Who thinks there are too many treasure chests?

Lin Yue said, me.

In the space of the huge stone statue underground, the number of lizardmen is huge to an extremely terrifying level.

And if he comes and kills them all...

At that time, the copper treasure chest will have an extremely terrifying magnitude.

Although there is now a robot dog to help open the treasure chest, he is still responsible for collecting the contents.

Therefore, Lin Yue still has so many treasure chests this time, no, the lizard man said, let's talk about it next time.

This is also the most fundamental reason why he wanted Xiaobai to harvest those lizardmen, and the little guy also understood his master's thoughts very well.

Lin Yue estimated that maybe 70% to 80% of the lizardmen in the space would be killed, and the rest probably couldn't escape the huge flame caused by the fire that he and Xiaobai threw away at the end.

Lizardfolk are extremely prone to fire, and so are their dead bodies.

Therefore, Lin Yue's last strike also cut off the lizard people's escape route.

Both he and Xiaobai are the type with extremely fast speed and faster escape speed.

They had already escaped from the cavern long before it collapsed.

And in this battle, he got a platinum treasure chest, thirteen gold treasure chests, and four silver treasure chests.

There were more or less copper treasure chests, and in the end one hundred and thirty were brought back, all of which were those that he would snipe on the cliff to attack Xiaobai, but he did not take back all of them, maybe a dozen or so were left behind. Maybe.

At this moment, he was resting on the safe ground together with Xiaobai.

In the battle just now, Xiaobai put in a lot of strength. Although he didn't use the powerful ice spray, Xiaobai also flew too many circles, and he still flew and attacked in circles around the huge stone statue. Already dizzy to die.

As for Lin Yue, he originally wanted to use the MP5 submachine gun to make a sudden attack, but in the end, another wave of sniper rifles came, and he even changed three in a row.

"Master, what are we going to do next?" Xiaobai sat up, when he suddenly heard bursts of collapse.

Lin Yue stood up, and followed it to look at the location where the roaring sound came from.

Nearly a kilometer away, they saw together that a large piece of black ashes had suddenly disappeared!

Billowing thick smoke rose into the sky, and even rushed to a height of tens of meters!

"I'm afraid the roof of that huge stone statue has collapsed... Xiaobai, let me go and have a look."

"Master, Xiaobai is going too." Xiaobai also stood up and flew over with Lin Yue.

Soon, Lin Yue and Xiao Bai flew to the sky over there, and indeed saw a huge pothole with a diameter of nearly several hundred meters!

And after the thick smoke dissipated, he also saw the head of the huge stone statue tens of meters underground.

It's just that the collapsed soil seems to be too thick, directly submerging more than half of the huge stone statue.

"Good guy, if I don't set the fire in the end... maybe the lizardmen won't cry so badly. Now they probably want to dig out all this thing. Maybe they need to mobilize all the lizardmen to dig for a few months?"

Lin Yue and Xiaobai returned to the Shiyouhe base. After checking whether the lower medium-sized electric sentry machine gun was faulty, he went to another doomsday bunker.

It's quite messy here, full of traces of bugs crawling over, and there are really many bugs still hiding there at the bottom, as if thinking that the disaster is over.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's talk about it when we go back, Xiaobai, let's go back to the refuge village first, it will be dark soon."

Unknowingly, it was already evening. Although the sun was blocked by a thick layer of dark clouds, it didn't look much different from just now, but Lin Yue decided to go back to the refuge first, and then talk.

Moreover, it was time for Fei Yue to start the next step of preparation. He had to go back and build as many large trucks as possible.

"Master, if your battle armor hasn't recovered yet, let me fly you back." Xiaobai suggested.

"That's not bad, but you have to work hard." The flying armor is indeed almost meaningless, and it is a bit hot to use it back and forth.

The way back was about a hundred kilometers, and it was barely enough to fly directly, but if there were any special circumstances, it would be uncertain.

Soon, after Xiaobai ate a large piece of meat from the lion-headed bear, he supported Lin Yue with his big paws, and flew to the sky in an instant.

It was extremely fast, and it didn't take long before it returned to the sky above the refuge.

"It seems that Xiaobai is faster and more stable than the master's armor." Thinking so, Xiaobai returned to the shelter with Lin Yue.

At this time, the sky became extremely dark.

"Master, they said nothing happened." After receiving Xiaomeng's message, Xiaobai also told Lin Yue the good news.

There are no enemies appearing in several gates, which is good luck.

Lin Yue circled around the shelter, put away the glass greenhouse and the quilts and furs covered on the farm, checked inside, and found that there was nothing wrong, then led his friends back to the main building. Inside the shelter.

The little ones had been hungry all day, Lin Yue took out a lot of food and put it in the cafeteria, Xiaomeng and they began to feast on it.

And he came to the living room with Xiaobai.

Lin Yue took out the huge opal again.

This thing can be regarded as the unexpected joy of this adventure.

"Master, it's eighth yuan." Xiaobai just ate the lion headed bear steak, so he wasn't too hungry at all, and now he wanted to participate in this serious matter.

Especially about these gems.

"Xiaobai, it's the eighth yuan, and there's still four yuan left, and we can achieve a goal with four yuan left." Lin Yue took out the remaining seven gems.

Under the light, no matter which one they look like, they are extremely bright.

On earth, no matter which one of them is taken out, it is an unparalleled precious thing, but in this different world, they also serve as a place of value.

However, it is related to an almost common sacrificial ceremony between a lizard man and a werewolf.

The werewolf seems to be the original owner of this gem, and used a small piece of these gems to make the wolf head power ring. Afterwards, the lizard man driving the strange beast won the war with the werewolf and snatched these gems. become their property.

Now, Lin Yue took these gems from the lizard man to his own one by one.

If all these gems can be found, they can use them to command the entire werewolf clan!

"Master, where do the lizard people put the remaining four pieces?" Xiaobai was still a little unsatisfied with the recent battle, especially when Lin Yue got the beautiful gemstone, which made him very excited.

"I don't know, maybe just like this time, we just got a piece for no reason?"

Lin Yue saw that Xiaobai seemed to like these gems very much, so he let him appreciate them, while he went to the warehouse and began to collect various parts.

Make parts for trucks.

The truck needed a lot of parts, but Lin Yue happened to have quite a few, and with the blueprints in hand, making the truck was not difficult at all.

Soon, after wandering around the fully connected warehouses, Lin Yue also found all the parts.

Returning to a relatively empty warehouse again, Lin Yue immediately used the design drawings, and three medium-sized trucks were successfully manufactured.

"Next, send them to Fei Yue. There is no need to do anything else today."

Stretching, Lin Yue put one of them into the storage space, took out the sofa and sat on it, took out the system tablet, and clicked on Feiyue's chat panel.


"Yes." Fei Yue replied almost instantly.

Hey guys, is this what I've been waiting for all this time?

Lin Yue felt that Fei Yue's side must be fully prepared, just waiting for him to contact, and then start action immediately.

"The truck...do you have enough storage space? I'll send it to you directly." Lin Yue asked.

"1828 cubic meters, is it big enough?" Fei Yue smiled, "I dare say, yours is more than mine, but definitely not too much."

Lin Yue was too lazy to argue with him.

It's okay to talk about that.

"You won. Three cars will be sent to you together, as well as fuel. In addition, can you tell me how you plan to take the entire wasteland into your pocket in fifteen days?"

"It's simple, pay close attention to attack from a distance, pay equal attention to persuasion and force. Of course, you have to divide your troops to attack. You give three vehicles, plus mine, and I will attack in four directions first. When it is almost the same, if the number of vehicles increases further, I will attack in ten routes." Attack, twenty roads, hundred roads!"

Fei Yue spoke confidently, as if he was sure of everything.

"Good guy, you're bragging, how can you be so confident?" Although Lin Yue also had great confidence in Fei Yue, he didn't expect this guy to have such a big appetite. Moreover, the various strategies he thought of, Seems pretty reliable.

Don't say anything else now, unless the other top ten players in the global rankings unite to attack him, there is no refuge village that can stop Fei Yue's attack.

Not to mention, the top ten refuge villages, that is, Jia Yunzhan's, are located in the north of the wasteland, and the others are in an area of ​​unknown terrain, and it is beyond their reach to do what they want.

Even Jia Yunzhan probably couldn't resist Fei Yue, right?

"Of course I am confident. I have now received several applications from the refuge villages in the west and northwest of the wasteland to merge with our refuge village. In addition, You Siyuan and the others have also won over Xing Lingfeng's refuge village. Of course, That old guy is not in the refuge village, it is said that he has gone out from there long ago, and went to Lily Callahau's refuge village to become a guest of honor."

"Xing Lingfeng... If you can get that guy's refuge village, it's really good. They have a lot of talents." Lin Yue was quite surprised by this.

You Siyuan and the other three generals are not the only ones under Xing Lingfeng's subordinates. The others are also top notch. Originally, he thought that after Xing Lingfeng surrendered Lily Karahau, those people would leave with him, but what he didn't expect was that, Those people actually stayed, and at this time, when Feiyue's refuge village was growing, they were able to happily want to join.

Fei Yue is not only powerful in all aspects, but also really lucky.

"That's necessary. We don't have any other abilities, but our subordinates are all capable people." Fei Yue laughed, "Old Zheng, Xiao Zheng, and You Siyuan, Feng Penghuoyu, and that Wang Ce, whom you are familiar with, is a very powerful guy. I plan to take them to take down the refuge villages in the adjacent terrain after the wasteland is knocked down, and then hand them over to them little by little, and finally let all the refugees The villages are all connected together, what do you think of this method?"

"Yes, Fei Yue, you can do it, I believe."

Lin Yue felt that it was absolutely right to entrust Fei Yue with this task.

I believe this person can really give him a surprise.

After this round of disasters, if Fei Yue can achieve the goal he said now, then he will go to explore the underground ruins, go to the secret realm to collect materials, or to eliminate the lizardmen, the secret realm beasts, and even deal with Lily Karahau. It will become more convenient than it is now.

"Of course, but I still don't understand, Lin Yue, how beneficial is it to you if I do this? I feel that you care about this even more than mythical beasts?" Fei Yue said suddenly.

"Yeah, of course, I am very concerned." Lin Yue paused, and sent the three trucks over, "People can only be united under the leadership of a strong and powerful leader, and this role, Obviously you are the most suitable, and I even think that only you are suitable. Fei Yue, if you can have tens of thousands of fighting power, I believe that lizardmen will not be a threat. It’s just a group of little spiders and reptiles. The reason why I care about this is because I’m here to destroy the mythical giants and purify the cities on the earth, and you can lead all human beings to destroy the lizard people and live together. If we survive the disaster and finally fight that thing, we won’t be defeated one by one, won’t we?”

Fei Yue was silent for a few seconds, and he also thought of what Lin Yue said.

The thing that appeared on the mural of the Lizardman called "The Creator".

It is engraved on the mural, and Fei Yue still finds it incomprehensible, even unbelievable even when he picks it up and looks at it.

How can this be true?

But the rest of the mural seems to have been verified one by one, and there is absolutely no possibility that this weird image is fake.

"I know, we must fight decisively and eliminate that guy. But all human beings are still in a state of disunity and fighting on their own. It really needs someone to clean up this situation." Fei Yue took a deep breath, "It made me the savior Great opportunity."

"Okay, I hope that when we finally stand in front of that thing, there will be more than a few hundred people behind us. Fei Yue."

As Lin Yue said, he was about to send vegetables and fruits together, when he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, I just came back from the huge stone statue I told you about before, and I brought back a gem by the way."

"What?" Fei Yue yelled in disbelief, "You bastard, isn't that my job? Why did you take it away?"

"Haha, not only that, I also killed a lizard."

"Queen Lizard! Wow, you, Lin Yue, stole my job, right? Show me the photos!"

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