A steady stream of monsters rushed into the trap, and after Xiaobai also flew out of it, more stormy lizards rushed in!

But these stormy lizards soon fell to the ground under the attack of Xiaobai hovering in the air.

I don't know when, there were many more lizardmen on the ground, but at this moment, they were also screaming and dying under the attack of Xiao Liuzi and the little ice lizard under the command of Red Line.

Here, it has turned into a hell of unilateral killing by Lin Yue's side!

And this group of iron thorn traps surrounded by walls has been covered with a layer of corpses of large and small monsters, and it is still increasing.

Lin Yue even saw that several tentacle monsters were also attracted, and he was unceremoniously directly serving more than ten flaming arrows in a row. The ghost was also ignited by the fire, and finally the tentacle monsters completely turned into balls of fireballs and burned.

For a time, thick smoke billowed here, and screams, roars, and roars that could not be described in words kept coming.

After a period of time, the screams here finally fell, and the wasteland fell back into peace.

In the traps and the wasteland, there are the corpses of monsters and lizardmen.

And Lin Yue and his friends didn't even sweat much, and they didn't even get the slightest damage.

Lin Yue waited for a while, and finally came to the door of the ancient gate of the secret realm, completely wrapped it with an iron wall made of iron blocks, and made several layers, and finally painted the battle. pause.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

Lin Yue rubbed his hands excitedly.

Not bad for this wave.

With only a few means, it was easy to kill so many monsters!


He looked into the trap pit that was almost filled with treasure chests. Whether copper treasure chests, silver treasure chests, or gold treasure chests, they all shone in the sun!

Destroyed a lot of monsters, but also got treasure chests, this wave is a win, a win!

"Quack!" Xiaobai flew back, and a huge amount of icy mist erupted into the trap pit. The bodies of the monsters that were still burning and smoking just now were also covered with a layer of hoarfrost. The temperature also dropped rapidly.

Lin Yue put the stone wall on the trap, stepped on the stone wall to the place where the corpses were most dense, and the treasure chests were also the densest, and picked up the treasure chests one by one.

This process did not last long.

It's not that there are not many treasure chests, but that Lin Yue's hands are fast enough, and there is help from Xiaobai.

"My dear, there are 122 copper treasure chests, 8 silver treasure chests, and 1 gold treasure chest. This time it was really a bumper harvest, and it took very little time and effortless."

Lin Yue happily stepped back and put the stone wall back in place.

The corpses of these monsters in the pit are thrown here, and the traps are ignored. The walls are all surrounded. If any mutant creature or lizardman wants to enter, it will not be able to stop them, let them fly into the fire.

"Ga woo." Xiao Bai flew to Lin Yue's side, Xiao Meng also ran over, and the little ice lizards also gathered, each of them looking at Lin Yue.

"Hungry, right? Let's go and have a big meal!"

Lin Yue greeted his friends, was picked up by Xiao Meng and returned to the shelter.


"They go, go? For, why?"

Feiyue and his subordinates in the refuge village were unable to believe their own eyes when they saw that the densely packed monsters suddenly disappeared after they almost surrounded them.

How is this possible?

Originally, after entering the secret realm not long ago, their collection journey went smoothly at first.

This is obviously a moderately developed city, and the most indispensable thing is the road surface.

When the dominator Lin Yue wanted asphalt roads and asphalt roads, he really didn't understand what the dominator was thinking, but since they wanted and would pay them a suitable price, it would be stupid not to collect them.

After all, it is too easy to collect, which is the main purpose of their entry into this secret realm.

After many times of experience, everyone in their hands now has almost 3 cubic meters of space, especially in the hands of Feiyue and a few deputies, they have almost 10 cubic meters of storage space that can be used and can be installed Lots of stuff collected.

In addition to completing the task of collecting roads, they also want to collect more precious and scarce materials.

For example, the alloys that Lin Yue has been collecting all the time, if they find any factories or encounter any stations, they can collect them well in case Lin Yue needs them later.

Even if Lin Yue doesn't need it, they can build a refuge village by themselves, making the place safer and more secure, just like Lin Yue's refuge!

After a simple initial exploration, search, and reconnaissance and groping along the way, they entered the urban center of this secret city.

But what they didn't expect was that they were unexpectedly surrounded by a group of monsters unknowingly.

The monsters that looked like mice but were the size of dogs were no threat to them. Using the gun and shield array, they could easily kill these incoming enemies.

But the following giant spiders, unknown reptiles, and extremely disgusting tentacle monsters made it impossible for them to deal with them one by one.

Just at the moment of life and death just now, after a few explosions and a loud roar, the group of monsters that had surrounded them and almost trapped them completely disappeared.

In the end what happened?

"Brother Yue, I just saw that there was a flying white shadow flying over in the sky, and then the popping noise we heard just now also followed over there. Does it have something to do with this?" Ye said suddenly.

"A flying white shadow?" Fei Yue wiped the sweat off his face and was stunned.

"I saw it too, boss, I think it's a bit like the giant dragon that dominates people." Another person also said.

"Impossible!" Fei Yue shook his head, how could it be possible.

Although he just thought of it for a moment, it was also Lin Yue's flying dragon.

But how did Lin Yue's flying dragon come here by chance?

"Let's... go and see?" a bold subordinate suggested.

Feiyue glanced in the direction where the voice disappeared, and shook his head again: "Avoid the difficult village first! This time we are a little bit greedy and underestimating the enemy, so we are surrounded, retreat all the way, and try to get everything we can on the roadside. Storage space, retreat to the ancient gate of the secret realm!"

The subordinates all nodded immediately. Although this refuge village has a ruler, there is still the leader Feiyue.

Feiyue is indeed immature, and sometimes he has no ideas, but everyone can feel it, and the leader is constantly growing.

At least, much stronger than in the beginning.

And the opportunity seems to be when Lin Yue became the dominant person.

A group of people set off in a mighty way, careful all the way, and it didn't take long for them to finally return to the refuge village.

However, in the secret realm, there was also a group of people who happened to be in the building near the gap where the flying dragon and the giant dragon passed.

"This ancient gate of the secret realm seems to have been smashed? And... you see, the appearance of the two giant dragons? Isn't it Lin Yue's giant dragon?" The extremely tall female leader in a robe put down With the telescope in his hand, there was an incomprehensible smile on his face, "Lin Yue... You seem to have too many secrets."

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