Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 324 Target 1000 cubic meters of storage space! The decision of the lone wolf!

The smell of gunpowder smoke filled the battlefield, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

On the ground, there are still a lot of bright lights.

Lin Yue picked up the rotten soil and rags for a while, and finally pocketed all the storage space left by the beggars.

He counted the total and found that this time he had also obtained 108 cubic meters, which was another bumper harvest.

The speed at which this storage space has expanded recently is a bit alarming, and Lin Yue even felt that if it continued like this, he would be able to get a house back to it when he went to the secret realm next time.

Even reaching a storage space of 1,000 cubic meters does not seem to be a dream at all.

The larger the storage space, the more things that can be done. Although he doesn't know how much the world's second largest storage space is, he now feels that he is still far ahead in this regard.

Going to the secret realm next can really do a good search.

The cleaning of the battlefield finally ended, and Lin Yue saw that Xiao Liuzi and Red Line, who were all covered in mud and blood, also ran back from the shelter. They seemed quite excited.

The ice lizard seems to be a combination of a foodie and a fighter, and it is also an enhanced version.

Regardless of the incredible evolutionary ability, the combat power of this larval form is far less than that of ordinary mutant creatures.

After Lin Yue gave the two little guys some food, he looked at the chat panel.

Fei Yue sent dozens of messages.

"Master, thank you for your help when our refuge village is in danger this time! I, Feiyue, once again represent all the survivors of the refuge village, thank you for your life-saving grace!!"

"Dominator, we saw the lizardmen and they seemed to have withdrawn after the explosion in the rear. Thank you for coming to our rescue!"


Good guy, you don't need money for the three characters of dominance, do you?

The three characters in front of the dozens of messages must be "Dominator", and he clearly told him before that it should be called Lin Yue and Lin Yue, why is it still called Dominator.

However, this Fei Yue is not bad.

He didn't ask what the huge explosion was, nor did he ask Lin Yue how he got here, nor how many lizards and beggars he killed.

The screen is almost filled with words of thanks.

"Xiao Bai, is there no enemy nearby?"

"Quack." Xiaobai nodded, his voice seemed a little tired.

After such a long flight, Xiaobai sprayed a large mouthful of ice mist. He is quite tired now. If he is forced to fly, I am afraid that this little guy will be directly tired and lie down.

So, fix it for now, and then go back to the sanctuary.

There is indeed one more thing to do now.

"Let's go to Feiyue's refuge village to have a look, and say hello to Feiyue by the way."

Lin Yue took Xiaobai, Xiaoliuzi and Hongxian across this battlefield full of burnt smell and stench, and walked towards the refuge village.

Of course, he did not forget to put on the Tianlong battle armor and the Tianlong battle helmet, and the exoskeleton naturally did not forget.

The heart of defending people is indispensable, even if the opponent is Fei Yue.

"Fei Yue, I'll go take a look."

"Lin Yue, no, domineering! We are waiting for your arrival outside the door!"

Fei Yue agreed quite simply.

Lin Yue stared in the direction of the refuge village and took a step.

Soon, he was less than 100 meters away from the slightly noisy refuge village wall with dozens of torches lit, and in the night vision device, in front of the huge gate of the refuge village, a large crowd had already gathered. shadow.

Without a doubt, it was Fei Yue and the others.

Lin Yue took a few steps forward and looked again. At this moment, they didn't have any weapons in their hands.


"Dominate people!!"

Fei Yue's voice was very loud, and he brought everyone up to greet him, and his voice seemed to be quite trembling.

"It's me. Feiyue, you guys... well done."

Lin Yue looked around, and there were nearly a hundred lizardmen corpses in the rough count, and this was only what he saw now. There might be more in other directions of the wall.

When he used the explosive ballista arrows to attack the place where the lizards and beggars gathered, the battle had already started in the refuge village, and it seemed to last for a while.

Now it seems that Feiyue and the others used iron armor, shields, crossbow arrows, and the blood and sweat of the lizardmen rationally, forcing them to be too close to the city wall.

Lin Yue walked more than ten meters forward, and finally stopped.

"If it weren't for Dominator, we might not be able to survive tonight. Dominator, we thank you again! Thank you for your life-saving grace!"

Fei Yue led dozens of people, knelt down on one knee, and lowered his head.

Um? What is this for?

"Dominator, you have saved us several times. We are willing to be your most loyal subordinates. Please become our true Dominator!"

good guy.

Here it is again.

"I don't have any will in this regard, Feiyue, I refuse again. The leader of this refuge village is you, and I have no idea to manage the lives of hundreds of people. This battle, you commanded very well, I think you are the only one. It's the most suitable to be the leader of this refuge village, isn't it?"

Lin Yue felt that he was talking too much now.

But if you don't explain it clearly and stop this matter, then there will be more and more troubles in the future.

His idea is to be the so-called "lone wolf" in their mouths, to do whatever he wants, not to care about other people's thoughts, not to be distracted by power, not to be distracted by complicated interpersonal relationships, and intrigue and intrigue. And drain your patience and energy.

If you have that skill, you might as well go to a secret realm to search for and collect supplies, or go to the underground ruins to kill more lizards and beggars.

Why do you have to spend on the so-called "dominant people"?

Lin Yue felt that he would not change for a while.

It is true that in this different world, human beings can only avoid the fate of final extinction by uniting together, and can resist those terrifying mutant creatures, lizardmen beggars, and even internal conflicts.

But this does not actually conflict with the personal freedom that Lin Yue pursued.

They hug them in a group. They have a lot of resources on their side, they have a lot of strength, and they have more powerful partners like Xiaobai. Even a person can live in this different world.

And live better than others.

This time, the ruler was only born to facilitate precise transactions with Feiyue's refuge village, which was originally the case.

It's just that the third master played some new tricks, which made him, a young man who had just been out of society for a long time, almost stunned.

And now, no matter how grateful Feiyue and the others are this time, for saving their lives again, his answer is still "No".

"I don't have the qualifications to be a qualified leader. If I could deal with the prisoners earlier, I wouldn't..."

"But you successfully used the blueprints and blood and sweat I gave you, and led your subordinates to kill hundreds of lizardmen with strong leadership, right?"

Fei Yue was suddenly stunned.

"Dominate people, but this can't be..."

"I ask you, where are your casualties?" Lin Yue asked softly.

"Zero, we have no casualties, not a single one, but these are all crossbow bolts..."

"It's not all about the power of crossbow arrows. Weapons are the most powerful in the hands of powerful people. Feiyue, you have done a good job. You can lead your subordinates to exchange for zero casualties. Here comes the result of killing hundreds of lizardmen. Even if I don't kill all those lizardmen and beggars in the rear, I believe that with your leadership and combat power, it is only a matter of time to repel them. Fei Yue, you will A good leader and a good ally, and I..."

Lin Yue said and came to Xiaobai's back.

The dragon, which has recovered its spirit, is waiting for the master's order to take off at any time.

"And I am not the kind of person who is suitable for being a leader. I enjoy the status of this 'lone wolf' more. If one day, I am tired of this kind of life, I would not mind being the real ruler! "

The giant dragon flapped its wings violently and flew into the boundless night sky.

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