"Xiaobai! Xiaobai!"

Lin Yue called to the little guy who was lying on the sheepskin cushion and had fallen into a deep sleep, extremely anxious.

He had called dozens of times just now, and no matter what he did, Xiao Bai didn't seem to wake up in the slightest.

Seeing that the car was about to reach the main refuge, Xiao Bai fell into a deep sleep like a coma at this time, which made Lin Yue completely incomprehensible.

You haven't been tired of it these days, have you?

For the first three days, he was basically carrying and breaking down all kinds of things brought back from the airport. Although Xiaobai and Xiaomeng helped sort things out, he didn't let them do any heavy work.

Even when he went to several sub-bases, he used a flamethrower or drove out, and Xiaobai didn't let Xiaobai take him.

During this time, Xiaobai was eating more and playing more.

The only thing that seems a little tiring after being strenuous is to go fishing in the small lake of the natural sulfur ore mountain.

That time, it was true that Xiaobai killed all the blind hunting fish in the small lake, and Lin Yue harvested a catch that almost filled the storage space, but Xiaobai did not show anything that time come.

Lin Yue felt very strange, what happened.

He continued to call the little guy, but Xiao Bai still didn't respond.

It leaned its head comfortably between its arms, curled up its huge body, as if it was a newborn baby.

Its breath was long and deep, as if it had been like this since the very beginning.

"Could it be that... she's going to shed her skin?" Lin Yue suddenly thought of this possibility.

Xiaobai inspected Xiaobai carefully, and finally saw a little sign of shedding from the tip of its curled up tail.

However, it is also strange.

The last time Xiaobai shed his skin was obviously only a few days ago.

Lin Yue felt more and more strange.

The train arrived at the station soon, and the excited black spots and green claws led the little ice lizards back to the refuge quickly, and they didn't notice Xiaobai's current abnormal state.

They returned to the main sanctuary where they hadn't seen for a long time, and they fought with other little ice lizards, extremely excited.

However, Xiaomeng seemed to have noticed something strange. He walked under the station and looked up.

"Guao..." it roared, smelling the unusual smell on Xiaobai's body.

"Xiao Meng, come up, help me get Xiao Bai off!" Lin Yue knew that even if he put on the mechanical arm and exoskeleton, he couldn't easily move Xiao Bai.

After all, Xiaobai's body size is there, even if it is not so heavy, if he comes to carry it, it may hurt the little guy.

Xiao Meng immediately took the elevator up to the station, came to the side of the car, and saw Xiao Bai who was asleep inside.

"Xiao Meng, is the guy inside okay? It suddenly fell asleep!" Although Lin Yue felt that this incident was related to shedding, he felt something was wrong more.

He looked at Xiao Meng, but Xiao Meng seemed to be hesitating, neither shaking his head nor nodding.

"What's wrong with it?" Lin Yue suddenly felt nervous, Xiaobai, what's the matter?

"Hey..." Xiaomeng finally shook his head, got into the car, picked up Xiaobai, and carried him to the freight elevator, letting him go down first.

Then, it also came down from the city wall, came to the ground, picked up Xiao Bai again, and brought it directly to the huge living room of the main refuge.

The current main refuge has become a tall castle-shaped one.

The original one is now used by Lin Yue as an activity room.

In the corner of the living room here, Lin Yue spread three layers of thick sheepskin cushions. After Xiao Meng gently put Xiao Bai on it, he seemed quite worried.

"Hey..." Xiaomeng waved at Lin Yue, signaling Lin Yue to come out from there first, and let Xiaobai rest there by himself.

Although Lin Yue was worried, seeing that Xiao Meng didn't seem to be in a hurry, he knew that it shouldn't be a big problem. Although he was nervous, he was still not completely relieved.

Lin Yue thought about it, and finally left quite a lot of food for Xiao Bai, and then came out of the shelter with Xiao Meng.

It seems that Xiaobai needs to continue to sleep for a while, he still has many things to do.

"Xiao Meng, let all the little guys come back first, I want to assign tasks."

After more than three days of trimming, many things were suppressed.

Lin Yue knew that he had to do something else when facing the disaster.

For now, what he needs to do most is food storage and trading.

He has saved quite a lot of food now, and it will be no problem to supply him, the little ice lizards, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng for about three or four years.

But as the saying goes, don't panic if you have food, three or four years is not the limit.

Moreover, Lin Yue also wanted to at least be able to provide enough food for more than ten thousand people in the coming days.

Canned food is just a condiment, while vegetables and fruits are the solution.

For grain and meat, Lin Yue believes that survivors should store some of it, but for vegetables, the overall output is basically extremely low at present.

Just like here, he was able to supply those to several refuge villages at the beginning, and in the end, he could also give them to Fei Yue and the others, and it was still barely enough.

It is absolutely impossible not to expand production.

Before he really could only rely on a glass greenhouse, but now, he can now have an unimaginable level of reinforced concrete, alloy and glass brought from the airport.

Therefore, it shouldn't be too much to build five more.

Lin Yue thought about this, and looked at Xiaomeng first: "Xiaomeng, let Xiaoliu take a hundred little ice lizards to hunt nearby, and by the way, beware of enemies who may attack the shelter. In addition, patrolling is also necessary. to do!"

Although Xiaomeng may be much less intelligent than Xiaobai, there is still no problem in understanding Lin Yue's words and conveying them accurately and smoothly.

With an order, Little Six took a hundred little ice lizards out.

Lin Yue looked at Green Claw and Black Spot who had just returned, and thought of a new task.

"Let them both go to the ancient gate of the secret realm and the ancient gate of the special secret realm, lead fifty little ice lizards each, and kill as many strange beasts as possible!"

Green Claw and Black Spot quickly received the order, and each ran towards the ancient gate of the secret realm and the special ancient gate of the secret realm that just appeared next to the melting furnace.

Don't worry about the gate of the underground ruins for the time being, Lin Yue is now completely covering it with iron blocks, anyway, there are Fei Yue and the others inside now, so they are also worthy of reassurance.

"Xiao Meng, for the remaining two hundred little ice lizards, let them stand by first."

Lin Yue didn't ask the remaining little guys to do something right away, but went to the first city wall and broke it down into raw materials.

The entire circle of the city wall was quickly turned into ruins under Lin Yue's operation, and the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun platform and robot dog on it all fell to the ground under Lin Yue's operation.

But Lin Yue didn't stop. After he put the gold he obtained from the saltpeter mine on the ground, he went straight to the second fence and opened the superalloy large suspended flamethrower. After passing through this not-so-high wall, the construction of a new city wall began directly at a place nearly two kilometers away from the castle-shaped main refuge.

Soon, each side of the city wall about 4 kilometers long rose from the ground!

This time, Lin Yue didn't make any small fuss.

Although talking about a four-kilometer wall sounds ridiculous, for Lin Yue, this is actually an excellent way to get it done once and for all.

You know, there are more and more buildings around his main refuge.

If the current situation continued, sooner or later the area around his shelter would become more and more crowded.

Instead, he could change the perimeter of the entire city wall from one kilometer to two kilometers, and from two kilometers to four kilometers.

But that, round after round, is really too time-consuming.

After all, it has to be destroyed every time, and it has to be rebuilt every time.

Too troublesome.

Lin Yue didn't want trouble, so he directly chose to take his place in one step.

A four-kilometer city wall consumes an astronomical amount of stones, but Lin Yue, who had planned this a few days ago, has indeed been collecting a lot of stones recently.

After calculating the stone materials needed, Lin Yue did prepare the stone materials completely, and finally wrapped everything in this vast area in his refuge.

What is wrapped by two kilometers on one side is a vast area of ​​4 square kilometers!

This area is also centered on Lin Yue's newly built castle-type high-level shelter, covering a southerly corner of the wasteland.

Even in this vast space, there is Acid Rain Lake, the skeletons of two giant creatures, and the burial place of more than 90,000 lizardmen and beggars who were bombed by him with rockets in the past , and even the remains of the Lizardmen who were chased over from the Oil River Branch base but were also wiped out.

But these will all be erased.

After the city wall was built, Lin Yue returned to the original second wall, completely dismantled it, and stored it in the outgoing space, and then put away all the stone materials of the first decomposed city wall, Then, these were laid directly in the vast space of four square kilometers.

Soon, this place was quickly paved by him, and even the skeletons of those giant creatures were buried underneath.

This saves him from dealing with it later.

It was true before that I just treated them as scenic spots or landscapes, and didn't think about what to do.

Now, it's dealt with directly, and it's done.

Lin Yue looked at it openly, since nothing happened anyway.

Those big skeletons are actually not so good-looking, it is better to use the space effectively.

Speaking of the big skeleton, Lin Yue wanted to know what happened to that mythical monster in Tokyo.

Will it become a large skeleton, or will it be directly incinerated by that fire? Lin Yue felt that the big fire he had at that time probably burned not only mythical monsters and mysterious beasts, but also the entire Tokyo...

In this way, it seems that it is useless to purify Tokyo...

Thinking of this, Lin Yue didn't stay any longer, but flew back immediately.

Soon, he came to the east side of the previous greenhouse, next to the farm, and began to build a new glass greenhouse.

With the instant disappearance of the materials in the storage space, a brand new greenhouse stands up!

But Lin Yue didn't stop.

Two glass greenhouses are not enough.

There are thousands of people in Feiyue's refuge village. One or two large sheds may be enough for them, but if there are more people, it may not be enough.

Therefore, more needs to be established.

And, if you can, really consider the three-dimensional planting technology.

Lin Yue remembered the greenhouses he had visited before. One of the cultivation techniques was to plant leafy vegetables with large leaves like lettuce vertically, and then it would grow into a "green wall" !

But Lin Yue has not mastered this kind of technology now, and there is no design drawing so far, so he can only give up.

Now his planting platform can be planted to the fullest on the plane, but it is a lot of waste in terms of height space utilization.

The four giant glass greenhouses were quickly completed and formed a huge four square glass greenhouses, which is quite spectacular!

"It's a pity that the original one can't be moved, otherwise, it can be made more orderly."

Lin Yue thought so, and then entered the glass greenhouse, and began to make a planting platform that was enough to cover it. Soon, the planting platforms of the four new greenhouses were completely completed.

There are enough materials, and there is no need to fall into a bottleneck when doing anything. Like before, for these platforms alone, he has to consider whether to use the alloy for a more suitable aspect first.

After making the platform, the next thing to do is simple.

He looked towards Survival Point.

When he sees this thing every day, he always has an illusion.

Is it possible that when the system usually collects statistics, it starts to add some data to it?

From a few thousand a day to more than one hundred thousand to more than three hundred thousand a day, Lin Yue felt that these figures were outrageous.

Especially that day, when the mythical giant was killed, the 100,000 survival points that were judged and given all of a sudden made this thing particularly worthless.

However, the huge amount of survival points that have been accumulated recently are now available again at this time.

"Who would dislike having a lot of land?" Lin Yue said, using all the survival points to buy a huge amount of humus nutrient soil!


He walked in front of Xiao Meng and the little ice lizards who had been waiting for a long time.

"Xiao Meng, let the little ice lizards put all the humus nutrient soil on the planting platform like last time, and do as much as they can."

Xiao Meng got the order, and quickly conveyed the order to all the remaining 200 little ice lizards, and they all immediately rushed to the humus nutrient soil that had piled up into a mountain, and started the task.

"Finally... nothing more."

Lin Yue took a deep breath, and looked at Xiao Meng who was standing aside.

"Let's go back and have a look at Xiaobai. If something goes wrong, I can't move it, don't you think so?" Lin Yue laughed.

Lin Yue and Xiao Meng returned to Xiaobai's side in the main refuge again, but Lin Yue found that there were more places on Xiaobai's body that shed skin.

Although the little guy is still asleep, there is no doubt that it is impossible for him to wake up temporarily.

"Xiao Meng, you just stay by its side, and you must call me if you need anything."

After Lin Yue arranged for Xiao Meng to do this, he checked Xiao Bai carefully.

Its tail tip and its vicinity have a layer of shed skin like a membrane.

However, Lin Yue also noticed that it was not that thin layer.

Xiaobai, what will it look like?

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