bursts!

Pop off the magazine, which contains 30 brand-new bullets, which is a lot more than the magazine of the upgraded sniper rifle.

[G3 assault rifle: suitable for medium and long-distance attacks, with an effective range of 400 meters. It has high power and high accuracy, almost like an assault rifle that can be fired repeatedly]

The identification of the system told Lin Yue how to use it!

"It seems that you don't have to use the sniper rifle so hard next time. This thing suddenly protrudes, but it is much faster than the sniper rifle!"

Face killing weapons +1!

After a bullet came out, Lin Yue took out a high-precision research workbench, decomposed it into a design drawing, and used various materials to quickly manufacture nearly a thousand bullets!

After doing this, he did not forget to upgrade the G3's magazines, so that the total capacity of the bullets reached a terrifying level of 50 rounds!

Lin Yue continued to manufacture the upgraded magazines and produced more than ten at once. After loading the bullets quickly, he took out the M19 pistol.

It seems that the pistol is not suitable for continued use.

Lin Yue didn't throw it away, but continued to put it in the storage space, which didn't take up much space anyway.

After doing this, he started the next step.

Picking up the MP5 submachine gun, Lin Yue unexpectedly found that it was quite light, and even one hand could hold the gun handle without the help of the exoskeleton, without any effort.

[MP5 submachine gun: The rate of fire is extremely fast, the semi-automatic and automatic shooting accuracy is extremely high, the recoil force is small, and it can be held with one hand, which is suitable for medium and short-range assaults. 】

Good guy, that's true.

Lin Yue couldn't put it down a little bit, and after thinking about it, he made another one.

As before, after withdrawing the bullets and producing nearly 2,000 rounds of bullets, the magazines were upgraded to a capacity of 60 rounds, and more than ten bullets were produced, which were also filled with bullets.

Face killing weapons +2!

There was a sense of satisfaction.

Now, when dealing with lizardmen, they can enjoy extreme happiness again.

When the new underground ruins opened tomorrow, Lin Yue felt that he could make the lizards and beggars inside have nightmares a little.

"The design drawing of a large off-road vehicle... Put it aside for now, there is no road for a car." It seems that road construction must be put on the agenda.

For various reasons, the road has not been repaired.

This is true whether it is going to the sulfur mines or to the Berg mines.

Originally, a lot of materials have been collected, and if necessary, he can also lay a few hundred meters of pavement on the ground at a fairly fast speed.

"Procrastination must be cured, the road will be paved early tomorrow morning, and the infrastructure must be built!"

Lin Yue thought about it again at this time, should he also find a way out of the refuge between him and Fei Yue?

Opening the system panel, he looked at the regional map.

The regional map has changed a lot compared to the previous one. After a large number of regional map fragments were opened from the copper treasure chest and the silver treasure chest, he also obtained the map of the area currently being developed by their Refuge sent by Feiyue.

It was originally a hand-painted map, but Lin Yue discovered at this time that those maps were actually fully displayed in his own map of this area.

On the map of this area, he quickly found the location of his sanctuary. For some reason, it has been marked by a light blue cover, and it is still located in the southernmost part of the entire map.

As for Feiyue and the others, their shelters are also easy to find.

The only two plots on this map that have been made light blue are located in the northeast, with dozens of regional plots separated from him.

Even farther than the natural sulfur mines.

If the road is to be built, it should first be built to the natural sulfur mine, then extend from there to Xia Feihong and Liu Kai's refuge, and finally go straight to Feiyue's refuge.

It does not require a little resource and time.

But if you take it slowly, it shouldn't take too long. After all, in this different world, building roads and building houses is not as laborious as it was on Earth. It only needs enough materials and enough time not to be disturbed. can.

Lin Yue looked at the entire map, and finally turned his attention to the refuge villages of Xia Feihong and Liu Kai.

Having said that, this time, Liu Kai and their refuge village seem to have not even reached the top five in the group ranking?

Lin Yue opened the bulletin board and checked it out, but unexpectedly found that they were not in the top ten.

Ranked in the top 20 on the group leaderboard, and it turned out that there was no sanctuary for them.

But if the group is not ranked in the top 20, then there is no place in the world channel.

what happened? Didn't keep up?

Lin Yue recalled that the last time Liu Kai came to his refuge, he had seen that their weapons were alloys, and there were a lot of survivors in the refuge village. 20, right?

Did something happen?

Could it be that you have suffered from this disaster?

With doubts, Lin Yue opened the group panel.

The total number of groups has reached 200,000, which is the result of the merger after this system upgrade.

The total number of people in the upper right corner is 199,881, which is really a lot.

Lin Yue skipped this number and opened the friend bar.

He just wanted to find Liu Kai directly, and wanted to ask what happened to them, but suddenly found that there was one person missing from his friend list.

Xia Feihong!

What about Xia Feihong?

Did you delete my friend?

With doubts, Lin Yue searched the group again.

However, a black head suddenly appeared in front of him!


Lin Yue snorted in his heart.

Xia Feihong actually...

Lin Yue immediately returned to the friend list, and then found that Liu Kai's avatar was gone too!

what's the situation?

Lin Yue recalled that he had asked Liu Kai about parts a few days ago.

He looked for Liu Kai's name again, and was relieved when he found that his head was on.

"Liu Kai, I need some alloys, do you have them there?"

He felt that it might not work to ask directly, so let's check his tone first.

However, Lin Yue waited for a while, and finally did not get any reply.

Maybe busy? still……

Lin Yue shook his head and decided to let it go first. Feiyue didn't reply, so let's do business first.

He took out the lighting combination set, and the system also made a sound.

[Lighting combination, you can choose the installation location directly on the shelter panel]

Oh, that's convenient. Lin Yue thought so, and opened the shelter panel at the same time. Then, according to the operating instructions, he successfully installed the combination of lamps on the ground, underground, and in the alloy shelter.

The lighting set is not the kind of luxurious crystal lamps, but LED energy-saving lamps that are more energy-saving, but not so dim, and each room has at least one lamp, especially large rooms will have three. Four lamps.

Because there were two sets, Lin Yue was unceremonious and installed the ground and basement one by one.

Of course, the main switch was also directly connected to the small solar power generation device that had not been used before, and the electricity there could be supplied to these light bulbs, and there would be some surplus.

In this way, the shelter has finally entered the electrical age in terms of lighting!

Putting the light bulbs that he had randomly connected before into the storage space, Lin Yue also lay on the sofa, and was able to continue the work at hand under the light of the bright light bulbs.

"A small household wind power generation kit, this thing must be installed tomorrow. You can put it away first. As for the other... micro-robot design drawing? Micro-robot, what can it do?"

Lin Yue clicked on the design of the micro-robot.

[Micro robots: alloys, micro circuit board chips, cameras, controllable systems, micro sensors]

Uh, it doesn't seem to be easy to build?

Not many materials are needed, but they are not easy to find except alloys.

And, what can this thing do?

[Micro-robots: stationary micro-robots. Its appearance can imitate stones, trees, flowers and plants, and it is equipped with various micro-sensors, which can detect the infrared radiation of the human body, the ground vibration when walking, the magnetic field changes caused by the movement of metal objects, etc., and transmit the signals to the central command center. The center can control the weapons in the defense area to automatically launch attacks. 】

Lin Yue: ? ? ?

This...this is high tech!

At first he thought it was the kind of micro robot used for surgery, but he didn't expect it to be used for camouflage and defense.

If it can be built, a so-called "command center" has to be built before it can be used effectively.

Lin Yue thought about it for a while and decided to put it on hold. He didn't have many materials at hand, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to.

Still have to collect.

He decided to continue to explore the secret realm tomorrow to see if he had any luck to get some.

"Finally there are only 4 platinum treasure chests left." Lin Yue felt a surge of drowsiness, closed his eyes and decided to rest for a while.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the world.

"No, no, no..."

The figure muttered to himself.

He pulled the weapon out of the lizardmen, but still didn't find that the treasure chest was exploded.

"This cave was also collapsed by me, why is there no treasure chest here?"

"Could it be that it wasn't because the cave collapsed that 100% of the treasure chest could be exploded? It was some other reason? Other reasons... Could it be that someone can do it?"

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