Under Lin Yue's control, the alloy injection mechanism of the two cylinders quickly unfolded into a cross shape.

Each of the two cross-shaped central parts has a large jet port, and the tops of the eight separated hanging arms, which are like long legs of spiders, each have a jet port.

As the flying mode was further turned on, it also made a mechanical sound, and immediately, ten groups of blue-purple flames spewed out!

Lin Yue controlled the flying armor, flew up into the sky in an instant, and faced the two moons!

Soon, he came to a height of nearly fifty or sixty meters in the air, and saw the whole picture of the shelter with flashing lights.

"That's right, this one. The stability of the flight is better than before, but it's more than a star and a half." Lin Yue felt that this super alloy flying armor was much better than the previous one.

It doesn't shake at all when flying, and with his various movements, it doesn't cause any instability.

Moreover, even if Lin Yue uses something similar to horizontal or even handstand flying, it will not appear in any unstable state, which makes Lin Yue feel that it seems that he can really rely on it in the future.

Lin Yue looked at the various values ​​on the small display, and after various actions, it also had continuous feedback.

At the same time, Lin Yue also knew the various limit values ​​of this armor.

"The maximum battery life seems to be 4 hours... Will it automatically shut down because the engine is overheated? The maximum speed is 150 kilometers per hour. This speed is indeed amazing. I don't know if my body can withstand it. .Wait, can the flight altitude reach 4,000 meters? Good guy, this wave is really good."

Moreover, the flight duration, distance, altitude, etc. can be adjusted at any time according to various values ​​on the small display screen.

quite flexible.

Lin Yue feels that flying seems to be stronger than before.

Even, this flight function, according to the identification of the system he just checked, seems to be able to perform the kind of "modular replacement" like the M19 pistol, provided that he also has a large precision engine and a super In the case of an alloy large suspended flamethrower, it can be broken down into design drawings at any time, and then a wave of manufacturing and replacement will come.

This time, it seems that it can fly continuously for a long time...

In the dark sky, Lin Yue looked at some unknown mutant creatures that had already flown towards him, and immediately had an idea.

"Check all the weapons!" Lin Yue gave an order, and all kinds of weapon magazines hidden on the sides of the mechanical arm and mechanical legs popped out, and Lin Yue quickly took out two Sand Eagles as this time main battle weapon.

Controlled with his fingers, the flying battle armor also rushed towards the group of mutant creatures that originally wanted to attack him!

The three-eyed owl and the eagle-winged insects originally wanted to use their numerical advantage to attack this strange thing, but soon, they realized what a big mistake they had made!

The sand eagle made a huge sound, howling non-stop in mid-air, and while the mutated creatures kept falling, copper treasure boxes and silver treasure boxes kept falling to the ground.

After Lin Yue killed dozens of them, he saw that the rest started to flee in all directions, so he didn't chase after them, but slowly descended and returned to the ground.

For now, it seems to be feeling pretty good.

If there is a shortcoming, Lin Yue thinks that this weapon really needs to be properly upgraded.

Now, he has almost no surface-to-face weapons. To be honest, the thermal weapons in his hand are not particularly powerful.

If there is, it's just a grenade launcher.

Now his grenade launcher has a total capacity of twelve ammunition, six on each side, and it can be replenished in time when needed.

But to be honest, only such a weapon can effectively attack a large number of enemies.

For the rest, you have to rely on other weapons, such as medium-sized electric sentry machine guns, or howitzer vehicles.

Speaking of which, it is true that the grenade of the howitzer vehicle can only be loaded with nine rounds at a time, no more.

It cannot be modified by modifying the magazine like those guns, which is indeed a disadvantage.

Lin Yue took out the remaining ammunition inside, broke it down into design drawings, and produced another 90 rounds for spare.

And these ninety rounds did consume a lot of TNT in Lin Yue's hands, and the remaining ones are not so enough.

"It seems that I have to open the high-level treasure chest to try my luck and see if I can get more TNT." After Lin Yue packed the howitzer cart, he finally put the howitzer cart into the storage space again.


"Take away the palladium treasure box first, and then go find Xiaobai." Lin Yue immediately determined what he was going to do tonight.

As for the rankings and the like, just look at them tomorrow morning. Anyway, to him, it's not that important.

To die, that is, the reward of a platinum treasure box is still reasonable, which makes him want to get the first place a little bit.

However, when it comes to this ranking list, what Lin Yue is most concerned about now is nothing more than the second place.

If Lily Callahau can't guarantee the second place, then it proves that the one who will attack Feiyue Refuge Village is Lily Callahau's people.

If she is still second, and the scores of other refuge villages have dropped a lot...

Things get more complicated.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue walked to the other side of the main refuge, where five little ice lizards were guarding a huge wooden box.

Seeing Lin Yue approaching, the little ice lizards also retreated to the sides, and followed Lin Yue's instructions to return to the ground.

Lin Yue took out the fire axe, and after cutting open the huge wooden box, what he saw was his third palladium treasure box.

"Although this thing is good, it is true that there are too few."

Lin Yue really likes the palladium treasure chest, and prefers more powerful objects in it.

But the disadvantage of this thing is that their number is too rare.

At present, there are only two ways to obtain it.

One is to collect all the map fragments in the current area, which is how he got his first palladium treasure chest.

The other is to kill the mythical behemoth in the secret realm.

After the first Lin Yue in Tokyo was killed, the system would launch, and this time, the one that killed New York also launched a wave of launch.

However, what was different from last time was not just the appearance of the mythical behemoth.

"Last time, the so-called 'Tokyo area' was only purified, but this time, it seems that even New York and the nearby sea areas have been purified... In the nearby sea area, will there be all kinds of mysterious beasts in the surface?"

Lin Yue has never seen any mysterious beasts living in the water, nor has he seen any special creatures in this different world that look like special creatures in this world.

But there is really no reason not to prove that in the huge ocean of the earth that has now been reduced to a secret realm, there are a large number of secret realm beasts.

But...compared to those on land, as well as those in the sky, the mysterious beasts in the ocean are really not easy to destroy.

What if there is a monster that is as huge as the mythical behemoth, or even bigger than it?

This kind of thing is not impossible.

After all, compared with the land, the ocean is also vaster, deeper and more mysterious.

The average depth of several thousand meters is enough to hide enough unknown and indescribable things.

"In the future, do I have to add a diving function to the flying armor? Wait, the weapon is indeed a lot worse." Lin Yue felt that things were not as simple as he imagined before.

Perhaps, to completely purify the earth requires more things.

Moreover, there is indeed another point that makes Lin Yue feel puzzled.

Although the two giant mythical beasts have different appearances, fundamentally speaking, they are almost like two kinds of creatures.

In particular, the huge pile of plants on the back of the first head, and the weird ability to release mist on the second head made Lin Yue unable to figure out what was going on here.

"I always feel that they are integrated with nature. Moreover, after the steel buildings are eliminated, they will all become very excited. Why?"

Lin Yue shook his head, there were too many things to think about.

[You got the Palladium Treasure Box! 】

[You have obtained the Advanced Universal Upgrade Design Drawing X2! 】

【You got titanium alloy X10! 】

Lin Yue found that there was not only a palladium treasure box in the wooden box, but also two advanced multi-purpose upgrade design drawings, and ten units of titanium alloy!

The airdrop of the system is extremely powerful every time.

Of course, if the conditions for the system airdrop are not met, it is useless to say anything.

But speaking of...

It seems that apart from myself, no one should have obtained a treasure chest of the same level as the palladium treasure chest.

After all, every time the palladium treasure box is airdropped, the system will broadcast on all channels. Except for his own, he has never heard anyone else have a system broadcast.

Even the airdrop of the platinum treasure chest was never broadcast.

"It seems that I have been stealing the limelight all by myself? Although I really never thought about it."

Lin Yue felt that it seemed that the other refuge villages could get the first golden treasure box in their respective groups, which was already very good.

If they want to go further, it seems that there is not much possibility.

Of course, if there is such a refuge village that can break his monopoly, then it can basically be confirmed that it should exist in the top ten of the next world rankings.

Lin Yue turned around and returned to the castle shelter.

What he's going to do next is to find Xiaobai inside the Exploration Gate.

Xiaobai didn't seem to be back at the moment. After that meeting on the battlefield, he asked Xiaomeng, and after getting a negative answer, he had already judged that the little guy Xiaobai seemed to have been in the sky opposite the door all the time. Neither came back.

Regarding Xiaobai's strength, Lin Yue was still at ease.

Those werewolfs couldn't threaten it at all.

Now Xiaobai's strength...is really at the level of "holy" as those wolfheads who were defeated by him and him said.

So, after half a day, what will Xiaobai do?

After leaving enough food in the living room, Lin Yue walked out from the gate of the castle refuge wearing a super alloy flying armor.

When he got to the door of exploration, he also unexpectedly found that not far away, a huge door inlaid with golden lace appeared at some point.

"The ancient gate of the exclusive secret realm... But if you want to go, it must be tomorrow or after the disaster."

The palladium treasure box here hasn't had time to open yet, so I'd better go and bring Xiaobai back first.

Then, spend another day cleaning up the shelter up and down to prepare for the coming disaster!

Speaking of disasters...

Lin Yue raised his head and looked at the two rounds of the sky that seemed to have always been full moons.

Even though he was wearing this super alloy flying armor, he still felt a bit of coolness.

Unlike the extreme cold as imagined, the current temperature is around zero degrees. Although it is not cold, it is enough to make people shiver.

The four major disasters are drought, sandstorm and insect plague.

So far, I haven't seen too many manifestations of the latter two, but I have to guard against them.

Thinking about this, Lin Yue pushed open the door of exploration and walked into it.

On the other side, of course, it was pitch black.

Lin Yue, who had the night vision goggles on all the time, didn't feel any inconvenience.

However, he also thought of one thing before activating the double cross flame jet aircraft on his back.

"Fei Yue, are you alright?"

Taking out the system tablet, Lin Yue immediately contacted his ally who had just experienced the war by voice.

"Nothing happened for the time being, Huo Yu and the others came back and told me that you told me not to relax the enemy's night attack, and I was really paying attention to it, and I installed the machine gun platform you left behind at that time. Three hundred people were sent to guard the city wall and the lower part, and of course, I was also on the city wall.”

Fei Yue quickly replied to Lin Yue and fully told him the countermeasures over there.

Lin Yue felt relieved.

Fei Yue's reaction was quick. With such an ally who has a clear mind and knows what he is doing, he can save a lot of worry.

"That's good. If there is something wrong with you, please notify me immediately. If there are too many enemies, the refuge village cannot be defended..."

"I understand, is the ancient gate of the secret realm or the gate of the underground ruins? I can still think about it. After you go back during the day, we will send everyone to clean the battlefield and collect the sweat and blood of the lizard people. I really thought of it." It is true that if it is impossible to keep it, I also ordered everyone to receive the necessary and important things into the storage space, and also distributed food and weapons to everyone, in case it really happened For uncontrollable things, we will smear the sweat and blood of the lizardmen, spend a night in the secret realm, and then talk about it the next day."

Lin Yue nodded, Fei Yue was not stupid, he knew what to do, he was sober.

And even understand what to do if the worst happens.

"I may be a little far away from you, and I may not be able to reach you in a while, so if I can't stop it, I mean, if you can't stop it, don't be eager to fight, the refuge village It doesn't matter if it is taken away, after all..."

"If you keep the green hills, you're not afraid of running out of firewood. I understand. Lin Yue, don't worry, I'm not the kind of stubborn person. I will let it go when it's time to let it go. The refuge village or something, even if it's lost I am confident enough to take it back!"

As Fei Yue said, he burst out laughing.

However, he suddenly hung up the phone.

Um? what's the situation?

Just as Lin Yue was wondering, Fei Yue's chat message was sent again.

"By the way, I always have a question, Lin Yue."


"Will your ability make you lose your pain nerve?"

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