Looking at the entrance like a manhole cover that he had seen before, Lin Yue felt that it was necessary to start remodeling from here.

After all, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng couldn't get in through this narrow entrance, and it was quite inconvenient to have only such an entrance.

The so-called Three Caves of Crafty Rabbit have to set up emergency exits anyway, just like the main shelter. In the basement, there are three emergency exits in all directions.

These three emergency exits can provide great convenience for him to quickly leave the main shelter when an emergency occurs, and can also become his special criminal police means at some point.

Therefore, Lin Yue still has a high utilization rate of them.

But this so-called doomsday bunker doesn't seem to consider such a thing at all, and there is only one exit and entrance.

If you want to come to the ground immediately from the fourth underground floor, you must go up stairs one by one, and then after reaching the first underground floor, you have to go through a long passage, and then climb the ladder to get out of the entrance and exit.

As a result, after the miserable old brother in the library went mad because of being green, everyone who was chased and killed didn't even have a chance to escape to the exit.

If there were some emergency exits at that time, this old man might not be able to kill a few, and the others could escape.

"The gate is the first step. First, give him an expansion, then make the alloy gate, and then..."

Soon, under the familiar light, an alloy gate three meters wide and two meters high appeared in front of him.

Then, Lin Yue placed the gate next to the original gate, and as he expected, the sound of the system sounded successfully.

[Upgrading the gate of the Refuge to an alloy gate requires a universal upgrade design drawing! 】

"Naturally it is confirmed, then next, there will be more than a little transformation."

After successfully upgrading the gate, the next purpose of Lin Yue is the downward passage, the emergency exit, the expansion of the corresponding storey of the shelter, and the simple room renovation.

After spending 12 universal upgrade design drawings and many design drawings of the shelter, Lin Yue finally built this doomsday bunker into what he wanted!

"The entrance is enlarged, the downward passage is changed to a slope style, and the height of the basement floor is lowered to ten meters below the ground. There are two emergency exits on each of the first to fifth floors, and there are about ten air vents on each floor. In addition, Increase the area of ​​the third and fourth floors, keep the same up and down, and add a fifth floor, but the space and height are larger and higher than the other four floors, used as the swimming pool and the living space of the little ice lizards, and then …”

Pushing open the door, Lin Yue walked out of the doomsday bunker, which had changed a lot in structure and layout.

Xiaobai had come back at some unknown time, and the twenty little ice lizards headed by the red line also looked at Lin Yue with interest.

They seem to have come directly here.

"Oh, it's just right, but things haven't been completed yet. Just wait a little longer." Lin Yue took out a high-precision research workbench from the storage space, and touched it. At the gate of the Doomsday Bunker.

[You have obtained the design drawing of the highly enhanced doomsday bunker! 】

At the same time as the sound of the system sounded, after the original gate on the ground disappeared, the rumbling sound instantly sounded, Lin Yue kept retreating, and the smoke raised after the dust hit the deep pit also floated out.

Soon, a very deep pit appeared where the original doomsday bunker was located!

"I can make a small pond here, look back to see where the water is more abundant, and then lead it to... eh? It seems to be good over there." Lin Yue saw a location that was more than one kilometer not far away, just right There is a low-lying land that has formed a large water surface.

Lin Yue and Xiaobai looked at them in the past, and they unexpectedly discovered that there were even some dark shadows swimming in this small lake.

What's the matter, is there such a strange fish here?

Lin Yue observed for a while and found that the size of this strange fish seemed to be quite large. He really wanted to hunt fish blindly before, but where did they come from?

He came to the shore of the lake, but the shadows swam directly from everywhere, approaching the shore!


Xiaobai suddenly roared, and the black shadow in the lake instantly set off a mess of waves, and instantly fled to the depths of the lake.

"Good guy, is this a natural enemy?" Lin Yue said while identifying the lake water.

No problem, as much as you can drink.

He glanced at the storage space, took nearly 1,000 cubic meters of water directly, and then returned to the big pit just now.

"How about a swimming pool?" Lin Yue thought about it, then looked at the big pit again, planning the general shape and many ideas in his mind.

The bottom of the big pit is about 20 to 30 meters high from the ground, and the length and width are close to 20 meters. In fact, it is quite huge.

If you want to fill it up, you need even a huge volume of water of about 12,000 cubic meters.

If you directly cover the surrounding soil with stones, it will be a fairly deep pit. Although there is water, it seems to be meaningless if it is so deep.

The place where the little ice lizards originally lived was the kind of cave with very low temperature, and the water source where they played in the water was the kind of underground river that was not too deep.

So deep is not necessary, as long as they are large enough, they can still have fun.

"First borrow soil to raise the depth here, and then adjust the height difference." Lin Yue had his own idea, and he quickly followed this idea and implemented it step by step.

Lin Yue walked to the small hill on the other side and began to pick up the soil on this side, and he took the trouble to put the soil into the big pit.

The depth of twenty or thirty meters was quickly filled in gradually, and finally reached a position nearly eight meters above the ground.

Then, he came to the bottom of the pit and covered the surrounding area completely with stones, finally forming a fully integrated molding.

If you want to make a swimming pool, then you have to have deep water areas and shallow water areas. After all, Xiaobai Xiaomeng's body size is very different from other little ice lizards.

After considering these, Lin Yue began to build a huge swimming pool at the bottom of the pit.

This swimming pool is actually quite easy to do. After you get the height you want, you can just block one side.

It didn't take long, a 20-meter-long and wide swimming pool with a depth of less than 3.5 meters and a shallowest part of only 1.5 meters was completed.

Then, Lin Yue poured the water he got before, and then went back and forth a few times, and finally filled the pool with a sufficient amount of water.

However, Lin Yue also discovered that the water in the small lake over there was really inexhaustible, and it didn't go down at all for a long time.

After completing the swimming pool, Lin Yue was directly brought to the land by Xiaobai, and he immediately built a huge cover with alloy to cover the big pit.

After that, he used a lot of alloys to support it here.

As for the entrance, it is naturally the doomsday bunker that will be built in a while.

"It seems to be quite large."

Looking at the completed roof of the fully enclosed swimming pool, Lin Yue couldn't help but get excited.

The next thing to do is an all-alloy doomsday bunker!

Soon, the white light also lit up at the feet chosen by Lin Yue!

[You have built an alloy high-strength reinforced doomsday bunker! 】


Ke Bin: "Damn it, what are you talking about? You seem to be saying that Lin Yue has done something big again, right?"

Gregory: "Come to eat melons? The melons are almost sour. It seems that when Lin Yue was not in the shelter, he was able to destroy 15,000 lizards and beggars with the help of the guards alone. Well, in the end, the gang left behind more than 4,000 corpses and ran away!"

Sean: "The surviving beggars seem to have serious PTSD in the end? A large group of people came over just now and said that Lin Yue was too scary, terrifying or something, and also posted a lot of dead bodies on the battlefield. The photos are simply outrageous.”

He Fugui: "The two of you upstairs are not talking about the main point, okay? The main point is that the deity Lin Yue once asked the head here before, does anyone know? Have you ever seen the head to ask who this is? A batch of good or bad!"

Toshito Fujii: "Levik is quite a strong man, right? It seemed like yesterday that 500 people stormed the Linyue Refuge, so he ran away directly, but this time he brought 15,000 troops to attack Lin. He went to a shelter in Vietnam, and the casualties were heavy, and he himself was in it."

Ke Bin: "No, you guys are talking about myths, right? I know Lin Yueqiang, but he can still destroy that Levec, the 10,000 Five Army? It's too bullshit, you guys?"

James: "Actually, buddy, who wants to boost other people's prestige and destroy their own morale? I would be closer to the hole, or my head would have been cut off by the flying shadow, then the giant dragon would lead the way. Countless white lizards have been charging towards us, and the entire formation of the lizardmen has collapsed, okay? The leader finally lost his armor and armor. So the more than 100 people who survived are now free from the beggars. So , Do you want me, I have a lot of supplies in my hand, and I want to chat privately."

Cassandra: "I'm a woman, I like men, I'm looking for support."

Kasbah: "This refuge village has been recruiting people for a long time. It has abundant resources, and it is not tiring to work. There are many beautiful women. Come here and enjoy it!"

Kim Jae-suk: "Is there anyone who offers spicy cabbage? I'll exchange it for something good. We can negotiate the terms. This world heritage is ours!"

Tang Fei: "My dear, it's okay to eat pickles and feel proud, but this is another world that still wants to steal this Tang Dynasty stuff from you?"

Kim Jae-suk: "What did you say!"

Tang Fei: "I said it's a millimeter compared to your size, right? Pinch your fingers.jpg."

Jin Zaishi: "My 100 meters! Your picture has seriously hurt us, report your location, I'm going to kill you!"


As the night approached, the number of people speaking on the World Channel gradually increased.

After a tiring day, everyone poured into the World Channel.

After several upgrades, the current World Channel has changed the original only two messages per person per day to ten. After the population of all human beings continues to decrease, the system seems to be designed to make the remaining people more Be hilarious and make changes.

And this has caused more useless information to flood in. A good topic was quickly diluted by other useless information, and finally fell into a kind of farce.

Just after Lin Yue finished building the alloy doomsday fortress, he opened a door between the first floor of the doomsday fortress and the swimming pool. After seeing the little ice lizards running in to play, he also took out the sofa. The lowest floor of the new sub-refuge rested.

But he found that when you take a break, you should take a break directly, instead of going to watch some world channel boringly.

Although the World Channel did have some upgrades, Lin Yue also felt that this was not a convenience given by the system, but rather a malicious intent to disturb the survivors.

A lot of useless information made Lin Yue feel that when he watched World Channel, he was wasting his time instead of resting.

"Speaking of which, Xiaobai is really energetic." Lin Yue lay on his back on the sofa, closing his eyes and relaxing his body.

Xiaobai will go to the small lake now, and he seems to want to catch all the strange fish in it, and he is very interested.

The bright lights shining on him also made him feel the power of technology.

The people in the doomsday bunker in the past could not enjoy such things as "electricity", and it seemed that they had always used relatively backward torches or fuel for lighting.

This seems to be completely unworthy of the oil extraction and refining platform with a high-tech feel outside.

After building this doomsday bunker, Lin Yue quickly laid a small photovoltaic power generation array nearby to supply electricity here.

Electricity is the most basic guarantee for enjoying many conveniences, and these guarantees also show their power in the doomsday bunker that he has transformed.

In the room on the first floor, he has placed two fresh-keeping freezers, which are filled with various foods.

If the little ice lizards want to eat, let the red line open the freezer door and take it out from the inside.

If you want to eat it cold, you can eat it directly, or you can put it outside for a while if you want to eat it at room temperature.

All in all, no hassle.

The things in the fresh-keeping freezer are probably enough for these little guys for about three days. When the time comes, Xiaobai will fly over and bring them back into the freezer.

For water, you can just drink the water from the pool or the small lake over there, but you don't need to prepare any more.

As for the work of the red line and the other nineteen little ice lizards, it starts from here, and then enters the vicinity of the oil extraction and refining platform through the ventilation holes that Lin Yue had set up on the fence and the city wall, and is responsible for patrolling and vigilance.

Whether it is day or night, they are responsible for guarding the safety of the platform walls.

The medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stand and the robot dog cannot be placed around the platform at all. Their firepower can easily ignite the crude oil. If the bullet hits the platform and causes an incident such as leakage, I am afraid it will be terrifying in an instant. After the explosion, it turned this place into a sea of ​​terrifying fire!

It can even lead to even more terrifying problems.

That's why Lin Yue took such pains to design.

The medium-sized electric sentry machine gun stand was placed on the five-meter city wall on the first floor, with the barrel rushing out, while the robot dog, which was strong in swimming and liked to attack nimbly, was placed between the city wall and the fence. The fence was three meters high. Bullets don't miss the platform because they will go over the wall.

In case of an enemy, even if it is lucky enough to break through the double blockade of the robot dog and the sentry machine gun station and enter the wall where the oil platform is located, then these little ice lizards will be under the leadership of the red line. .

The site selection of the Doomsday Fortress has also considered the distribution and depth of oil mines, so as to prevent oil from pouring in and making the Doomsday Fortress uninhabitable.


At this time, Xiaobai suddenly came in from outside, wet all over, but he seemed quite happy. He kept his arms behind him, which was different from usual.

"Have you found anything good? It's mysterious, haha." Lin Yue stretched out his hand to Xiao Bai, waiting for a surprise.

"Quack!" Xiaobai wagged his tail and stretched out his big left paw from behind him.

And in its big claws, there is a huge gem!

"Wait, this gem... looks a little familiar!?"

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