Fatigue, of course, refers to the spirit.

In terms of physical strength, Lin Yue felt that even if he did something, he would not feel strenuous.

But when driving a Gundam, Lin Yue only thought about it for a while, and felt that this matter had to be put until tomorrow.

Otherwise, you must be exhausted.

Of course, it still refers to the spiritual.

No one can stand a long flight, let alone the torture of taking a long flight with a little white who claims to be "I'm not fast at all", especially Lin Yue feels that he has been tortured mentally.

I thought that the valley where the werewolves were located should not be very big.

But in fact, their valley should actually be a huge basin, right?

It may even be larger than the largest basin on the earth.

Lin Yue simply ate something, and after leaving a lot of food for Xiaobai and the others, he ran directly to take a comfortable hot bath.

Soaking in the hot water, Lin Yue opened the area map and zoomed in on the wolf head basin.

Before, he had a strange feeling.

After flying for several hours... Even if Xiaobai's flying speed is 200 kilometers per hour, he still flew from day to night.

This basin is probably too big.

Even a world where land and sea are reversed is really not so normal.

His fingers kept zooming in on the map, studied it for a while, and then looked at the location of other areas.

Suddenly, he discovered a very important problem, which seemed to be ignored by him before.


He muttered, got up from the bath, dried his body, and went directly to the bedroom.

Surprisingly, after Xiaobai finished eating, he also ran up instead of staying with the other friends.

"Master, you seem to have something on your mind?" Xiaobai nestled comfortably on his favorite sheepskin cushion, his senses were still keen.

"Yes, I found out that the scale is wrong." Lin Yue lay comfortably in the space capsule, and raised the lying position to a shape like a sofa.

Xiaobai thought for a while, and put the sheepskin cushion next to the space capsule. It lay down again, and found that the owner seemed to be still thinking.

"Scale, what is it? Xiaobai has no knowledge in this area." The little guy thought for a long time, but he didn't understand the meaning of these three words.

"In short, it is something that shows the ratio between the map and the actual situation. For example, one centimeter on the map represents one kilometer in reality." Lin Yue explained to Xiaobai that this is common sense for some people "I think that this different world is not a 100% copy of the earth, and then the land and sea are reversed. Its scale seems not right."

As he spoke, he opened the system tablet. On the area map above, the place belonging to the werewolf valley, although not in the area of ​​human activities, was almost fully revealed.

Lin Yue looked at the explored size of the map above, and drew a line on it with his finger: "This is probably the distance we flew for half a day to reach. It looks small on the map, but in fact it is thousands of kilometers away. The above, no matter what, should not be the only point. If you put it on the original earth, this is unimaginable. After all, your speed, and the speed of the superalloy flying armor, are here without any hindrance. It is impossible to fly such a distance for such a long time while flying at full strength."

"Master, Xiaobai seems to understand. You mean, this map is bigger than the master imagined, much bigger than the original earth. Is that so?" Xiaobai finally understood what Lin Yue said. mean.

"Yes, this planet, which is a high imitation of the earth, not only has the sea and land reversed in terms of terrain, but also has a much larger proportion than the earth. It seems that this is not simple."

Lin Yue was a little suspicious.

What kind of technology do those monsters who look like humans have to be able to create such a world.

Even, it can create such a disaster, it can also create the omnipotent "system" implanted in every human body, and it can even open a channel that leads to the earth, to the underground ruins, to the place of exploration. the door.

In comparison, those spaceships and Gundams seem like low-tech gadgets.

However, hundreds of years ago... Maybe these high-level creatures have evolved into something even more terrifying.

Thinking so, Lin Yue looked at the map again.

"Xiaobai, what we have to deal with may be an enemy that I have underestimated a lot before. Maybe they can simply crush someone like me to death..."

Lin Yue suddenly felt that he seemed too optimistic before.

It might be a joke to give those bastards a good mouthful or something.

Of course, if he uses everything he has now, it will be a joke.

"Master, maybe the master thinks it's a lot worse, but maybe it's not like that. Tomorrow, the master will go and see the things brought back from the spaceship, and then we will know what our chances of winning are."

Xiaobai comforted the master, but in fact, they knew very little about the mastermind behind it.

I only know that they have the same appearance as humans, but they have technological power that surpasses humans. They are also bad bastards who have been playing with all humans and humanoid races since hundreds of years ago. Their extremely low, It is the left one of the two moons hanging in the sky.

"I hope so, Xiaobai, let's rest. We may have as many things to do tomorrow as there are mountains."

Lin Yue closed the hatch of the space sleeping cabin, and looked at Xiao Bai through the completely transparent hatch.

The little guy was already lying on the sheepskin cushion, his body constantly rising and falling with his breathing.

In fact, Lin Yue still had the biggest doubt in his heart.

What is the ice lizard, or specifically, Xiaobai? ,

Races that can evolve have never been heard of before, and they have never been imagined at all.

After all, on Earth, the so-called "evolution" of a species, or should be called "evolution" process is extremely long, and usually takes more than 100,000 or even millions of years, but the ice lizard race, It only takes a few days or dozens of days to evolve.

And Xiaobai, on top of this, has even evolved an extremely advanced brain, which can instantly understand the language of a strange foreign race, and can also translate simultaneously.

Even, being able to have some rather complicated conversations with him, being able to understand his various orders and execute them accurately.

The most frightening thing is that Xiaobai has a body stronger than human beings, and also has the ability to fly.

Combat power?

Lin Yue believed that even if humans had guns in their hands and a thousand people were fighting Xiaobai, as long as the bullets were not unlimited, they would all be killed by Xiaobai one by one sooner or later.

Not to mention, it is basically all kinds of cold weapons now.

This creature is simply too powerful.

And, not only that, Xiaobai and the others, the ice lizard clan, are called "holy" in the myth of the werewolves.

It also has its own place in the history of the werewolves.

It is the assistant of "God", and it is also the existence of their belief and following.

What is Xiaobai who occupies the history of the werewolves?

Was it the same as humans and other humanoid races, who were exiled here by those behind-the-scenes black hands, or did they actually exist together with those behind-the-scenes black hands?

The more Lin thought about it, the more complicated it became.

He always felt that Xiaobai and the little ice lizards might be the key to some things.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue fell into a deep sleep.

late at night.

The first black rain fell.

Then, the raindrops fell little by little, from sparse to gradually dense.

The rain fell slowly, but it continued and continued.

The black raindrops fell on the ground, washing and soaking the grass ash on the ground, and flowing to the low-lying areas, gradually turning into small puddles.

The small puddles were gradually connected by black raindrops, and then gradually converged into larger puddles, moving towards a lower place.

They gradually flowed into small streams in the sound of dense rain, and finally became small lakes.

Outside Lin Yue's shelter.

The Divine Horns were extraordinarily busy this night.

They kept using tools to dig out drainage ditches, and used the mud they dug out to build partitions around the residence, and gradually connected them into a whole piece.

They don't know to what extent this black rain will fall, but they understand that if they don't do something, they will be submerged by the gradually gathering torrent.

The same is true for the God-horned people in Linyue's various sub-bases. They don't have much experience in dealing with this kind of disaster.

They originally lived in caves, even if they encountered floods, they never suffered from it.

But in the residence that Lin Yue built for them, taking precautions in this regard has become what they must do.

The sound of the God-horned tribe fighting against the disaster also startled Xiaomeng and the other little ice lizards, and they all ran out, working together with the God-horned tribe in the middle of the night.

However, the rain did not have the slightest intention of stopping, and continued to fall continuously.

Human beings, and some who have not yet fallen asleep, waited for this rain.

Especially Feiyue's troops, who have already taken all the wasteland in their hands, and now have more than half of the grasslands and hills, have also discovered various problems caused by the rain.

Fei Yue was in the refuge, constantly issuing orders to the various ministries and regiments.

He knew that even if he wanted to do anything, he had to wait until the rain stopped.

The so-called "Anti-Linyue · Feiyue Alliance" was also unable to act because of this black rain.

It was like a truce order, so that this all-out war that was supposed to ignite had to die down after more than two days of fierce fighting at the beginning, and finally couldn't move forward any further.

Rain, non-stop.

The black rain moistens the land burned by the fire.


Lin Yue opened his eyes, got up yawning, and after opening the space capsule, he heard the sound of rain outside.

He opened the curtains, looked at the continuous raindrops outside, and frowned.

Has it finally come, this disaster.

Black rain...Although it is not like the first snow disaster, and the acid rain disaster that followed, it is not harmful to people.

But the black rain itself is quite destructive.

It makes the ground muddy, and its own blackness obstructs the line of sight.

"It seems that Fei Yue's actions should be quite restricted in the future." Lin Yue frowned, sent a message to Fei Yue, and asked him how he was doing, Xiao Bai's voice behind him also sounded sounded.

"Master, although the rain outside is not heavy, it seems to be troublesome."

Xiaobai spread his wings, straightened his body, and followed him to the window sill.

"It's really troublesome, but it doesn't seem to be too much trouble for us, Xiaobai, let's go, let's go underground first, build a super-large warehouse, and then get those Gundam robots out."

Lin Yue said, opened the elevator, and came to the underground warehouse.

He immediately took out the system tablet and clicked to create a huge warehouse under his feet.

The large warehouse was enough for him to lay the Gundam robot on the ground, but Lin Yue still felt that it would be better to stand upright.

If it wasn't raining outside, he could have placed it outside directly.

However, this is also good, the existence of tall robots cannot be known to anyone.

Otherwise, who knows what's coming?

The height of the huge warehouse is about five meters, but the shortest robots are 20 meters smaller.

After Lin Yue made six layers in a row, he used the system panel to remove the second-to-last layer, and then successively removed the third-to-last and fourth-to-last layers.

After confirming that there was no shaking in the whole, he then made a support column with a diameter of one meter and a height of more than 30 meters with alloy, and made eight consecutive ones, standing in four directions and the most central position.

After finishing these, he also removed the laminate under his feet, and flew to the bottom with Xiaobai.

"There should be no problem with this height."

As Lin Yue said, he took all the Gundam robots out of the storage space and placed them one by one at a distance.

"It's really bluffing." Lin Yuefei went to the belly of one of the gundams with blue as the main color. After the existence of the cockpit, he circled around and found it that looked like a "charger" " charging port.

He took out the maintenance tool he picked up at that time, and after taking it out, he found that there was really a thing with hundreds of wires inside, and placed it in the position that looked like a "charging port".

After connecting to the power source pulled from the geothermal power station, Lin Yue saw with satisfaction that the so-called maintenance tool began to glow blue.


Lin Yue used the system to identify it.

The Gundam robot he just connected to is malfunctioning.

"emmmmm... this thing is indeed, it would be weird if it is in good condition."

I don't know how many years I have been asleep, even if I can really move, I probably won't be able to move.

After taking down the maintenance tools, Lin Yue took out a high-precision research workbench.

It can only be broken down into design drawings, and then other Gundam robots can be dismantled to make it completely like this.

[You have obtained the design drawing of a large humanoid alloy armed drivable armed robot]

Oh shit.

It's called "Gundam" for short, right?

Lin Yue shook his head speechlessly. No matter how you look at it, this thing is a Gundam robot, even the appearance of its head remains the same.

Is it a coincidence?


Lin Yue suddenly had a feeling.

The people behind the scenes who made this thing...

Maybe, it's humans themselves?

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