The shadows of the black crows continue to gather in a huge room in the underground ruins.

In the flames and shadows of the flickering torches, the eyes of thirty-four beggars flickered. They held weapons in their hands and looked nervously at the two people standing in the front.

They are the leaders of these beggars, and they are also the guides who will lead them to defect to the big man.

"Next, we have to start from the S area of ​​this underground relic, and then go through the tunnel, which is much closer to the gathering place, gentlemen, we will arrive victoriously!"

Among the chat messages of everyone's system, there is also this message from Yanagisawa Shinji.

"Oh oh oh!!" Everyone present cheered, and then they each shouted again in their original language.

The shouting was also in the passage of the underground ruins, and there were continuous echoes.

Yanagisawa Shinji and Suzuki Kento were also quite excited at the moment.

They can finally end their life of homelessness and fear of not having enough to eat and clothing, nowhere to hide and fear.

Before the last disaster, the underground ruins could no longer survive, forcing them to leave there.

They followed the lizardmen for a long time and traveled to a mountainous area. In the face of serious difficulties such as high temperature and water shortage, they and the lizardmen kept falling behind or fell directly to the ground, and they never followed. superior.

Food began to be scarce, water was desperately scarce, and, combined with the extreme heat disaster that made it extremely easy to fall into a water-starved state, survival became extremely difficult.

After finally finding a cave where they could live, they had to huddle together with an unimaginable number of lizardmen who didn't know where they came from. Let's not say whether it's hot or not, the disgusting touch on the scales is also make them intolerable.

But even so, under the extreme heat, fire tornado and giant hail, they were completely unable to deal with it. In the end, both the beggars and the lizardmen lost nearly a third of their numbers. barely survived.

Among the dead corpses everywhere, they finally gathered together. After secretly communicating, they broke away from the lizard people and other beggars, and came to the underground ruins to live again.

However, the lack of food and drinking water, as well as the lack of combat power, made them increasingly powerless in the face of the survivors who had begun to re-explore the underground ruins.

Even more and more lizardmen and mutant creatures living in various caves have returned to the underground ruins, further compressing their living space.

And at a time when they were struggling, the person who had a certain prestige among the beggars suddenly contacted them at this time.

That person now has a team of nearly 1,000 people. The power is quite large, and the food and water are extremely abundant. He is also assisted by the old grandson who was originally a force in the survival team, which is even more powerful.

But the condition for joining that person proposed was to let them deal with Lin Yue together!

Lin Yue was the one who was number one in the world ranking, riding a huge white flying dragon, and also had a terrifying dragon like a chariot, dozens of robots with heavy firepower, stepped through several underground ruins, and killed the difficult. Imagine the number of lizards and their people, the strongest survivor!

Who doesn't know his horror?

Combat, supplies, exploration and appeal.

This strongest survivor is a monster that far surpasses everyone in every aspect!

Just like the last time, when this terrifying monster attacked the saltpeter mine, it not only used a dog-shaped robot that could launch rockets, a giant dragon that could fly hundreds of lizardmen with its own power, and a flying dragon soaring in the sky. It can even drive the giant creature with a giant size to fight the defenders of the saltpeter mine in an annihilation battle!

You must know that Lin Yue is only one person, not thousands of survivors!

Such a terrifying person, that person actually wants to destroy it? Really, can it be done?

Just because of these beggars who only have cold weapons?

The beggars do not like the title "beggar".

A man begging for his life? No, they feel they are "the ones who survive to the end"!

Living under the protection of the lizardmen, they are more accustomed to calling their group "survivors", rather than the "beggars" first proposed by Lin Yue and adopted by all the survivors in the end. name.

"We have no other choice, no matter what conditions, all we have to do is obey... In order to survive!" Yanagisawa Shinji said to everyone again in the chat group, "We have to live! So, we A choice must be made!"

"This is the consciousness that we survivors must have, even if the condition of joining is to kill that Lin Yue!"

Kento Suzuki waved his fists and shouted!

Everyone followed and yelled again.

The two leaders looked at each other.

Time waits for no one, you must go to meet that person early. As for killing Lin Yue or something, that's not that important. If you really can't, just run away. That person didn't say that there were already seven or eight hundred in the team. Isn't it easy to run away in chaos?

If it doesn't work, find those lizardmen again and start over.

The two of them thought well, after all, the two of them were the ones who managed to escape from Lin Yue's attack! Say it, it's no problem to blow it for a year!

"Okay, everyone follow us to the tunnel over there, after going out..."


Before Suzuki Kento finished speaking, suddenly, a loud noise came from an unknown direction, causing everyone to stop breathing!

"What, what?" Yanagisawa Shinji felt that his heart was about to stop. This sound was not the vibration of some underground ruins, but more like...


At this moment, a roar sounded again, and everyone felt the scalp numb instantly!

This is the roar of a mutant creature, and listening to the sound, it is the roar of a mutant creature whose size is definitely not too small!

"Then, what's that cry? Suzuki, let's get out of here! It's definitely not from the creatures in the original underground ruins! I'm afraid the sweat and blood of the lizardmen is useless!"

"Everyone, run!"

This group of people themselves is a mob, and neither Yanagisawa nor Suzuki has any leadership, so all of a sudden they are in a mess. They all ran straight towards the hidden tunnel with torches, but you pushed me and squeezed. The person fell to the ground instantly, and the torch fell to the ground, directly igniting the trousers of the person next to him!

Amidst the cries, running, and shouting, a rustling sound came one after another, and approached the group of beggars at a very fast speed!

As the first person screamed and fell down, the second and third also fell to the ground. Under the light of the flames on the beggar who had become a "burning man", one after another fell to the ground. A beggar was horrified to find that white lizards with fangs and fangs had climbed on them!

However, this was also the last picture they saw in the world.

With the severe pain and the accompanying blood splashes, their consciousness quickly disappeared...

The battle was over in no time.

Xiaomeng walked into this huge room, looked at the corpses all over the floor, and the little ice lizards who were lined up neatly waiting for it to arrive, and roared in satisfaction.

The task that the master explained is that as long as he encounters a beggar in this underground ruins, he should not show any kindness, but simply kill him.

Its giant claws pulled up the corpses one by one and carried them on their shoulders, and then ordered the little ice lizards in groups of ten to assist it in carrying the remaining corpses to the door.

The taste of a beggar is completely different from that of a survivor.

Most of them have some lizard people smell on them, so Xiaomeng can quickly identify them.

Soon, the thirty-six corpses were moved to the side of the underground ruins stone gate in two parts, and Xiaomeng took the trouble to move them to the huge underground warehouse opposite the gate.

"Goooo..." After Xiaomeng transported the corpses, he let the little ice lizards spray them with ice spray to ensure that the corpses would not rot quickly. This is what the owner, Lin Yue, taught it.

After stacking some stones and iron blocks next to the stone gate of the underground ruins, it instructed the little ice lizards to temporarily guard here, and then walked out of the shelter.

Looking at the blue sky outside, Xiaomeng sniffed around, but did not smell the smell of his master.

Master went out for a while, right?

At that time, when they explored the underground ruins, it also took some time, and finally found those beggars. This period of time was not too short, but the master and the others did not come back.

Is it, what happened?

In the sky, a vigorous flying dragon hovered and fell to the ground. Xiaomeng was very surprised when he saw Xiaoliuzi's anxious appearance. He quickly commanded the fifty little ice lizards he led and joined the team guarding the shelter!

An enemy is coming!


The dragon landed on the outside of the huge mine, where there was a blackened "forest".

Lin Yue jumped to the ground and stretched out his sore arm.

Flying long distances is actually quite tiring.

In particular, he had to keep lying prone on the dragon's back, and he had to hold the edges of his wings with both hands. He had to endure both the violent wind pressure and the sound of the howling wind, which was really uncomfortable.

"I really should get a helmet out of the box. The Tianlong battle helmet doesn't seem to work. It's sturdy, but it also leaks."

Lin Yue now desperately wants a pilot's helmet to wear. He doesn't want to wear earmuffs before flying out, so he has no choice.

"Quack." Xiaobai looked at Lin Yue and shook his head, indicating that he had no such troubles.

Wind pressure or something, how comfortable.

"Good guy, what's going on here?" Lin Yue smacked Xiao Bai lightly, and then looked at the saltpeter mine that had become unfamiliar.

Even if Lin Yue didn't use a telescope, he could still see the lizard people who had reappeared above the city wall and were patrolling.

At that time, because the electricity could not be maintained under the huge hailstorm, he directly removed the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun station, and made the saltpeter mine become an undefended place again.

During the period of time after the disaster, the lizard people re-occupied the place and started mining saltpeter again.

"Quack?" Xiaobai yawned and signaled to Lin Yue that there weren't too many lizardmen here. If he wanted to fight, it wouldn't take too long.

"Oh, is that so? It seems that I can warm up a little. It feels like I haven't fought these green-scaled monsters for a long time."

Although I feel that there are too many copper treasure chests, I can't open anything very good, but Xiaobai seems to be a little addicted to opening the treasure chest. He simply killed a wave of lizardmen, and then saved more and let Xiaobai open the treasure chest. Have fun!

He took out the sniper pistol that had just been fired, and put the MP5 on his back to hang it. Lin Yue decided to attack directly this time!

No matter how many lizardmen there are in it, no matter if there are any heavy guards in it, it will be over.

With enough firepower, you don't actually need any tactics to deal with these lizardmen. One shot at a time is guaranteed not to be messy.


"Xiao Bai, go straight to the city wall and start killing there! Condescending!"

"Quack!" Xiaobai opened his wings, and the lizardmen on the other side of the city wall also noticed it. From the gap, a group of lizardmen rushed out.

However, Lin Yue didn't want to kill them right away.

Xiaobai hovered high in the sky, and after avoiding the spear attacks of several lizards on the city wall, he also put Lin Yue on the city wall, and it rushed directly to the mine pit, to the lizardmen who had begun to gather there. The Legion spewed a violent icy spray!

Here, Lin Yue had already used a sniper pistol to instantly kill the twelve lizardmen who were charging at him calling "Sasa" on the city wall. Round sniper!

In the face of absolute advantage, the battle time often does not last too long.

This time, it's still the same.

The lizardmen on the city wall and those hidden in the fortresses were all killed by Lin Yue with one shot, while the lizardmen and beggars in the mine were like ants and bugs, being played by Xiaobai. and drove to a small area.

Xiaobai is very smart, knowing that the beggars should be killed first, and its speed is astonishingly fast, directly using sharp claws to chop off the heads of these screaming garbage one by one.

As for the rest of the lizardmen, it is left to the owner to handle.

Opening the treasure chest is really interesting. If you kill these lizardmen yourself, then the treasure chest will not explode.

"Xiao Bai, do you really keep this little guy for me?" Lin Yue saw that there were no beggars standing, so he picked up the sprayer, put on earmuffs, and turned to the lizard people. Whispering.

To deal with them, Lin Yue has no mercy or any other feelings. As long as he spares these guys, maybe at some point, these guys will come back to kill him with more of their companions.

Between humans and lizardmen, there is no need for any common and peaceful coexistence.

Can't get along.

Humans are still fighting, can there be peace with this kind of monster that has wisdom and will eat people as a normal thing?


The last gunshot ended, Lin Yue looked at the copper treasure chest all over the floor and Xiao Bai who was looking forward to it, and smiled gratified.

"Xiao Bai, don't worry, I'll definitely let you drive when I look back!"

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