Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 417 Important information about the entire human race (add more for the leader Bai Shiyu!)

If it is said that the biggest gain this time, Lin Yue feels that it is not the platinum treasure chest obtained by killing two giant creatures.

It wasn't the treasure chest that was as high as 60,000 or 70,000, nor did it kill Du Ping's confidant, nor was it the storage space for nearly 20,000 people.

But at this moment, this "Systempad" in his hands.

This thing is an embodiment of the system in a different world, and it completely synchronizes the virtual system in the mind to this tablet computer.

No matter which function of the system, Lin Yue can find it on it, and the response speed is extremely smooth and fast, not to mention that it also has some functions that the original system did not have.

What Lin Yue was looking at at the moment was a folder that Du Ping had done for various things since he got this artifact.

In the folder, there are documents, photos and videos, and no matter which one is, it is extremely precious information.

Among them, the documents are divided into three categories: "Gem", "Lin Yue" and "Information Summary".

Regarding "Lin Yue", Lin Yue had already read it once, and what impressed him was the theory of "human evolution" proposed by Du Ping.

There is a lot of important information above, and if we put it all together...

"The 'high fever' caused by that giant creature seems to be a kind of 'elimination'. Most people seem to be dead, while a few people, such as the owner of the diary, have great power, Liu Kai has and lizards The ability of people to communicate, and I have the ability to make Xiaobai evolve..."

Although there are arguments and arguments, to be honest, Lin Yue thinks it is outrageous.

Can I make the little ice lizards evolve? The 100% explosion rate of the treasure chest is also an evolutionary ability?

good guy.

When I first came here, I have the ability to explode treasure chests 100%.

As for the evolution of the little ice lizard, Lin Yue can clearly remember that when Xiaobai evolved into a flying dragon for the second time, he had a high fever.

What was the last evolution?

Therefore, he scoffed at this argument and speculation.

As for the survivor with strange power, it seems that he is the one who will find the diary in the empty shelter. This is just a mention here. It is estimated that Du Ping has not obtained this tablet yet, so No record.

As for Liu Kai's...

The ability to communicate with the Lizardmen? It's just a translation, right?

Lin Yue remembered that he would go to Liu Kai's refuge village, and found that it was deserted, and when only Zhang Lei was left, Zhang Lei once said that Liu Kai went crazy and killed people.

Who knows if this so-called "translation" is self-taught?

Perhaps the Lizardmen and the Beggars could be mobilized by Du Ping, thanks to Liu Kai's translation...

Lin Yue thought so, and opened the document named "Gem".

And soon he found out what the broken stone in Du Ping's storage space was for.

"There's a photo... my dear, the night pearl, right?" Lin Yue took out the light green stone that looked unremarkable and identified it. It was indeed a "night pearl", no, it should be called a "night pearl". Akashi" is correct.

And this is also recorded as the "jewel" of the Lizardmen in the document.

Lin Yue scrolled down from the document and found that the diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds that had been taken away were actually linked to him.

Moreover, this seems to be something that the lizard people absolutely cannot lose.

It also says that you can use this to mobilize those lizardmen.

Oh, that's it.

This page, turned to the end, is a picture and a video.

The picture Lin Yue was very familiar with was the one he had seen every time in the huge room, the mural.

What is depicted on this fresco is a magical and eerie sacrificial process.

Lin Yue took a closer look and made a conclusion.

"The gems seem to be used by the lizardmen to summon something. It is exactly the same as what Lao Sun said. There is nothing noteworthy in the video, it is the same as the photo."

Jewel... There is a mysterious ritual about a lizardman, the object of summoning, it seems to be able to be seen from the picture.

It's the two full moons.

What is there on the moon?

Lin Yue looked up at the sky.

Clear blue.

The moon... still has to come out at night.

Emmmm...let's get down to business, there's so much information on this tablet that it's impossible to digest it all at once.

Putting the tablet back into the storage space, Lin Yue walked back to the shelter Du Ping and Lao Sun made out of anxiety.

With a light touch, he obtained eleven design drawings of the shelter.

At this time, Xiaomeng also carried Lao Sun's body back and put it together with Du Ping's body held by Xiaobai.

Lin Yue looked at the two corpses, and finally looked at Lao Sun.

This old thing obviously has nothing to say, but there are many night dreams, to be honest, you can't keep it all the time.

I ate all the hard and soft just now, and this old guy never said anything about some key points.

For example, how did Du Ping and he gather so many lizards and beggars.

After all, this amount is too outrageous, and whether the gem is in his hands, Du Ping, can he fool such a lizard man and a beggar with just one mouth?

It can even dispatch so many secret realm monsters, including the strength of Storm Flying Lizard and Poison Tianlong.

70,000 lizardmen, 20,000 beggars... No matter how you look at it, it seems incredible.

And, one more thing.

In fact, Lin Yue has always had quite a big question.

Let's not talk about the "first survival" of this group of people, there must be such a thing, or there is absolutely no reason to say it in the doomsday bunker.

The key point is how Lao Sun and Xing Lingfeng returned to Earth.

According to that diary, both Xing Lingfeng and Lao Sun disappeared.

And Lao Sun just said that he and Xing Lingfeng both returned to the earth after passing through a white ancient gate in the secret realm.

However, there is a problem here.

The statement of the diary was recorded by the owner of the diary, the man named Wang Gang who listened to Lao Sun's description.

Even though what Lao Sun just confessed was highly consistent with what was written in the diary, it was also what Lao Sun said!

In other words, Xing Lingfeng and Lao Sun went to explore, and then saw the ancient white secret gate by the small lake, Xing Lingfeng left and disappeared halfway, and the old sun himself found the ancient white secret gate...

There is no second person to prove it!

It can even be directly concluded that these are not very credible.

Unless Xing Lingfeng is caught and asked carefully, otherwise, this matter is dead and unproven.

As for the reason why Lin Yue is so concerned now.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Humans cannot survive in this other world for a long time.

A disaster every seven days, dangerous mutant creatures, lizardmen threatening survival...

Barren mines, ubiquitous systems, and the intrigue and weirdness that lie beneath the surface of everything...

Compared to here, even the earth in a few decades will be much better than here!

If you can find a way to go back, you don't have to be forced by the system to participate in some kind of disaster survival game.

Then the entire human race will, like the past, become the master of the earth again!

And the peaceful life of the past will return.

"Xing Lingfeng...will be a key."

It was definitely not Pandora's Box that was opened!

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