【Last calendar, third day】

[Killing mutant creatures can get treasure chests, which is impossible on earth, but it really happens in this world. Not to mention the so-called system, and the so-called disaster to come, it feels like it's in some game.

This morning, I happened to kill a monster with a head that looks like a lizard but walks upright. It seemed to be stuck between two trees that were very close to each other at that time. Stone gun in hand.

It actually exploded a copper treasure chest. After opening it, there was a design drawing of a copper knife, this large notebook, and a water pen.

Really, I can't even drink water, what can I do with this thing? Keep a diary?

Serious people who keep a diary.

However, I was so thirsty that I couldn't sleep at night, so I wrote. Although I still have two apples, they didn't seem to have much water and were a little shriveled.

Does anyone want this?

By the way, if I am really dying of thirst, whoever found this diary can also let that person know that I am dying of thirst, right?

Speaking of which, who is Lin Yue, who has sold water for two days in a row, where did his water come from?

I really don't know what to write. In the evening, Lin Yue said he wanted rocks. I still have some. Can I change some water? 】


[Last calendar, fourth day]

[The disaster notice is coming, it is said that there will be a blizzard, can you drink it if the blizzard melts?

Lin Yue traded with me yesterday. If it wasn't for the 200ml of water he gave me, I might have died of thirst. Of course, I gave him the two apples, and he seemed quite willing to ask for it.

200ml of water is enough for me to drink for two or three days, right? Maybe not until the next Blizzard.

How much water must a person drink in a day?

I can't do it, I'll drink urine...

But is Apple losing money? I also have a craving for apples.

In the daytime, someone added me as a friend, what was Du Ping, and Du Ping gave me various opinions and suggestions for survival, but many of them were known to me before.

But Du Ping should be a good guy.

Whether it's Lin Yue or Du Ping, anyone who encounters Tang in this other world will have a sense of intimacy. Both of them seem to be good.

At noon I killed dozens of worms, all of them surrounding the lizard-like animal, or the corpse of the lizard man, decomposing it. I was lucky enough to get five wooden chests, four water bottles and a loaf of bread.

But it seems that Apple trades even more at a loss.

I'll have to hide this stuff the next time I'm dealing with someone else. 】


[Last calendar, seventh day]

[Blizzard is coming, or in other words, disaster is coming.

The first disaster, in my opinion, is quite simple, as long as there is a sturdy shelter, enough food, heating tools and plenty of firewood, and good ventilation, it is still easy to get through.

Fortunately, I have all of these.

Three days ago, the wooden treasure chest was obviously a good start. Later, I used the corpses of mutant creatures to attract more small bugs. Even if the probability is low, I can get some wooden treasure chests by killing so many. This is indeed the case. I have obtained 30 wooden treasure chests from that day to today. The water and food I have opened are enough for me to last until the tenth day, not to mention that there is a coal mine and copper mine not far from the refuge. Mine, which can also produce stone and iron, I seem to have good luck.

In the morning, I looked at the ranking list, and I was able to rank fifth in a group of 10,000 people. It seemed that I had already reached the front of others. I was really good at it.

By the way, Lin Yue is indeed number one, I guessed it right.

In the past two days, I have communicated with Du Ping a lot. He and I have exchanged a lot of things. I have exchanged various designs in his hand, such as copper and iron blocks.

Stupid person, design drawings are obviously more important than these things, look at Lin Yue, he has long realized this, but others don't seem to.

By the way, the system plays the top three videos and it burns after reading it. It's a bit too much. I haven't figured out how to get the trap of Lin Yue.

I miss my daughter-in-law and my stupid son. The system has said that at least the blood-related ones will come. My daughter-in-law is probably impossible, but I can support my son.

Son, daddy will make a land for you!

By the way, my dad can come too, but his body is not very good...

They were able to bring water and food for a total of six days, and it seemed that life was more promising.

I actually wrote so many words? Also drunk. 】


[Last calendar, the eighth day]

[Damn, what a different world!

System, I call you immortal! My son is not my son, and my father is not my father! The one who sent it was my neighbor, Uncle Wang? What a fucking joke!

System, you are a paternity test machine, right? ah? !

My whole life, what is it?

What the hell am I, damn it! 】


[Last calendar, ninth day]

[Uncle Wang's cattle batch.

Uncle Wang used to practice martial arts when he was young, the kind that can't get close to a hundred people. Before the teleportation, he was also the "god of fitness equipment" in our community. The muscles all over his body are scary.

He successfully adapted to another world in just one day, and taught me more about survival in the wild.

I used to have a very good relationship with him, and when I was about to give up on myself today, he beat me up and told me he wouldn't let me die.

So, I reconciled with him.

Then all afternoon, I followed the old man to cover and collect treasure boxes. I have to say that the old man has much stronger brains and skills than me.

By the way, there is still an airdrop for the first place. I also want an airdrop. I will work hard to see if I can get the first place in the next ranking.

Du Ping has been contacting me for the past few days, inviting me to join their refuge village, saying that that is the mainstream, but I don't want to go, because the society is afraid. 】


[Last calendar, the thirteenth day]

[Tomorrow is the second disaster - an earthquake.

The old man is very good. He built a steel frame bed and a stone house that was almost completely closed. He also strengthened the original shelter. It seems that there is no problem in surviving this disaster.

Lin Yue is number one again... What's wrong with this person, he's too strong. But this time, our Refuge is fourth, rising by one, and after many stronger survivors entered this group, Uncle Wang, no, my dad is really good.

Du Ping hasn't given up on inviting me, he is already second, why should he recruit new survivors? This person is really strange. There are dozens of people in my friend column who have told me that Du Ping also invited them.

Does he want to be first? The old man also thought whether it was good or not.

By the way, the old man took me to a plot far away today and found a shelter, and there was a design drawing of the shelter when I put it away! In addition, it will be obtained in the Survival Point Mall. I have two now. How about expanding the living space? My dad said to get a basement, warm in winter and cool in summer, but after the earthquake. 】


【Last calendar, 18th day】

[Unknowingly, more than half a month has passed, and half of the people in the friend list have died.

My dad told me that the survival of the fittest is normal. The third disaster was the acid rain flood of double disasters, and another wave had to be eliminated.

The underground ruins are far worse than the secret realm, there is nothing at all, but my dad and I are really interested in hunting those lizardmen, and I only knew that the one killed on the third day was me. They are quite easy to explode treasure chests. I wonder if it is because of the illusion of killing too many lizardmen?

In other words, I can always hear the sound of dong dong dong at night, and they say it is a giant creature.

The shelter has two floors up and down, and three design drawings of the shelter were used, and it suddenly became very spacious.

By the way, there are more and more transactions with Lin Yue, I really want to join his sanctuary, this is a bully, absolutely.

Completely different from Du Ping.

The old man said that Du Ping is not a good thing, and he is quite accurate in seeing people.

Although I think Du Ping just wants to fight for the first place. 】


[Last calendar, twenty-first day]

[My dad is too strong, the mere acid rain and floods are nothing to him right now. The acid rain flooding was rough outside, but we were safe in the shelter.

At that time, they said a lot of blocked words. Now the old man and I feel that we are talking about whether the underground ruins can avoid disasters, but that kind of place is full of lizardmen.

By the way, I would have seen a few survivors and lizardmen in the D area, am I wrong? The old man said it was impossible, how could people fall into such a state.

Du Ping didn't contact me yesterday, nor today.

Is he dead? He also disappeared from my friends list, what happened?

But I searched, and his avatar is still there, which is really strange.

In other words, Lin Yue has been ranked No. 1 again. What's the situation with this person? It's okay to be No. 1 in the world.

It's too noisy outside. Yesterday, the old man and I both saw the giant creature. It felt like a dinosaur!

It looks weird and terrifying like a bunch of animal parts put together. Who can kill it, it's too dangerous. 】


【Last calendar, 22nd day】

[My father is dead.

I have never been so sad.

Yesterday I had a high fever, and so did the old man. The high fever was too sudden and incomprehensible.

Then I woke up this afternoon, I was alive, but the old man was dead.

What a joke, what a joke! 】


[Last calendar, twenty-fourth day]

[The fourth disaster is coming, I have survived until now, but my dad is gone.

I buried the old man in the open space not far behind the house, but I found out in the morning that his body was gone.

Damn, what the hell is this place!

Yesterday I heard that Lin Yue killed that giant creature... Well, he has always been so strong, I'm used to it.

Du Ping sent me a message every few days. Although I was curious about where he went, I didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

But he said something very interesting.

Before long, a group of more than 500 people led by the name of Levec will pass through the shelter on my side, with no choice but to join.

Their target is Lin Yue!

Why did Du Ping tell me this? 】


[Last calendar, twenty-fifth day]

[The people from Levec did not come to my sanctuary, and even if they did, I don’t know, because I stayed in the underground ruins all day.

I heard that Levec and the others were killed by Lin Yue alone. I don't know if it's true or not.

In the afternoon, Du Ping found my shelter. I don't know how he found it, but he did. He asked me to pack up and leave with him.

I will not leave. If I leave, I will also look for Lin Yue, or Fei Yue, Xing Lingfeng and their sanctuaries. I don't want to be with Du Ping.

Because, last night, I saw with my own eyes, Du Ping and a group of lizardmen, in the underground ruins! 】


The diary ends abruptly here.

There is a lot of content and it is very messy. Since the diary started on the third day, the owner of the diary has recorded what happened in the day every day.

And in these twenty-two days of records, Lin Yue gradually discovered a fact that made his scalp tingle.

Specifically, it was something completely contrary to his memory!

Du Ping, still alive.

Is this thing still alive?


Wasn't this person killed by him in the secret realm?

In the secret realm of the seaside buildings in Tu'ao, did he directly blow his head?

Lin Yue quickly opened the system panel, searched and entered the name of Du Ping in the group.

However, when this colorful avatar came out soon, Lin Yue couldn't help but instantly widen his eyes!

Du Ping is actually still alive!


Can you still live with your head blasted?

Lin Yue's forehead was covered in cold sweat.

A dead person is still alive. No matter how you think about it, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible. After all, although this other world is strange and wonderful, there is no ambiguity in life and death.

"It's weird, I killed him myself... Wait, after I killed him, I really didn't check to see if he was dead, but just thought that he was dead.

After all, he still left storage space at that time..."

Lin Yue couldn't understand.

No matter how you think about it now, this Du Ping should have been killed by him, especially, Du Ping's death method was still pierced into his head by his crossbow arrow.

But why does Du Ping's name still appear in this diary?

In this diary, Du Ping's name disappeared on the eighteenth day, and that day was indeed the day he killed Du Ping.

On the twenty-fourth day, Du Ping contacted the owner of the diary again, and also brought news of Levec.

Even in the diary on the twenty-fifth day, the owner of the diary recorded the fact that he had seen Du Ping in the underground ruins!

In the end, this person was even found by Du Ping...

Lin Yue closed the diary, his thoughts were confused.

Originally, he thought the survivor who wrote this diary was a little boring at first, but now he no longer feels that way.

Du Ping was alive, and after being "killed" by him, after a week of dormancy, he ran into the underground ruins and was with the lizardmen.

Even, Du Ping knew that Le Weick was going to pass through this survivor's shelter, which means that Du Ping also had some collusion with Le Weike.

Has Du Ping become a beggar?

What is he now?

Putting this diary into the storage space, Lin Yue and Xiao Bai walked out of the shelter again.

He glanced at the skeleton again.

Are those the remains of the survivors of the original shelter?

Or is it someone else's?

[You have obtained the design of the shelter X4]

Lin Yue also put away the vacant shelter in front of him, and put the rest of the shelves and various furniture into the storage space and put them in the Survival Point Mall and replaced them with Survival Points.

There is no point in staying here any longer.

Together with Xiaobai, who didn't feel much about it, he flew into the sky again and flew towards the natural sulfur ore mountain.

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