"My... country?"

Suddenly, from Xiaobai's words in front of him, Lin Yue heard words that he would never have heard before.



Lin Yue felt that this was a bit like a dream, absurd and wonderful.

"Master, your country, wolf-headed man, I obey you." Xiaobai spoke intermittently, but it seemed that it was speaking more and more smoothly.

"You mean to say that these werewolf-headed men are now obeying me, and one hundred and fifty-one cities have become my kingdom?"

Lin Yue looked at the leader in surprise, and the leader knelt down to him again at this moment.

Good guy, it's true or not.

Lin Yue looked at Xiaobai in disbelief, but Xiaobai seemed quite determined.

"Yes, master, you are the king now." Xiaobai glanced at the wolf-headed leader again, and the wolf-headed leader nodded immediately. After a while, Lin Yue found that all the previous big meals had been served again, but it seemed They are all new.

"They, people." Xiaobai seemed to speak calmly, and it walked up to the leader, who took out a golden ring from his arms.

This is a ring.

In Xiaobai's broad palm, the ring shimmered in the firelight.

"Xiaobai, what have you been talking about all this time, when did I become the king of the werewolf?" Lin Yue still felt a little unbelievable at the moment.

What he did was to beat up the rebellious and war-loving werewolf back and forth, and he had no strength to fight back.

As a result, he became the king of this werewolf?

"Master, for 'God', Xiaobai, for 'Holy'." Xiaobai handed the ring to Lin Yue.

Lin Yue saw that on one side of the ring, a lifelike three-dimensional wolf head was engraved. The wolf head opened its mouth at the moment, and there was a shimmering gem among the sharp teeth. ,

And this ring seems to be made of platinum.

"This is……"

Xiaobai turned around and asked the leader of the werewolf head who was still kneeling. After the other party said something, Xiaobai turned back again.

"Master, the king's, one of the twelve scepter fragments."

"Twelve... fragments of the scepter?" Lin Yue picked up the ring, and the jewel in its wolf's mouth shone unbelievably gorgeous in the firelight.

Lin Yue looked at it carefully, and suddenly found that the gem seemed familiar.

"Sapphire?" Lin Yue squinted his eyes and looked carefully, as if he was a little afraid to confirm.

But then, he took out the sapphire enshrined by the lizardman from the storage space, and when he wanted to compare it, the leader of the werewolf man suddenly shouted!


Probably because of this sound, Lin Yue suddenly raised his head.

When Lin Yue looked at the leader of the werewolf again, he found that it was crying, and it was extremely excited.

Looking at the two wolf-headed men who followed, they also clasped their palms together, sitting on their knees, chanting non-stop, but also kept tearing from their eyes, as if they were extremely excited.

"Master, holy object." Xiao Bai pointed to the huge sapphire in Lin Yue's hand, "Wolf head man, lost."

"The lost holy object?" Lin Yue was puzzled, what's going on? Lost creatures? Is this sapphire?

Isn't this something on the altar of the lizardman? How did it become the lost sacred object of the werewolf? What are you doing?

"Master, a long time ago, the lizardmen killed the werewolves, enslaved them, and stole the holy objects." Xiaobai said, chatted with the leader for a while, then turned his head and continued, "Summon, holy, come back The hometown, lizard people, take it away, they can't go back."

Lin Yue seemed to understand something, and what he remembered at the same time was the murals in the underground ruins of the Lizardman.

In the mural, Lin Yue remembered that the lizardmen once enslaved a kind of humanoid with big ears like beasts, let them build underground ruins, and killed a large number of that creature.

Thinking about it now, isn't this kind of humanoid with big ears like a beast the wolf-headed man in front of him?

The werewolves originally had a more powerful civilization than the lizardmen, but they seemed to be defeated in the battle with the lizardmen, and then they were forced to become their slaves, and finally helped them build the huge and extremely complicated underground ruins.

Lin Yue remembered again, that would be seen in the underground of Area F, that mountain-like skeleton, but much smaller than a human being.

Then I guess it belongs to the werewolf...

As for the gigantic statue with the altar in the Forgotten Temple that the lizard people have always valued, was it also made by these werewolf men?

Lin Yue thought for a while, took out the system tablet, called up the incomparably huge and majestic colossus, and asked Xiaobai to take it.

However, just as Xiaobai gave them a look, the old werewolf who had been staring at the rough sapphire suddenly muttered something, howled again, and passed out, and the two werewolves next to him were at a loss.

"Xiaobai, what's the situation?" Lin Yue asked Xiaobai who seemed to be thinking about something, and felt that after entering this room, he had been in a strange state.

"Master... it said just now that the stone statue is an evil god, and its ancestors participated in and built it." Xiaobai glanced at the werewolf man who passed out on the ground again, and after saying something to the side, the other side hurried out up.


That thing is actually a mythical behemoth...

Lin Yue found that, in the eyes of the werewolf, some things were different from what he was currently in contact with.

The mythical behemoth is the "first" monster whose name is indicated by the system.

Even, on the World Channel, the appearance and data of the two mythical behemoths were posted twice.

Although that was after he defeated them, it was the first time that they were actually marked as "mythical behemoths".

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that no creature has been treated like this before.

Moreover, what did the old guy say that his ancestors participated in the construction?

How long has the werewolf been here?

Just as Lin Yue was thinking, the door was opened again, and a wolf-headed man who looked older than the one just now was brought back by the wolf-headed man who had just gone out.

This older wolf-headed man seemed to be about to die, panting with every step he took, as if he couldn't hold on for too long.

Its hair was all white, its eyes were tightly closed, and in front of Lin Yue and Xiao Bai, it knelt down deeply respectively, and followed the big gift that Lin Yue had received outside.

Then, Xiaobai let it wake up again and asked.

Soon, the old werewolf man began to speak slowly in a language that Lin Yue could not understand, while Xiao Bai, who was the translator, nodded from time to time.

Finally, after ten minutes, Xiaobai finally turned his head and began to convey to Lin Yue.

And the general meaning is actually very simple.

In short, long, long ago, the ancestors of the werewolves were sent to this world in large quantities by a mysterious creature from their hometown in the past.

Afterwards, they began to take root in this world and thrive.

And that gem seems to be an incomparably precious thing that they have exhausted their great efforts to mine, and this kind of thing is related to an ancient ritual.

Later, the wolf heads established different countries in various places, and the twelve gems were also owned by the four largest countries.

Big and small, there are hundreds of thousands of countries established by werewolf heads in this world, and the twelve largest countries are constantly destroying these weak countries.

And after an extremely long time, in the end, only a few hundred of the countries they established remained in the entire world.

But it didn't take long before the lizardman appeared.

They are savage, violent, and will drive those monsters that have never been seen before, constantly killing, looting, and enslaving the werewolves.

Hundreds of countries were almost completely wiped out by the lizardmen in a few years, and in the end most of the wolfheads were taken away by the lizardmen to build palaces and temples underground.

As for the werewolves who were taken away, almost all of them died outside during the catastrophe, and never came back.

The twelve gems that symbolized power and status, as well as the history of the werewolves, eventually disappeared with the catastrophe.

However, I don't know how many years later there will be another day.

When the lizardmen attacked the castle of the wolfheads again, the wolfheads never saw the powerful monsters controlled by the lizardmen again, and they also successfully repelled the lizardmen.

The lizardmen never appeared again, but the wolfheads also suffered heavy losses, and there were hardly too many people left.

Since then, the wolfheads have gone through a long period of recuperation, and finally brought the people back to their heyday, and the civilization has also developed by leaps and bounds.

They re-established hundreds of thousands of countries, but at this time, they discovered that various humanoid civilizations appeared in this world.

The time seems to be about a hundred years ago.

After fighting these humanoid civilizations for nearly a year, the wolfheads once again lost their territory and their population sharply because of the war from all directions.

And they have also seen humans.

It's just that those human weapons are basically not much different from theirs, so they became the weaker, or even the weaker side in this war, and eventually disappeared.

And the descendants of the werewolves also retreated to such an extremely small territory, and built more than 600 cities in more than a hundred years.

Although it is true that everyone is their own king during this period, they have always belonged to that kind of extremely loose confederation, and there is no division between countries. In fact, they have been recuperating all the time.

And in the history of their werewolf-headed people, the white flying dragon seems to have always been called "holy".

The white flying dragon, in the werewolf race, seems to be the messenger of the mysterious power that brought them to this world, and, in the long history, it has appeared several times.

And the reason why Xiaobai was attacked at that time was to imprison Xiaobai, use this as a threat, regroup the loose confederation, unify the forces of all ministries, rush out of this remote and barren land, and once again Become the ruler of this world.

However, they have since learned their lesson.

After losing the lords of the three cities in several battles, they finally learned humility from their rebelliousness, and finally realized what they should do.

As for calling Lin Yue a "god", it is also because according to legend, the one who sent them to this world was a powerful creature like Lin Yue who wore metal armor covering his whole body and was able to fly.

While Lin Yue was listening, the cold dishes on the table were served again after the old werewolf finished speaking.

This time, Lin Yue grabbed the meat skewers and ate them. While eating, he was also thinking about all the things the old wolf head said.

"It seems that some things are different from what I imagined."

Lin Yue recorded some important things that the old werewolf said just now on the system tablet.

Among them, a few key words made him feel terrified when he thought about it carefully.

It seems that the werewolf did not come to this world with the first wave of humans in the last survival game, as he thought, but lived a long time ago, maybe even in this different world, for hundreds of years, even It is thousands of years.

The lizard people seem to be exactly the same, but compared with the progress of the wolf head man's civilization, the lizard people seem to be just fighting all the time, and have not improved their civilization.

The werewolfs seemed to be very prosperous in this world for a while, but they suffered two great declines in a row, and finally nested in this huge valley surrounded by mountains to recuperate.

The first time was because of the Lizardmen, and the second time was because of countless humanoids, including humans.

According to Lin Yue's thinking, the time when human beings should appear should be twenty years ago.

"However, that doesn't seem to be the case...According to the werewolf man, that happened nearly a hundred years ago...But, it doesn't make sense again."

Lin Yue frowned, remembering that the rotten bones in the doomsday bunker did not seem to reach the level that could be achieved in twenty years.

"If...the year of this world is different from that of the human world..." Lin Yue looked up at the old werewolf who was panting heavily, and asked Xiao Bai again.

"Xiaobai, the next few questions I have are very important."

"Master, do you want to ask, how long is a year in this world?" Xiaobai is very smart and has already thought to this point.

"Yes, Xiaobai, that's it."

Xiaobai quickly gave the answer: "Master, 365 days."

Lin Yue felt his scalp go numb.

A year is 365 days!

It is actually the same as the earth!

Well, this thing seems to be getting more interesting...

Lin Yue remembered the unstoppable timer he saw on the control tower of the Osaka airport.

After he traveled to this different world with more than seven billion human beings, when the so-called door to the secret realm opened, it was thirty-seven years later that humans discovered the original living earth.

Those two things seemed to fit just right.

The first time Xing Lingfeng and Lao Sun participated in this survival game was 20 years ago. They also returned to the earth 20 years ago, which should not have been the same time and space, within a year.

But for the Wolfheads, the last wave of people seems to have come here only a hundred years ago, not 20 years ago.

Then, who holds the key to the gate of time and space...

Lin Yue felt that he seemed to be approaching the key point of the ultimate mystery step by step.

However, it seems that more things need to be done to figure out the hidden mastermind behind the scenes!

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