
Lin Yue had heard this word for the second time.

Last time, they faced a humanoid race called werewolves.

But this time, Lin Yue was called "King" again, and the opposite was replaced by this red-skinned four-legged monster known as "Shenjiao Clan".

"Shenjiaozu" is the self-proclaimed name of this group of monsters with red skin, four horse-like legs, a pair of arms, and four eyes.

The horns on their heads seem to be classified according to the strength, the stronger the strength, the more horns there are.

At present, the ones that Lin Yue has seen the most are these three corners, and their strength...

very weak.

Or rather, too weak.

What do they call themselves, "The God-horned tribe is the most powerful race, no one can defeat it", but after Xiaobai clawed one, they immediately followed suit.

He also said "those who are stronger than them, they will submit and be loyal" or something.

Maybe the so-called "Divine Horn Race" is just a bragging race?

As for the word "King", there is no need to explain anything.

As the highest level of "rule", the king's orders can easily use thousands of troops.

And this is also a symbol that can rule everything.

"Wang? Xiaobai, how many of them are there?"

There are more than 100,000 to 200,000 wolfheads there, counting all non-combatants, there are so many in those three cities alone.

And the Horn Clan...

Lin Yue looked around, it seemed that there were only a few dozen people?

"Master, they said, there are tens of thousands of people nearby." After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he was also quite confused.

After all, it seems that there is no such meaning at all around here.

Tens of thousands of people... Is it also bragging?

"It's funny, unless they hollowed out the mountains." Lin Yue yawned, feeling that it was time to go back.

Perhaps this is a bragging race.

Lin Yue was about to tell Xiaobai to leave, there were still important things to do.

"Master, they don't seem to be lying. Now, Xiaobai smells a lot of people from the Horn tribe."

Xiaobai looked at the entrance of the cave. It was in a dark place, so he couldn't see it clearly, but if he looked carefully, he would find that it was twice as big as the front of the truck!

Those horned monsters just came out from there.

At this moment, Lin Yue looked over there, and found more horned monsters' voices coming from inside one by one!

"Xiaobai, put a triangular one in, let it tell the leader inside, if you want to surrender, do it quickly."

Now that he is called "King", then he should have everything he should have, right?

However, Xiaobai was stunned.

It glanced at the triangular guy, thought about it, and shook its head.

"Master, it says it is the leader here, and the previous one was killed by you, the master."

Lin Yue almost sat down on the ground.

good guy? The one I killed just now was actually a leader?

Xiaobai caught it easily, so this is also the leader?

How big are these red-skinned horned monsters?

Even the leader of the lizardmen is still a golden treasure chest. It's okay for the leader of these red-skinned horned monsters to be a silver treasure chest.

Now, the one with the three horns is chattering something to Xiaobai, and Xiaobai nods from time to time, and also uses the language that he doesn't understand at all to convey to the three horns.

Lin Yue waited for a while, only to see that Xiaobai untied the three horns from the bundle, allowing him to stand up by himself.

As a result, the person with the three corners got up and lay on his back, talking to Linyue.

"Master, they are like this, which means surrender, no resistance, and incomparable loyalty." Xiaobai continued to translate.

"I understand, let this guy get up, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Yue wants to know the next step, after all, time waits for no one.

"Master, it will come back in a while, please wait for a while." Xiaobai watched the three-horned ones walk into the cave, and then looked at the one-horned or double-horned ones still lying on the ground. The monsters are also waiting.

In fact, Lin Yue also had some thoughts in his mind. ,

If there are enough horned monsters, they can indeed do something.

Of course, the premise is that they are strong enough, instead of looking extremely stretched like just now.

Just when Lin Yue was bored, one horned monster appeared from the exit of the cave, and led by the leader of the triangle, they gathered in a vast open ground.

As the number of people who came out increased, more and more, from a few thousand to tens of thousands, the expression on Lin Yue's face was no longer enough to be described by surprise.

"Good guy, how many people are there?"

After a while, the number of horned monsters that came out finally decreased, but the number of horned monsters on the open ground was already nearly 20,000!

"Xiaobai, what's the situation with this group? Why are there so many?"

Lin Yue was really shocked. He really didn't expect that there would be so many horned monsters. He thought that the three-horned monsters were bragging or scaring people.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

The other party is not bragging at all, nor is it trying to scare people, but there are really so many, and the other party may even say it leisurely.

"Master, the leader said that as long as the master needs it, it will make more than 20,000 subordinates obey the master's orders and do everything!"

Xiaobai translated again after hearing the three corners come over and talk again.

Lin Yue frowned, looking at the huge number of horned monsters showing him in their unique surrender posture, he now had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Or, take these seemingly mighty guys for your own use?

At this time, the three-cornered person started talking to Xiaobai again and again, and Xiaobai looked quite excited.

"Master, they don't live well in this place. They are all rocks and valleys. The original homeland of the Shenjiao people is a wide grassland and forest. They have lived in this place for an unknown period of time. Difficult. This leader said that he wanted to leave here, but the previous leader was unwilling, and the master killed it. Now, it looks just right."

Lin Yue felt that he seemed to be cheated on.

Good guy, anyway, the so-called leader who didn't want to move away has been killed and can't speak anymore, right? Now you can say whatever you want.

And, what does that mean, it seems to want him to take them away?

Lin Yue thought for a while: "Xiaobai, what do they mean? This means that they want to leave with us?"

"Master, Xiaobai thinks that they can be used as the master's personal army. They don't seem to need many things at ordinary times, only food and so on. Moreover, Xiaobai and Xiaomeng can take care of these god-horned tribes. They are obedient and won't wander around." Xiao Bai said suddenly.

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows, good guy, Xiaobai, you have your own ideas?

However, more than 20,000 horned monsters... food expenses are nothing.

Besides, they should be able to grab something to eat by themselves.

If you can fight, that would be the best, it seems to be simpler than the werewolf, and it can become a plug-and-play combat power now.

If you can't fight...

Then it saves you from killing this gang yourself, and killing the leader will only have the valuables in the silver treasure chest.

As for the residence, the wilderness near the refuge, where can't I live?

For that kind of huge refuge, Lin Yue feels that it is not a big problem to make dozens or hundreds of them.

Besides, these goods should be able to find a place by themselves.

However, Lin Yue didn't want to send everyone to the wasteland at one go, he also had some ideas of his own.

"Xiaobai, ask them, is there just such a group of people in the Shenjiao tribe, or are there many like werewolves?"

Xiaobai nodded, and after asking the leader of the Three Branches back, he immediately replied to Lin Yue: "Master, they only know their own group of people, and those of other tribes are said to have fought against foreign tribes a long time ago. In the middle, it has been completely wiped out, and there is nothing left at all.”

"A long time ago...was completely wiped out?"

When Lin Yue heard this sentence, he suddenly remembered something.

Old Sun, Sun Shuyi once said that when they experienced this survival game for the first time, they encountered strange monsters with "red skin" and "looks like demons".

However, when he saw it, the monster was already dead.

But what exactly this monster looks like, Lao Sun didn't say in detail.

But the red-skinned, muscular monster with horns on its head, two arms and four legs in front of it does look like a "demon".

If it is said that these God-horned tribes are the demons that Lao Sun mentioned before, then what the leader said, "They were all wiped out in the battle with foreign tribes a long time ago", there is some correspondence.

And, not only that.

There is also such a record in the chronology of the werewolves.

It was also a long time ago, a hundred years ago, they encountered many creatures that looked like humans or other races, and fought with them, and were finally forced into the huge closed valley, and finally settled down.

Then, what the Shenjiao tribe said should be the last wave of survival incidents.

However, Lin Yue now feels that it is very possible that the scale of "100 million people" mentioned in the last wave should have included these humanoid creatures, after all, they all said the same thing.

At that time, the number of humans participating in this survival should not be too many.

"Yes, master, the Shenjiao people don't have their own concept of time. Their civilization is mainly developed on the battle. Because of the lack of food, they basically can't do much." Xiaobai continued dutifully. translated.

Lin Yue nodded, and he looked at the weapons of the horned monsters.

There are knives, guns, crossbows, and even some weird weapons.

As for the armor on the body, they are all developed to metal. It seems that in this aspect of civilization, they all have some.

"Xiaobai, let's do it this way. Let's take a thousand people back this time, and let them stand by for the rest. Let's settle down the thousand people and decide how to use them. When we come back, we can talk about it. How do you feel?"

Lin Yue thought about it and finally decided to use it first.

It's best if it works.

If it doesn't work, then such an experiment won't cost too much.

"Master, they said, there is no problem, they are willing to obey the master's orders, loyal and obedient." Xiao Bai finally replied after talking with the leader.

"That's good, then, let's go back quickly, Xiaobai, there is still a lot to do, these thousand people will leave with us first, and the others will continue to wait here. Come back and pick it up when it's time." Lin Yue finally said.

After Xiaobai translated this sentence into the other party's words, he conveyed it to the three corners, and the leader of the three corners immediately agreed, and picked out a thousand lucky viewers, and left with Lin Yue.

"Unexpectedly...this time I brought so many alien races..."

What Lin Yue originally thought in his heart was that "people who are not of my race must have different hearts".

But in the face of the extremely terrifying and huge difference in strength, in his eyes, these alien races are actually not much different from ants.

As long as he thought about it, with a grenade going directly, these aliens with horns on their heads would become treasure chests one after another, without any chance of resistance at all.

But how much their real strength is, Lin Yue thinks that it can actually be verified a little bit.

If it is strong enough, then you can plan them in the wasteland, and then let them deal with lizardmen, or deal with unexplored beasts, or as the outermost wall, to kill the enemies that may invade one by one .

So, this time, Lin Yue decided to take a thousand people and settle them down in the wilderness first, and then...

"Master, do you want to use them as weapons?" Xiao Bai suddenly asked.

"I have this plan, Xiaobai, what do you think?"

"Master, Xiaobai actually meant the same thing. Their weapons are more advanced than those of the lizardmen. I just don't know how powerful they are. Xiaobai thinks that you can try to let them station at the Youyouhe branch and see. What will happen to their fighting power?"

Xiaobai turned his head and glanced at the more than a thousand people picked out by the horn clan, almost all of them were males, and from the appearance, each of them was the kind with explosive fighting power.

"Youyou River Fen Base...Although the lizard people were killed by us in sevens and eights over there, it is true that they will never let it go. After all, the main altar and stone statue are still there, and the lizard people will definitely come back. The giant stone statue was dug out... that's just right."

Lin Yue thought about it for a while and thought it was feasible.

If there are these horned monsters at the Oil River base, you can look forward to their battles by the way. The werewolves will not be able to point it out for a while. If the horned monsters are strong, then it seems that they can be used.

"If the master thinks it's okay, then give it a try. Xiaobai thinks we have to leave."

Lin Yue nodded.

Indeed, I wasted a lot of time. I wanted to leave here after a short stroll, but I didn't expect to stay for so long.

However, it is not without gains.

"Xiaobai, tell Xiaomeng what happened to them first, let them evacuate first, and then bring a thousand people back to the shelter. I will go back to the oil river first and build a bigger village. Give them first."

"Master, don't worry, Xiaobai will arrange it."

After Lin Yue received Xiaobai's reply, he immediately activated the superalloy flying armor and returned to the gate of exploration first. Then, he went straight to the direction of Shiyouhefen Base without stopping.


When he came near the sub-base, he had already heard the sound of dense machine guns coming from over there!

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