Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults (The World Is A Wasteland: I Obtained A Top Tier Shelter)

Chapter 448 The prediction of the four disasters, the prophecy has come true!

At this moment, Lin Yue is still enjoying the pleasure brought by the hot water.

Every pore that was once blocked by sweat is constantly being opened, soaked, and impacted by the warm water!

His skin was also turned from pale to rosy by this force, and his tiredness and sleepiness were also transformed into comfort by this force.

Long-term exploration, construction, collection, and many days of large and small battles have kept Lin Yue in a relatively tense state, but under the effect of this comfortable hot water, everything seems to have eased, became less tense.

The shoulders have actually accumulated quite a lot of fatigue due to driving for a long time, holding guns, shooting, etc., and now under the infiltration of this heat, it has indeed relieved a lot.

"However, I don't know where there are hot springs in this world. If there is, it would be nice to set up a refuge branch there and go there from time to time?"

I remembered that when I was a child in the orphanage, it was very difficult to soak in a large pool. Everyone washed casually under the shower head, and it was enough to keep it clean.

An average of three or four times a month, no more.

If there is someone who wants to adopt a child at the moment, the dean will let the child he is optimistic about wash and dress up, and then become the most dazzling lucky one to be picked away.

But Lin Yue recalled that he didn't seem to have such a chance once.

Although it is true that he looks the best among all the children, and he is born with a fairer complexion. It stands to reason that he is actually the one who was picked out in the first wave.

However, the fact is that every time there is such an opportunity, he, who is not welcome by the dean and other people, will basically throw him outside to play for a day when that time comes, and let him come back after the work here is over.


"Probably, it's because I'm not very gregarious, and I'm too precocious, so people don't like me." Lin Yue muttered to himself.

He still remembered that the vice president said that it was a blessing not to be picked away.

"A child who is picked away must be happy? But I, who was not picked away, have always been happy."

Lin Yue has grown to such a big age, except that he seems a little bored when he returns to the orphanage every day, the rest of the time is quite good.

School too, and holidays too.

Basically, except for sleeping at night, Lin Yue didn't go back there very often.

Even Lin Yue felt that if it wasn't for the vice president, he wouldn't even go back to the orphanage.

"If he is still alive and comes to this different world, no matter what, I will help him to some extent." Lin Yue looked at the ceiling, recalling the past with mixed feelings.

When he came to this different world, the reason why he was able to adapt to the role so quickly, and he could also make the most of the system, and this cheat, was able to become the strongest person in the whole different world, in fact, there was also someone from the orphanage. credit.

At least, in the previous twenty years of his career, he learned self-confidence and self-esteem there, and he also saw through the ways of the world, and he also understood things that many people can only understand after they reach adulthood and enter society.

If not, he would have some naivety, indecision, illusions, weakness, and blindness.

Confidence, firmness, strength, decisiveness and a clear mind are all the basis for him to get to where he is today, and also the main reason why he can survive.

And in that orphanage, he lived like transparent air, and he had already developed the ability to live alone, as well as the ability to keep a calm mind at all times in that kind of life.

lonely? He's already used to it.

Coming to a different world, in fact, there is not much difference from before.

What, it's all alone.

However, it is precisely because he knows the taste of loneliness and is used to it that he can cherish the time with Xiao Bai, Xiao Meng and the little ice lizards even more.

He can feel the sincerity and trust as warm as the sun from a shining person like Fei Yue.

"In the past, it seems that there is no need to think about it."

Lin Yue felt that in this different world, he was already completely different from himself on earth, no, it should be said that everyone was completely different from himself on earth.

Don't care what role you played in the past, whether it is poor or rich, whether it is old or young, male or female.

In this different world, they are all survivors, people who come here to struggle desperately to survive.

Even though he is now number one in the world rankings in this different world, he cannot be complacent or proud because of this huge advantage and relative status, or even use it as a bargaining chip to threaten or coerce others.

In any case, he is just a person, but he may be more sober than some people.

"It's so comfortable to take a bath." After Lin Yue washed his whole body gently again, he put on clean and comfortable underwear again, and went back to the bedroom.

Xiaobai was still sleeping soundly, and Lin Yue didn't turn on the light. He just took a photo of Xiaobai with the light of the system panel, and after confirming that there was nothing serious, he gently climbed into the space sleep cabin .

The door of the space sleeping cabin slowly closed.

"Turn on night mode."

Following Lin Yue's instructions, the outer transparent cover of unknown material turned into pitch black, blocking the light from inside and outside.

The space capsule is quite spacious, almost as wide as a 1.5-meter bed.

"The top board is raised 60 degrees."

Moreover, following Lin Yue's voice commands, he would lift the back of Yue's head and back, making Lin Yue comfortable even when he was half lying down.


Turning on the internal light, Lin Yue opened the system tablet again under the soft light.

Looking at the time, there are less than ten minutes left.

This bath can really kill time.

Before he knew it, time would pass quickly, and during this hour or so, he was indeed relaxed enough.

Lin Yue opened the world channel and found that the content of the chat inside had completely changed to discussing disasters.

The content that was originally irrelevant is now so unified, it is indeed an old tradition.

After all, it was like this in almost every disaster before.

Lin Yue suddenly felt a little bored. Looking at all kinds of conjectures did give him some inspiration, but there were too many that were too strange.

Just like when someone said a tsunami, or a volcanic eruption, or a meteorite fell to the ground, and there were quite a few followers, Lin Yue felt that he was wasting his time.

Looking at the chat panel, Fei Yue replied.

"A disaster... I did chat with my subordinates, and everyone felt that this time was too weird. After all, the cold was a little too fast."

"Then what did you think of? I have a hypothesis." Lin Yue replied quickly.

"Our thinking, how can we put it... a bit detached, Lin Yue, is it convenient for you to speak directly? That will make communication easier." Fei Yue suggested.

Lin Yue agreed. The sound insulation effect of this space sleeping cabin is very good. Even if you talk softly inside, you can't hear anything outside.

After quickly answering the voice chat invitation, Lin Yue felt that he had to get straight to the point.

"Fei Yue, your thoughts may be the same as mine, or they may be different."

"Really, I guess it's hard to communicate, after all, what we think is a bit outrageous. How about we say it together?"


Both Lin Yue and Fei Yue paused.

"Oxygen rich." "Oxygen rich disaster!"

After the two said it separately, they were both taken aback.

Lin Yue really didn't think that Fei Yue could think of this level.

As for Fei Yue, he didn't expect Lin Yue to agree with their unconstrained ideas.

Fei Yue, there are indeed many talented people there.

Lin Yue couldn't help being quite envious.

After all, no matter what he does here, he is alone. When thinking about this kind of thing, he really has to follow his own thinking habits.

But Fei Yue and the others are different, they have many survivors, they can brainstorm, discuss and discuss with each other.

There may be some people with better brains, and maybe there are those who were originally high-achieving students, or even scientists.

As the number of people in his refuge village increases, it is estimated that a think tank will also be established, and the development of the refuge village may become faster and stronger.

Are you envious?

Lin Yue said that there are indeed some.


His 100% ability to explode treasure chests cannot allow him to integrate into any group.

Sooner or later it will be revealed.

Although this ability gave him infinite convenience, it did make him unable to take other ways of survival other than the "lone wolf" route.

"Oxygen-enriched... You should understand the Devonian mass extinction."

Since the other party has already thought of getting together, it is indeed here, and we can chat freely.

"I do know less about that, but Wang Ce knows more. What we thought at the time was that so many places where there were no plants are now full of plants, and the concentration of oxygen may be higher, but Wang Ce said, This may be oxidative enrichment, and after we talked about it, we found out that the Devonian mass extinction was related to this oxidative enrichment era."

Fei Yue is still very honest, what to say is right.

Lin Yue nodded silently: "Oxygenation, the mass reproduction of plants, and the use of photosynthesis to produce a large amount of oxygen, forming a large oxidation event. The concentration of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, is getting lower and lower, and this greenhouse gas The change in the proportion of carbon dioxide in the earth has a great impact on the earth. The carbon dioxide in the greenhouse gas can absorb the infrared rays in the sunlight and play a role in keeping the earth warm. When the carbon dioxide in the earth is too small, the heat of the sun will be reflected back into space. , so that the temperature of the entire earth is getting lower and lower, and finally the ice age is formed. In short, it is like this."

The understanding of this is not because Lin Yue was ready, or because he knew it long ago.

Such a long passage comes from a book in his hand.

The Extinction of the Dinosaurs and the Disaster Revelation.

This book is a large pile of books left by the old grandson at that time. Since he couldn't find a place, Lin Yue put it in the storage space. He just took it out when he mentioned the rich oxidation incident. , read such a paragraph.

"You even know such details? Lin Yue, what was your identity before?" Fei Yue seemed to be taken aback, and the shocking voices of the remaining subordinates also passed through The voice came over.

"I just read what was written in the book." Lin Yue felt that there was no need to pretend here, no need.

It is normal for people to have advantages and disadvantages. The knowledge they know also has tendencies, and there are also familiarity and unfamiliarity.

This has a great relationship with each person's knowledge, cognition, environment and so on.

Just like Lin Yue, he has a general understanding of firearms. His experience of working at the meteorological station also made him better aware of some disasters than others. Big has a lot to do with it.

"Ah, Yuan, so it is like this." Fei Yue said, looking back at his subordinates.

Everyone is now listening to Lin Yue's words, and the shock and surprise just now have turned into admiration and admiration.

They all felt that Lin Yue, with his current status and achievements, was still so humble and low-key, with a clear mind, and was not dazzled by compliments and adoration, which was really rare.

"After we came back from the secret place, we discussed it. Indeed, since the last disaster, the grass has grown too fast and too vigorously. The trees in the nearby woods have also grown taller. More than ten meters, and a lot of small trees have sprung out!" Fei Yue was talking endlessly, as if he had been holding back for a long time.

"We felt that the air seemed to be much better. Didn't the previous disasters have some omens or something, so all of us thought together, and finally came up with the idea of ​​'enriched oxygen'."

"Indeed." Lin Yue also affirmed over there, and Fei Yue and the others also thought of this.

"Just now you said that enriched oxygen will lead to cooling, right? Has this different world become like this, and in just over ten days, this vast different world won't become like this?" Fei Yue seemed to have doubts about this.

Lin Yue really couldn't answer this question.

Although, he did have a bold guess.

Originally, he thought that it might be the problem of the "enchantment" that Du Ping mentioned, which made the place where humans and lizard people gathered seem to be in a similar "protective barrier". , also happened in this "protective barrier", and other places in the different world were not affected at all.

But when he went to the "Gate of Exploration", and when the werewolf gathering place was covered with tall grass, Lin Yue felt that his conjecture might not be correct.

Unless, the grass on the werewolf's side is already tall.

"About this different world, there are still too many mysteries, but... Fei Yue, there is still a minute, and the disaster will be announced. I will just say one more thing."

"You said, it is true that we will all be busy from a minute later." Fei Yue was full of uneasiness and excitement at the arrival of the disaster. Of course, he also felt that Lin Yue's next words might be able to Deciding on a lot of things.

"If the next disaster is a drought...then, do you know what to do?"

Fei Yue suddenly had goose bumps all over his body, and everyone was shocked!

Wait, drought?

In case of drought...

Fei Yue reacted instantly!

At the same time, the system also issued the name of the disaster warning!

【The Sixth Disaster: The Quadruple Disaster】

[Type of disaster: Oxygenation, drought...]

"Hurry up! Everyone smear the sweat and blood of the lizardmen and go out to mow the grass for me! If it's later, I'm afraid everyone will be finished!"

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