【You have built a large warehouse X1】

【You have built a large warehouse X1】

【You have established...】

It has to be said that the desperate survivors in the high temperature are quite eager and enthusiastic.

In less than two hours, all of the nearly 40,000 units of saltpeter accumulated in the saltpeter mine over the past two days have been replaced.

With the arrival of the exchanged alloys, various electrical appliances and parts, Lin Yue also had to consume some alloys and stones, and began to build six large warehouses near the walls of the saltpeter mine.

The large warehouse has a large area, and the storage space is enough to meet the influx of a large number of things.

In fact, Lin Yue didn't have time to identify how many alloys there were, what old electrical appliances, and what parts there were. As long as the storage space was filled after the transaction was successful, he would exchange all these things. Put all the brains in the warehouse, and then continue to confirm the next transaction.

After more than two hours, Lin Yue felt that his efficiency was fast enough, otherwise it would take more time for the nearly 40,000 units of saltpeter to complete the transaction.

Now, on the saltpeter mine, the robot dogs are still working hard, and the saltpeter mine is constantly accumulating.

But these numbers are still far from enough to supply all refuge villages.

Lin Yue really couldn't guarantee this. He wasn't a god, so being able to do this was quite remarkable.

Originally, he was not the "savior" that this group of people called, and could not help everyone.

Lin Yue actually did not agree with the so-called "Greater ability, greater responsibility".

His ability is not enough to provide saltpeter for more than 2 billion people, and there is no need to do so. Even if someone kidnaps him morally, he will never let him not because of so-called public opinion pressure or verbal violence such as condemnation. Comfortable.


I have achieved it now, to the extent I am today, to put it bluntly, I want to do it myself, and I want to do it myself, and doing so does no harm to me, on the contrary, I can obtain a large number of required resources, and can also convert huge Incomparable, so much saltpeter ore that can't be used at all is consumed.

In other words, what Lin Yue is doing now is still based on his own interests.

He is not a superhero, so he can't be so-called selfless, and he can't ignore personal gains and losses, and then do those behaviors that can only get a "fake name".

Selfish? Lin Yue did not deny that he was a selfish person.

In this different world, people who are not selfish at all might have died long ago.

The rest are all selfish people like him, and those rubbish who think that people have the ability to sacrifice for others and don't care about gains and losses.

This kind of thinking, and Lin Yue's growing environment, and after he had been in contact with too many things and people from childhood to adulthood, unconsciously came to him.

Although he also believes that human nature is inherently good, it is a pity that in this different world, this kind of thing seems really ridiculous.

The wandering survivors and looters in the beginning, the beggars later, and the various refuge villages that were still very loose after more than a month, all made Lin Yue unable to believe that the so-called truth, goodness and beauty could still be seen in a short period of time. .

Of course, if Feiyue's side can always maintain the close alliance relationship between him and him now, and will do so in the future, then the light that cuts through this incomparably dark night may be them.

"It's almost enough. There's no more saltpeter, so I can only come back here around tomorrow evening."

Lin Yue packed up and completely locked and prepared the only exit of the six large warehouses.

Then, he set up six robot dogs as defense mode, filled the magazines with bullets, and set a patrol route to ensure that other robot dogs would not be disturbed when mining ore.

Anything could happen here today until tomorrow evening before he returns.

He was not the only one who knew that there was a saltpeter mine, but also the lizards and beggars he drove away from here.

And just now, he hit the entire market with a large amount of saltpeter ore, making those who sell saltpeter ore alone have to accept the bitter fruit that no one cares about.

How could they possibly just let it go?

Lin Yue felt that as soon as tonight, there might be an allied army of the lizards and beggars who wanted to regain the saltpeter mine.

But even so, he would have nothing to fear.

Will it be lost here?

Is the medium electric sentry machine gun stand vegetarian? So many robot dogs are also "armed"?

Even if he doesn't hold it, Lin Yue can guarantee that when he comes here again tomorrow, he will take this place back into his hands!

Lin Yue took away a large number of messy parts, and finally turned around to look at the saltpeter mountains that were starting to pile up again, took out an armed combat vehicle, and drove it quickly on the flagstone road towards the shelter.

It was only noon, and there was still a lot to do.

It's not too long before the disaster that will be released tomorrow night.

He must seize this final time to upgrade and reinforce the other buildings of the sanctuary, and then face this disaster well!


In the refuge village at the foot of the mountain.

Fei Yue finally glanced at the World Channel, rubbed the corners of his sore eyes, and finally closed the system panel.

He looked around, and at this moment, the others also opened their mouths wide, feeling extremely surprised and shocked by what had just happened.

Lin Yue once again made them understand what "great cause" is.

39,210 units of saltpeter mine, and a guide book to survive this disaster, can save at least 3,921 survivors in the refuge village.

In about two hours, Lin Yue successfully sold such a huge unit of saltpeter almost as quickly as possible, and the exchange conditions were only some alloys, used electrical appliances and parts.

It is unimaginable.

The importance of saltpeter at present, even if one unit is directly exchanged for one unit of alloy, I am afraid not many people will object, and Lin Yue did not do this.

Moreover, Lin Yue can completely release the purchase authority of saltpeter, and no longer requires a refuge village to buy only one copy, but he did not do so.

Fei Yue felt that Lin Yue was really unfathomable.

I don't understand.

But he didn't understand it. He saw the quality of this person, and the quality of this person who also thinks about other survivors at this moment.

He doesn't know much about Lin Yue, and the third master also said that this Lin Yue is a lone wolf and won't be in the company of other people.

In essence, all of Lin Yue's starting points are his own interests, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

However, there are some differences.

From Fei Yue's point of view, Lin Yue had already done everything he could, and he had indeed saved so many survivors' refuge villages.

Feiyue also saw that the remaining survivors who arrived late and did not grab the saltpeter did not completely lose confidence. Lin Yue also left a note on the commodity just now, and there may be more tomorrow. Also, surviving an extreme heat disaster doesn't require making ice cubes.

The disaster prevention guide also has some other methods, such as making a huge pool and soaking in it before disaster strikes.

To deal with giant hailstorms and fire tornadoes, it is said that survivors should reinforce their shelters and preserve important materials.

This is Lin Yue's wisdom and his strength.

Although Lin Yue didn't want to have too many connections with other people more than once, and didn't want to be the so-called "savior", but twice in a row, before the disaster came, he made extremely important contributions to the entire group of survivors. Contributions have actually saved quite a few people.

Lin Yue is not the savior?

I'm afraid it's just that he doesn't think so.

"Boss, Lin Yue has saved quite a few people this time. He is too strong, how did he get so much saltpeter?" Zheng Zhi asked with a sigh.

"The world, the strongest." Wang Ce's words were quite brief. He left another refuge village and joined Feiyue's refuge village directly. Now it seems to be the wisest choice.

He was impressed by Lin Yue's strength when 500 people in Levec stormed the refuge village of Lin Yue before, and after seeing him riding a huge white dragon flying in the sky again in the secret realm, he was even more interested in Lin Yue. The more five-body cast.

Therefore, he chose to leave the original refuge village, crossed the wasteland without hesitation, and found Feiyue. His purpose was to be closer to Lin Yue, a strong man who could only see his back in his mind.

Feiyue and Xing Lingfeng were undoubtedly the closest to Lin Yue among all the survivors. Compared with Xing Lingfeng, Feiyue was more honest and safer than Lin Yue.

After Wang Ce came, he did see that Lin Yue was inclined in various aspects on Feiyue's side, and these people seemed to call Lin Yue "the ruler", but it seemed that Lin Yue did not agree, and it seemed that he would not at all promise.

This is indeed a relationship with Lin Yue that has formed a fairly strong alliance at present, and it seems that it will continue forever.

"The saltpeter mine should be the mine that the guys who claimed to have escaped from the beggars said before that was attacked by Lin Yue. Lin Yue belongs to the one with the biggest treasure in this disaster. We make ice with saltpeter. No, this air conditioner is enough to get us through this disaster. Chief, should we also release the saltpeter we have?"

Fu Ming is now Fei Yue's deputy, and he knows a little bit about the current situation.

This morning, they accidentally encountered some beggars who mixed with the lizardmen. After they were all wiped out, and after obtaining some storage space, they also accidentally found 218 units of saltpeter inside.

These people probably ran out of that saltpeter mine, but they ran into them before they had time to run too far.

But now that they have air conditioners, they no longer need to use saltpeter to make ice. Instead, these things are like a burden and take up too much space.

It is better to exchange for some good things, such as various alloys, these alloys can also exchange with Lin Yue for various objects necessary for their development.

"No, we won't change it." Fei Yue looked at his many subordinates, Fu Ming and Zheng Zhiwen suddenly realized, and Wang Ce nodded slightly.

The ninety-six people in front of him are the backbone of his refuge village.

The rest are old and young, women and children, and some who are relatively weak in combat. Some of them have just joined their refuge village. They are now resting in the air-conditioned room and do not participate in the current decision-making discussion.

At present, their refuge village has a certain system and status. Fei Yue is the leader, Fu Ming and Zheng Zhiwen are deputy, and the rest are led and responsible by two captains.

When discussing issues, ninety-seven people, including Feiyue, will gather together, led by Feiyue, assisted by Fu Ming and Zheng Zhiwen, and the team leader will participate and give opinions.

Interestingly, almost 90% of Feiyue's refuge village were from the original Tang country, and the people in the center were also from the Tang country.

After all, in the case of the same language, this configuration is the most reasonable.

When it comes to some extremely important decisions, Feiyue can also issue orders and make decisions by himself, just like now.

"Boss, saltpeter is useless, right? It's useless for us to keep it until after the disaster. It'll be garbage then, so it's better to replace it." Li Shuang in the squad looked at the people next to him, "What do you think?"

Several team leaders nodded, but in the end Wang Ce shook his head.

"Saltpeter can make explosives!"

Fei Yue nodded with satisfaction: "Indeed, we really don't have any hot weapons. How long the crossbow arrows that Lin Yue gave us can lead others is quite a big problem. If you encounter a survival who accidentally collects a large number of hot weapons in the secret realm If the attackers attack our refuge village, those of us are not enough to see. Unlike Lin Yue, our combat effectiveness is not that strong, is it?"

"The leader is right, we don't have hot weapons, and we haven't been looking for them. There are no related designs in the treasure chests that have been opened so far. Compared to Lin Yue, who held hot weapons a long time ago. , we are far behind." Zheng Zhiwen continued.

"One of the important materials for black powder is saltpeter. Charcoal can be purchased in the mall. As for sulfur, it is also sold. Everyone, if we want to become a qualified ally of Lin Yue, we must also be able to do something when he faces a crisis. What, instead of rushing over with others like last time, only to see Lin Yue kill those enemies that even a few hundred of us can't, isn't it?"

Fei Yue stood up, he now had many thoughts in his mind.

Now is an opportunity, and the opportunity for this opportunity is precisely the crossbow arrow design that Lin Yue generously handed over to them during the night refuge village defense war.

Since that time, their development has been smooth sailing, and they are on the verge of catching up with the top few in the world!

This time the saltpeter must be left, and when the time is right, it may play a considerable role.

"So...Wang Ce, what's the matter?" Feiyue was about to continue speaking when he saw Wang Ce stand up.

"Boss, I received a friend invitation, it's Lily Karahao." Wang Ce looked surprised.

"Huh? Wait, the leader is here too!" "Me too!" "How did this person add it? He also added me!"

Suddenly, everyone found out that they were all added as friends by the same person!

And this person is none other than the leader of the second-ranked refuge village in the world, Lily Karahao!

Feiyue clicked on his friend application, and sure enough, there was this person's name there.

And she also sent a verification message.

"Join our refuge village, Fei Yue, otherwise, I can't guarantee the consequences!"

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