The snowstorm, which seemed to never stop, covered the entire sky and drowned the entire world.

The whistling wind also kept blowing the snow like waves, swept into the air and poured onto the ground.

Almost all the shelters were completely covered by this heavy snowstorm, and the snow layer nearly three meters high also harvested all life.

Although day has entered, the world has completely lost the distinction between night and day under this snow disaster.

Lin Yue's sanctuary remains the same.

In the steel plate fireplace, the firewood was burning vigorously, keeping the entire refuge at a very high temperature.

After Lin Yue woke up from the wooden bed in the basement, he felt a stick-like object in a daze, which woke him up instantly.

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the thing let out a "Puji" sound.

"Xiao Bai, why did you run down?"

"Puji." Xiaobai's voice was lazy, and Lin Yue grabbed it on his shoulders and went all the way up the stairs.

The firewood burned too much last night. After he woke up in the middle of the night, he went to the basement to cool off.

This basement was originally used by him as a warehouse. It is usually very cool and cool, and the temperature is a few degrees lower than the top.

Then, in order to have a good rest, he remade a wooden bed, took down the mat, and then fell back to sleep. It was indeed a lot more comfortable and cool.

However, this sleep is to wake up naturally, and he doesn't know when it is now.

"It's dawn?" Lin Yue took out the wooden ladder, wiped the window on the roof and looked out. It was indeed daytime.

The snow was still falling, and it was no different from yesterday. The only difference was that there were snow walls more than two meters long from the shelter.

The snow wall was already higher than the roof, and there was a tendency to go even higher.

He put on his climbing suit, put on his hiking pants, put on his wooden armor, and went up to the roof from the roof window with an iron spear.

There was still no snow on the roof, and the snowflakes that had just fallen quickly turned into water droplets and flowed down.

Lin Yue looked down and found that the front of the door was quiet, and there were no mutant creatures like yesterday.

Are you all frozen to death?

After walking around the roof and still not finding anything, Lin Yue also returned to the house again and pushed open the stone door.

Nothing but the roar of the wind.

In this world, it was as if he was the only one.

Trying to keep his head down to keep the snow from falling on his face, Lin Yue first solved his personal problems, then made eight traps, and after they were placed around the shelter, he returned to the house.

There is nothing to explore outside, and in the snowstorm, sight and hearing are greatly restricted. Just an ordinary person, he does not have the quality to use a shovel to shovel snow to find mutant creatures to fight.

Of course, the secret realm was originally a good place, but because of this disaster, it was also closed for 48 hours.

Although it is said to prevent survivors from cheating to escape inside, but for Lin Yue, it is one less chance to search.

"How long do you have to wait?"

Lin Yue yawned, returned to the state of underpants and vest, and opened the group.

It was safe outside for the time being, and he didn't feel too much pressure. He simply looked at the group first, and then solved the breakfast problem.

As a result, the bulletin board directly told him that it was already eleven hours before the disaster began!

Man, this is really a natural wake up.

He really slept too late last night, and what Du Ping wanted to exchange also made him study for a long time.

Using 5kg of mutant mutton and 1L of water, Lin Yue got several good things in exchange.

Rotor, end cap, power controller.

Of these three, two are necessary for the generator, and the power controller is for the primary exoskeleton.

Although the cost was higher than before, Lin Yue did gradually gather what he wanted.

After connecting the rotor and end cap to the previous stator and bearing, all he needed to find was the terminal block, one of the most important components of a generator.

As for the design drawing of the off-road bike that Du Ping and the others wanted to replace with 3L water last time, after bargaining with Lin Yue, they finally sold it with 2L water.

After doing this yesterday, I didn't know what time it was, so I fell into a drowsy sleep, and even forgot about the snow disaster.

After all, the snow disaster was nothing to him at all.

Yawned and looked at the group.

"Well, I'm not dead, but is it an illusion? My legs seem to be unconscious?"

"Suddenly found that it's not so cold, thank Lin Yue for selling the fire source! But at the same time, I despise those profiteers who get the fire source and resell it! You are still not human!"

"Thanks to Lin Yue who sold a lot of water and food in the end, otherwise we'd have to die a lot! Lin Yue, you've already got my approval."

"The boss needs your approval? Are you the green onion? Does Lin Shen still sell mutton? It's too delicious."

"By the way, what is Lin Yue's original occupation? Special forces? That rating is too exaggerated!"

"Let's just say, the rating actually reached the top? Is there a mistake? I always thought that Du Ping and the others could be the first, but the fourth is not bad."

"I can do it if I have water! Lin Yue has water! He's not much better than us!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

"I saw myself at No. 1985, what's the difference? No, what's the grading standard?"

"Lin Yue's rating is three times that of the second place, and fifteen times higher than mine! Let's hang up!"


Lin Yue suddenly realized that now the entire group is discussing him, not the snow disaster.

Although this trend existed before, it was not as concentrated as it is now.

And the reason why they do this is also because of the so-called "points" problem.

He opened the points ranking panel.

1. Lin Yue 1095 points

2. Kirk Brown 338 points

3. Berg 299 points

4. Du Ping 297 points


ah this...

Why is the score so high? Judging by what.

However, it is worth celebrating to be able to reach the first place in this group.

Just when he wanted to click on the detailed composition of the points in the ranking, there was a rumbling in his stomach.

Even Xiaobai kept looking at his stomach.

Well, it looks like this has to be resolved first.

As for what points, put aside for now.

He took out the stove, put the pot on the fire and drained the water in one go. Lin Yue took out the bacon that he had never had time to eat, cut eight slices with a dagger, put the instant noodles in the pot, made a cup of coffee at this time, and put the I took out the apple I hadn't eaten all the time.

He broke open the apple with his bare hands and gave it to the stupefied Xiaobai. Lin Yue prepared the tableware and poured the instant noodles into the bowl!

The perfect breakfast, doesn't it?

When I just picked up the chopsticks and prepared to eat, I suddenly heard the sound of the system.

【Building a live broadcast system】

[The live broadcast system has been prepared]

ah? live streaming?

The chopsticks in Lin Yue's hand froze.


Thanks: 08a, Mo Yu Changge, and Dongpo Meat Duo, the three readers gave a big reward!

New authors seeking to collect and read! Thank you all! (^^*)

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