The silver-gray spear blade reflects the white light of the sun.

Lin Yue, who was fully armed, and Xiao Bai standing beside him stood in the wilderness full of weeds, the breeze was rustling.

The wind blew Lin Yue's hair, as well as the slender hair of two tabby shadow deer not far from each other more than forty meters away.

The tabby shadow deer is almost a combination of a tiger and a deer. Except for the head like a deer, the rest of the place is the same as the most ferocious big cat on earth!

They showed their fangs, their huge claws stepped on the slippery ground, and gradually approached one person and one pet, and an extremely ugly and terrifying low growl came out of their throats.

It seems to be showing their status as the overlords of this wasteland!

"What the hell? Live? I actually saw the live battle?"

"The protagonist is still Lin Yue!"

"Huh? What kind of mutant creature is that looks like a deer and a tiger?"

"Tiger-spotted Shadow Deer, last time we were besieged by ten people. In the end, one died and one was seriously injured before killing the other. You Lin Yue want to fight one against two? Are you crazy?"

"Haha sit and wait for the bloody R-rated screen to appear. In other words, will this be a hit?"

"Lin? Is that the one you said was number one?"

"Oh, so handsome, I hope I won't see it disfigured later."

"My dish, I can't wait to fencing with him!"

"Show me the power of being blown as the strongest person in the group!"

"What is that white standing next to it? Wasn't it a much smaller lizard before? Why is this a small dinosaur?"

"Speaking of which, Lin Yue's equipment is a bull, and the shield, wooden armor, and spear seem to be much more advanced than what I have in my hands!"

"Mengxin is watching the official live broadcast for the first time, and there is a shortage of snacks. Is there a big guy who can sell me some water cheaply?"

"That big brother is actually fighting monsters! Go, Ultraman!"


In the extremely high-definition picture, the chat information is being refreshed violently, and they are discussing the battle!

They were all reuniting with their family members they hadn't seen for a long time, or were preparing for a new day, when they suddenly discovered that a live broadcast was actually being played on the system's bulletin board.

The live broadcast function was just launched at ten o’clock, and it is divided into official live broadcast and personal live broadcast.

Participating in the live broadcast requires 30 survival points. If the number of viewers is high and the popularity is high, a certain survival point will be rewarded.

The content of the live broadcast is varied, some show how to make things, some show how to collect materials, and some are fighting mutant creatures.

Among them, the most popular and popular is the official live broadcast called "Basic Combat Techniques for Beginners".

And the protagonist of the live broadcast is the one with the most discussion in the group - Lin Yue!

The popularity of the live broadcast room has continued to rise, and the number of people watching the live broadcast has also increased from tens or hundreds to 5,000!

Even that number is still rising.

However, people in the live broadcast room also found that it seemed that the live broadcast deliberately blocked the perspective and background, and concealed the location of Lin Yue's refuge very well.

In the picture, Lin Yue bends his legs slightly, protects his upper body with the shield of his left arm, and holds a sharp spear in his right hand, always ready to fight!

Xiaobai on the side also imitated Lin Yue's movements, as if they were vivid.

"Goooooo!!" The two beasts that were already less than ten meters away from the two of them let out a shocking roar, and suddenly rushed in this direction!

They are not far apart, have clear goals, and cooperate extremely well.

As the top hunters in this wasteland, they have not only sharp claws and fangs, but also more than human understanding.



Xiaobai stood in front of Lin Yue, suddenly took a deep breath, and his small back also stood up.

At the same time, two tabby shadow deer jumped high within five or six meters away from them!

A thick, cold mist suddenly spread to where Lin Yue and the others were standing, and after the two beasts landed, they entered the mist at the same time!

With the shrill roar sounded instantly, there were two more sounds of sharp knives entering the body!

After that, there was no sound.

"Fuck? What happened? What tactic is this?"

"Then what is the man called Xiaobai? He seems to be able to understand Lin Yue's words?"

"Wait, who is alive now? Why is there no sound? The screen is also blank?"

"I don't know, the first time I watched the live broadcast, will there really be bloody pictures."

However, just as everyone was discussing, the ice fog gradually dissipated.

On the screen, I saw that the two beasts had fallen into a deep pit, and their bodies were pierced by several sharp thorns like fangs, while the head and neck were completely cut off by some sharp blade, only the skin and the body were connected. .

Their eyes were wide open, there was no roar, and there was no breath of life, as if the previous ferocity and terror were like a fake.

There was silence in the live room.

No one sent any words, as if they were banned at the same time.

However, as the camera reappeared and Lin Yuehou began to strip anatomical materials, everyone finally came back to their senses.

"This wave... this wave of tactics! Damn, I'll organize the language..."

"Mom asked me why I was watching the video on my knees. Now she and my dad are watching the video on our knees."

"Indeed, Tianxiu, you really understand how to play the system."

"Ah? What did you see? Why didn't I see it?"

"You didn't see it upstairs? How did you survive..."

"Queshi, you can't see it? Find someone to tell him what's going on. Is it worth all the fuss about a slippery shovel?"

"Although I don't know that the more powerful the forest is, this tiger-spotted shadow deer is very difficult to deal with. Not only is it fierce, but it is basically haunted in pairs. It has excellent jumping power and can cooperate with each other. Killed like a little bug?"

"Okay, I've organized my language. Lin Yue's wave is really good. He should be ready to make traps as soon as he finds the two tabby shadow deer, and it's the kind that is more powerful than ordinary traps, and When running and jumping towards him in the opposite direction, his pet instantly spit out icy mist to obstruct his vision, and at this time, Lin Yue arranged the trap to hide in the pre-planned safe area, and then..."

"Then wait for those two monsters to fall into the trap and then decapitate them with iron spears! Good guy, this reaction speed is too amazing, or is it calculated... Did the box burst out? If the box burst out. It's perfect."

"I didn't see the camera, but I have a saying about the system. It's really a 'beginner's novice fighting method'? It's funny, isn't it?"

"Big brother is indeed Ultraman!"

During the live broadcast, the messages were one after another, and the screen ended as Lin Yue stripped everything away.

Not to mention in the video, these people started blowing Lin Yue's rainbow farts in the group.

After all, at least from the fighting qualities that Lin Yue showed in the live broadcast, he was no ordinary person.

Moreover, it is unheard of to be able to cooperate so well with that white lizard!

However, Lin Yue had no idea what was going on.

Don't even know, he was just broadcast live!


Thanks: 5,000 coins for the 5,000-coin reward for meeting this song and returning home! Kong Ling's 500 coin reward! 08a's 100 coins reward!

Thank you for your support, I will update it as soon as possible, and my left hand was really cut when I was peeling the potato, not what you think, damn it! ┭┮﹏┭┮

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