As Lin Yue and Xiaoliuzi gradually left their original place, the screams of the mythical giant gradually weakened.

By maximizing the performance of the super-alloy large suspended flamethrower, Lin Yue barely caught up with the speed of Xiaoliuzi.

Unexpectedly, the flying speed of this little guy is really fast.

Lin Yue felt that he was traveling at about fifty or sixty kilometers per hour, and the guy next to him was flying with ease, even gliding much faster than him.

Lin Yue shook his head.

This is also impossible.

No matter how fast he is, his body probably won't be able to bear it.

The human body has limits, it is different from animals, and even more different from mysterious creatures like ice lizards.

But having said that, is the Storm Lizard related to Xiaobai and the others?

Lin Yue thought about it, and the only similarity between the two seems to be "flying".

Although they all brought a "lizard", it is obvious that Xiaobai's appearance is more gentle, and the overall head is also round, not the sharp edges and corners of the storm pterosaur, and it looks like An extremely vicious and terrifying creature.

Even Xiaobai and Xiaomeng can see human-like expressions on their faces.

This is something Lin Yue has never seen in any creature other than humans.

Not to mention, the wisdom they displayed now surprised Lin Yue even more.

As for the Storm Lizard, it is really only barbaric and vicious, or even cruel and crazy.

They are really just beasts, different from Xiaobai.

If there are some similarities with Xiaobai, there is one kind.

Mythical Behemoth.

Their looks, if you take a closer look, are really a bit like "lizards", and they also have completely different looks.

Like the little ice lizards, their initial appearance was the same kind of guy with eight bone legs and the ability to spray water mist.

But after that, it will grow into an unimaginable, terrifying and incomprehensible creature with a height of hundreds of meters!

Even, in this so-called "second stage" of "evolution", it will become different due to unknown reasons.

The first head seems to be an enlarged version of the previous one, but there is an extra pair of legs, and the tentacles have also changed from the mouth and under the neck to the back of the head, and while the body is enlarged, it seems that the strength is also stronger. The most terrifying, it looks like a bastard without a shell, not to mention the extremely short head and tail, and its reaction is very slow. .

This second head, which is now dying, not only has a slender neck like the ancient thunder dragon Diplodocus, but also has two heads with different looks, not to mention an extremely long tail, and a head that can spray water. The strange ability to produce fog.

This mist even completely covers the center of the city, and can be raised to a height of one or two hundred meters, which is unimaginable!

These two are both giant mythical beasts. They have completely different appearances, and it is impossible to imagine that they were originally a kind of creature.

Although, it is true that the system did not say that they were originally a kind of creature.

Lin Yue and Xiao Liuzi landed at the ancient gate of the special secret realm, and Lin Yue took a deep breath.

He saw that ten little ice lizards were waiting for him with scars all over their bodies and blood all over their bodies.

They seem to have wiped out a considerable number of enemies in this secret realm.

Well done.

Lin Yue looked into the distance.

look around.

They were located in the center of the crossroads, and at the ends of the four passages, there were black and dense creatures gushing out.

Even, from the surrounding high-rise buildings, there are countless dark and mysterious beasts pouring out.

There is only one direction for them to go.

Lin Yue knew that the time seemed to be approaching.

The mythical giant beast should be on the verge of death, that's why so many strange beasts in the secret realm want to come and eat it.

This was exactly the same as last time. When the situation happened again, Lin Yue didn't set fire like last time, making them feel the same burning feeling as the mythical giant beast.

【Secret Realm, New York area · Mythical Beast · Beverlysis has been eliminated by Survivor · Lin Yue】

[All survivors within the New York area will be forcibly kicked out of the secret realm after one minute, please be prepared! 】

[Repeat, the secret realm, New York area·mythical behemoth Beflisis has been eliminated by survivor Lin Yue, all survivors within the New York area will be forcibly kicked out within one minute! 】

"Sure enough, it's here." Lin Yue opened the ancient door of the special secret realm, and the little ice lizards, like him, looked towards the place near the seaside of New York City, where the monstrous flames and black smoke were burning.

The mythical behemoth has been wiped out.

Second head!

"Okay, little guys, we have done a good job here, but our work on the other side has not been fully completed. We are all ready to fight, and no one will hurt me!"

Put on the flying armor again, but it can't count on flying at present.

After checking the magazine, Lin Yue stepped outside the door with one foot.

The little ice lizards rushed in from their feet one by one, and the little six also rushed out.

Lin Yue looked back at this place again, and put his helmet on.

Outside, Lily Callahau's army, probably fighting Feiyue.

He had already understood this from the warning sounds of the little ice lizards just now!

[Forced kick countdown: 9, 8, 7...]

Without further hesitation, Lin Yue walked in and closed the door.

After the white light, gunshots rang out!

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! !

Bursts of violent gunshots hit Lin Yue's flying armor at the moment when he went out!

And he also saw that around him, dozens of people were aiming at him and pouring bullets from the submachine gun in their hands frantically!

However, these bullets couldn't penetrate the protection of his armor at all, leaving only bullet marks all over his body, nothing else.

He looked up at Feiyue, they were already surrounded.

Overwhelmed by darkness, there are countless lizardmen and beggars!

Gunshots continued to come from above and below, and the city wall was constantly blasted by the black powder thrown by the lizardmen!

The crowd of lizardmen and beggars in black are constantly trying to climb up to the city wall with ladders!

More mysterious beasts came out of nowhere and joined the siege army!

Good guy, do you want to use crowd tactics?

Several people around had rushed over, and Lin Yue raised his hand and took out the sprayer.

boom! !

The one closest to him was directly blasted into a honeycomb!

"Lin Yue! It's Lin Yue!! Kill him!! He has a troll in his hand, so put a distance and surround him!"

At this time, Lin Yue suddenly heard a roar, and in an instant, dozens of heavily armed people had surrounded him in an instant!

Lin Yue could feel that the severe pain that was still covering his right shoulder just now was disappearing quickly, and the original wounds and bruises were also quickly returning to their original skin color.

And the feeling that made him unable to lift his arms was completely gone!

"The ability of self-healing makes me seem to have no fear here?"

The best way to deal with enemies surrounded by medium and long distances is not to use sprayers.

Lin Yue picked up the AK in an instant!

"Kill me? Dream, are you still awake?!"

A shuttle of bullets emptied in an instant, and the dozens of people surrounding him were also directly knocked to the ground by this precise attack!

Lin Yue tried to fly into the air, but there was no response behind him, so he directly raised the sniper pistol.

A burst of bullets poured on his body, Lin Yue knew that it would be better not to hide than to hide.

He raised his sniper pistol and shot the heads of those people with only panic on their faces!

At this moment, there was a vibration under the feet, and soon several lizardmen appeared at the feet!

They hugged Lin Yue's legs almost immediately, and more lizardmen appeared from the hole!

"Play this trick." Lin Yue raised his sniper pistol with one hand, and sniped and killed several people who came over one by one, while the other mechanical hand directly clenched his fists and smashed them on the heads of the two lizardmen beside him!

In an instant, the head cracked open, and the treasure chest appeared!

The lizardmen saw in disbelief that the huge iron block they were attacking suddenly crushed seven or eight of their arms and legs under the frantic hammering, and the rest were moved before they got close. The mechanical leg that got up was kicked into the air!

Lin Yue was fighting in full swing, and the sniper pistol in his hand ran out of bullets after killing more than a dozen people.

And at this moment, a burst of silver light flashed, and the heads of more than a dozen people surrounded by them were cut off in an instant!

Little Six let out a long cry, and instantly flew away from the enemies who raised their heads and fired bullets into the sky. Another flash of silver light flashed, and dozens of people had their heads cut off again!

Lin Yue had already changed into AK at this moment, and using the powerful power of the mechanical legs, he threw off several lizardmen around him, and beat them into honeycombs one by one!

Then, without any nonsense, he sacrificed the big killer!

"Howitzers... trash! How long can you hold on?" Lin Yue summoned a little ice lizard, let it hold the system panel, and pressed the launch button!

Just like the gun barrel of a tank fired three bullets in a row in an instant, blasting into the lizardmen, strange beasts and beggars under the city wall, and the flames burning amidst the roar also caused nearly a thousand lives to disappear almost instantly !

Lin Yue didn't intend to stop at all, he jumped directly beside the howitzer, and asked the little ice lizard to press the launch button again, and another round of three bullets burst out from the tide-like enemy army!

At this time, Lin Yue used AK to sweep down dozens of beggar enemies who surrounded him again!

The flower of death bloomed again in the crowd, and at the same time, the group of lizardmen and beggars who climbed the city wall also began to panic!

The originally dense crowd of beasts turned out to be in chaos at this time!

Lin Yue didn't give these guys time to react at all. What is the howitzer truck for?


Boom boom boom boom boom...

A howitzer hit the enemies outside the walls of the refuge village surrounding Feiyue, and plunged them into the abyss of death!

After a wave of battles, Lin Yue directly wiped out nearly ten thousand enemies!

And he fought like a ghost, and the enemies around him didn't even dare to move forward!

"Little Six, report to Xiaomeng and the others, at least let Green Claw come over! Let the other little ice lizards go back too!"

After Lin Yue gave orders to the already exhausted Little Six and the little ice lizards, even the little ice lizard that fired the grenade let him go back. He stood beside the howitzer truck that had no ammunition, and seemed afraid to approach him The weapons in the hands of those enemies have become sniper rifles.

"Think I can't attack from a distance?"


What I know best is long-distance sniping!

Lin Yue's series of sixteen shots instantly took away the lives of sixteen enemies who were a little further away!

Except for the lizardmen whose heads were crushed at the beginning, Lin Yue deliberately did not kill those lizardmen directly, but specifically killed the human enemies.

For him, this is the safest option.

Whether it was letting the little ice lizard press the launch button, or he crushed the legs or kicked the rest of the lizardmen, it was all for this consideration.

100% bursting the treasure chest, even at this moment, he will never let anyone find out.

Last time, Du Ping did not seem to have successfully conveyed this secret to anyone, and in this different world, he was the only one who knew that he possessed this ability, along with Xiaobai, Xiaomeng and many Xiaobing. Lizard only.

Of course, Lin Yue suspected that part of the lizard people should also know this secret, but he didn't know if they could discuss it with that Liu Kai.

However, people who know this secret often don't live too long.

Lin Yue sniped off another yellow beard who looked like a commander in the distance. After covering the faces of those wearing chain mail next to him with bullets, he raised his arm and jumped onto the howitzer. The two lizardmen of the car were thrown down, and their legs were directly crippled with the MP5.

Combat is always boring.

Especially, under the situation of strength crushing.

Although the flying armor on his body can't continue to fly, it can prevent the opponent's bullets.

However, these attacking people actually had a weapon in their hands, which surprised him quite a bit.

Originally, he thought that only Fei Yue had a weapon of this size.

It seems that the group of people who came to attack cannot be underestimated.

Lin Yue forced dozens of lizard men back again, and after they were disabled, the grenade launcher behind him also fired the last two ammunition into the air, and they directly hit two places where the crowd gathered, and there was a loud bang !

The powerful self-healing ability makes Lin Yue more energetic.

He didn't even feel any fatigue, and the weapons in his hands kept switching, forcing the surrounding enemies to retreat due to too many casualties.

But Lin Yue will not let them get what they want because of this.

Retreat from a long distance?

Then come directly to a long-range sniper here!

There are only a few lizardmen nearby who can cause some trouble, but after being broken by him again and again, they gradually dare not come forward.

As for those beggar enemies, after Lin Yue's rounds of attacks that kept changing guns, they couldn't even get closer to him for more than a hundred meters!

"It's almost there?"

Lin Yue glanced at some material reserves in his hand, and chose to make an alloy shelter.

He jumped directly into the shelter, threw the diesel generator inside, quickly pulled out the wires inside, and poured diesel into it to start it.

Lin Yue came out again, climbed directly to the roof of the shelter, looked around, and sneered softly.

After he was busy for such a short while, nearly ten thousand enemies also took advantage of this time to surround him!

"Isn't this just right?"

Beside Lin Yue, behind a flash of white light, four medium-sized electric sentry machine guns appeared!

They also spat out flames the second Lin Yue turned on the switch!

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