The construction of the natural sulfur ore mountain sub-base went quite smoothly.

Lin Yue was here, and he also built a living space for the fighters of the Shenjiao tribe by merging huge warehouses.

Of course, they were also built with the same type of toilets as before, so that they can solve their needs in that area.

Afterwards, he built four more glass greenhouses on the outside of the city wall of the natural sulfur ore mountain. After purchasing a large amount of humus and nutrient soil with an extremely large number of survival points, he connected the water source there and placed ten Huge water tank.

Then, Lin Yue asked the little ice lizards to teach these stupid big guys the steps and key points of placing humus nutrient soil on the planting platform, starting to sow seeds, and so on.

After everything was explained, Lin Yue also put away all the robot dogs in the natural sulfur ore mountain sub-base, and the medium-sized electric sentry machine gun station was also disassembled into raw materials with a high-precision research workbench.

Then, he started to make engineering robots to replace the role of robot dogs, to replace those robot dogs, and went to the mine to continue mining.

After collecting a large amount of sulfur ore and other ores here into the storage space, Lin Yue returned to the refuge without stopping after finishing the defensive tasks here.

"I always feel that as a king, I really have to do everything by myself. Many things have to be done one by one by myself."

Lin Yue couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion after packing up a lot of materials in the shelter.

Indeed, this is how he is now, he has to do everything himself in order to feel more at ease.

Although Xiaomeng and the others under him are very powerful, they are unable to communicate with him accurately, which also makes it impossible for him to explain some things clearly. Similarly, they are also unable to express their thoughts and demands in words , and discussions and reports on various other matters.

"It would be great if there were a few more Xiaobai guys. I can lie in the shelter and only need to issue various orders every day."

Lin Yue imagined that in movies and TV shows, those kings and emperors would spend their lives listening to the opinions and suggestions of the ministers on the throne, and put forward what he thought was the correct order, and then the ministers would send people to carry it out...

Lin Yue couldn't see this day at present.

Although Xiaobai can indeed do this, there is only one Xiaobai, and the rest... can't be counted on for the time being.

"This is the tragedy of the lone wolf survivors...although it's actually quite interesting."

Lin Yue felt that as long as he built the foundation, he didn't need to worry about the rest.

As it is now, building this kind of infrastructure in each branch base is actually a bit of a pain in the early days, and the latter is pure and simple, just waiting for the results of acceptance.

After collecting all the saltpeter mines, oil and ore mountains, and the sub-bases in the west, when Lin Yue finally returned to the main refuge, it was completely dark.

Now, each sub-base has houses and living buildings suitable for the Shenjiao tribe. At the same time, the mining robots have replaced the robot dogs with engineering robots, and the glass greenhouses and water tanks have also been arranged. All medium-sized sentry machine guns were removed.

According to the number of Shenjiao people stationed in each station, Lin Yue installed a large amount of water and built more water storage tanks in each sub-base.

Now, the foundation is completely laid.

The 4,000 God-horned tribes in the main refuge take turns to collect more food in the Exploration Gate, and at the same time, continue to expand the map range there. The God-horned tribes in other sub-bases are responsible for guarding, and they are always ready Fortunately, when the order is issued here, they can go out at any time.

Putting all the ores and the like into the warehouse, Lin Yue stretched his arms, and finally returned to the main refuge again, lying in a comfortable space sleeping cabin.

Now, basically everything has been arranged for the main refuge and the four sub-bases, and Lin Yue also breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, as time goes by, the God-horned people have adapted to life here, and everything will be on the right track.

As for tomorrow... Lin Yue feels that he probably won't pack up the many supplies he brought back from the ancient gate of the designated secret realm.

It seems that for a long time recently, he has neither been to the underground ruins nor the secret realm, and he has not paid attention to the news of any mythical giants.

If possible, he really wanted to use all his strength in fighting, not in these aspects.

Now the main base and each sub-base don't have to think about what to do anymore, in fact, now you can really think about how to explore.

By the way, I don't know how the battle is going on Feiyue's side? A mere Jia Yunzhan should not be his opponent, unless...

"Lin Yue, something went wrong." Suddenly, a message came from Fei Yue's side.

Lin Yue felt a bad premonition.

problem occurs……

Could it be that……

"I guess, Jia Yunzhan has joined Lily Callahoo's team?" This is what Lin Yue is most worried about, and at the same time, it is also the last thing he wants to see for the time being.

Without capturing most of the human population, if Jia Yunzhan joins Lily Callahau's team, then things will probably become extremely unfavorable!

"It's like a god, that's it." Fei Yue's tone seemed helpless.

Lin Yue hung up the voice directly, and the whole matter could no longer be handled so slowly.

"Indeed, I've thought about this possibility, Fei Yue, what's the specific situation?" Lin Yue sat up and opened the system tablet, but he couldn't help being surprised by the scene in front of him.

"Specifically... after you read the area map, what do you want to say?"

Lin Yue was silent.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth: "Lily Callahau, actually took advantage of the speed of our expansion to let more than one-tenth of the other refuge villages join her alliance, and it can even be said to be under control? This really much stronger than us."


The current situation is.

Hundreds of thousands of refuge villages, large and small, have formed various alliances based on various interests and situations.

Gradually, the small refuge villages were absorbed by the larger refuge villages, and since then, the larger refuge villages have also continued to increase.

And this speed was not so fast before they acted.

But after the action, there was more action in all the refuge villages.

Fei Yue's action to dominate the entire wasteland also made Lily Callahau feel the crisis. At the same time, this powerful human being turned this crisis into an opportunity.

Fei Yue's current actions have created an excellent opportunity for Lily Callahau to form an "Anti-Fei Yue Alliance".

She didn't even send troops, but she established this territory that was expanded thousands of times.

And these refuge villages that don't want to be annexed by Fei Yue have become Lily Karahou's puppets. It will be even more difficult to get rid of in the future, and it can even be said that it is completely impossible.

"Haha, what we are doing now is like a bad guy. I asked all the subordinates who can contact the high-level officials of other refuge villages to contact me. I can't sit still. In the past, I used superior forces and superior weapons. To attack other refuge villages, now it’s the other way around.”

Fei Yue laughed as he spoke, it was as if this extremely serious matter had never happened.

But Lin Yue knew very well that this stupid guy didn't want to worry the subordinates in the refuge village.

"Fei Yue, our current situation is that if we continue to attack Jia Yunzhan, it will be equivalent to directly starting a battle dialogue with the alliance with Lily Karahou, who has dozens or even hundreds of times more advantages than us. After that, you will also Because of this, I fell into the quagmire of fighting her, and it will be difficult for me to do anything in the future." Lin Yue analyzed, feeling that things were getting more and more complicated.

"Yeah, so, Jia Yunzhan is just like Xing Lingfeng last time. He can't move at all. It seems that we are in a predicament. I said, what can you do?" Fei Yue looked at The regional map does feel tricky.

With the current situation, he couldn't let him leisurely go and capture other people's refuge villages one by one.

"Isn't the solution right in front of you? Fei Yue, I think you've been caught off guard all of a sudden. You have to listen to the suggestions of so many capable subordinates under you. I think there must be someone who thinks the same as me. It's the same. If we want to break the situation now, we don't have to wait for Lily Callahau to grow slowly and accumulate strength here. Another thing is that we don't have to start a confrontation with her. After all, in this world, There are nine out of ten refuge villages on the regional map that haven't joined her, isn't it?"

Fei Yue suddenly realized: "Yes, yes! You Siyuan and the others also mentioned such a method before, and I was a little bit unsure, so I came to you. Now that I think about it... Indeed, I am not this opponent. There are so many neutral refuge villages."

"That's it, Fei Yue, since Jia Yunzhan can't fight, don't make the mistake of insisting on confronting Lily Callahau head-on, and continue to attack other refuge villages. It depends on whether you are faster or Lily Callahau faster."

Lin Yue felt that this was actually an opportunity.

Now in the various refuge villages, it is actually a good thing that some people stand in line.

This proved that they all recognized the strength of Fei Yue and Lili Karahau.

In the world rankings, apart from Lin Yue himself, the second and third place Lili Karahao and Fei Yue are already ahead of everyone else by a considerable amount.

And their location has also attracted the attention of many other refuge villages. As for Feiyue's crazy expansion, this situation has become even more chaotic.

Of course, the actions of Lily Callahau have further exacerbated this situation,

The current situation is that many refuge villages are not so new, but in fact they are just grass. This is also one of the main reasons why Fei Yue was able to expand his power so quickly.

"Haha, when you put it that way, I think it's not really a crisis, but an opportunity. You are really extraordinary, Lin Yue." Fei Yue sighed again. How to break out of the predicament, and think that all crises are opportunities.

What he said was indeed correct, the remaining 9 out of 10, if he was fast enough, then Lily Callahau wouldn't have much of a chance!

What's more, he has more and more powerful subordinates under his command, and with Lin Yue as his backing, there is really nothing to be afraid of.

"It's good that you understand. You should know what to do tomorrow, right? It doesn't matter if Jia Yunzhan joins Lily Karahau's camp. If you cannibalize all the refuge villages near his refuge village, he will be isolated for a long time. No matter how you can't hold on, Lily Callahau will not always use resources and promises to provide an isolated island in the ocean. In time, that guy will obediently hold his head to see you and beg for your forgiveness, Fei Yue , or the same sentence, now is an opportunity, it can be said to be a better opportunity. What we want is to make Lily Callahau react. The movement you made, this big catfish, really made that fox move. that's enough."

"Understood! Lin Yue, if you were my leader, I could capture a hundred refuge villages for you in a day. It's a pity that you belong to Tian Tian. I don't know what to say about you... No, you are also a little king now. Those humanoid races with horns on their heads that look like centaurs, I heard from their report that they did not harass the refuge village. I have to say, you have two brushes. "

"The surprise is still behind, Fei Yue, we have to get rid of those behind-the-scenes masterminds and return to Earth, and whether it is the God-horned tribe or the werewolves, they all have the same idea. After uniting everything that can be united, We have much more things to do than now. Fei Yue, I will go to the secret realm tomorrow, and I have to entrust you to the other world."

"Leave it to me, don't worry, although our brains are a bit stupid, we are still reliable in our work."

As Fei Yue spoke, he hung up the voice.

The subordinates around him also feel confident in the strategies and ideas conveyed by Lin Yue.

"Boss, take a look, you are a lot worse than Lin Yue, aren't you?" You Siyuan punched Fei Yue, "You still have to practice!"

"Hey, you kid, it's because you don't respect me, but as you said, I still have a lot to learn and do. After all, I can't always think about what to do, but just like Lin Even more so, what to do in this situation, to find a way to break through... By the way, the main room of the Lizardman is not far ahead, everyone is ready to fight!"

In front of him, the huge wooden door was knocked open.

In the light of the torch inside, a stench of stench spread into the nostrils.

Fei Yue took the big shield and walked to the front, he fired a signal flare directly into it.

In the white light, everyone waited for a while to enter.

They suddenly discovered that there are actually countless corpses of lizardmen here!

"What happened?" Fei Yue put a large number of torches on the wall of the house, and the whole big house became brighter.

But among the corpses on the ground, Fei Yue suddenly found a human being.

"Xing Lingfeng?" He recognized that this person was Xing Lingfeng!

At that time, he had supported Lin Yue's shelter with this person, and had made transactions several times. never admit wrong

"Really, it's that old thing!" You Siyuan walked over and couldn't help exclaiming.

Indeed, who is this if it's not Xing Lingfeng?

Moreover, he is still alive!

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