At this moment, Lin Yue had rested on the roof for a while.

According to the battle plan at the time, Xiao Meng should have run to the side of the giant monster before the explosion.

If Xiaomeng is not stupid, he should fully understand that his battle this time is to bring violence to this giant monster.

In fact, putting it on the head side should be the most appropriate and correct method.

After all, what kind of creature is also afraid of its head flying out, isn't it?

Stronger than a cockroach, if you lose your head, you will still die, not to mention such a big monster.

But obviously, throwing a cluster bomb into the mouth of this shellless bastard is simply unrealistic.

Not to mention whether it will be spit out, nor how to throw it in and hit it.

Just how to get close to this giant mouth is a problem.

After all, the monster is not dead, even if it opened its mouth wide, it would definitely not be able to throw such a heavy thing into it - with so many tentacles waiting, even if Xiaobai came, it would probably be difficult for him to do so.

Therefore, it is the most correct way to blast its back door and let it fly so sour.

And, judging by the results, it seems to be quite successful.

The power of five rockets, plus a layer of TNT bombs wrapped around it...


Not to mention the entire rear buttocks were blown away, a large piece of the back was also raised, and even the tail disappeared.

And the flames caused by the explosion, behind the obstacle that can squeeze out the water mist, are now spreading upward along the bottom of his body.

Even if it is so huge, the flame will not easily let go of any combustible area. While the flames are constantly burning from everywhere, the shellless bastard that was exploded has no strength to move and resist at this moment.

With its extremely heavy body, it can only welcome the arrival of death in a pouting posture.

"Sure enough, no matter what, it's still a secret realm monster, just like the storm lizards, strange rats, and giant spiders, it can't stop the flames at all."

This is the case with carbon-based organisms.

In the face of flames, even if the skin is extremely thick, it is powerless to resist, and can only be gradually reduced to ashes under the high temperature.

Not to mention, the beasts in the uncharted realm are all of the "explosive" type, and like the lizardmen, they are extremely afraid of fire.

This shellless bastard, in fact, is no different from other secret beasts except for its terrifying size. If it weren't for the water storage tank on the back that can spray and squeeze out water mist, this guy would be a big Yi It's just fuel.

Lin Yue replaced his helmet with a gas mask.

The taste is simply over the top.

Almost the whole of Tokyo was soaked in the smell of the excrement from the collapsed stuff, and Lin Yue didn't even want to stay for a second.

Moreover, there are not only excrement, but also the burnt smell of the flames burning his body, as well as the gunpowder smell of rocket bombs and TNT explosives exploding.

Lin Yue picked up the scope and looked at the monster's head.

It was found that the body vibration caused by the extremely strong pain on it before was much smaller than before.

Oh shit.

Lin Yue suddenly felt a sense of relief.

This monster seemed unable to withstand the severe damage of the explosion at all, and was indeed about to die.

"Finally, it's done."

Lin Yue felt this sense of relaxation, and the feeling of excitement before finally calmed down.

As the tense muscles relaxed, Lin Yue suddenly felt a little pain above his left arm.

He raised his left arm and looked, only to see that near the top of the elbow, a large piece of the original Tianlong battle armor had been broken, and his clothes were even scratched.

A burst of pain began to come from there, and it gradually became serious!

"Tsk, when did you get injured? Could it be that it was hit by some fragments after the explosion?"

It can smash the Tianlong battle armor that is not broken by bullets, and the power of the explosion is really not small.

If it hits the head...

No, it doesn't seem to be a big deal?

After all, the powerful self-healing ability is there!

The self-healing ability has already removed all the original scars on his body, and can even heal the scratches and cuts he just received in a very short time and restore his original appearance.

If the only shortcoming of this extraordinary power is that even if it can repair the wound, it cannot shield the "pain".

Hurt, it hurts.

Lin Yue didn't have any other thoughts about it, he even thought it was very good.

At least, this pain made him feel that he was still a "human being".

Originally, this self-healing made him feel that he was not equal to normal human beings. If he was injured without even pain, then he was really not human.

No, it's really not human.

monster? monster.

Lin Yue put the damaged Tianlong battle armor into the storage space, twisted his arm, and took out alcohol cotton balls and the like from the storage space.

Wipe off the blood and the wound will disappear, just like last time.

Although there will be no wounds or infection, Lin Yue really couldn't find anything cleaner.


Just after he wiped off the half-dried blood with an alcohol cotton ball, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Wait, this is... what's going on?"

He saw that the shallow wound, which was about ten centimeters long, hadn't healed at the moment.

Even, blood continued to spill out!

He wiped it again, but it was still the same.

After repeating it several times, the tingling sensation continued. Lin Yue looked at the wound blankly, unable to believe his eyes.


At that time, after knowing that he had the ability to heal himself, Lin Yue was really shocked and even confused for a while.

But after accepting this strange ability, Lin Yue finally got used to it psychologically.

But now, it seems to be different.

The ability of self-healing has disappeared!

"Could it be that my ability can only heal smaller wounds or eliminate scars?"

Lin Yue muttered to himself, took out the dagger, and took a deep breath.

He touched very slightly at the finger where he did the experiment last time.

Severe pain came, and blood gushed out at the same time.

He wiped it again with an alcohol cotton ball.



The wound this time was even smaller than the one cut by the blade before, but it couldn't stop the bleeding at all, and the wound didn't heal either!

Lin Yue felt the doubts, incomprehension, confusion and uneasiness in his heart. He didn't understand why his abilities disappeared.

Could it be that it never happened at all?

No, all the wounds on the body are gone, even the big and small scars no longer exist.

This is the proof.

But now, this ability has disappeared, making Lin Yue feel uncomfortable instead.

He took a deep breath, used alcohol cotton balls to sterilize the poison again, applied iodophor, and tied it with clean gauze. The wound on his finger was directly covered with a Band-Aid.

"No matter what, let's get out of here first."

Lin Yue put on the Tianlong battle armor again, equipped the super-alloy large suspended flame jet aircraft, and started it.

In the distance, the roar of the monster has gradually diminished, turning into whimpers, and the huge body also began to slowly fall to the other side.

In the air, Lin Yue looked into the distance.

The boundless dark clouds gradually approached from all directions.

These were the hungry and greedy guests who came to the feast, and they seemed to smell the death of the giant beast.

Lin Yue also saw all kinds of mysterious beasts coming out of nowhere on the ground below.

Monster rats, giant beetles, tentacle monsters, poisonous sky dragons...

They all gradually gathered, scrambling to be the first to rush towards this dying beast from all directions.

I believe that in the near future, a feast that has never been seen in this world will begin here.

Lin Yuefei was in the air, looking for Xiaomeng's trace.

If it goes well, Xiaomeng should break the glass of a nearby building after reaching a safe location...


At this moment, Lin Yue, who had already come to the low altitude, heard the sound of a piece of glass breaking in the direction of the iron tower, and after he flew over, he did see Xiao Meng there.

"Xiao Meng, go to the ancient gate!"

"Guao!" Xiaomeng confirmed his master's safety and felt relieved.

It is also extremely excited to be able to defeat this giant monster.

After easily killing dozens of passing secret beasts, Xiaomeng also started to move towards the Tokyo Tower Park. Naturally, he overcame obstacles along the way. As the only "rebel", Xiaomeng was completely like a herd of strange beasts in the secret realm. An aircraft carrier sailing upstream!

Lin Yue looked at the endless tide of strange beasts in the secret realm, and suddenly thought of something.


Isn't it, by the way, there can be a wave of super cleaning?

After all, the strange beasts in the secret realm are all the kind that catch fire at a single point.

Although Du Tianlong was close, everything else would be fine when it came into contact with fire.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue also had some ideas in his mind.

But if such a wave is really going to come...

In case any unlucky survivor is also in this Tokyo...

That would be really bad luck.

Think about it, being scared to death by this giant alien beast, scared to death by the explosion sound, scared to death by the huge number of squirrels sprayed out, and then scared to death by the tide of strange beasts in the secret realm frantically rushing towards the giant beast half dead.

In the end, if he sets fire to any unlucky guy in here...

Is it too bad?

Lin Yue thought about these things, and flew to the sky again, shuttled among the buildings, and in front of him, countless monsters from the secret realm surged on the street.

Except for Xiaomeng, none of the other monsters were running towards the giant beast that was about to die in the distance.

Lin Yue believed that this huge group of monsters would completely eat up that huge monster in just a few hours.

All I really need now is a fire.

Or just drop it?

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yue had arrived at the sky above Tokyo Tower Park, and he also saw the special ancient gate of the secret realm that he wrapped with an iron wall.

Turning his head, he saw that Xiao Meng had rushed out of the crowd of monsters, and returned to the park from the side of the avenue.

The little ice lizards were also waiting by the iron wall, seeing their master come back, the little ones were also extremely excited.

"Is it over?"

Lin Yue still had no sense of reality.

The arm and fingers are still tingling, and the wound still exists.

He suddenly returned from an extraordinary person to an ordinary person. Lin Yue didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

At this time, just as Lin Yue had just landed, he moved away the iron wall and let Xiaomeng and the others crawl through, and an unimaginably unpleasant roar came.

Then, a strong vibration also rumbled from the other side, and smoke and dust filled the sky, and the life of the giant monster ended at this moment.

And then, the unexpected happened again.

[Secret Realm, Tokyo Area·Mythical Beast Kamberak has been eliminated by Survivor Lin Yue]

[All survivors within the Tokyo area will be forcibly kicked out of the secret realm after one minute, please be prepared! 】

[Repeat, the secret realm, the Tokyo area, the mythical behemoth Kamberak has been wiped out by the survivor Lin Yue, and all survivors in the Tokyo area will be forcibly kicked out within one minute! 】


What was wiped out?

Mythical behemoth?

[Forced kick countdown: 59, 58, 57...]

Forcibly kicked out?

Lin Yue looked not far away, and suddenly reacted to the terrifying army of alien beasts in the secret realm that could not be seen at a glance!

He pressed the accelerator button almost immediately and rushed to the already congested road next to the park!

In the urban area of ​​Tokyo, all the mysterious beasts are crowded on the road, like countless black lines on a chessboard!

"If you set a fire..."

An unimaginable number of strange beasts in the secret realm can be wiped out!

Lin Yue stood in the air with an alloy tactical crossbow in his hand, and a burning arrow had been ignited by him!

call out!

With the sound of an arrow, an unlucky monster that was squeezed on it was instantly hit by an arrow, and its body immediately burned into a raging fire!

Soon, the flames engulfed it, and also ignited the surrounding beasts in the secret realm!

The flames spread rapidly, and within a few seconds, the entire street was ablaze from north to south!

And the fire continued to expand in all directions, and countless mysterious beasts turned into balls of fire!

"This time... how many should be eliminated?"

Lin Yue took one last look at the corpse of the giant beast that was completely dead in the distance, pressed the accelerator key, and rushed towards the ancient gate of the secret realm.

Forcibly kicked out... Although it is not bad, but...

【5, 4...】


So fast?

As soon as Lin Yue landed, the warning sound of the last few seconds rang in his ears, and he was still seven or eight meters away from the ancient gate!

He pressed the accelerator key and wanted to rush over, but to his surprise, the ancient gate of the secret realm suddenly disappeared here!

good guy?

Although the park has not yet been engulfed in flames, it is only a matter of time!

[2, 1! 】

[All survivors will be forcibly kicked out! 】

At this moment, a white light suddenly flashed in front of Lin Yue!

And he soon discovered that he was completely enveloped by this ray of light, and everything around him was completely engulfed by this ray of light!

A powerful force seemed to throw him out, pushing him violently!

When Lin Yue opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to a completely strange place.

The majestic snow-capped mountains, the blue sky, and not far away, a huge waterfall that fell like nine heavens fell into the deep pool, making a deafening bang!

Lin Yue stood up from the rocky beach and looked around.

This is not a wasteland.



At this moment, a roar that seemed to have not been heard for a long time resounded not far away!

Lin Yue immediately had an extra troll in his hand!

After seeing two monsters with lion-like heads and bear-like bodies, Lin Yue instantly relaxed.

"Oh, it seems that not everything is bad?"

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