"Huh? All of them?"

When Lin Yue looked at the quotation from the leader of the refuge village named "Caroline", he was indeed a little surprised.

After all, he really never thought that the canned salted fish fillets from Blind Hunting Fish would be so popular.

After all, I haven't even eaten it, so it's okay to ask for everything when I come up.


Lin Yue also saw the strong curiosity shown by many people from the long list of quotations.

Of course, there are also extreme food cravings.

As for this Caroline, she may have sensed the impending disaster, so she was anxious to have some food reserves.

Of course, maybe just like fish is also possible.

Looking back at the bid.

Lin Yue found out that there were more than three hundred people making offers.

Alloy more or less, but there are some.

For now, Caroline's bid is the most suitable.

"However, if you only sell it to such a person, the benefits you will get later will not be as much as if you sell it to 200 people."

Lin Yue's thinking was very complicated.

Canned fish is for the market, not for a certain refuge village.

The other party thinks it is good, and then there will be more sales, not that other people can only watch.

In that case, it would be better to sell it to Fei Yue directly.

Lin Yue directly ignored Caroline's offer and began to confirm other people's bids.

Although the taste of canned salted fish steaks is not amazing, it has indeed reached a certain level, at least it is delicious.

These people have grabbed the first time, and if they feel good, they will continue.

Word of mouth will continue to ferment, so that this industry can continue.

After all, this canned salted fish steak, to be honest, is not a hard currency at all.

The reason why everyone is interested in it, Lin Yue thinks, is that it is an industrial product, the first one in this different world, and everyone wants to go back and study it, after all, it didn't exist before.

Secondly, it seems that other than his grass carp, fish products have never appeared before, let alone processed ones.

Moreover, things like blind hunting and hunting fish seem to be found everywhere, and the number is huge.

Lin Yue really wanted to know why they appeared so densely, and why they appeared in some puddles that had just appeared...


When did blind hunting fish appear in large numbers?

Seems like...after a giant hailstorm?

Lin Yue suddenly realized.

Good guy, that's how it is.

However, there is indeed a problem. If these fish fell together, did they not fall to death?

Or, in fact, were the fish originally in the ice?

Not right, how did they grow so big?

Eat mutated creatures crushed to death by ice cubes? Also said that it grew up from the mutated creatures that accidentally drowned in it?

However, no matter how I think about it, I feel that these fish appear strangely, and the number of them is really elusive.

Thinking about this, Lin Yue began to confirm the bidding information one by one, and sold the cans one by one.

And then, on the World Channel, the bidders couldn't help exclaiming after receiving the cans!

Karami: "This, this is so delicious, I declare that it will be called Linyue Brand Fish Canned from now on!"

Park Renyong: "Why is it more delicious than kimchi? I don't admit it, but, but...ah, this meat quality reminds me of my mother's taste!"

Belgrim: "Oh, even though it's just salted... no, how did we get it? Isn't that card all inclusive? What's going on?"

Luo Yingling: "Maybe Lin Yue thinks the price is low? No, it's not low either?"

Gusta: "Strategy, strategy, Lin Yue is really scary..."

Lin Ming: "This wave, this wave is called business acumen, let's not talk about it. If Lin Yue releases it again, I will still buy it. By the way, when you didn't notice, I placed an order for three fish, a half-meter-long big grass carp. , good fellow!"

Caroline: "Why? My bid is low? Lin Yue, if you put up another 200, I'll still cover it all! I'll make a price you can't refuse!"

Gusta: "Don't worry about it, big sister, next time you think you will pay a high price, right? It's only one or two pieces of alloy, who can't afford it?"

Belgrim: "Exactly, but why do I think it's up to us to grab it next? Everyone in our refuge village ate a little bit and said it wasn't enough. Lin Yue, expand sales. We'll start at least ten boxes!"


It seems that the evaluation is good.

Lin Yue turned off the World Channel, and glanced at the 661 pieces of alloy he had just obtained in the storage space.

It seems that the choice is not wrong.

After all, what Caroline gave was only 650 yuan.

Not only in terms of strategy, but also in terms of actual acquisition, it surpasses the practice of giving it to one person alone.

"Then, you don't have to be polite about the rest! Throw all the canned fish on top, and maybe let Xiaobai catch some more fish tomorrow? And, you can also top it with the meat of a donkey-headed lion first."

Lin Yue looked at the rice pot and found that it had just been steamed. He put all the rice in the storage space and continued to wash the rice and cook.

Do it while you have time.

One meal can be enough for at least a week. In this case, if there is any special situation, the meal here is at least somewhat guaranteed.

Putting the remaining 700 cans of fish on top, Lin Yue continued to process the donkey-headed lion meat. After decomposing the ribs and meat pieces, he carefully cut off the leg meat.

Under his skillful operation, the recovered donkey-headed lion soon became quite neat pieces of ingredients.

Then, cut the onion, season with salt, pepper, soy sauce, etc., and marinate the general meat.

Putting away the remaining bones, skin, etc., Lin Yue finally packed up everything when dusk came.

"It's quite tiring, but today is also quite fulfilling."

Lin Yue stretched his waist, watched the black smoke column getting higher and higher outside the city wall, and walked into the processing plant.

Walking to the side of the canning production line, first put a large amount of meat into the barrel, and then started the machine, Lin Yue saw that the meat had begun to be constantly turned by the stirring plate inside.

"It's working well, but this time, I won't make the purely salty one, let's add some seasoning."

Lin Yue walked to the seasoning box, and after putting in the rock salt, he suddenly had a whim, gave up the idea of ​​putting in potatoes, and took out another devil pepper.

A single piece of this thing is also very spicy, and it will directly make the giant creature - pack bull snake dragon roll all over the ground, which is its horror.

However, if you only cut it to such an extent, if you put it in this huge amount of meat...

it should be no problem.

Lin Yue used a dagger to cut off a small bit like a short nail and put it in the seasoning box.

"Let's borrow a little bit of spiciness. Anyway, donkey-headed lion meat is not too much. Let's produce some in limited quantities first. If it can't be sold, or if it's not popular, then don't make it next time."

Thinking of this, Lin Yue added some soy sauce and other seasonings, and finally started the machine.

With the gradually familiar roar of machinery, Lin Yue finally completed the work.

It will take some time before the canning is ready, and this will be just enough for a good rest.

It's been a busy day, isn't it?

However, it's getting dark soon, let the little ice lizards, Xiao Meng and Xiao Bai all come back.

After driving outside, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng were still fighting. Lin Yue watched for a while, and found that during this time, they had disposed of more than half of the corpses.

Really working hard.

Lin Yue first drove to the edge of the battlefield, and looked at the little ice lizards who were still busy working. He suddenly found that the robot dogs had already stood in place and turned on the solar panels to charge, as if they had completed all the work. look.

The little ice lizards cried out happily when they saw Lin Yue coming, but they immediately jumped into the huge pit and continued to search for the storage space.

But in front of him, Lin Yue actually saw two hills that looked like the light spots in the storage space that he would find at noon!

"It's really hard work, you guys."

Lin Yue's hand reached out to one of the hills.

[You get 3 cubic meters of storage space]


The continuous system sound sounded again.

And as the voice kept repeating, the number of his storage space also continued to increase crazily!

The original 16,322 cubic meters has gradually grown!

From 20,000, it gradually grew to 25,000, until finally, when Lin Yue took the last light spot of the storage space into his bag, the total amount of his storage space had reached the terrifying figure of 31,004 cubic meters !


The little ice lizards were still looking for them. Although when he collected these light spots in the storage space, they didn't find even one more, but Lin Yue felt that, given another day, all the light spots would be wiped out. Find it.

"31,000 cubic meters of storage space... It seems that if I can go to the secret realm, I can do terrible things."

Lin Yue looked around, and there was a wooden door that was about to be buried by weeds a little further to the east, that is, within one or two hundred meters.

And that, it seemed, was what he could explore tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, I will finally be able to show off my skills. Moreover, it seems that I can search for steel materials that can build those tracks by the way."

Lin Yue still wanted to build two tracks leading to the saltpeter mine and Shiyouhe mine respectively. Whether it was a train or something else, he didn't have many materials at present.

However, it does seem to be possible to look for it tomorrow.

This huge storage space, even a whole train can fit in it?

Lin Yue thought about this, and then looked at the fruits of labor of the robot dogs.

The treasure chests like hills were piled up together, casting an extremely long shadow under the setting sun.

"Is this finally the end..." After spending two days, all the treasure chests were finally dug out.

Lin Yue walked over and put them into the storage space. Finally, he checked the quantity again.

"5443. Including the previous ones... is there really almost 70,000?"

Seventy thousand copper treasure chests, what kind of concept is this?

Even if he opens 10,000 of them casually, the things that come out of them can fill up his warehouse once!

"Opening the treasure chest will be quite troublesome, laborious and boring... It seems that the little ice lizards are just right for this kind of thing?"

Of course, there is also the big cute little fierce, this product has been fooled by Xiaobai enough, it is estimated that in the future, it will also be confused, boring, sluggish, sleepy and other emotions because of the constant opening of the box...

But Lin Yue didn't care about it.

After all, there is no way.

You guys like opening treasure chests, don't you?

Of course, if there is really no other way, he will also open a wave of treasure chests, but definitely not too many.

"This ability is also very troublesome... By the way, it's really not good. It's okay to let the robot dogs come in the end, right?" Lin Yue looked at the little metal guys who were still basking in the sun and charging. idea.


If more than 70,000 copper treasure chests are handed over to the ice lizards, each ice lizard can be divided into about 140 to 50 pieces, and these alone are enough to make them tired and sleepy .

"In the future, when there are large-scale enemies coming, the firing button or Xiaobai will be able to come...Suddenly it feels so troublesome..."

Indeed, this ability can indeed make him rise quickly in the early stage.

But the downside is...

Afterwards, when the mutant creatures are killed on a large scale, they will fall into a state where there are too many treasure chests.

And this is indeed what Lin Yue did not think of at the beginning.

"Little guys, don't look for it yet, we'll talk about it tomorrow, dinner is ready!"

Lin Yue greeted the little ones to go back to the refuge, and put those robot dogs into the storage space.

Lin Yue looked around.

The shattered remains of the beggars and the lizardmen, there are not many left at this moment.

They seemed to have been burned to nothing in the previous explosion, and later, when the little ice lizards and robot dogs were looking for storage space light spots and treasure chests, they threw them into the fire by the way. or buried in deeper soil.

This also saved him a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, it would take a long time to clean up those pieces, and if it was slow, it would be easy to rot and cause all kinds of bad things.

Looking at the huge pothole again, Lin Yue turned his head and drove back to the refuge.

It's time to go back.

He glanced to the west, the sun was about to set, and the night of this day was coming.

There are two things left to do.

One is to wait for the smelting furnace to smelt all the alloys, which will be around nine o'clock in the evening, and there are still more than two hours from now.

The second is the disaster forecast at zero o'clock!

The disaster this time is a quadruple disaster.

This is a much more serious situation than before.

Although from the world channel, everyone seems to have nothing to do, chatting about all kinds of things, and there are some survivors in the group who are constantly drawing pictures and emoticons, which makes people feel that everyone They are all relaxing, enjoying the freshness of this different world, enjoying the life in this different world.

However, everyone understands one thing.

This is all the anxiety, boredom and uneasiness before covering up the imminent disaster forecast.

All kinds of guesses, all kinds of predictions, and all kinds of considerations, among the remaining two billion people in this different world, most of them are worried, thinking, and also looking forward to, even With hope or despair, waiting for the moment of disaster forecast.

Lin Yue was also waiting for that moment to come.

Waiting for these four disasters, how much is close to his idea.

Although, he didn't want this idea to come true.

"In any case, it's not the low temperature brought about by the increase in oxygen concentration, and it's not the drought!"

Lin Yue hoped so from the bottom of his heart.

If these two are together, then these four disasters are really not easy to pass.

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