Lin Yue didn't immediately leave from the opened door.

He glanced at the opened door, and outside there was a light screen that hadn't fallen yet.

Walking over and inspecting it carefully, I found that it seemed to be opened with the touch of ten fingers, plus the irises of the double pupils.

Lin Yue looked back at the dead body, and took out the dagger.

The hands, eyeballs, and head were put into the storage space, and Lin Yue threw the rest into the big pit left by the garbage disposal device.

He took off the superalloy flying armor, put on the man's ship uniform, put on the helmet, and glanced at the gun on his body.

After identification, it is a gun that can emit laser attacks.

"Star Wars?" Lin Yue frowned. His understanding of this stuff seemed to come from here.

However, it is indeed strange that such a thing appears here.

Originally, he thought that this advanced technology surpassed the original human beings by several stages, and there would be more advanced weapons, but in the end, that's it?

In other words, the previous freezer, fingerprint iris door and so on don't seem to be anything new.


Lin Yue looked at the gigantic spaceship, and felt as if he was on a spaceship of a fake high-tech alien.

After checking again, and seeing nothing wrong in all aspects, Lin Yue walked out of the room that was now full of dead bodies wearing this boat suit that seemed to be able to automatically adjust the size and looseness according to the body shape.

In front of him was a corridor with a width of three to four meters. The ceiling was quite high, almost three to four meters. The whole body was white, and it felt quite empty.

The wall is nearly 1.5 meters from the ground, and there is a slideway that stretches to the end, nearly ten centimeters wide, and there is something like a bracelet on it.

He looked at the smooth ground and found that it was almost spotless, not even a single footprint.

Lin Yue thought for a while, and looked at the bracelet.

He stretched out his hand and just touched the bracelet, but the bracelet immediately transformed into something like a small computer.

Lin Yue was skeptical, and looked at the place where the five fingers should touch, there was a smooth screen there.

"Hey guy, are these fingerprints too?"

Immediately, he took out the severed hand of the person just now and put it on it, and the small computer became the wristband style again.

This time, Lin Yue put away his bloody severed hand and grabbed the bracelet. Soon, the bracelet was activated, and he moved forward at a fairly fast speed after grabbing the bracelet.

However, not long after, the bracelet stopped, and Lin Yue also found that he came to a door in a corner.

He saw the iris fingerprint verification at the door, took out the guy's head and severed hand, and identified them separately.

Don't take it out for too long, otherwise, the fingerprints will disappear and the iris will fail.

Lin Yue's judgment was correct, the door in front of him opened, and he found a person inside with his back turned to him, who seemed to be packing up various things and parts.

The room is about 300 square meters, which is quite spacious. There are four space sleeping capsules in one corner, which are more advanced than the ones he saw on the spaceship. I don't know what high technology has been added.

There seemed to be two other people asleep inside, and Lin Yue understood that these were the "roommates" of the guy he just killed.

Looking at the corner of the room again, there is an extremely huge light curtain, just like the light curtain of the system in his mind, but it is directly realized in reality. He can't understand the text on it, but There are some pictures and videos, which are constantly playing.

The content inside is very simple.

The survivors are the protagonists of these pictures and videos.

Lin Yue even saw his refuge, as well as Fei Yue and the others.

Of course, Lily Callahau, a tall woman with long hair, he also saw her true appearance, and he also saw her subordinates in the dark, setting off to various places non-stop.

Good guy, it turns out that he has been, really, been being watched all the time.

All human beings are treated like this...

Lin Yue now understands the feelings of those gladiators in the ancient Colosseum.

the whole human race...

They are all gladiators of these aliens who look exactly like humans.

Under the baptism of disasters again and again, the total population of human beings is also constantly declining. Although facing disasters, they become stronger and stronger, but it is uncertain when human beings will be completely extinct after a disaster.

And this, for these high-ranking behind-the-scenes black hands, is just a program that can entertain them.

Their cheering, laughing and chatting are all blasphemy against the whole human race!

Damn it.

These aliens!

Lin Yue closed his eyes, opened them again, and walked quietly towards the person who was cleaning up but hadn't turned his head yet.

When the opponent turned around and was surprised to find him, Lin Yue had already stabbed the excellent quality dagger into the opponent's eye socket!

Lin Yue felt that since he was in this room, there was no need to make a sound to kill them.

Silent assassination is the kingly way.

Lin Yue pulled out the dagger, made two more cuts, and after confirming that the other party was dead, he walked to the location of the two sleeping cabins.

How can you do things if you don’t do it thoroughly?

Lin Yue found the switch directly, and after opening the hatch, the person inside had not even opened his eyes, and he chopped his face with a knife.

The other did the same.

By the way, Lin Yue also put all the sleeping cabins of this facility into the storage space.


He looked to the corner of the room.

There is a huge and incomparable pattern there.

"Detailed drawings of the various floors of the spaceship... Good guy, this is actually the corner and the bottom position..."

Lin Yue found that if he wanted to go to the cockpit of the spaceship, he seemed to have to walk all the roads on the sixth floor of the spaceship.

Each floor has a huge area.

As for the rooms, they are also unimaginably large!

"It seems that these guys who like to watch theaters can just be caught in one wave."

Lin Yue was very satisfied with the detailed drawing of the spaceship.

He got several corpses together, and took out a broken sheepskin cushion from the storage space to cover them.

After tidying up his clothes, he walked out of the room, just in time to meet a person who seemed to come to check and came to the door.

Lin Yue said that it was the one that was delivered to the door.

Cutting the throat with a knife ended up with the lucky audience, and stuffed it under the sheepskin cushion. Lin Yue felt extremely happy in his heart.

These bastards...

Treat human life as a plaything, as entertainment, right?

I also want to do this to you once.

No, it should be said that it was done to the end.

If possible, Lin Yue felt that he could make the lives of all the people behind this disgusting behind-the-scenes end in his hands!

Along the aisle, Lin Yue continued to move forward, and soon came to the second room. After he killed them cleanly with the Excellence Dagger or Excellence Iron Spear, he followed suit.

Even, the various things inside were broken down into design drawings and raw materials, and nothing was left behind.

Soon, all the rooms on the bottom floor were also broken into by Lin Yue one by one. No one was left behind, and he, who felt extremely angry in his heart, easily ended his life.

Lin Yue didn't have any idea about their lives.

Kill and it's over.

When these people wiped out billions of human beings on earth with those disasters they didn't know how to make, they never thought about respect for life, right?

When all human beings were brought into this different world, accompanied by disasters, and a large number of mutated creatures, giant creatures, and put so many mutated monsters on the earth, they never thought that this would mean something to human beings. wearing something.

So, on the other hand, Lin Yue wouldn't waste anything, seeing them directly would be a fatal blow to them.

On the way from the sixth floor to the fifth floor, Lin Yue didn't count how many he had killed.

He just knew that the anger in his heart was getting stronger and stronger!

Through the porthole, he saw the vast universe outside, and the boundless space.

This huge spaceship didn't seem to be able to reach the moon yet, and this time seemed to be just enough for him to kill everyone in the spaceship!

"Take me here captive, and then want to freeze me into those corpses... and then throw it as garbage? Then, I'll simply turn this spaceship into your coffin."

Lin Yue packed up everything, and used the guy's head and hands to unlock the elevator made of light curtains, and came to the fifth floor.

As soon as he arrived on the fifth floor, he saw a large group of people in uniform.

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows, the one who should come is still here.

Also, it is impossible for these people not to discover the situation on the sixth floor.

Elevator... there is more than one.

In front of him, the leader said something to Lin Yue, and his tone seemed quite strong.

Lin Yue didn't make a sound, he couldn't understand what the other party meant at all.

But it doesn't matter.

Lin Yue is probably much more familiar with such things as fighting than the dozen or so people in front of him.

When he lowered his head and pretended to listen to this person, he was also paying attention to the weapons in their hands, their respective defensive awareness and so on.

As a result, he found that the dozen or so people in front of him seemed to be the type who had never experienced combat at all.

Surviving in another world for more than fifty days, the number of battles Lin Yue has experienced is too many.

From hunting mutated sheep at the beginning to soloing mythical monsters later, the combat experience he has accumulated is really too rich.

Although he can't feel it normally, but at this moment, this fighting consciousness has already made him completely superior to everyone in front of him.

"Sorry, what you said, I..."

Lin Yue raised his head, holding Zhuo Zhuo's dagger and iron spear in his hand, and then rushed into the group of people with the force of thunder!

Soon, Lin Yue simply killed the group of people.

It's as simple as killing a bug.

Lin Yue shook the blood off the dagger and went downstairs again.

He also noticed just now that the lights on the outer wall had turned orange.

Represents danger?

That better be black!

Returning to the sixth floor, Lin Yue saw a large number of people appearing on this floor. After all, there is more than one elevator, and everyone gradually gathered from upstairs to downstairs. After Lin Yue came down, he also fought with these people. had a face-to-face meeting.

When they saw Lin Yue appearing with a lot of blood on his body, they were also quite puzzled.

But they soon had no time for such doubts.

Lin Yue first cut the throats of the five people closest to him with a dagger, and with the laser pistol in his hand, he kept sniping at the heads of the people next to him!

After touching the gun for a long time, he can now hit the opponent's head accurately even without the use of a scope, and the laser beam shot by this laser pistol is not as long as imagined, but A short beam like a bullet, and it's extremely fast!

Lin Yue quickly adapted to it and kept walking among the crowd. Soon, more and more people fell down!

Some of the remaining people resisted stubbornly, and some yelled and tried to escape, but to Lin Yue, they were basically equivalent to walking mutated sheep one by one.

In a short period of time, Lin Yue completely wiped out the team of nearly a hundred people, leaving not even one escaped alive.

"The only complaint is that these people don't have any storage space."

Lin Yue stood up from his blood and saw the light curtain elevator flickering again, knowing that new reinforcements had arrived.

Perhaps, will it be a heavy weapon?

Now that it has been completely exposed, there is no need for him to pretend to be a member of this gang. ,

Wearing the superalloy flying battle armor on his body, Lin Yue held an excellent iron spear in each hand.

Cold weapons are actually the most deadly.

Especially when wearing this flying armor, after the strength and speed have been greatly enhanced, cold weapons actually play a greater role in this narrow space.

Although the laser pistol just now is not bad, but Lin Yue believes that the opponent will probably have a corresponding strategy.

Soon, more fighters wearing silver clothes appeared in the light curtain elevator than before!

"Sure enough, this is the right choice."

Lin Yue used the jet flames in the air to instantly accelerate to the side of the fighters who had just come down, and the Joyo Iron Spear was easily swept over the heads of these people by his mechanical arm!

With the sound of screams, Lin Yue didn't stop, and immediately rushed to the next wave that just came down!

The body's unique self-healing ability made him not need to care about physical problems at all.

And the ever-increasing desire to fight also made his five senses, accompanied by the blessing of this powerful flying armor, become more acute and terrifying!

Blood gradually pooled under his feet.

The screams of the enemy kept pouring out.

Lin Yue showed no mercy to them.

Killing is the best way to answer.

It didn't take long, as Lin Yue finally released the flight mode, the voice of the last sobbing person, who seemed to be begging Lin Yue to let him go, stopped abruptly.

The light curtain elevator finally stopped transporting combatants downwards.

Lin Yue looked at the corpses of hundreds of people without thinking.

The surrounding lights have changed from orange to red.

And this made him even happier.

"Solved so many... I guess the mechanical things should come too?"

Lin Yue glanced at the storage space.

He took advantage of now, before the second wave of enemies came, to create a wave of anti-armor robots.

When I dismantled those things just now, I got quite a lot of circuit components, and so much TNT material on hand, but now it comes in handy.

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

He saw that the light curtain elevators started to operate one by one.

So, will the ones who come down be human beings or machines?

Lin Yue waited.

And when he saw those robot dogs appear from the opened elevator doors, the corners of their mouths in the helmets couldn't help bending upwards.

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