Coming down from the fence, Lin Yue did not take the initiative to open fire.

With his current attire and taste, in this dark night, the lizard people couldn't find him at all.

There are just a few hundred lizardmen, nothing to be afraid of, and they don't even have a whole corpse left.

This is not his battlefield.

Lin Yue rode on Xiao Bai's back.

What I have to do at night is not to defend the house and fight the group of fox lizardmen, but to go to the mine and investigate the situation there.

After all, no matter what the ore mined by the lizardmen and beggars is, it's worth exploring there first.

Moreover, Lin Yue also had a hunch.

Those white things may be ore that he has been looking for for many days and has not been found.

Xiaobai slapped his broad wings violently, flew into the night sky, and went straight to the east.

Tonight, there is still no moon.

The dragon stretched its wings, and the wind whistled past his ears.

Lin Yue looked at a hazy ground, the faint starlight could not penetrate the night, and the whole world seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

However, this did not affect Xiaobai's flight path. It seemed to know exactly which way to fly. In this boundless darkness, there was no way for him to lose his way.

I have to say that the smell of the blood and sweat of the lizardmen is really useful. It is not that there are no mutant creatures in the air, but they all flew away quickly, lest they approach Xiaobai.

It didn't take long for Lin Yue, who had put on a full-color military night vision goggle to see the ground clearly, and found that he was approaching his destination.

Xiaobai quickly descended and began to circle, and finally landed directly next to the forest that had fallen during the day.

About a kilometer away, the location is very suitable.

Lin Yue jumped off the dragon's back and straightened the full-color night vision goggle he was wearing on his head.

The little bugs who didn't know what they were in the grass under his feet were running away because of their arrival. Lin Yue looked up and looked into the distance. There were still lizardmen walking around on the walled fort there, but it was more than that. During the day, it is much less and looks sparse.

"Xiao Bai, don't move around here, I'll take a closer look and come back in a while."


After Lin Yue gave Xiaobai an order, he immediately ran forward with a cat on his waist.

In this dark night, with the smell of lizardmen, he will not be disturbed by mutant creatures at all, and this light-extinguishing night suit absorbs all the light, making Lin Yue successfully become a walker in the dark night , an undetectable assassin.

In the full-color night vision device, it was not that Lin Yue did not see the lizardmen in the wild at all.

On the contrary, when the distance from the walled fortress was nearly 100 meters, the number of Lizardmen was quite large.

Twenty people formed a team, led by the captain holding a torch, and the other patrolling teams of lizardmen each holding a metal spear approached from a distance from time to time, and then went in another direction.

Even if he accidentally bumped into them, all Lin Yue did was to squat down and wait for them to pass.

If you kill it, it's unrealistic, and it's easy to cause alertness. This place is too close to that, and no matter how small a movement is made here, it's absolutely impossible to escape the gang of lizardmen who are still patrolling in the middle of the night.

Lin Yue watched the group of lizardmen walk away and continued to move forward.

After a while, he stepped on the gravel and came to the bottom of the huge fortress.

"If I want to enter, Xiaobai's movement is too loud. If I want to enter... it seems that I can only sneak in."

He looked back and looked around, and used the stones in the storage space to build a five-meter-high high-level wall next to it. If the lizardmen have strong flashlights or searchlights, then this wall must be It will be found instantly, because it is really conspicuous enough.

But unfortunately, they have nothing to do with electricity and can only hold torches.

Lin Yue built the ladder in the gap between the two walls, and after a while it climbed to the top of the five-meter-high wall.

The height here is about two meters higher than the wall. Lin Yue lay prone on the wall and did not act rashly.

There is a torch every 20 to 30 meters on the wall as lighting, and there are still a few lizardmen walking back and forth on it, although not many, but if they are found because of a hurry, then It's too stretched.

In Lin Yue's night vision goggles, there were two lizardmen on the left and right sides closest to him, and they seemed to be facing each other, which should mean that they would turn around and continue patrolling immediately after meeting each other.

He waited for a while, the two lizardmen on the left came over first, and the one on the right was not too far from here. After a short meeting, the two on the right turned and left, while the two on the left didn't move!

man, what's going on?

Lin Yue was wondering, and saw that the two lizardmen were actually chatting over there.


He thought about it and looked to the left. There were no lizardmen there, and the two on the right had gone far.

Well, there seems to be only one way to make no movement at all.

kill them!

If he wanted to go down this wall without knowing it now, he had to kill the two lizardmen who were only seven or eight meters away from him. There was no other choice.

As for the method...

It seems that a gun with a silencer is the safest. This wall is not completely silent. There will also be some mutant creatures that hit the wall without any problems, and there are countless sounds of howling and growling. It came from all directions, that is, the difference in the volume of the sound.

Lin Yue took out the ladder, put it between the two walls, and rushed to the top as fast as possible, putting the ladder into the storage space.

Like a black fog, like a cat that preys on birds, he lowered his body and gradually approached the lizard man who was facing away from him between the fences.

Seven meters, five meters, four meters...

Lin Yue took out a sniper rifle!

Of all the weapons at hand, only its bullets are the most penetrating!

Although it is a bit ingenious to use a sniper at very close range.

But in order to recover the corpse as soon as possible, there is no way out.

Lin Yue raised his sniper rifle and put his hand on the trigger.

He got up slowly, moving as slowly as possible, and finally, finally, aimed the gun at the back of the Lizardman's head.

Late at night, moonless, and the nearest torch is more than ten meters away.

Wearing a light-extinguishing night suit that can absorb almost all light, Lin Yue is very confident. Even if a lizardman is looking at him within ten meters behind him, he will never be able to detect the situation here!

Lin Yue looked at the lizard man on the right, and after he had completely disappeared from sight, he knew it was time to do something.

And at this time, a low roar suddenly sounded not far from here!

Just in time!

The sniper rifle burst out in an instant, and it rushed directly into the back of the lizardman's head!

Lin Yue didn't hesitate, and the next shot immediately landed in the eye socket of the other lizardman who hadn't reacted yet!

They died instantly, along with the two copper treasure chests, and were also directly stored in the storage space by Lin Yue, who moved very fast!

This set of actions was smooth and smooth, without any delay, and after that, he immediately put away the sniper rifle, took out a climbing rope and tied it to the protrusion on the wall.

Then, he quickly descended down the rope to the land within the wall.

And just as he stood firm, he used the system's identification function on a white ore fragment around him.

Soon, he also got the answer right away!

"Sure enough... it really is it!"

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