Lin Yue didn't even look at the area map to unlock it now, what is the situation.

At the moment, he only thinks about the so-called "Phantom World Fragments" newly created by the system.

To be honest, Lin Yue can't understand every move of the system now.

It's not just about this new and inexplicable fragment.

After the disaster is over, the results of the disaster will not be broadcast, the remaining number of people, and the subsequent disaster forecast will be gone, and even the so-called upgrade will be gone.

The current system is more like a very high-tech convenience tool than it was a powerful force centered around disaster release in the past.

Even, Lin Yue felt that the system seemed to be holding back a big wave.


This "Phantom World Fragment" shouldn't be the so-called "big one".

Lin Yue took a look at the "Illusory World Fragments", and found that in its comment, there was only one line of "Illusory World Fragments, if you collect all seven of them, you will open the Illusory World".

As for what the so-called "fantasy world" that can be opened is, there is no explanation at all.

Lin Yue thought for a while, and then heard a "boom" in the yard, knowing that the palladium treasure box airdropped by the system had arrived.

However, there is no time or time to look at any treasure chests now.

He took a deep breath and clicked on the "Full Area Map".

Almost instantly, the area map in front of him was shrinking at an extremely fast speed, as if looking at the entire land from a bird's eye view. Lin Yue quickly discovered the location of the wasteland, as well as the entire map of almost all surrounding land and coastlines. !

"This, this is... Wait, there is a boundary?" Lin Yue suddenly discovered that this so-called regional map is not a whole piece of land, but a huge vertical map, on which the only words are represented , is the "regional map of human gathering places on the whole earth"!

A map of human settlements around the world?

No, is it a map of all the regions in the different world?

Lin Yue had thought before that it might be like this.

But after he actually opened it, he felt that the system was really well-intentioned.

Just to let the first person to open the map know the so-called "boundary"?

Lin Yue looked in another direction of the map. He kept shrinking the map, and finally saw the valley where the werewolves gathered in the far west.

And the God-horned tribe seems to be in the most central position of the land south of the human gathering place.

However, Lin Yue read it a little bit, and after a rough look, he was completely attracted by this map.

What was vaguely there before, like the big boots peninsula covered by clouds and mist, is now very clear. He can even see the shape of the peninsula of the bullfighting country and the outline of Yinglun Island.

The border of the huge continental continent is even more obvious!


These are terrestrial beings on Earth.

Now, in this different world, there is a vast ocean!

But younger brother Zhonghai, Daxiyang, etc., became land instead!

The wilderness where he is located is in the east of the north where the Atlantic Ocean was originally located, and is close to the bullfighting country peninsula.

The entire human race is also centered around the wasteland, and the color blocks composed of various colors are constantly changing.

"A world in which land and sea are reversed...?" Lin Yue became short of breath.

The land and ocean on the earth are mapped in another world, and they exist in a completely reversed form!

What was originally a huge land has now become a terrifying ocean, and what was originally a vast ocean has now become land.

Lakes become islands and islands become lakes.

Straits became isthmuses, bays became peninsulas.

The whole world seems to have changed.


Lin Yue shook his head, he seemed to be able to feel it.

He's totally sure now.

This different world is an absurd world like "3D printing" created by an existence that surpasses human beings!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain this completely imitated area map with land and sea reversed.

As for all humans in the world, even those humanoids...

I'm afraid, it's all just a toy for this higher life!

And this higher life...

Lin Yue thought of the pattern on the mural again, which was enough to shock everyone.

"Really, is that so..." Lin Yue sighed.

He knew that now the entire human race had to be completely united in order to be able to struggle hard once before the other party got tired of playing.

if not……

Lin Yue looked towards the area where human beings are currently active.

Quite small, extremely small, so to speak.

Two billion people are surviving in this place not much larger than Europe, and...

He looked at countless large and small color blocks, which were constantly expanding and shrinking the occupied area.

The largest one is where the light blue of the wilderness where he and Fei Yue are.


If you don't do anything, when will you be able to become a fully unified existence, so that you can truly face this world and this survival game?

Although I don't know the ratio of this different world to the ratio of the earth, but now it seems that this is not so important.

Lin Yue frowned tightly, and he opened the system panel.

He found Fei Yue directly, and he called over by voice.

Soon, Fei Yue answered Lin Yue's voice, and he, who was smart, seemed to have a premonition of something.

"I think what you're going to say next is more important than me laying down this wasteland." He didn't even laugh.

"Indeed, you can think so, Fei Yue, you can." Lin Yue looked at the huge area map, "I know, the system has broadcast it, and you should have noticed it too."

"Indeed, it was broadcast three times, 'Survivor Lin Yue, unlocked the map of the whole area, and got the airdrop reward of the palladium treasure box', good guy, the amount of information is really too much, and the map of the whole area has been unlocked, and it is Palladium Treasure Chest, the name of a treasure chest that I have never heard of before..."

"Yeah, let's not talk about the palladium treasure chest, Feiyue, I want to share the map of the whole area with you. In your hands, this map can also play its greatest role."

Lin Yue looked at the map and thought about it.

What he can do is completely different from what Fei Yue can do.

And the one who can really use this map to its greatest effect is Fei Yue, not anyone else.

If this map is the entire different world, including where those humanoid races are, then he really needs to think about whether to share it.

But now, if this is only an area where humans live, then sharing it with Feiyue is the best solution.

"Uh, give it to me?" Fei Yue was stunned for a moment, "Lin Yue, it's too precious. I remember that this thing needs one million survival points. Why don't you just give it to me?"

"It's more useful to give it to you. And even if I don't give it to you, it won't be too many days. Your survival point should be enough to buy it, right?"

Lin Yue feels that Fei Yue's current survival points are not too small, and he can gather them all in about half a month.

"I'm only less than 700,000..." Fei Yue admired Lin Yue even more.

With his 700,000, he still has gathered so many survivors, and they have worked together for so long to save the amount.

And Lin Yue actually said that if there is, there is...

He is alone.

How strong is this man?

Fei Yue closed his eyes, thinking about the nearly 70,000 subordinates behind him and the new survivors, he felt the huge gap!

If Lin Yue had so many people under his command...

The number of Lin Yue's survival points, I'm afraid, will be a terrible number.

"You should have acquired half of the wasteland by now, right?" Lin Yue was still looking at the area map, on which Fei Yue had enlarged the light blue area to double the size from the beginning.

"To be specific, I'm still short of Jia Yunzhan, and I'll completely occupy the wasteland." Fei Yue regained his energy, and he took a deep breath.

You can't compare with Lin Yue, it's scary to compare people to others.

This fellow Lin Yue is terrifying, if compared with him, it's really...

However, it can be regarded as a little bit of growth here.

Fei Yue thought so.

"The speed is even faster than expected, Fei Yue, you are really good." Lin Yue couldn't help whistling, "I thought it would take another two days."

"It's, it's okay, everyone is very united, I basically didn't go to the front line, and I have been wandering around the underground ruins, trying to ensure my own safety."

Fei Yue thought again, if this is Lin Yue leading the team... don't talk about wasteland in two days, he will also lay down ten wastelands for you to see.

Those who can single-handedly kill the mythical behemoth probably use the method of taking the head of the enemy leader among thousands of troops.

No, Lin Yue still has so many powerful dragons and lizards... By the way, speaking of this...

"Lin Yue, did you leave a message saying that you want the big white dragon to lead your men through the door of exploration at my door... I heard that there were five or six thousand half-human, half-horse creatures going in together. Are they? What are they?"

"Huh? Didn't I say, Divine Horn Clan, have you seen the wolf-headed men in the Gate of Exploration? These are the same as the wolf-headed men there, they are all humanoid races, but now they regard me as their own." Seems like a king."

Fei Yue suddenly had goose bumps all over his body: "You... king? What's the situation? Fuck, you won't tell me about this kind of thing? Are you still a brother?"

Lin Yue frowned, looked back at the chat records between himself and Fei Yue, and sighed: "I seem to have really forgotten to tell you, after all, I just subdued it today, and Xiaobai was taken to conquer the werewolf. The combat power is not bad, but don't worry, without my order, they will not attack any human beings."

"You... Lin Yue, you have to know that there is no way to trust between human beings and this kind of humanoid creature that can't communicate at all. Why do you..."

"I know, it's very clear, that's why I let Xiaobai follow. It probably takes half an hour to kill all the God-horned tribes. The premise is that these God-horned tribes are disobedient."

Lin Yue's words were actually in danger of Feiyue.

"People who are not of my race must have a different heart" he understands more thoroughly and clearly than anyone else.

After fighting and entangled with the lizardman for a long time, he can be said to fully understand the importance and fear of this point.

That's why he sent the little ice lizards to go to various sub-bases to watch over the Horn Clan over there.

In the main refuge, there is also Xiao Meng as a deterrent. As for Xiao Bai, Lin Yue just felt that what he said was a bit too conservative.

That guy's combat power probably won't last ten minutes, and the twenty thousand god-horned tribes are all native chickens and dogs, so they can't stand a single blow.

Even though the Divine Horn Clan is already very powerful, in front of Xiao Bai, they are like a creature without combat power.

"Really?" Fei Yue felt a little uneasy, "Your white dragon... Forget it, that's your secret, I won't ask, anyway, as long as you can handle it, it's fine, but I'd better let it go." Here, I don't trust any non-human beings."

"Haha, that's right, non-human creatures... how should I put it, sometimes they seem much simpler than us humans, Fei Yue."

"Fuck, don't be brainwashed, what is it? In my opinion, non-human creatures are not trustworthy at all. They are fundamentally different from humans. Humans..."

"You trust the bright side of people too much and ignore the dark side of people, Fei Yue, if human beings are as bright, great, confident, brave, willing to pay and dedicate to others, and able to trust others... then, What are you doing now?" Lin Yue felt that Fei Yue must wake up.

This person believes too much in the bright side of human nature.

"Isn't what I'm doing now is to gather all these wonderful people together?"

"No, if that's the case, you don't have to go to the conquest. Let's just save a big step. If everyone is united, the power of two billion people is terrifying. But now, we have some vain plans To become the ruler of a different world, some people fight desperately, some do their own thing, some get together with lizard people, and deal with human beings in turn, think about it, these people are all there, the brilliance of your humanity is Isn't it dim?"

Fei Yue was speechless.

"It is true that we human beings are great, but we are also humble. We are confident and brave, but we are also timid and cowardly. We have created countless powerful civilizations and destroyed them with our own hands. We are complicated, Fei Yue. If people can understand each other, they are not human. This is also the biggest difference between us and other creatures, not the so-called upright walking, speaking and language. Of course, this is my personal understanding, I Just want to tell you, Feiyue, we can become great, but until then, don't think we are already great, full of brilliance."

Fei Yue listened in a daze, savoring every word carefully.

"I have encountered three humanoid races. One is the lizard people that we all hate. They have always been killed and exterminated. The main reason is that they endanger humans and feed on humans. I have come into contact with a lot of werewolves. They don't want anyone to disturb their quiet life, but they have blood hatred for lizardmen. As for the horned people, maybe they are only They are muscular brats, but they are cute and obedient. If, be it the werewolves or the horned tribes, after they are completely conquered by me, they do anything harmful to humans, and they will never If you want to return to their homeland, you can only sleep forever in this world where countless bones have been buried."

"Of course, we human beings are the same, Fei Yue, we are the same. We have to do something, no matter what means we use, we must unite together earlier, and then, let the bastards on the mural be removed from those two Pull them out of the moon and beat them to pieces!"

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