"So that's the case. I said, somewhere, I have seen this mythical giant."

Lin Yue was on the sofa in the newly built underground shelter in the western part of the wilderness, holding a system tablet in his hand, muttering to himself.

On the tablet, two photos are placed side by side.

One is the front face of the so-called "Mythical Beast Kamberak".

The other one was taken somewhere by him before, another thing.

"Who would have thought that the faces of these two things are almost identical?"

Lin Yue enlarged another photo and re-examined it.

The huge head, the tentacles stretching around aimlessly, and the weird head, the huge mouth.

It can be said that they are exactly the same.

This photo is a full-body photo of the stone statue in the huge underground space where the Youyou River base is located!

At that time, Lin Yue really just felt that the huge stone statue standing underground was a bit weird, so he recorded it with the system's camera.

At that time, he did fight a large number of lizardmen under and on the huge stone statue, and also got a gem.

It is even known that there is the location of the altar on the mural.

But I never thought that the face of the stone statue and the mythical giant beast would look similar.

However, the body of the stone statue is not the same as that of the mythical giant beast. If you want to say, it is more like a human body, and the mythical giant beast has eight legs, and looks more like a giant beast, and there are also growths on the back. A layer of plants or something.

At that time, he just thought it looked familiar, and he really didn't think of it in this regard.

It was a whim just now, but comparing the two photos, only the head looks like it was carved out of the same mold.

"These two will be the same... If you look at the lizard people's urine, it's understandable."

Lin Yue remembered that the stone statues carved by the lizard people, such as the monster mouse, the storm lizard, and the poisonous sky dragon, were used as sacrifices. It seems that in the eyes of the lizard people, these so-called mythical giants are actually quite important things.

I'm afraid they enshrined this giant monster as a "god", so they set up a "godhead" for it separately, put it on a body like a lizardman, combined it with the head, and turned it into a huge stone statue. It is the center of the lizard people's sacrifice.

So far, there are only so many information clues in Lin Yue's hands, and he can indeed only come to such a conclusion in the end.

However, that monster is definitely not one with two ends.

At least in Paris, he had seen one, and it was definitely the same guy who put out the fire at that time.

It's just that the one in Paris is definitely not so huge, and the one in Tokyo was originally the same.

"Could it be that they are creatures that can grow and evolve?"

After all, the size at the beginning was completely similar to the one he had just fought with.

It has changed from six legs to eight legs, and the tail seems to have shortened a lot. While growing in size, those tentacles seem to have become more.


After coming to this different world, if one can find a creature that can evolve, it seems that the only one is the little ice lizard.

Even if the ice lizards' evolution method is an extremely strange "tie evolution", they seem to be the only ones in this world.

The flamethrower was still very hot. Lin Yue picked up a bottle of mineral water and poured it on the shell, and thick streams of water vapor instantly rose up.

It seems that it is not possible to continue to use it for a short time.

Lin Yue stood up and went outside again.

At this time, it was almost evening.

It's more than two hundred kilometers away from the refuge, so it's not far.

If he was going back with a tactical ATV, he had to open a road in the tall grass that was nearly three meters high, and he didn't have many stones needed here.

There are quite a few people selling stones in the world trading mall, but in Lin Yue's storage space, there are not many things that can be exchanged for stones.

After putting the tourist souvenirs obtained from the souvenir shop in the small building next to the Tokyo Tower, Lin Yue thought about it and marked all of them as "auction items".

These things are worthless.

After all, a plastic or metal souvenir that has passed 30 years ago, and he has completely demolished the Tokyo Tower, no matter how you think about it, it can only occupy space.

Simply exchange all your brains for stones.

The stones are directly paved into a flagstone road, leading directly to the shelter!

Just don't know how much?

After throwing all the souvenirs up, Lin Yue didn't set any refuge village leaders to buy them this time, but just added an urgently needed word on the back.

For the others, he really felt that there was nothing he could exchange.

Reinforced concrete, and other things, no matter which one has any purchasing power.

As for air conditioners and TVs, they are basically broken. Lin Yue doesn't think that anyone has the same chance as him to get a high-precision research workbench from the treasure chest to disassemble them. Can PASS.

"If it really doesn't work, I'll ask Fei Yue to collect some for me first, and then give him something later. Anyway, I can't rest here anyway."

Lin Yue looked at the sun that was gradually sinking towards the plateau. Indeed, he missed the refuge a little bit.

Xiaobai and Xiaomeng, they must be very worried about themselves.

Returning to the underground shelter, Lin Yue closed the door and placed a bunch of torches by the wall.

In a space of forty square meters, Lin Yue sat on the sofa and looked at the flickering torches in the corner.

All around, only the crackling of torches could be heard continuously, and the rest was silent.

Lin Yue looked at this simple and crude thing, and suddenly remembered that when he first came to this different world, it was not much different from now.

At that time, wasn't it just such a small room of forty square meters?

Nestled on the sofa, Lin Yue turned on the system tablet.

He didn't look at the system trading mall first, but looked at the world channel, ready to learn some information.

However, he found painfully that it had become his own fan club.

Everyone is discussing one thing.

It was the fact that he killed the mythical giant in the secret realm of Tokyo.

"Good guy, it won't happen, everyone blows me up like a god descending from the earth."

Lin Yue didn't think too much about these flattery at the moment.

He is sober.

Killing the mythical giant this time really made him experience the difficulties he had never had before, and also made him feel the long-lost enthusiasm.

But that's all.

After all, the mythical monster is still a body of flesh and blood. As long as he has enough time and can afford it, even without Xiaomeng's help, he can consume it to death.

Even, he can fly directly to the ancient gate of the secret realm first and come back to bring the storm rocket launcher over, and send a wave of output to this thing. I believe that this 400-meter monster will definitely not be able to resist this extreme attack. Violent chain explosion and burning.

Mythical behemoths are not so powerful that they cannot be defeated.

It's stretched out, that is, it's bigger.

As long as it doesn't get too close, the mythical behemoth will not pose any threat at all, and it will not breathe fire, lightning, or poisonous mist.

It's just a big guy with the most basic defenses.

Sense of accomplishment?

Indeed, almost killing that huge monster with one's own strength is still extremely fulfilling.

Not to mention, an unknown number of mutated creatures there were wiped out with a fire.

But to be honest, unless the entire secret realm, that is, all the mythical giants on the entire earth, is killed, otherwise, he will not have any special pride and pride.

The whole screen was almost full of praises for him, but there were also some cursing and slandering. Lin Yue looked at them and found that these people were all neon people, who seemed quite dissatisfied with his big actions.

"Indeed, if you kill this monster, you will be able to completely purify an area, that is, you will be able to clean up those countless mysterious beasts... I seem to have found a way to restore the earth to normal?"

Lin Yue felt that this was an unimagined path.

Originally, he thought that for a long time to come, human beings would have to face the strange beasts in the secret realm and eliminate them constantly.

Even, maybe they will never be wiped out, and the best ending is to coexist with them on the earth.

But this time, Lin Yue felt that the system seemed to give all mankind a hope.

As long as the mythical behemoth is eliminated, then this area can be "purified", thus...

Get a piece of fertile soil that belongs to human beings!

Lin Yue could imagine that human beings can make good use of everything there in this different world, and finally use all the resources in that huge city to survive disasters again and again!

Although I haven't found a way to go back to the earth completely without being recalled, but now there seems to be one more reason to work hard for it!

"It seems that it's time to set the key goals for the future."

Lin Yue felt that what he was going to do seemed to become a lot clearer.

Originally, he just wanted to go to the secret realm to collect various materials, but now he felt that what he wanted to do in the secret realm in the future was to destroy the mythical monsters as much as possible.

As for various resources, just take them by the way.

In this different world, the primary goal is to eliminate the lizardmen, and the secondary goal is to build shelters.

As for the door to explore...

Lin Yue decided to let go first.

Waiting for the little ice lizards to evolve again, it is indeed possible to consider blooming more.

"Ask Fei Yue... This one seems to have been silent all this time."

Lin Yue clicked on Fei Yue's chat window and sent him a text.

"Fei Yue, how about you? If you are not busy, I still need you to do me a favor. Of course, I will pay you accordingly."

The message was sent, but Lin Yue did not receive a reply right away.

This guy is probably concentrating on doing something, or exploring in the secret realm...

Lin Yue thought so, and walked to the flamethrower again.

This thing can take him to fly even higher in the air, but the disadvantages are actually obvious.

The endurance is not enough, and the cooling is indeed a big problem.

Otherwise, Lin Yue felt that he could let him take him around the whole different world in such a large circle, and do a "global travel" to see if this different world really has a "enchantment" and whether it is really like his own. What I thought was that kind of thing.

But now, unless he overcomes the battery life problem of the flamethrower, if he wants to do something, he still has to rely on Xiaobai.

During the waiting period, Lin Yue did not rest.

There is no more information on the World Channel, and there is no need for him to waste time on it.

Simply take out the workbench for high-precision research, and have a disassembly meeting of all kinds of things brought back from the secret realm.

After being busy for a while, Lin Yue took a rest, turned on the system tablet again, and looked at the tourist souvenirs he had auctioned.

"Huh? Is this thing so valuable? Why are there so many people quoting?" Lin Yue was surprised to see that the people who made the quoting were almost "squeezed out of their heads". There were only a few thousand copies of various tourist souvenirs. Nearly a million people are bidding!

"The heads of these people... Oh, they are all neon people, so it's okay."

Looking at the quotations, almost 90% of them are four-letter or five-letter names, either a son or a husband, or a man like Lang.

It seems that Neon people really like these useless gadgets.

What would they think if they knew that the Tokyo Tower had been demolished and even Tokyo was submerged by the Sho of mythical giants?

Looked at the world channel...

Oh, they got it...

That's fine.

Lin Yue clicked and exchanged one by one without hesitation. The one with the most, even exchanging ten stones for a Tokyo Tower keychain, was indeed drunk.

Soon, those worthless gadgets were replaced by the stones he needed by Lin Yue, and these stones were constantly replacing those things, gradually filling up his storage space.

"Oh, it should be enough to build a wave of roads first."

Looking at the ever-increasing total amount of stones, Lin Yue put away the flamethrower, which was still hot to the touch, although the temperature had dropped a little, and finally took a look at the underground shelter.

Although it was the same here as before, after having his refuge, a large area nearby was also dyed light blue, but it seemed that this was not a good choice for him to be a suitable sub-base in the future.

Branch base?

"By the way, it's all here, why don't you test whether there are any minerals here, if there are really no, don't come here in the future."

Thinking of this, Lin Yue quickly took out the bulky and huge mineral resource reserve detector and put it away.

After connecting the diesel generator, Lin Yue quickly started it.

And lines of fluorescent text were gradually displayed on that screen.


[Test start]



[100%! 】

【Copper Mine: 19%】

【Coal: 44%】

【Chrite: 37%】


【Test complete】

【Copper mine can continue mining time: 42 days】

[Coal can continue to be mined: 97 days]

[Chrite ore can continue to be mined: 81 days]

[Detecting the depth of mineral types is in progress...]


[Buried depth of copper mine: 18 meters above ground to 134 meters underground]

[Coal burial depth: 65 meters underground to 150 meters underground]

[Buried depth of chromite: 55 meters underground to 255 meters underground]


Is there really a mine?

However, the depth of this burial is indeed relatively deeper than before.

However, this is not a problem.

Copper ore and coal don't matter, but Lin Yue definitely doesn't want to let go of this chromite ore!

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