So far, there is indeed only one way to completely free the entire human race from this so-called doomsday disaster survival game and see a glimmer of hope.

And this is to kill the huge mythical behemoth entrenched in the secret realm, that is, on the earth!

After killing the mythical behemoth, the system will have a special judgment.

That is, the entire city-wide area has a so-called "purification"!

The meaning of this "purification" is to completely remove the mysterious beasts in that area.

In other words, even if there are tens of millions of heads in it, they will be completely wiped out by the so-called "rules" of this system.

After that, there will be no more mysterious beasts entering this area.

Last time, after he killed the huge mythical behemoth around the iron tower in Tokyo, he also let Ollie of the mythical behemoth flood a large area. Set a fire.

And according to the feedback from the follow-up system, that fire probably meant that the secret beast and Tokyo had been burned away.

Although he later learned from the system that even if the fire was not set, all the beasts in the secret realm would die, but Lin Yue did not regret it.

However, this time, he really had to be careful not to go too far.

"By the way, Fei Yue, what are the conscious things you said about the lizardmen?" Lin Yue suddenly remembered this matter. Intelligence and news are not out of the question.

In particular, Fei Yue said that the lizardmen were basically not in the underground ruins, which also made him a little curious.

"About that matter... Lin Yue, I feel that you might be shocked if I tell you." Fei Yue said mysteriously.

Lin Yue didn't like this way of speaking, so he kept silent.

"Uh, well, actually, we caught three beggars."

"Captive?" Lin Yue raised his eyebrows.

The last time Fei Yue brought the captives back, nothing good happened.

"Yes, captive, but I didn't tie up the eyes like last time, and they would break free, so, just in case, I directly crippled their eyes this time."

Fei Yue shook his head while speaking.

Although, he doesn't want to do it.

However, if you are indecisive, you can't do anything.

At this point, he has already suffered a lot, and this time, he doesn't want to be like before.

Therefore, he directly did it himself to avoid future troubles.

"Well done." Lin Yue expressed his approval of Fei Yue's approach, he thought that Fei Yue would be as stupid as before.

If the Lizardmen attack the city again, Fei Yue will probably suffer losses.

After all, this is a refuge village for thousands of people, which is completely different from the past.

In the past two or three hundred years, the combat effectiveness and cohesion were stronger than they are now.

After the number of people increased sharply, Fei Yue had more things to consider.

If you are forced to move again, it will really hurt your muscles and bones.

"Haha, I think, if it was you, you would definitely do it... But these three people made me ask something different, Lin Yue, guess how it happened?"

Fei Yue looked mysteriously at Lin Yue again.

This time, Lin Yue was not as silent as last time, but thought for a moment.

"Prisoner's Dilemma?" He remembered a saying he had read.

This, referring to a particular game between two captured prisoners, illustrates the difficulty of maintaining cooperation even when cooperation is beneficial to both parties.

For example, when two people who conspired in a crime were put in prison, they could not communicate with each other about any situation.

If neither of the two whistles on the other, each gets a year in prison due to uncertain evidence;

If one of them denounces and the other remains silent, the whistleblower will be released immediately because of meritorious deeds, and the silent one will be imprisoned for ten years for not cooperating;

And if both parties expose each other, both will be sentenced to eight years in prison because of the solid evidence.

Since the prisoners simply cannot trust each other, they tend to expose each other rather than keep silent.

In the end, the bystanders of the game will gain the greatest benefit.

However, this method cannot be used repeatedly, otherwise, in the end, trust will be re-established among the prisoners, thus destroying this dilemma.

"That's right, it's the Prisoner's Dilemma. You Siyuan told me about this method. I didn't know there was such a method before. And this method did allow us to obtain information that we never thought of before!"

"Oh?" Lin Yue was quite curious about this, what did Fei Yue know?

"In short, it's Lin Yue, the so-called 'survivor' you judged before is actually not quite right, or in other words, only a little bit right." Fei Yue said to You Siyuan nodded.

"Let me tell you, Mr. Lin Yue, for our boss who is almost in trouble in this regard. It's actually simple. These so-called 'beggars' who are mixed with lizard people are actually divided into two types. .”

"Two kinds... One is a 'survivor' and the other is a 'survivor'?" Lin Yue understood immediately.

It's not what he thought before, beggars are what survivors call themselves.

Rather, it is actually a matter of two people.

"That's right, the so-called real beggars... I guess you probably haven't encountered much, Mr. Lin Yue. Those people should be regarded as the 'abandoned' people in this world. Specifically, .”

You Siyuan said and sighed.

"Old and young, women and children?"

"That's right, you are indeed a big brother. You have thought of everything we asked. That's it. Those old, young, women and children who are extremely difficult to survive are the main force of beggars. They basically don't appear in front of us, but They exist in the various caves and mountain hollows arranged by the lizard people. What they do every day is to provide the lizard people with various spying information on our survivors, and pay a certain amount of labor to strive for a stable and undisturbed life. .”

Lin Yue nodded.

Exchange information, various technologies, etc. to the lizardmen in exchange for a more stable life...

These people are indeed doing everything they can to survive.

But to be honest, the probability of surviving in this different world is basically too low for old and young women and children.

If they keep facing disasters outside, this group of groups with extremely weak survival ability will also fall into the crisis of survival.

However, this group of people is not so much "abandoned", but actually chooses to be "abandoned" by themselves.

After all, not all refuge villages do not want to protect these old, young, women and children, just like Fei Yue and the others, most of the people are old and weak, women and children, etc. Everyone is working for this refuge village making a contribution.

It is obvious that you can live with more dignity, but you are looking for an easier way.

Even if it becomes an enemy with all human beings.

"Brother Lin, the second information we got is that these guys who call themselves 'survivors' said that they were ordered by someone to become a new force together with the lizard people , is helping that person rule over the entire human race."

At this time, You Siyuan conveyed this important message to Lin Yue.

"This... seems to be the same as the group of people you met in the underground ruins last time." Lin Yue recalled that last time Fei Yue and the others encountered those people who pretended to surrender and called themselves "survivors". That's what he said.

"Indeed, so we also feel that this point should be certain, and there is indeed someone involved in it. These beggars who did not belong to them and were unwilling to become under the lizard people obeyed. That person's order is to appear with the lizardman and work together to eradicate those survivors who are not good for that person. Just like you, just like me." Fei Yue said, sighing.

"About this person, I've made a good guess, Fei Yue, I think you should know this person too."

Things have actually become clearer.

That person's name, I don't even want to guess.

"Lily Callahau, this person should be the 'that person' we have been hearing all the time, and this Lily Callahau, in order to control these survivors, arranged a person named 'Executor' from it, through Release various tasks to maintain the relationship between these people." Fei Yue immediately said the name they all wanted.

Lily Callahau.

This is a name that you want to avoid, and it is absolutely impossible to avoid.

As the second strongest player in the world rankings, this person had gained a strong advantage over all other survivors except Lin Yue a long time ago.

After ranking in the world leaderboard for the first time, the refuge village where this person is located has not stopped making small moves.

It seems that they have always wanted to bring those small refuge villages into their forces, and use various methods such as persuasion, internal strife, chaos, and fighting to achieve their goals.

And, it even seems to be working.

Although there are certain other reasons for Xing Lingfeng and the others to take refuge and surrender, the surrender of the fourth-ranked existence in the world has made it easier for Lily Callahau to absorb the actions of many refuge villages to a certain extent. .

Now, in the reasoning of Lin Yue and Fei Yue, this person should be the one who manipulates the so-called "executor" to drive those puppets called "survivors" together with the lizardmen to push the survivors to a desperate situation , until becoming a member of her refuge village.

Lily Callahau's goal should be to become the only leader of all mankind in this different world.

Now, it seems that in less than fifty days, her progress is actually quite smooth.

But the obstacle in front of her now, apart from Lin Yue's insurmountable high wall, is Fei Yue's newly erected boulder!

A large number of strange beasts from the secret realm that emerged from the ancient gate of the secret realm attacked the refuge villages of Lin Yue and Fei Yue at the same time, which is proof.

"Lily Callahau, this person is really strange. I still think it is difficult for a refuge village with a thousand people to operate. She actually wants to control the whole world? Is this person a lunatic?" Fei Yue said helplessly.

"Crazy or not, I don't know, but this person came here from the beginning, otherwise, she wouldn't have exhausted so much strength and energy to keep pushing this matter, and you and I seem to have become each other A thorn in the side of the flesh. Fei Yue, I think, in the near future, you must do a good job in the defense of the refuge village."

"Ah? Me? Lin Yue, I don't think they can go so fast, this is about to be a disaster, won't these people calm down more?"

Lin Yue shook his head.

At this time, it is a more suitable time.

There are quite a lot of people in Feiyue's refuge village now.

How many undercover agents and insiders of Lily Callahau will there be?

Moreover, seeing that the weeds have stopped growing and become more and more dry, these tall grasses are also the best barrier to hide large troops and ambush them.

Lin Yue feels that if he is Lily Callahau, now is the best chance to get rid of Fei Yue's thorn in his side and thorn in his flesh. ,

If Fei Yue is killed, firstly, it will be able to solve this new force that has recently expanded wildly and has a lot of resources and survivors, and by the way, it can also obtain a lot of resources.

The second is his own ally who can solve the biggest obstacle for Lily Callahau, so that he can only fight alone in the future.

In the end, it can also extend its influence to the hinterland closest to him, and can attack his refuge at any time!

"Fei Yue, you trust me once, and then you don't do anything for now, wait until the disaster is over!" Lin Yue didn't know why, he had a premonition.

Chances are, maybe Lily Callahau is ready!

After all, among the tall grass on the ground, and the underground ruins underground, they are all places where she dispatches troops!

"If she thought about it, shouldn't she have let the lizard people come to an army of one million and drown us? Could it be that we were thinking wrong?" Zheng Jingzhi, who was silent on the side, suddenly said at this time.

"My guess is that Lily Callahau has not been able to fully mobilize the lizard people. They seem to be in a cooperative relationship with each other. Among them, the link between Lily Callahau and the lizard people, that Liu Kai, It doesn't seem to be completely subordinate to Lily Callahau, or in other words, this person has more ideas, so the lizard man and Lily Callahau didn't fully cooperate."

Lin Yue thought of Liu Kai who had a lizard man who could communicate, and looked at Fei Yue.

Fei Yue nodded.

This person has a magical language ability and can communicate with lizard people without barriers, and this is also a kind of "supernatural power".

"Huh? Liu Kai? What's wrong with Liu Kai?" A few people on one side still don't understand the relationship between extraordinary power and that high fever, let alone the existence of extraordinary power.

What's more, in front of them, there are still extraordinary people with "self-healing power" standing.

"However, if those stones become the bait of Lily Callahau...Lin Yue, we will indeed be in great danger." Fei Yue understood Lin Yue's worry.

He also knew that he couldn't let his guard down.

Indeed, his village of refuge was dangerous.

"Lay the stones outward as much as possible. In addition, produce more weapons and keep an eye on the city wall. Moreover, emergencies must be dealt with internally in a timely manner. Feiyue, next I'm going to the ancient gate of the special secret realm, go to Kill that mythical behemoth, and what you have to do is, if you are attacked before I come back, you must hold on to me!"

Lin Yue stretched out his hand and looked at Fei Yue.

And Fei Yue held the hand of this ally at the same time!

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