"I, Fei Yue, promise ten days, no, the task will be completed in seven days!"

After Fei Yue saw the photos of Lin Yue taking out dozens of gunpla boxes, his eyes widened, and he quickly made a promise.

There are not only ordinary MG and PG assembled in it, but also MB and FIX. It doesn't matter any difficulties. For these, he can directly fight Lily Callahau!

"Good guy, you... who said it was difficult or difficult just now?" Lin Yue was also speechless to Fei Yue, so he bought these models?

Lin Yue didn't understand this kind of fanaticism at all. Although he liked toy models, he didn't reach this point.

Dozens of boxes of gunpla can make Feiyue work so hard...

Lin Yue really wanted to say, I still have a few hundred more...

not to mention.

Lin Yue felt that if Fei Yue was told that the one in this photo was a real guy of the same size, would he go crazy right away?

"Speaking of which, Fei Yue, have you seen the ones in the photo just now?" Lin Yue decided to ask the question, after all, this is the real business.

"That, I don't think you understand it very well. The blue one is 00Q, the heavily armed one is Stormwind, the one that looks like an airplane is Z, and the last one is MK2." Out.

"Then...these were originally there? In the model?" Lin Yue was already thinking about it and was terrified.

"That's right, aren't these a few models of the finished product you took? I have to say, your shooting skills are not good. Why are you looking down? Let alone, I will gather my combat power now and start road construction Lin Yue, you understand stones."

Fei Yue hung up the phone right after speaking.

Lin Yue looked at Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai nodded: "Master, I'm afraid...is it really as the master said? These things, the other party can definitely give the master a very accurate name, which is extremely unusual."

"Yeah..." Lin Yue frowned, judging from Fei Yue's reaction, this guy is a senior so-called "rubber guy", and he is very familiar with assembling models, especially "Gundam".

The other party's ability to quickly and accurately call out the names of these Gundam robots is enough to explain a big problem.

These things are really things made by those behind-the-scenes models according to the original models...

And, after hundreds of years, maybe even longer.

How did they know something that has only appeared on the earth for a few decades so long ago?

In addition, they have the same appearance as human beings, which makes Lin Yue feel that these human beings are inextricably linked with the current human beings.

Is this really the case?

The man behind the scenes is the human being itself?

However, what is going on with this superior technological power beyond the original human beings?

These mysteries are beyond comprehension.

"Master, you can't get any results just by thinking about it. Master should continue with what you are going to do now. Xiaobai thinks that as long as you follow the current pace, maybe it won't take long before all the answers will be revealed."

Lin Yue nodded, Xiaobai was right, and now he is indeed approaching the so-called truth step by step.

And this only took less than 60 days, in fact, it has been quite smooth.

The green hat brother in the doomsday bunker spent more than a year, but he could only linger in this different world. In the end, he was left alone, without any hope at all.

In comparison, he is indeed very good.

"Xiaobai, let's go. We still have a lot of things to do today. Let's go to each sub-base to take a look, then collect the stones and send them to Fei Yue, so that this guy can repair the road quickly. In addition, it is estimated that the truck will I probably want more... After the charging is complete, let's go back to the werewolf valley at the Gate of Exploration. Xiaobai, if you can't wait, you can go first, or go to the God Horn Clan. All right." Lin Yue felt that Xiaobai would be too busy if he followed him, so he suggested.

"Master, Xiaobai really wants to go and have a look around the Shenjiao Clan's exploration gate, but Xiaobai thinks it's okay for the master to be here in the afternoon, right?" Xiaobai still wants to have another meeting with Lin Yue Go to the werewolf's valley, after all, it has more things to do over there, and it is indispensable to negotiate with the werewolf.

"That's fine too. I'll check the charging situation first. Xiaobai, you can go to the gate of exploration."

Lin Yue said and flew to the huge warehouse of the Gundam robot again, and Xiao Bai also went out, opening the door of exploration.

"Oh? It seems to be almost there? Then charge the other one, then it's almost the same... By the way, it would be great if this thing is really nuclear powered. Charging it once is quite troublesome."

Lin Yue felt that this thing still had a lot to do, but its height limited its fuel storage.

What if there was a fuel storage tank in the back?

Lin Yue flew up, walked around to the back, first pulled out the power supply, and then took out the mid-level universal upgrade design drawing, and put it on its back where the energy storage is obviously.

[The energy cabin can be upgraded to a high-precision fuel tank backpack, which requires alloy X30 and high-precision electronic components X3]

Oh well, sure enough.


Lin Yue glanced at the storage space, and there were really both of them. The high-precision electronic components were obtained after dismantling the heavy firepower Gundam robot, and there are even 29 of them in hand.

He directly chose to upgrade!

Soon, behind the charged Gundam robot, there was something like a backpack.

It also reminded Lin Yue that the fuel that needs to be injected inside is aviation fuel.

Although he didn't understand why and why aviation fuel would appear here, Lin Yue still put all the fuel that had accumulated a lot in it.

After putting the maintenance device on another Gundam robot and confirming that it was charged, Lin Yue flew back to the ground, came directly to the short- and medium-distance rail train, and moved directly to the saltpeter mine sub-base.

The stone produced by the saltpeter mine is second only to the natural sulfur ore mountain. This time, Lin Yue still harvested a large amount of stone, and immediately sent it to Feiyue.

However, the impact of the rain seems to be quite large, and Lin Yue had to reset the mining robots one by one, so that they should be on the upper part of the mine as much as possible to prevent them from being wet by the rain.

Although it seems to have a waterproof function, he doesn't want to watch these little guys dive into the water to mine. If there is a malfunction, it will have to be remade.

After distributing the food from the main refuge to the Shenjia tribe stationed here, Lin Yue continued to go to the mountain sub-base in the west without stopping.

Although this kind of work is boring, there is no way around it.

Collecting a large amount of material and sending it to Fei Yue is something he can do, and it would be extremely laborious for anyone else.

After Lin Yue returned to the refuge as quickly as possible, he immediately came to the Gundam warehouse again, and at this time, the second Gundam was also fully charged.

Lin Yue thought about it, and put the deformable Gundam called "Z" by Fei Yue into the storage space. As soon as he walked out, he saw Xiaobai open the door from the homeland of the Shenjiao Clan.

"Master, over there... there is a big guy that Xiaobai can't handle, is the master going to try to kill it?" Although Xiaobai was not tired or injured, he told Lin Yue that there was a huge monster over there. The enemy needs him to deal with.

"That's not a problem...Xiaobai, are you sure you can't deal with it?"

Lin Yue entered the door of exploration together with it. The sky here is still dry and windless, and the temperature is quite high. There are not so many dark clouds in the sky, let alone black rain.

After finding a flat ground, Lin Yue put the Gundam on the ground again. Wearing the flying device, he quickly flew to the center of the Gundam robot's waist.

There is a more conspicuous place there, which seems to be the switch of the cockpit.

His mechanical hand pressed it up, and soon, the cockpit cover slowly lifted, and Lin Yue was able to glimpse its internal structure.

"It's quite similar to that armored car, but it doesn't seem to be as complicated as imagined..."

He got into it, took off the alloy armor, and sat on the comfortable seat.

At the same time, a burst of light suddenly flashed across the seat.

Lin Yue found that there were protective devices to fix the arms and calves on the seat, and there were two pedals under the feet.

At the same time, there were two control devices next to his fingers. Lin Yue looked to the left and right respectively, and found that there were instructions in Tang language on them.

The left hand seems to be in eight directions, and the right hand is for shooting, drawing out weapons, accelerating, lifting into the air and transforming. The control of arms and legs also depends on the control of the circle of protection on his own arms and legs.

The screen in front of him has also switched to a full-screen mode, and you can see any direction from front to back, left, right, up and down.

Hey guys, what about playing games?

Lin Yue tried to move forward, and he immediately felt the huge machine move a step forward.

Moreover, the roar of the machine also entered the ears at the same time.

"Oh, it looks pretty good."

After Lin Yue tried a few steps, he gradually became familiar with it, and soon, he also mastered the most basic movements.

"Then... it's flying in all directions..." Tried again, Lin Yue found that this huge and heavy robot could actually fly up to a height of nearly 100 meters, but he couldn't sustain it if he wanted to fly for a long distance .

It seems that it needs to be deformed before it can continue to fly like this.

Lin Yue first flew into the air, and then touched the transformation button.

Soon, with the sound of metal collision, Lin Yue suddenly found that the cockpit turned sideways, and the driver's seat also changed direction at the same time. The small screen on the upper right showed that he had successfully transformed the giant robot into a The flight mode with the appearance of a blue airplane has been added!

And under Lin Yue's control, it only took a short time to jet forward and fly nearly tens of kilometers in the flying state!

Now, even letting Xiaobai fly at full speed to catch up is impossible.

But Lin Yue didn't feel too much back pushing and other sensations. He looked at the lower right corner of his line of sight, where a monster like a hill was constantly moving there.

Lin Yue instantly transformed into a humanoid robot form again in the air, and at the same time pressed the button to take the weapon.

And with the appearance of two red long swords full of light beam electric energy in his hands, Lin Yue easily cut off the solid shell of the monster with the help of the potential energy of the landing, the body of the machine, in the The direction was changed in the air, and there was another horizontal slash, unexpectedly cutting off the monster's two legs horizontally!

Lin Yue didn't stop, and continued to slash at the screaming monster with the two lightsabers in his hand. It took less than half a minute for it to completely fall to the ground without any signs of life.

[You killed a giant creature and got a platinum treasure chest]

"Is it so powerful..."

Lin Yue stopped the action of the Gundam robot, got up from the driving seat, then put on the flying armor and flew out, landing on the ground.

Xiaobai also arrived at the same time, and it didn't seem surprised that Lin Yue was able to kill this giant creature in such a short time.

"Master, Xiaobai thought the master would take a little longer." Xiaobai looked at the pile of wreckage and said.

"I know you're just pretending to be polite." Lin Yue was speechless to this little guy, why did he become so complicated, his personality.

"Xiaobai doesn't know what the master said." Xiaobai replied immediately.

Lin Yue picked up the platinum treasure box, and remembered that there was another palladium treasure box that had not been opened.

The treasure chest...it seems that the further you get to the back, the less motivation you have to open it.

Lin Yue put the platinum treasure box into the storage space and looked at Xiaobai.

This guy was looking at the Gundam robot in circles, and seemed to like it quite a bit.

"You've seen Wei Li, and I'm pretty good at it, Xiaobai. Next, we seem to be able to go to the werewolf's side, and then hurry up and do everything else!"

"Master, we really need to refuel on this point." Xiao Bai suddenly looked into the sky.

A huge shadow suddenly appeared from above.

"That's... Xiaobai! Let's get out of here!"

Lin Yue realized the importance, touched the Gundam with his hand, put it in the storage space, got an extra set of alloy reins in his hand, and immediately put the reins on Xiaobai's body.

"Master made a very wise choice, we are going to start flying at low altitude, be careful not to fall!"

Xiaobai sprinted instantly, rushing towards the ancient gate of the secret realm!

And with a bang coming from the air, Xiaobai instantly made an S-turn in the air, and rushed towards the diagonally forward direction again!

Lin Yue turned his head, and suddenly found a huge red laser, which shot out from the huge shadow above, and directly hit the place not far behind Xiaobai!

"Master, hold on tight!" Xiaobai made another sharp turn, and flew in another direction in an instant, even faster than before!

A loud bang sounded continuously from above. Lin Yue saw the huge shadow emitting red lasers one after another, and Xiao Bai, as if he had a sense, avoided wave after wave of attacks by relying on extremely sensitive movements.

"Xiaobai, rush to the door!"

Xiaobai roared violently, and rushed into the door of exploration in an instant!

And then, there was an incomparably huge booming sound behind him, along with the sound of the explosion and shattering!

Xiaobai rolled a few times in the black rain, and finally stabilized his balance.

It turned around again, looking at the original location of the exploration door.

There was a huge pit of nearly ten meters in the original place, and the original exploration door disappeared completely!

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