On top of a huge, ugly, tentacled head.

Those eyes that were like black holes were looking in the direction of Lin Yue at this moment.

Lin Yue took out the sniper scope on the sniper rifle, and when he looked at it, he could clearly see that this mysterious monster that he had never killed was less than five or six kilometers away from him, like a god of death. Usually look at him.

is it!

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

is that thing.

The monster that once entered this secret realm for the first time was like a giant creature.

He also once watched this unknown beast under the Eiffel Tower and easily extinguished the fire that filled the sky.

It, what is it?

As small as strange mice and blood-sucking worms, as large as poisonous dragons, and giant beetles, Lin Yue has killed a considerable number of them.

But this huge weird monster, he never killed.

"It looks...a bit familiar."

After Lin Yue raised the height to nearly 30 to 40 meters, he felt that his vision became clearer.

He looked into the distance, the huge head that was still staring at him, and behind its head and under its neck, there were countless slender tentacles that were "dancing".

This thing gave him a very strong sense of sight.

It seems, where have I seen it.

But by no means the feeling of the first two encounters, but a feeling I've only seen recently.

"It's weird. What the hell is this, this thing." Lin Yue flew forward, gradually approaching the building of the electrical store, looking down at his feet, Xiaomeng and the others followed his speed and gradually came out of the park, heading in that direction. And go.

At this time, Lin Yue looked at the giant tentacle monster, as if he had woken up, and suddenly stood up.


stand up.

Before Lin Yue thought it was standing, but now it seems that it is not the case.

Its powerful and strong eight giant legs, supporting the enormous body, stood up.

From the foot to the head, Lin Yue conservatively estimated that it was nearly 200 meters high!

This is completely different from the giant creature that was only fifty or sixty meters tall before!


The huge monster stood up, and when the ugly head looked towards Lin Yue again, Lin Yue had already felt an unimaginable pressure!

This is completely different from just now!

100 meters tall.

It has surpassed almost all high-rise buildings in this huge city, and it has an unimaginable width.


Lin Yue was stunned.

what is this?

The monster you saw when you first entered this secret realm before?

He also remembered that the monster had six legs.

And this monster is Hachiko.

More than that.

The monster last time was pale gray, and this one seems to look a lot more ferocious than last time!

What's even more weird and weird is that this cargo has an indescribable green color on it!

How is it completely different from before?

"Equally enlarged? No, that green..." Lin Yue controlled the controller in his hand with one hand, and picked up the scope with the other hand.

When he saw the green color clearly, he suddenly felt that his brain was bumped!

"Plant? That is, a plant that grows on the body?"

Lin Yue put down the scope and rubbed his right eye.

He looked over again with his left eye.


Really plants.

Specifically, grasses, shrubs, vines.

Not smeared, but alive.

The real growth is generally there, not just a bunch of dead things.


The color of life is also the color of hope.

This gigantic creature, no matter how you look at it, will bring destruction and disaster, not life and hope.


Lin Yue looked at it, and it seemed to be looking at Lin Yue too.

There is no interaction and no action between the two.

Although Lin Yue has been flying forward, for a monster with a height of 100 meters, this distance is like a mosquito 100 meters away, and it is nothing at all.

This is completely different from the giant creatures in the other world.


The giant creatures of another world, in front of it, are simply...

It's elephants and dingoes, no, it's brontosaurus and dingoes.

Lin Yue felt his breathing quicken.

Compare yourself?


Lin Yue didn't know why, but suddenly cursed.

He never scolds.

Even if I am surprised, it is "fuck", "I will go", and "cow criticism".

And that's not the case now.

Destroyer is set to belong.

Lin Yue felt his heart beating wildly.

It seemed to urge him to fly over the monster's head, to feel the greatness and insignificance.

"I think……"

Lin Yue looked at the monster and spoke.

Even if no one around is listening.

He trembled all over.

Not fear, not fear, not wanting to run away.

There was a madness in his eyes.

a longing.

Excited? excited?

Do not.


He even said that he suddenly recovered his original self now.

Nearly forty days of survival.

He is almost "invincible" when he kills large and small mutant creatures, lizardmen, and secret realm monsters one by one, and kills them one by one, and turns them into treasure chests. It felt like it really made him tired.

Yes, tired.

After nearly 90,000 enemies were wiped out by his easy actions, this feeling was even worse.

There are all kinds of hot weapons in hand, as well as Xiaobai and Xiaomeng, a group of super-powerful friends, and even a wonderful and strange self-healing ability.

So far he is very relaxed.

It is even said that it is too easy.


Yes, the word is called sweeping.

Swept everything?


Boring, tasteless, lackluster.

Creatures in other worlds, creatures in secret realms, and even those wolf-headed people in the gate of exploration are all ants.

No matter how many ants there are, they are still ants.

Lin Yue didn't know when, he felt a sense of loneliness of "seeing all the mountains and small".

Although, he does not want to be proud, and he will never be proud.

I don’t even want to use the so-called “world number one” today to really see myself as the world number one.

Strong enemy?

He has been waiting for a long time, and has been waiting.

Before, in the mural he and Fei Yue were looking at, the so-called 'Queen of Lizards' had imagined it once.

Is this the ultimate challenge?

Or, is this the last enemy he can kill?

But now, after seeing this monster of 300 meters, no, it should be 400 meters faster.

He suddenly felt that he was wrong.

Wrong, and quite outrageous.

After the lizard? that rubbish...


Lin Yue couldn't help but closed his eyes and let out a chuckle.

that kind of rubbish.

Compared to the one in front of him, whose size has completely surpassed all others, it is like an unknown creature crawling out of a terrifying movie...

"It's rubbish."

Lin Yue opened his eyes.

He took a deep breath.

This monster is in the secret realm, on this earth.

On this earth where all human beings should exist.

Today, the earth has become a secret realm, and human beings have all gone to another world. Here, it has also become a forbidden area for life.

But in this forbidden area of ​​life, this monster exists grandly.

With that huge body, it shows its difference, and it seems to be showing Lin Yue the absolute sense of supremacy brought about by this size and height!


Lin Yue flew and flew forward. He suddenly raised his height and went straight to the top of the fifty-meter-high electrical building without falling.

The monster, still looking at him.

Lin Yue also knew very well that this monster was not looking at anything else.

Is he a mosquito to this monster? Or flies?

Although Lin Yue didn't know what exactly this creature maintained such a terrifying body shape, he knew one thing very well.

This monster must be eliminated.

must be removed!

Even though Lin Yue knew now that the return of human beings to this has become a secret realm, the possibility that it is still the original place of the earth is not too high.

But he still wanted to return this place to its original beauty.

In another world, no matter what, it is not a paradise for human beings, and it is not a place where human beings can grow again and become brilliant again.


This is the original home of human beings, but human beings do not have the power to return to this world.

One is the system.

No matter how long you want to stay here, you will always be pulled back by the system when disaster strikes.

Second, it is the strange beast in the secret realm.

From strange mice to the giant poisonous dragon beetle, every one of them is a headache for the original human beings, and it is even difficult to kill them.

However, none of them can compare to this giant monster.

"I..." Lin Yue opened his mouth gently.

What he thought was crazy.

It can be said that it is the craziest thing he has done so far.

The last time they survived, Xing Lingfeng and Sun Shuyi had returned to the original earth.

What method they used, Lin Yue still has no clue.

But still can come back.

This proves that human beings can return to the earth.

As long as he knows how to go back, then all human beings will definitely come back from that ghost place in another world, instead of staying in that ghost place where disasters occur once every few days and several disasters once for hundreds of thousands of years.

But even if human beings really find a way to come back, in this world, there are countless mysterious monsters, and...

What about this monster?


In this case, it is not possible.

Humans return, if the monsters in the secret realm are still there...

So, what's the difference between this and another world?


Lin Yue's blood rushed to his body at this moment.

With the most powerful combat power in the world, he is not far from this giant monster.

"Although I don't want to be a savior, I don't want to make myself famous."

Lin Yue opened his mouth and spoke slowly.

Although, there is no audience.

But at this moment, this feeling comes out of the heart, but it cannot be suppressed!


"Kill it!!!"

Lin Yue exudes an inexplicable aura, and at this moment, his blood is boiling!

No matter how huge and terrifying it looks.

no, it's just one...

carbon! base! pregnancy! thing!

As long as it's carbon-based creatures...

That will die.

Dead by explosion, dead by fire.

And this is exactly what Lin Yue is best at.

"For everything!" Lin Yue suddenly roared!

"I want to challenge you!"

"Ang... ow..."

Just like an opponent who accepts the challenge.

The giant creature suddenly let out an unimaginably huge roar at this moment!

A wave of sound came like a tide!

For Lin Yue, the mosquito, it seems to be dismissive, but it is very concerned.

And Lin Yue...

At this moment, I have looked at the large amount of gasoline in the storage space, as well as the ballista burst arrows!


TNT or something, he's ready too.

In the end.

No matter how huge this monster is, it is a carbon-based creature that breathes air, needs to eat, and needs to drink.

If Lin Yue didn't say whether he had seen it or not, if it was a silicon base or something, he would probably have to make a very strict deployment before taking action.

But the other party is carbon-based, so what is there to be afraid of.

"In the end... it's just a giant creature that has been magnified many times."

Lin Yue stopped, and after he landed on the roof, he activated the cooling system of the backpack-style jet.

The long-distance flight makes it extremely hot. If it continues to fly, it should not be too far away from failure or explosion.

Let it rest a bit, then...

boom! !

A huge sound shook.

Like a small earthquake.

And when this vibration sounded again, Lin Yue found that the tentacled beast had turned its posture towards this side at this moment!

The sound of the building breaking and collapsing continued to sound, and under the trampling and destruction of the terrifying tentacle behemoth, it turned into piles of ruins.

In the face of absolute strength and size, they are like dirt toys blocking the road, and they can't resist a blow!

"I, this little mosquito, really disturb your sleep? Then... No, wait."

Lin Yue suddenly noticed something.


The target is not yourself.

He suddenly remembered the first time he saw this monster.

When the monster moved from not far away, the target was neither him nor any other monster.

It almost ignored everything and ran straight to the Tokyo Tower!

And, not only that.

Lin Yue remembered what happened last time in Paris.

At that time, in order to kill those giant spiders, he set a lot of fires on the threads and buildings in those streets.

And the same monster suddenly appeared, and then ran over to put out the fire.

I am also very concerned about a landmark building in Paris.

Eiffel Tower!



Lin Yue looked into the distance.

The original Tokyo Sky Tree, by coincidence, was not far behind the giant monster.

It is like a dragon guarding treasure, guarding there.


He completely turned the Tokyo Tower into steel and put it into storage space...

Then, it wasn't his little mosquito who had been looking up and rushing towards this monster before.


Because, the Tokyo Tower that has disappeared!

boom! !

There was another bang, the building was knocked down by the huge body, and a lot of smoke was splashed!

The monster moves.


Lin Yue put his palm close to his back, and found that the backpack-style flame jet seemed to have cooled down.

Flying directly downstairs, Lin Yue looked at Xiaomeng.

"Little guys, you guys are here first, don't move around. I'll deal with that monster!"

"Gu, Guao!" Xiaomeng shook his head frantically, pointing in the direction of the ancient gate of the secret realm, wanting Lin Yue to escape.

However, Lin Yue didn't mean this.

Run away... run away without trying to kill it, this is not my style, Lin Yue.

Even if it can't be killed, can it come out of the ancient gate of the secret realm and go to another world?

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