In this world, at present, no one has created such things as "pen" and "paper".

At least, judging from the chat records, the trading mall, and the survival point mall, it can still be basically confirmed.

Without a pen and paper, Lin Yue could only find a piece of ground and use a branch as a pen to write and draw on the ground.

"There can be no defensive facilities around the refuge, just like the ancient city walls, which can resist certain attacks..."

Lin Yue drew a dot in the center of the ground to represent the shelter, and drew an open circle around it.

"Then, when building the city wall, you must also ensure a certain range of land. It seems that the gate can only be used like a stone gate. However, this can also prevent an ordinary mutant creature..."

The city walls can't protect people.

The most common survivor can get a ladder to climb over the city wall.

Lin Yue looked at the city wall that he could create now, and it was only about three meters in height, so it wasn't too difficult for someone with a ladder.

"So, what about an extra layer of insurance?"

He drew small X's inside and outside the circle.

The small x's that are closely linked together represent traps.

At present, Lin Yue can create two types of traps, the first is the normal type and the second is the improved type.

The difference is the amount of damage. From the appearance, it is almost the same as the ordinary wasteland.

If not, he would not have gained so many times.

The traps on the inner and outer layers of the city wall, even if they are ordinary, can cause some damage to the so-called "wandering survivors" who want to sneak attack, and even let them retreat.

Thinking about it, it seems that there is only so much that can be done now.

Indeed, you can also learn the practice of breaking glass on the wall, adding damage to the city wall, making it difficult for people to climb over.

He does have a piece of glass in his hand, but it's a thicker version of plexiglass that he just got back from the hotel.

It doesn't seem like a good way to break such a good thing, isn't it fragrant to use it in a better place?

But we can only talk about it after the next secret realm refresh. At present, this is too dangerous.

"The next step is to put ideas into action." Lin Yue stood up, stretched his arms, estimated the distance, and decided to take the refuge as the center, and within a radius of 50 meters, the city wall.

The 50-meter radius allows him to expand the shelter in the future, or place some things or buildings such as soilless cultivation and the simple plastic greenhouse obtained at that time. If it is too large, it will cost more materials. If it is smaller, it will not be able to be placed, so the 50-meter radius seems to be the most suitable.

Tie the wool to the chimney on the top of the shelter, and then try to stretch it to 50 meters. This is quite easy for Lin Yue, after all, he only needs to use the measurement method he had done before. It can be done simply.

Even if it's not so accurate, it doesn't really matter, it's probably a circle.

With the wool in one hand and the iron spear in the other hand, a circle with a radius of about 50 meters was completed in no time.

When he was done, he walked over to the stones piled next to the shelter and started putting them into the storage space piece by piece.

Then, simply go through the tedious process of making a "stone wall".

Six pieces of stone can make a stone wall about three meters wide and three meters high, and Lin Yue found that he could also make some curvatures of the city wall.

The wall is not thick, only thirty or forty centimeters, but it is quite solid.

According to the calculation formula of the circumference of a circle, the circumference L=2πr, it can be concluded that the circumference is almost 314 meters.

Then we need to build about 110 city walls, and the stone materials consumed are about 660 pieces.

Good guy, after doing this calculation, I found that the demand is really a lot.

Plus the traps that need to be made inside and outside the stone walls...

Wood and iron blocks also consume a lot.

Looking at the reserves of my own materials, I really feel a lot worse, especially the stone materials, which are only more than 100.

"It's a long way to go."

Lin Yue used the existing stones to make dozens of walls, and after placing them in the previously planned place, he returned to the shelter.

Xiaobai is still sleeping, how can this little guy sleep like this?

He pushed Xiaobai inside from the mat, and the word "pull" lay down on the comfortable bed.

After the snow disaster, although there was no heat from the fireplace, the temperature returned to about 30 degrees, which still made Lin Yue feel hot and dry.

After opening the game panel that had not been opened for a long time, he briefly browsed the group as usual.

"Fuck, you can call me Ou Huang in the future. I just used the last 5 survival points to draw out 20L of water! How dare you think?"

"Big boss bulls!"

"You won't be the dog care of the system, will you?"

"That is to say, I threw all the more than a hundred points in, and there is no water splash, okay?"

"Please make a deal, you can't drink 20 liters of water, why don't you let me help you solve it!"

"Do you still need water? You didn't find out that there are more bugs now, can you still get some water even if the probability is low?"

"Queshi, after my parents came, the system comes with 3 liters of water for each person. This 6 liters of water is enough to last for a long time."

"Pass it on, the profiteer who sells water, Lin Yue, is crying and fainting in the shelter."

"Pass it on, the black-hearted profiteer Lin Yue died with tears in his eyes."

"What are you doing? When Lin Yue was selling water to keep you alive, he would still be yelling at Lin Shen every day. Now that there's some water, that's all?"

"That's right, although it's not much, Lin Yue isn't too dark. It's a lot more conscientious than those who would sell 15ml and 20ml of wood and stone."

"Haha, don't run away from any of these people, if I were Lin Yue, I would blacklist you all!"

"Hey, there are fans with the surname Lin? Do you think that profiteer will give you one more look? Laughing and pissing."

"Lin? Oh, I just exploded hundreds of bugs, and exploded eight wooden treasure chests. Some of them were water. Who would beg him?"


Lin Yue silently peeked at the screen.

Originally, he saw someone talking about the lottery, and he was interested to look at it. As a result, these people talked about him while chatting, and some people tried to set the rhythm and make his reputation further stink.

Reputation matters, at least when it comes to selling things.

However, he really did not expect that because the system has placed more mutant creatures, so even the mutant bugs that ordinary people can kill, as long as enough explosions are made, the probability of obtaining treasure chests will also increase. , so that it becomes much easier to obtain water.

But this is only temporary.

One more person, one more mouth.

Drinking water and eating, how can one make do by himself, and there are three people, especially if there are people around who are inconvenient and cannot provide help for survival?

After a long time, there will be a shortage of water. After all, the demand has become greater. It will be more uncomfortable when you get used to drinking water and get stuck because of less resources.

Maybe only someone like him lives alone, and there is really no need to worry about life for the time being.

Looking at the upper right corner, the number of groups of 10,000 people has dropped again, and the current number is 9,811.

Lin Yue silently blocked a few people again and looked at the mall.

He is not a saint, he will hand over the other half to be beaten when someone slaps him.

If you get it cheap and sell well, then you will be blacklisted in the future. Don't cry when you run out of water.

When you beg me, then I must pay more price, then I will agree!

Just like...


【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: 100ml high-end wine X500】

[Required: wood, iron, stone. 】

[Seller's note: 500 copies, you can shoot more, and the one with the higher price will get it. 】



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