Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 376 Beyond the laws of another world, a terrifying discovery!

[You have obtained: the design drawing of the oil extraction and refining platform! 】

The damaged oil extraction and refining platform has no value.

Lin Yue is not a professional, and he has a very deep understanding of how much he is capable of.

No matter how strong his hands-on ability and learning ability are, he is still an ordinary young man, not a professional technician. He is not strong enough to repair a giant machine that he has never seen on any channel on earth before. degree.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Lin Yue to choose to decompose it into design drawings.

"Wait, all the things you need are all kinds of alloys? Are there any materials that take a lot of effort to get?"

Lin Yue even found that although it has extremely complex various parts, these parts are basically all kinds of alloys. Even if there are other needs, they are all rubber or fiberglass, etc., nothing special.

It can be said that it is quite good.

If there are any special components that are not easy to find, that is really difficult.

"I have to go back and make this big guy. Of course, I have to get some 'guards'."

"Quack." Xiaobai also nodded.

If you want to make the most of the oil river in front of you, you can't let others touch it.

Especially those lizards and beggars.

Necessary guards, like a medium-sized electric sentry gun stand, and a small ice lizard, are suitable choices.

However, there was one thing Lin Yue still cared about.

Why is there such a large machine sinking in the oil river?

Has this place been discovered before? And out of the box, such a big guy came out...

Make an assumption.

Thirty-five days ago, there was such a big man who opened a treasure chest, happened to open this oil extraction and refining platform, and then happened to discover this oil deposit.

Then, it happened to be gone again?

"Xiao Bai, do you smell anything special and noteworthy here?" The more Lin thought about it, the more wrong he felt.

The probability of this happening is too low.

Where have people gone? It can't be driven by the lizardmen.

"Quack..." Xiaobai carefully smelled something in the air, like an oversized puppy, walking around and sniffing carefully.

Finally, it suddenly stretched its head to the ground, and after smelling it for a while, it suddenly looked westward!

"Quack!" Xiaobai let out a low growl, and waved at Lin Yue to follow, and Lin Yue immediately followed it to the west.

After walking about two kilometers, Xiaobai suddenly stopped and pointed to the ground with his big paw.

underground? What's in the ground?

Lin Yue looked at the soles of his feet, they were all covered with weeds, and they were extremely flat, so he couldn't see any difference from other places.

But...Since Xiaobai said so, then it proves that there is indeed something underneath!

Lin Yue took out a shovel.

This thing has been used to dig traps before, but since the courtyard wall was expanded and became five meters high, the traps have not been dug anymore.

But it's really easy to use, and it's fairly effortless, even without putting on the exoskeleton.

As soon as the shovel went down, a large piece of soil was shoveled out at the position Xiaobai pointed, and then he dug another shovel.

But two shovels went down, dozens of centimeters deep, and nothing was seen.

what's the situation?

Xiaobai pointed down again, as if he was quite sure of what was in this place, took the shovel from Lin Yue's hand, and dug down a few more shovels.


Suddenly, with the sound of metal collision, Lin Yue immediately looked at the place where the sound was made!

"Metal..." Lin Yue took the shovel from Xiaobai's hand and dug the side, and the whole picture of the metal was revealed!

It is a metal cover!

The metal cover has specks of rust on it, but its general outline can still be seen.

A round, two-meter-diameter lid...a familiar look.

Lin Yue remembered the underground location next to his main shelter. The underground alloy shelter that he built also had such a big lid covering the entrance, and as long as it was opened, he could directly enter it.

Underground shelter... Is there such a thing here?

Lin Yue continued to clean up the nearby soil, but unexpectedly found that except for the large cover and a little area next to it, the rest of the place was soil, and he continued to dig down more than one meter, and the result was still the same.

"What's the matter? Shouldn't it be directly on the wall of the shelter?"

Lin Yue felt strange, this was completely different from his own shelter.

For his shelter, let’s not talk about the ground one, and the underground one is to open the entrance and directly enter the vast space inside the shelter. Although there will be a ladder, it is also a means to go down to the floor.

But this sanctuary, it seems, is completely different. The big lid is like a beer bottle cap, and the downward part is like a neck.

Lin Yue thought about it for a while and thought it was more appropriate to break the door violently.

He was wearing an exoskeleton and put on a pair of robotic arms. He tried to get the door down, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open it.

Xiaobai volunteered to fight for a long time, but there was no response.

It looks like it might be locked inside.

However, it didn't bother him. Since violence cannot be broken, use high technology!

Taking out the high-precision research workbench, Lin Yue immediately touched the workbench against the alloy gate!

【You got 5 pieces of titanium alloy! 】

Oh, the titanium alloy!

However, at the same time as the big lid disappeared, a gray-brown gas suddenly came out of it!

Lin Yue was hugged by Xiao Bai and jumped back a big step, dodging the "sudden attack".

And Lin Yue also put on a gas mask in the next second and stared at the hole where strange smoke was coming out.

It didn't take a few seconds for it to return to normal, but Lin Yue still did not approach, but looked at Xiao Bai.

At this time, Xiaobai's sense of smell is the most acute.

"Quack." Xiaobai shook his head at this meeting, indicating to Lin Yue that there were no enemies in the alloy door.

"What is the gas that looked strange just now? Could it be that..." Lin Yue took off his gas mask and found a rotten and rotten smell in the air.

He was very familiar with the smell.

This is the smell of death.

It's just, it's been quite a while, and although it's rotten, it's not so unbearable.

He looked towards the entrance of the hole, waited for another ten minutes, put on the night vision goggles again, and took out the flashlight.

There is no danger in this sanctuary, and the rancid smell just now also proves that the survivors in it should be rotten.

However, only 35 days have passed.

Moreover, within 35 days, I have an alloy shelter... No, I would have an alloy shelter in about 20 days.

Could it be that someone had drawn out the design of the alloy shelter before him, and he could also make the gate out of titanium alloy, and even successfully build this alloy shelter?

Even this sanctuary might have something to do with the mining and refining platform that I collected before?

From any point of view, this person seems to be the leading group, but...

No, no.

The more Lin thought about it, the more impossible he felt.

"You still have to see it with your own eyes, otherwise it's all speculation now."

Lin Yue took a deep breath and came to the entrance of the cave. Sunshine quickly told Lin Yue what was beside the entrance of the cave.

"The wooden ladder, it's not surprising, it just doesn't fit well with this alloy door." With a two-meter-diameter lid, it was easy for him to get in, but Xiaobai was different.

Unless the little guy can shrink the bones, he will never get in.

Lin Yue stepped on the wooden ladder, and as a result, the first step was directly crushed!

"How long has this ladder been?" Lin Yue raised his eyebrows. He seemed to feel that he was facing something that was incompatible with this different world.

Using the iron blocks in the storage space to build an iron ladder, Lin Yue put away the old one, and extended the iron ladder downward, and soon touched the bottom.

"Xiao Bai, watch from above. Since there are no enemies inside, you don't have to worry. If something happens, I will come out immediately."

After Lin Yue finished speaking to Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai also nodded, his expression quite calm.

Lin Yue also had an idea in his heart.

In this underground shelter, there shouldn't be any danger, so Xiaobai can feel relieved.

His feet stepped on the first step, and his hands gradually descended.

It didn't take a while, his feet stepped on the solid ground, and the flashlight in his hand turned on at the same time!

However, a terrifying skull also appeared suddenly in the light of the flashlight!

Lin Yue's scalp went numb for a moment, and he took a step back and raised the sprayer in his hand.

But he soon discovered that it was just a skeleton lying prone on the ground with a spear stuck in its back, and then wiped the cold sweat off his face with one hand.

He took out the excellent iron spear, shone the flashlight on the skeleton in the sports suit, and picked the clothes on it with the iron spear. However, the clothes were like a thin brittle shell, and it shattered directly. One piece, the spear also smashed to the ground with a bang!

Looking at the spear head that was covered with rust, Lin Yue muttered to himself, "No, no..."

Lin Yue felt more and more that there was a fundamental contradiction and difference between this place and the world he knew!

"Could it be... no, it's impossible, how is it possible."

He squatted down, looked at the skeleton, and found that a layer of dust had fallen on it, and looking at the color of the bones, it seemed that it took years to become like this.

But, all human beings have traveled to this different world, and it has only been 36 days!

What's up with this skeleton? !

Lin Yue felt his heart beating rapidly.

He also remembered something that seemed to have been forgotten for a long time.

Among those underground ruins, there are clay pots filled with human bones on both sides of the passage...

At the time of the underground ruins, humans only came to this different world, but those bones did not appear to have appeared in a short period of time!

"No way..." Lin Yue wiped the cold sweat off his face again, it seemed that some things had surpassed reality.

He took a deep breath, stood up again, and pointed the flashlight forward.

This is a long and narrow passage, and the two sides are still metal, but it is unknown whether it is an alloy.

At the end of the passage, Lin Yue saw a half-open door again. He tied the flashlight to his arm, held the sprayer, and put on earmuffs.

Although Xiaobai said that there is no danger, he must not take it lightly!

Moreover, the skeleton just now had a huge impact on him, and he could also feel that there would be more incredible things appearing in this shelter!

Lin Yue entered the door with a gun, and soon he found the second, third, and fourth skeletons.

They lay, hung, and even shattered between several tables, chairs and sofas in the room in various strange positions.

The same is that they have a long spear attached to their side or body, and the head of the spear is also rusted, but they also hold weapons such as machetes near their metacarpal bones.

Here, what ever happened?

Lin Yue's flashlight shone around, and found that the interior of the shelter was square, with an area of ​​nearly 200 square meters. There were many tables, chairs, benches, sofas, etc., which seemed to be a place to rest. However, Lin Yue also noticed that there are still a lot of cylindrical water storage tanks stacked in the corners, with numbers such as "1, 2, 3" written on them with dye.

"This refuge seems to be different from mine and everyone else's..." Lin Yue sighed and searched everywhere.

Soon, he found a downward metal staircase in the corner of the room.

Going down the metal stairs, Lin Yue soon came to a space similar to the one above.

There are a lot of metal shelves stacked here, but he checked it and found that there was not much on the shelves, most of which were rotten machinery and tools, and nothing to eat.

"Search first, then collect them all." The so-called wild goose plucking, Lin Yue didn't want to miss the opportunity to collect resources, but that must be after the search.

Continuing to turn around, I found two corpses with separate skulls and skeletons. They also had weapons in their hands. The incisions in the skull and neck were obvious, and the death was quite miserable.

This, like the ones above, was killed.

Also, who killed it.

Lin Yue checked the color of their bones and the rotten condition of their clothes, which were the same as those above.

"What happened here... was it attacked, or was it something inside?"

Without exception, these skeletons all had their heads facing the direction of the gate, and one even ran all the way to the ladder, which made Lin Yue feel that it was an internal problem, or that the enemy had invaded from the inside.

But, it doesn't matter.

The appearance of these bones is definitely not what they will become in dozens of days!

Lin Yue looked at the stairs that continued to descend, and then walked over.

After reaching this floor, he found himself entering a new space.

There's more space here, and...

More skeletons too!

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