"I'm not someone who dominates, I just promise you to do this kind of mission, you go looking for things, and I'll exchange it with other materials. In essence, our status is the same, and there is no so-called superior-subordinate relationship. Fei Yue, Please be clear on this point, I don't like the so-called "dominant" name, I'll just call it Lin Yue in the future."

From here, Feiyue glanced at his subordinates who were also very surprised by Lin Yue's choice. He wanted to argue, but in the end he fell silent and nodded helplessly.

Lin Yue had already jumped out of this pit, no matter how hard he tried, it was in vain.

Although it is not called dominating people, it is actually dominating people themselves.

Even though Lin Yue's division was very clear now, Feiyue felt that in the next period of time, he might be able to change back to his original state.

The third master's task must be completed.

No matter what, he couldn't bring this refuge village, only Lin Yue could do it.

Moreover, Lin Yue was also the one who led the entire human race back to glory and completely trampled the disaster underfoot.

This point, there is no doubt, can no longer be clear.

"Okay, Lin Yue, then listen to you." Fei Yue took a deep breath.

He can't make the whole thing more confusing, Lin Yue must be the savior!

"Well, let's talk about what you found this time."

Lin Yue didn't think too much on this side, but the other party's reaction was not resisting, he probably wanted to drag it on.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you stick to the principles.

What power is not power, no interest.

What savior is not the savior of the world, whoever wants to be who should be.

"That's it, Lin Yue, we found a special ancient gate in the secret realm this morning, and then you just asked to find alloys and plexiglass, etc. I went to explore there with half of the people. As for the original At the ancient gate of the secret realm, another team led a team to reconnaissance. The special ancient gate of the secret realm leads directly to a place that looks like a metropolis. We found a lot of alloys and plexiglass there. But also met the Lizardmen."

Um? lizard Man?

A special ancient secret gate... When the system was upgraded to version 4.0 before, it was said that there would be a random ancient secret gate, and it would exist at the same time as the original ancient secret gate.

The original ancient secret gate will not be refreshed every two days, but will always exist.

Feiyue and the others actually met the lizardmen at a special place inside the ancient gate of the secret realm...

The last time the lizardmen drove the poisonous dragon, he actually had some ideas. Lizardmen can form a group to go to the secret realm, look for the monsters who lived with them in this other world when they were originally painted on the murals, and then want them to return to this other world to attack the survivors here, especially him.

They found the ancient gate of the secret realm, and they were able to enter it on their own initiative. It is estimated that it is also the suggestion of the beggars.

Now, they have entered the special ancient gate of the secret realm again, and they have also met Feiyue and the others...

what's next?

"We wiped out the 20-man Lizardmen force, along with three beggars. We killed two of them during the fight, and the last one surrendered and was captured by us. "The beggar told us a very important secret in order to survive."

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows, a secret from a beggar?

A secret...what could be a secret?

In this world, intelligence is the most important thing, just like on Earth.

It can be said that among the countless groups in the world, each group has a considerable amount of information in their hands, and this information will never be circulated, thereby further enhancing the advantages of their own forces.

Lin Yue looked at himself. The information in his hands, especially the information that others did not have, was too much.

But no one ever gave him any information.

You know, intelligence is very valuable and can be exchanged for a lot of things.

"Then, I can give you 1 to 3 bottles of wine depending on the importance of intelligence, or if you have something you want, I can also exchange it depending on the situation." Lin Yue felt that since he just said that he should not dominate people, then Be firm and principled in this regard.

Give what you should give, take what you want.

Wine was nothing to him, but to other refugee villagers, it was a very precious thing.

Even if you don't drink, and use these to exchange for some necessities, many people will come and go.

"This can't be done, Dominator, no, Lin Yue, we will take the initiative to inform you of the information, this is not for trading."

Feiyue's reply was very loyal, and it seemed that he really regarded him as a de facto ruler and leader.

But this was not what Lin Yue wanted.

"I should make it clear that the relationship between us is not that complicated, nor is it a subordinate. I exchange information for things, which is also in line with our actual relationship."

After Feiyue saw the news, he knew that Lin Yue really couldn't speak this time.

"Well, Lin Yue, since you insist so much, then I'm welcome. This is the case. After we caught the beggar, in order to survive, he said that he would use information in exchange for freedom. , it turned out to be frank that the lizardmen are gathering to prepare for the overall invasion of the secret realm, preparing to establish a base there, and then saying something like preparing to attack your refuge village."

What? Lizardmen want to establish a base in the secret realm?

This is not a good thing...

If you can encounter lizardmen and beggars teaming up to attack in the secret realm, it is really not a good thing, and the beggars will disguise themselves as survivors, and then lead the lizardmen to attack the survivors...

Not to mention, if they really built a base in the secret realm, it would be even more difficult to destroy them.

The city ruins on the other side of the secret realm are much more complicated than the underground ruins and the terrain like this wasteland!

As for this group of rubbish wanting to attack his sanctuary, that's not too much noteworthy information. Isn't this group of people doing this every day, not every day or two.

"I understand. This is very good information. If the wine is available, I will trade it. You can check it."

Lin Yue put three bottles of wine as a reward and sent Fei Yue an exclusive deal.

"Lin Yue, that, the number of alloys and plexiglass we found, as well as the specific types. I sent it to you directly. You can see how much you want. We didn't collect much of the asphalt road this time."

"Okay, I understand. I'll trade vegetables, fruits, wine, etc. with you in a while. If you need anything else, just say it directly."

Lin Yue took a look, they had collected a total of 172 pieces of various alloys this time, and actually received 282 pieces of plexiglass!

Really a lot of gains.

"We need vegetables and fruits very much, and if you have plenty of water, we also need some water. In addition, I found a throttle valve, and I want to exchange this for something. I don't know if you have it."

"Oh? Throttle? What do you want?" Throttle! The last piece of the puzzle you need for a medium-sized food cooler!

Step through the iron shoes and find nowhere!

Well done Fei Yue!

Lin Yue knew that he seemed to have one more thing to do tomorrow!

However, what would Fei Yue want?

He suddenly had a hunch, and took out something from the storage space.

Maybe, it is.

"Lin Yue, I want the design of the crossbow."

Knew it.

Lin Yue looked at the steel crossbow in his hand and found that his guess was correct.

that's it!

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