late at night.

Hundreds of torches suddenly appeared in the wasteland one by one.

The mutant creatures driven by this torch also smelled a stench that made them disgusted.

They fled in all directions, and at this time, hundreds of burrows suddenly appeared in the wasteland. One after another, ugly lizard people with green scales and golden eyes emerged from the burrows.

Each of them is holding a long spear, and a touch of cold light blooms in this dim starry night.

And between them, there were some beggars in armor and disgusting faces, clamoring loudly.

They all looked at the huge refuge village surrounded by walls not far away, and their eyes were full of longing and madness!

The Refuge Village, this kind of building complex surrounded by huge city walls, has more than a refuge, not just a survivor.

There is still a lot of food, water, various supplies, and the woman they want!

There are very few women among the beggars, although there are indeed some, but there are too many monks and few porridges, which is not enough for everyone. And that kind of well-guarded refuge village has the most!

In the underground, as beggars, they don't need to abide by the various rules maintained by these beggars on the ground. They have completely liberated their nature, and they don't care about the so-called human nature. They do what makes them most comfortable!

The lizardmen, more like their companions than slave owners, would not deliberately discipline or kill them at will. As long as they deal with the survivors on the ground, the lizardmen would not say much!

Like now, after receiving the news of the arrested companions, they quickly informed each other about the incident, and immediately notified a considerable number of lizardmen. After that, they followed more than 500 lizardmen and came here.

"Feiyue's refuge village... Feiyue is a famous person. They are still the top five refuge villages in that group! There must be a lot of things inside..."

"Hahaha, celebrity? I think stupid! How else could we find this place exactly?"

"I heard that Feiyue has a very good relationship with the world's number one bastard. He once traded a lot of fine wine, vegetables and fruits to Feiyue. I just saw the information in the World Trade Mall! They just finished trading. I'm afraid I'm eating and drinking inside now, and I don't know what we've been surrounded by now!"

"I bet, within two hours, within two hours, the Tianlong people will let us drink those wines! Let's talk about it, brothers, whoever kills more people will have more women! Don't argue with Lao Tzu!"


The foul language has made these people even more excited. The reason and rationality that were originally human beings have now completely collapsed.

They seem to be venting something, crazy and arrogant!

at the same time.

Refuge village, inside the main refuge.

Feiyue was on the second floor, looking through the glass window at the stars and hundreds of shining torches on the wasteland outside the wall.

His arms trembled, but not in fear.

Death is the end that human beings will always usher in.

But Fei Yue never imagined that this end point would be reached within a few hours.

The night is not the home of the survivors.

In this different world, the survivors have been trapped in the night from the very beginning, trapped in the abnormally active mutant creatures in the night.

He had seen too many tragic incidents of survivors being attacked by a large group of mutant creatures after the sun had set.

Survivors can only hide in shelters in the dark night, struggling to wait for the moment when the sun rises.

Not so with the lizardmen.

In the World Channel, countless people have said that they encountered the lizardmen in the dark night, and why this creature was not besieged by the army of mutant creatures, no one knows the secret.

And these lizardmen, who are not afraid of the night, are gathering a large army outside their refuge village at the moment, and it seems that they may attack at any time, attacking the survivors who cannot get out of the refuge!

"Leader, we... will we..." A subordinate beside Fei Yue stared at the ever-increasing torches, his voice trembling, as if he could hear the despair inside.

Everyone else on the second floor also looked over.

Their leader was silent at the moment.

The night is very long.

There are even six or seven hours before dawn.

Can they resist the attack of the Lizardmen in this sanctuary? The answer is probably not difficult to imagine.

If it was just the kind of lizardmen who only had stone tools at the beginning, let alone six or seven hours, they could hold it for two or three days if they wanted to.

But now, the weapons of the lizardmen are not what they used to be. They have accepted the metal weapons and equipment of those beggars, and their combat effectiveness has been improved by more than half a star.

Not to mention, beggars are still among them, making suggestions for them.

The most difficult person to deal with is often his own people. This point does not need to be repeated too much. Fei Yue even thinks that if there are no beggars to follow this time, I am afraid there will be a chance of victory.

But how could such a good thing happen?

"Leader, do we want to ask the Dominator for help? The Dominator is very strong. If he comes, he can definitely..."

"Yes, the Dominator is so powerful, and there is a flying dragon. Four or five hundred Levik people can't help him. If he comes, he can definitely help us retreat from the enemy!"

"He still has a gun! And it is said that every shot is a hit. I heard from the people in Xing Lingfeng's shelter that the Dominator once killed dozens of lizards and beggars in the underground ruins by himself, and the bullets were all right!"

Fei Yue heard the people suddenly excitedly talking about Lin Yue, and didn't know what to say.

They may have forgotten that even if Lin Yue promised to fly over, he would never come over.

After all, this night is dangerous to them, but not to Lin Yue?

Lin Yue is not a superman, and the mutant creatures in the sky will eat them up halfway on the way Lin Yue rides the flying dragon to this place.

The whip can't reach, love can't help.

He looked at his subordinates, and didn't want to speak out against them. Now is the moment of life and death. Even if he hopes to die in battle, it is better than despair now.

Through this mistake, he once again felt that he was not strong enough to be the leader of a refuge village and could not guarantee the safety of the residents of the entire refuge village.

Now I don't know how many lizardmen are out there, this is all the disaster he caused by not handling the captive!

"Let me ask Lin Yue, and wait for his news." Fei Yue took a deep breath and said to his subordinates who suddenly had hope.

"Leader! It's up to you, we don't think the rulers will leave us alone!" Everyone's faces turned bloody, and they all cheered.

Fei Yue felt a chill in his heart.

It's not that easy.

He nodded, opened the system panel, looked at the private chat again, and suddenly widened his eyes!

"What, what?!"

This, this is...

"Leader? Leader!" Everyone didn't know what was going on, but they seemed extremely surprised to see Fei Yue's expression!

Is the ruler already coming?

"Tong Le, Wang Meng, you two go get all the iron and wood we have spare! Everyone else goes to the World Channel to find steel sellers, we will exchange all the things we have with them, and if someone responds Tell me now!!"

"Ah? Chief, we shouldn't continue..."

"This matter is more important now. If you want to live, you have to obey my instructions. Now everyone will act immediately. Waiting here can only wait for death!!"

Everyone was stunned by Feiyue's sudden shouting, but they quickly acted independently. No matter what, Feiyue now is much more reliable than before!

Their leader has always been unable to hold things. If it wasn't for the third master's designation, they would have fought for this position long ago, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, apart from not having too many opinions, this leader is not much worse than others, even , much stronger than many people!

In particular, Lin Yue, who was unable to win the third master's life when he was alive, was quickly won by this foolish-looking leader. Even the third master's strategy could not be realized even by a dull man, or in other words, in this refuge village. , Apart from Feiyue, how many people confidently dare to claim that they can take down Lin Yue as the ruler of this refuge village?

It was also this Feiyue who raised their refuge village from the top fifty in the group ranking, all the way to the top five!

Next time, if there is a next time, it might be okay to fight for third place among the dragons!

However, what does the leader want iron blocks and wood for? And steel... do you want to use these to reinforce the shelter? Lin Yue's idea?

Everyone was thinking in unison.

Tong Le and Wang Meng went to the basement to get all kinds of materials. The others followed Fei Yue's instructions and went to the world trading panel to find and inquire about steel, and they all hurriedly went to the warehouse in the basement to find all kinds of materials.

Feiyue went down to the first floor and the basement, and also gave orders to other combatants, the elderly and the weak, women and children!

Soon, iron, wood, and steel piled up little by little, and Feiyue also kept them in the storage space.

Everyone came to the first floor, and the leader Fei Yue was in the middle of the crowd.

A white light flashed in Fei Yue's hands, and soon, everyone could not help but let out a burst of exclamation!

"Crossbow, crossbow!! It's a crossbow arrow!"

Fei Yue nodded.

"Dominators, no, our Lin Yue, who didn't want to be called Dominators, gave us the design drawings of metal crossbows and crossbow arrows!"

The crowd cheered instantly!

"What is given by the dominating person? It is the dominating person!"

"I just said the Dominators will never forget us."

"Boss, it's fortunate that you negotiated with the ruler, wait, so are we saved?"

"The Dominator gave us the blueprint without anything else? The leader is amazing!"

It was still silent outside, and the lizardmen still hadn't attacked, but the atmosphere at the moment was far different from before!

The original confusion and anxiety on everyone's faces were gradually replaced by excitement and hope!

"Everyone." Fei Yue raised his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and he had a big plastic bucket of red stuff in his hand, "Lin Yue gave me the blood and sweat of this lizard man, saying that if we paint it If you get it on your body, then there will be no mutant creatures to attack, and it will smell like the lizardmen, which can confuse them!"

Everyone listened quietly, but inside the shelter, the beating of the heart was extremely noisy.

In front of Fei Yue, pairs of metal crossbows and bundles of crossbow arrows kept appearing, and he distributed these to all the combatants.

The Metal Crossbow Team is instantly established!

"All the combatants, leaving eight people responsible for the safety of the shelter, and the rest, smear the blood and sweat of the lizardmen on me now, and go out and fight the lizardmen to the death!"

Fei Yue stretched out his arm and shouted!

The blood and sweat diminished little by little, and every combatant scrambled to smear the stinky thing.

They know that with the crossbow and the blood and sweat, they are no longer afraid of the dark night outside, let alone the lizardmen outside!

"We have to come back alive, to repay Lin Yue, and to repay the kindness of our ruler! We can be considered to have advanced the design of the ruler, and we have to pay back so many materials owed to him later."

Feiyue looked at all the villagers in the refuge village, his eyes were firm!

"Death and then live!"



The wind is strong at night.

Moreover, it is still a hot wind!

Lin Yue lay prone on the dragon's broad back, holding his hands tightly.

Xiaobai has worked very hard to prevent him from being blown down by the strong wind, so the speed of the flight is not as fast as before.

Lin Yue opened his eyes from time to time, looked at the regional map to confirm the direction, and he also found that it seemed that he was getting closer and closer to the destination.

It was almost a straight line along the way, and as a result, a lot of map blocks that were originally dark were opened up.

During this period, Lin Yue even discovered several unmanned shelters, which was another gain.

"Xiao Bai, hold on a little longer, we're almost there!"

Xiaobai continued to fly forward for a while, and Lin Yue finally realized that he was very close to Feiyue's refuge village.

Soon, the speed of Xiaobai's flight slowed down. Lin Yue tried his best to open his eyes and saw hundreds of fire-like flames on the dark ground in the distance!

Those were the Lizardmen's torches, no doubt about it.

Xiaobai hovered and descended, and finally landed next to a grove hundreds of meters away from the area.

Lin Yue jumped off the dragon's back, and Xiao Liuzi and Hong Xian also hurried down.

After a long flight, everyone is a little tired.

Lin Yue patted Xiao Bai, who was obviously more tired, on the shoulder, and gave him a bottle of Coke and a lion-headed bear's bear leg as a reward.

"Well done, Xiaobai, you can rest here for a while and wait for us to come back!"

I had already heard a burst of noise in my ears, and a scream like a scream came from the direction of the refuge village farther away.

Lin Yue put on a full-color night vision goggle, and he quickly saw a group of lizardmen walking further away not too far away from him.

"Let's go, let's follow quietly." Lin Yue whispered to Xiao Liuzi and Hongxian, while guarding the surroundings, he followed the group of lizardmen to the front.

After a while, he came to a place with a slightly higher terrain, and soon he saw that hundreds of burning torches were gathered in the wasteland nearly a hundred meters away, and a large number of lizardmen were also at these torches Moving in between!

Man, how many people are here?

The screams in the distance became clearer, but these screams seemed to come from the lizardmen. After all, humans don't make "Sasa" screams.

The crossbow arrows and the blood and sweat of the lizardmen are right, presumably Feiyue and the others should have climbed the city wall and gathered the lizardmen down there.

But there are too many lizardmen.

Lin Yue continued to observe, and found that the lizard people seemed to be quite crowded, and among them, he also found some beggars!

"It seems that you can use the big killer without continuing to wait for the battle situation."

Lin Yue lined up ten ballistas in order from the storage space!

The explosive ballista arrows hanging on it are already ready to go, and the hunger and thirst are unbearable!

He ignited the first explosive ballista arrow and fired it instantly!

"Lizardmen, beggars, try the Italian guns of labor and capital!"

boom! ! ! ! !

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