Dozens of black smoke rose, and the constant explosions turned the originally peaceful refuge into a battlefield in an instant!

The continuous rushing, roaring and screaming came one after another amid the frequent explosions, and the spears and swords that shone with metal light also reflected one after another light in the constant waving.

"Sa! Sa!!"

An armored lizardman raised a long golden sword and roared at the motionless giant dragon in the distance ahead!

Its green scales are also shaking with this roar!

Nearly a thousand lizardmen legions around him also roared at the giant dragon in front of him at the same time. The long bows in their hands were neatly raised, and the metal arrows with sharp arrows were also aimed at the hill!


Following the long howl of the armored lizardmen, nearly a thousand lizardmen lifted their long bows and pulled the bowstrings out of the full moon!

The arrow is like a meteor shower, and the sound is like the cry of a thousand birds!

An extremely dense rain of arrows erupted, which is also the rain of death that almost all creatures fear!


However, the giant dragon didn't care, wantonly bathing in this deadly arrow, letting those arrows that could easily penetrate the skin of mutant creatures bloom on his body.

The lizard people were horrified to see that in front of the dragon's bone armor, those arrows were completely useless and were bounced and broken, without causing any damage to it!


The sudden roar of the giant dragon frightened the lizardmen to keep retreating, and even overwhelmed the stunned leader of the golden-knife armored lizardmen!

At the same time, nearly a hundred silver flashes suddenly burst out from all over the place, and rushed directly into the original neat team of the lizard people, and the screams suddenly replaced their original arrogant roars!

In the eyes of the giant dragon, seeing that the lizardmen were being killed by the little ice lizards, he immediately turned to another direction.

In the distance here, there are some human beings with a completely different smell from those lizardmen-beggars!

"Goooo..." It knew that this time these enemies were really not easy.

These enemies deliberately launched such a huge force when their master was away, and quickly surrounded the place with a gust of wind and thunder.

These enemies are not easy to deal with without walls.

Xiaomeng looked at the surrounding buildings and knew that as long as it was a little sloppy, and the owner collected materials and built it with great difficulty, I am afraid that it will turn to ashes today!

The enemy is coming, and it seems to have been prepared for a long time...

Although they have always been on the defensive and counterattack, the number of enemies is simply too many.

Moreover, they also attacked from all directions!

They even threw them indiscriminately with explosives that made a loud noise and dazzling fire!

Xiaomeng had reason to believe that this group of enemies had planned all this long ago and made sufficient preparations to do so.

It is a little worried now, can they kill so many enemies without walls and masters?

At this time, another rain of arrows came, and Xiaomeng growled, ordering the little ice lizards to fight back against the lizardmen rushing from the other direction!


Outside the battlefield.

Levec bit the grassroots in his mouth and had a cruel smile on his face.

The guards are strong, stronger than the last time he was here.

I have to say that this guy Lin Yue's strength is really bottomless. After only 20 days, he once again gained even more terrifying power!

I remembered the last time I led a force of 500 people to attack this place, when Lin Yue single-handedly killed a piece of armor.

If it weren't for the fact that there was an ancient secret gate nearby, they might not have been able to survive until now.

Levec closed his eyes. He could still remember that Lin Yue was riding on the white flying dragon. He easily defeated their defense line with just two iron spears, and successfully made them die. The mad dog's fear switch is turned back on. Then, he panicked and got into the ancient gate of the secret realm together with a large group of outlaws who were originally aggressive as if they could strangle Lin Yue at any time, and luckily saved their lives.

Opposite the ancient gate is a sanctuary. Not long after they entered it, the flying monster pterosaurs in the secret realm rushed over, and even almost wiped out their entire army!

There are less than 80 out of 300 people who escaped from the dead and finally returned to another world!

At that time, he felt that it was outrageous to be tempted to attack Lin Yue's shelter and want to kill Lin Yue.

It's like hitting a stone with an egg!

And now, the combat effectiveness of Lin Yue's Refuge has also been enhanced again. That terrifying giant dragon that can almost ignore arrows was not there at all last time!

Those white things that can't be seen are also amazing!

If they encountered this kind of combat power when they came last time, then it is estimated that five hundred people will not be able to escape, and it is estimated that all of them will be killed here.

Leveke glanced back at a few large lizardmen, and then looked at their position further back, the leader of the lizardmen who was sitting firmly on a wooden chair.

This is the last place. It is almost two kilometers away from Lin Yue's refuge. Even if the giant dragon attacks, they will have time to escape.

This time, about 15,000 lizardmen were dispatched, and they, the survivors, came with less than 200.

And he, the leader of these 200 people, is to act accordingly at the end.

This time the battle was actually a bit accidental. They did stay nearby with these one person, waiting for that person to lead the army to arrive.

However, during their investigation, they suddenly discovered that the walls of Lin Yue's shelter were disappearing little by little!

And Lin Yue himself even rode the huge flying dragon to the east.

According to the analysis of his subordinates, Lin Yue should have gone to the saltpeter mine, and there is also a small lizardmen army guarding it. If he goes there, he will indeed be able to make his Unable to return.

This is also a good opportunity to attack the Linyue Refuge!

Lin Yue is very strong, that's right.

But there is no wall in his refuge, only the giant dragon with a higher defense is a trouble, and the others are nothing to be afraid of!

If the attack of the 15,000 Lizardmen can be captured, it would be the best, but if he can't capture it, he also has the confidence to escape from this place!

"In any case, I don't care about others, but I will never die. When that person leads the army to attack, I will also have a share of the pie!"

Leverwick listened to the shouts and roars of the battle in the distance, and glanced at the entrance to the cave just behind him, thinking that if Lin Yue came back, it would take him a few seconds to back up there and leave.

However, suddenly a gust of wind picked up, and he was looking around in confusion.

However, he suddenly found that his neck was warm for a while, his line of sight suddenly slanted, and then he fell into the wild grass on the ground at a very fast speed.

He looked around in disbelief. The heads of more than 30 people also fell to the ground, and a huge amount of blood spurted from their necks also drowned their eyes that were slowly becoming godless and empty. ...

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