"The power to control people's hearts?"

Fei Yue thought he had heard something wrong, he looked at Xing Lingfeng, whose eyes were tied tightly, and his body was tightly bound, and repeated what the old man had just said.

Manipulating people's hearts... What kind of strange power is it?

"Haha, you guys don't know, there are too many mysteries in this different world. It's not a strange thing to have superpowers, is it?" Xing Lingfeng smiled dryly, "You know Liu Kai will talk to those stinky lizards, you should also guess Get it, what kind of strange power, what clairvoyance and ears, only you can't think of, Lily Callahau, that woman can control people's hearts, as long as you are seen by her, she can make you only worship her and be loyal to her thoughts, no ego at all.”

Fei Yue glanced at Lin Yue in disbelief, and he saw that Lin Yue was also in a cold sweat.

"I was also tricked at that time. After meeting Lily Callahau, I felt that I could die for her. I would do my best to complete any orders she gave. But during a secret realm exploration, I I found that I suddenly didn’t have this kind of thought, and even later, I was deeply afraid of this kind of thought, so I thought, I should run away quickly, to a place where she can’t see.”

"You..." Fei Yue didn't know what to say, seeing that Lin Yue didn't speak, he also closed his mouth.

"But that woman, Lily Callahau, will never let us go. She only needs one look, and we will be brainwashed again. In order not to forget my own escape, every time I go to the secret place, I will carve words on the stone, Then I secretly put it in my pocket, and before she found out, I typed all the leftover words into the dialog box I gave to Sun Shuyi, the dead man. Relying on the accumulation time and time again, I finally made the last time, that is, the previous Some days, using my old relationship with Liu Kai, those lizardmen hid me in the underground ruins. As a result, a group of people came out from nowhere, and suddenly shot all the lizardmen in the room. It was knocked over with a stick, and later, it was discovered by you."

After Xing Lingfeng said a long series of words, he suddenly coughed violently.

Fei Yue took out a bottle of water, unscrewed it and gave him a few sips before his cough stopped.

"You didn't want to be controlled by Lily Callahau, so you ran out...and made a deal with Liu Kai, but the lizard man died and you lived?" Lin Yue finally found out the unreasonable thing inside.

"Haha, you also find it incredible? I find it even more weird. How could I be left alone without being killed? This is really incomprehensible." Xing Lingfeng also laughed as he spoke, as if it wasn't him who had happened, but someone else. ,

"Then, do you know that there is a bullet hole in the heads of those lizardmen?" Fei Yue suddenly said, remembering this detail.

"What!" Xing Lingfeng struggled to sit up, but couldn't do it at all.

"I mean, those lizard people were shot in the head and killed by one shot, Xing Lingfeng, don't you know what this is?" Fei Yue repeated it again, and he also saw that Xing Lingfeng became a lot more excited.

It seems that he knows something.

"Cabella Berlustak!" Xing Lingfeng suddenly roared, "That person, that person!"

Lin Yue and Fei Yue looked at each other, who is this?

However, Lin Yue quickly found this person's name on the World Channel.

He is the leader of a refuge village, currently...belonging to Lily Callahau's alliance.

"Cabella Berlustak is a person who has the ability to make the weapon 100% hit the target. He is Lily Callahoo's lackey and his right-hand man. Only he can hit the target 100% !" Xing Lingfeng roared, "It's impossible for him to betray that Lily Callahau, there is some kind of conspiracy here, what kind of conspiracy!"

After Xing Lingfeng yelled, he began to cough violently again.

Lin Yue thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

"Fei Yue, Xing Lingfeng, may have become the fuse."

"What's the trigger?" Fei Yue wondered, "This old thing...wait, wait, you mean, Lily Callahau has already seen the idea of ​​this old thing, and then he will do it and let Liu Kai do it. I'm ready to trick him, and then... Let that card find Xing Lingfeng's hiding place directly, and kill all the other lizardmen, leaving only Xing Lingfeng. Then, I just came there at that time. Kalahao's people will surround us, but as you come to rescue us and bring Xing Lingfeng back, Lily Kalahao will use this Xing Lingfeng to declare war on us?"

Fei Yue slapped his thigh, and suddenly felt that everything was connected.

But he had another question: "Wait, why did Lily Callahau's people know that I would definitely be in this underground ruins?"

"A traitor."

Lin Yue and Xing Lingfeng said this word almost at the same time.

Fei Yue was stunned for half a second.

"The traitor... If you say so..."

Fei Yue thought, if there are Lily Callahau's accomplices by his side, and he knows which area the underground ruins under the shelter are located, then he only needs to ask Liu Kai to hide Xing Lingfeng here. After that, Cabella appears and kills The lizard people, after that, why they were suddenly blocked underground by Lily Callahau's people seemed to be explainable.

"So that's it, that's it!" Fei Yue knew very well that he had no chance at all to find this mole, after all, the other party only needed to know the specific area of ​​the ancient gate of the underground ruins, and he could even go to the toilet or something. Just go in and have a look.

This person could be anyone in this refuge village, and it would be impossible to investigate one by one.

"Lily Karahao, I guess it won't be long before I send you a message, Fei Yue, because she can say that the people I killed were brought by Xing Lingfeng to explore the underground ruins, and then we captured them. Xing Lingfeng, those people were killed by me... This woman is really playing tricks everywhere, and her methods are quite clever." Lin Yue thought about it now.

It seems that from the very beginning, Fei Yue was tricked by others.

And every step they took was within Lily Callahau's calculations.

That woman didn't want to catch Fei Yue back from the beginning, because she knew that Lin Yue would never sit idly by.

Now, Lily Callahoo's people were killed by them, and Xing Lingfeng was in their hands. It could be said that Lily Callahoo had a fighting name against them.

Lily Callahau, this should have been planned by now before it even started on the World Channel.

Lin Yue turned on the world channel.

Above, there was the scene he thought of.

Lily Callahau: "We were attacked by Feiyue's refuge village for no reason. Everyone has seen that Xing Lingfeng is an important person in our refuge village. He has been captured by Feiyue now, but we can't get him back through negotiations! We all know Recently, Feiyue has been continuously expanding the area of ​​the refuge village and capturing everyone's homes. Everyone is struggling to survive the disaster, but facing the invasion of Feiyue and Lin Yue behind him, we can still Can you bear it?"

Lily Callahau: "Fei Yue and the others have revealed their ambitions now, and hundreds of refuge villages in the wasteland have now fallen into his hands! Even Jia Yunzhan was assassinated by the assassins they sent Before, Fei Yue kept saying that he and Jia Yunzhan would not invade each other! Now, what do you say!? All the survivors in the world, we should unite and wipe out Fei Yue and Lin Yue behind him, Only then can we human beings usher in the real path of survival thoroughly!"

Nobumasa Takeda: "I agree!"

Kaspar: "Lin Yue is the biggest mastermind! Kill them!"


Lin Yue turned off the world channel with a calm expression on his face.

Lily Callahau herself, her people, and all those who find him and Fei Yue disliked are constantly swiping the world channel.

And the number of responders seems to be increasing.

Lin Yue looked back at Fei Yue: "How is it, the feeling of being targeted by all human beings?"

Fei Yue closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and didn't answer.

Lin Yue walked up to Xing Lingfeng: "In the eyes of Lily Callahau, you are just a tool, a prop that has never been taken seriously. When you can use it, I will use you like now. What do you think, we put If you send it back, will Lily Callahau let you live? She will never do that, but we actually have a chance to keep you alive. Xing Lingfeng, read it when Leveque attacked me Refuge, and the face of you leading a team to rescue, I will give you a chance."

Xing Lingfeng was panting violently at this moment, and only then did he realize that he was nothing in the eyes of the other party.

Originally thought that he escaped by luck, relying on his own ingenuity and perseverance to escape, but now it seems that this is not the case.

He had always been the poor creature that Lily Callahau held in his hands.

"You, you said, as long as I can live, as long as, as long as I can kill that woman!" Xing Lingfeng was extremely disgusted with Lily Callahau, and she was also the main reason for destroying his refuge village.

If Lily Callahau's people hadn't caused trouble in the refuge village, clamoring and inciting other men to join her refuge village, things would not have turned out like this.

You Siyuan and the others will not leave him, nor will he be detrimental to Lin Yue because he listened to the advice of Lao Sun and the others, and he will not even be disliked by all the subordinates in the refuge village, so he has no choice but to go to Lili Cara alone In front of Howe, she became a mere subordinate of hers.

"It's all her fault! It's all her, it's all her!!"

Xing Lingfeng roared, his voice hoarse.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have become like this! I was, I should have been Fei Yue, I should have been the second best survivor in the world! I also said at the time, I also said at the time that I would fully support Lin Going beyond your policy, I was... woo woo woo..."

After roaring like crazy for a while, Xing Lingfeng began to cry again.

The nearly sixty-year-old careerist finally realized that everything he had done was in vain, and he found that he had lost everything.

"Then, let's cooperate?" Lin Yue squatted down and looked at the old man in front of him. He knew that the time was ripe, so he took off the cloth from Xing Lingfeng's eyes.

"Cooperation, cooperation? We are all over, why, why are you still laughing!" Squinting his eyes, Xing Lingfeng finally got used to the light, but saw Lin Yue smiling, as if all this was not a problem.

"That's right, Lin Yue, can you still laugh?" Fei Yue also thought, is Lin Yue crazy?

What time is it now, they have become public enemies, can they still laugh?

"Of course we have to laugh. Can we still cry now? Now that everyone regards us as an enemy, wouldn't we have the right to start a war against everyone?"

"You, your logic..." Fei Yue was a little speechless, "It's not true, Lin Yue, we..."

"What about us, do you think that all the rest of the human race are stupid? What did she, Lily Callahau, do and what did she do in the past fifty days to gain such great prestige that she can call upon the human race? No, She has never done anything. And what we are about to do is a little more than her?"

Lin Yue cleared his throat, and his eyes were still fixed on Xing Lingfeng, "Tell me how to go back to the earth, the way to go back completely, we want to make a comeback, your hatred for killing this woman can be realized at once. How about it, Xing Lingfeng?"

Xing Lingfeng listened in a daze, then swallowed again.

He looked at Fei Yue, and then at Lin Yue again: "You, how sure are you?"

"Actually, I'm not a devil. If you don't tell me, I won't force you, but you don't have to think about killing Lily Callahau yourself. This kind of thing is extremely simple to me. "

"Extremely simple? Lin Yue, you, you are a little too arrogant! That woman, that woman..."

"How is she compared to the mythical beast?" Lin Yue's voice was low and his expression was stern.

Xing Lingfeng felt a chill instantly, and it kept wandering around his body.

He suddenly had a feeling that Lin Yue wanted to do more than he could imagine!

"I, I understand." Xing Lingfeng closed his eyes tightly, he felt the god of death behind Lin Yue.

No, it should be said that Lin Yue is the god of death!

However, even if this person kills Lily Callahau, who is behind the scenes and quietly watching all these existences, can he defeat it?

"Okay, when you understand, open your mouth and tell me what you know, how to return to the earth. If you can, you may still leave your name in the history of mankind. Instead of being a pawn, everyone will forget about it in an instant."

Lin Yue patiently persuaded Xing Lingfeng while waiting for his answer.

Xing Lingfeng seemed to have lost his soul, and smiled dryly: "It's a long story. The last time we experienced the survival game for the first time, there were a total of fifty-nine people who returned to the earth. Up to now, I have passed The search found that the only ones alive so far are me and Lily Callahau, besides Jia Yunzhan, as long as I die, Lily Callahau will be the only one who knows the method."

"So, what is the method?"

"Simple, it's very simple to say, very simple, but how difficult it is."

As Xing Lingfeng said, he closed his eyes.

"If you want to go back, you only need to find a door. This time, I didn't lie, and I won't tell you that it's just a door like Lao Sun. This door requires twelve huge The precious stone is inlaid on the altar in the mouth of a huge stone statue, and at the same time, before the arrival of the huge spaceship that is huge enough to cover the sky, you can go back to the earth, our homeland, through the opened door!"

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