Under the light of the flickering flames, the bodies of more than 30 lizards and beggars were piled up in a mess, and the death was quite miserable.

Almost every one of them was killed by a single shot, and the wounds were all on their foreheads, so this piece didn't have that much blood, but there were a lot of white things.

Where did they... come from?

Lin Yue looked around and found a deep hole in an inconspicuous corner at the bottom of the cave. He walked over to check and found that there were large bloodstains near the hole.

I see.

It should be that the mining robot dogs accidentally dug a channel for the underground ruins, and then there was a knocking sound in the cave, and the lizards and beggars ran out to see what happened here.

Then the well-liked robot dog defense mode started, and the maggots were successfully killed.

Maybe it was a bit of a hindrance, so the robot dogs dragged them from the cave to the middle.

He glanced at the robot dogs digging stones at the bottom of the pit. The M19 pistols on the sides of their backs were quite conspicuous.

Armed mining carts, no, armed mining dogs!

Looking approvingly at the lovely metal friends, Lin Yue started to deal with the pile of corpses in front of him.

First collect the weapons and armors of the lizardmen, and then the beggars...

【You get 2 cubic meters of storage space】

【You get 5 cubic meters of storage space】

【You get 8 cubic meters of storage space】

Um? Is it such a large capacity?

Lin Yue put them away one by one, and finally found the corpses of 11 beggars, and gave him 73 cubic meters of storage space!

Um? Are these all elite? Why is there so much storage space?

What's the situation?

The storage space suddenly reached 307 cubic meters!

"Quack!" Xiaobai roared, and its low voice echoed continuously in the circular cave space.

With its huge wings spread, it easily landed from above to the deepest part of the ground, and pointed its arms to the hole.

Oh, they will use body language.

Lin Yue knew very well that Xiaobai was warning that there was an enemy coming at the entrance of the cave!

"The enemy... Xiaobai, this time I want to do it myself."

Lin Yue remembered the disgusting appearance of those beggar maggots he had just seen not long ago, and the anger in his heart couldn't stop burning.

He wants to let these smashes know that he, Lin Yue, wants to clean them all up!

Never be soft-hearted.

Put on the Tianlong battle armor and Tianlong battle helmet, put on the intermediate exoskeleton MK2, and then load the MP5 submachine gun, sniper rifle, spray gun, steel repeater and alloy tactical crossbow.

The preparation for all these battles is accurate and skillful.

After he quickly prepared for the battle, there was also a low roar of "Sa, Sa" in the cave that only lizards can make!

Here we go, maggots!

Let Xiaobai put out the flames all around again, and set up the robot dogs to go out to the cave to perform patrol mode at the fastest speed. Lin Yue put on the full-color military night vision device that was just opened from the treasure chest.

Blocked a few meters outside the entrance of the cave, Lin Yue built a low wall, holding a sniper rifle, aiming at the passage inside the cave!

In the full-color military night vision goggles, blurred silhouettes gradually rushed to the outside.

The lizardmen's special physique made it impossible for Lin Yue to admit that they were wrong. More than a dozen of them, armed with weapons such as bows, arrows and spears, and torches, were rushing to the front.

And Lin Yue also discovered that there were even several humans mixed in!

The treasure chest and storage space are delivered to the door.

Well, you're welcome!

The sniper rifle aimed at the leg of a lizard man, and Lin Yue took a deep breath.

To fight again.

Quick fight!


The battle ended easily in a matter of minutes.

Once again, the hot weapon has won an overwhelming victory in the battle with the cold weapon.

If you are far away, you can use a sniper rifle to snipe your legs, and if you rush over, you can directly say hello to MP5.

It's better to rush over a bunch of them, is the sprayer a vegetarian?

Of course, the first wave is kicked first, and the second wave is harvested with the excellent iron spear.

【You got the copper treasure chest】

【You get 2 cubic meters of storage space】


14 lizardmen, 7 beggars.

In exchange, 14 copper treasure chests and 13 cubic meters of storage space were obtained.

320 cubic meters.

"Not many people..."

Lin Yue said coldly, kicking the lizardman corpse on the ground.

This stuff is really endless.

Looking at the beggars whose throats were cut by him again, the disgust kept coming.

After the gang was hit in the leg by him, the miserable cry was quite loud. If they knew it would be like this, why would they be beggars?

No matter who they were before or what, as long as they became maggots like beggars, there was nothing to discuss.

beg for mercy? Ha ha.

What are you doing so early?

Lin Yue looked up at the passage, which was an unstable factor.

If it is kept here, the lizardmen beggars may come here incessantly to harass, and the mining operations of the robot dogs will also be disturbed.

He can't always wait here for the lizards and beggars...


It seems that this channel can only be sealed for it.

Lin Yue thought for a while, returned to the ground, took out some iron and stones from the mountain, and returned to the entrance of the cave.

He walked in and found that it was not as wide as he had imagined.

After walking nearly twenty meters forward, he took out the iron block.

"Get an iron wall and block it with stones!" Lin Yue said, and immediately started construction!

Soon, an extremely thick iron wall was born, and a stone wall of nearly 20 meters also appeared quickly with his movements, and immediately blocked the hole!

"In this way, it should be difficult for them to break through from this side, but it is not the solution..."

Lin Yue glanced at the hole that was no different from the surrounding rocks. After thinking about it, he built an iron wall outside.

This should be fine, it should be no problem for a while.

For the rock mining here, he will bring the robot dogs every day and will not leave them here.

Stones and iron blocks should be useless to the lizardmen, and they probably don't like them. They will be thrown here at night, and they will not feel bad.

During the day, these eleven robot dogs should have no problem blocking hundreds of lizardmen beggars.

"Let's go Xiaobai, let's transport some stones back first."

Lin Yue returned to the ground, and Xiao Bai immediately followed him out and grabbed the corpses of many lizardmen beggars, then threw them on the ground and returned again.

Lin Yue gathered the corpses together, and Xiao Bai was so happy to pull the corpses out one by one.

Soon they piled up into hills, and Lin Yue, for health and safety, piled up some hay and the like, ignited them with gasoline and burned them with a fire.

It's not impossible to bury it in the ground, but there are too many, and he doesn't want to dig a hole.

It's okay to go to the trouble of digging holes for the maggots.

Filling all the remaining storage space with stones and iron blocks, Lin Yue rode on Xiao Bai's back and flew towards the shelter.

He looked back at the dazzling white patch in the distance behind him.

"God, will it get dark early?"

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