Lin Yue waited for a while, but he didn't wait for Lily Callahoo's reply.

Although he was certain that Lily Callahau's missiles had no chance of hitting his shelter.

The anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle will simultaneously launch missiles to intercept the missile when it enters the defense range, so as to achieve the purpose of defense.

Although I don't know when Lily Callahau came up with this thing, but now, she has no acting.

Even if there are another three rounds, there will still be countermeasures at the shelter.

The laser spear was aimed at the center building of the refuge village, and Lin Yue once again issued an ultimatum to Lily Callahau.

"Lily Callahau, if this is your method, I advise you not to trouble me. If you have missiles, I will have an anti-aircraft missile launcher. Moreover, I don't think your missiles from now on will be able to go from here to here." Launch from your refuge village. Lily Callahau, for the last time, you come out of the refuge village immediately, and others, I can spare their lives."

Of course, Lin Yue said what he said.

Whenever these people want to deal with him, Lin Yue will use this Gundam to give them a big blow.

Vaporization of the lightsaber does not seem to be a strenuous task.

"Although I really want to come out, I'm not in the refuge village of your big robot at all. Lin Yue, we can negotiate."

Lily Callahau is currently in another refuge village.

She saw the huge robot with power beyond all her imagination through the video and pictures taken by the system of the main refuge village.

And among those robots, there was Lin Yue who she wanted to get rid of and hurry up!

But she also knew that Lin Yue's combat power was beyond her reach.

"I don't want to negotiate with you, Lily Callahau, you either tell everyone on the world channel that all the people in your refuge village, including your forces, will join Feiyue, or die."

Lin Yue really wanted to save trouble.

He is not the only one who wants to kill this guy.

But in comparison, it seems that uniting to deal with those behind-the-scenes masters who will attack at any time in the sky is the most urgent thing to solve.

Lin Yue believes that although Lily Callahau does have great ambitions and considerable power, but in today's situation where there is a huge difference in strength, with her wisdom, the next road It shouldn't be difficult to choose.

"I surrender, Lin Yue, and I now announce that everyone in Lili Karahau will give up resistance and join Fei Yue's forces."

Although Lili Callahau is quite unwilling, but now, she has no choice.

Fish dead and net broken? That was not the path she would choose at all.

After the last hole card was played, it was already in Lin Yue's expectation, and judging from the report ahead, Lin Yue's refuge did have anti-aircraft rockets waiting.

If she chooses to bear it to the end...

Fei Yue's power is much greater than hers.

It is estimated that it will not take too long to attack here.

Lily Callahau is very aware of the current situation. It can be said that although she and her subordinates have a considerable advantage on the World Channel, these are all imaginary in the face of absolute strength.

Lin Yue can attack her main refuge alone, and it is probably a matter of time before he finds her.

Death is also a matter of time.

Lily Callahau doesn't want to die, she has far more things to do than anyone thinks.

"In order to return to my homeland, I decided to lead all of us to join Fei Yue's forces. Lin Yue, are you satisfied with my answer?"

"Okay, from now on, what all human beings should do now is not to fight among themselves, but to unite and deal with the common enemy. Of course, I will see what you do next, if you have the slightest resentment... …I am sure you will be satisfied to see that I have killed you and everyone in your power, no matter who it is."

Lin Yue said, driving the Gundam back into flight mode, and flew straight into the air!

"The matter hasn't been completely resolved, but it's almost there." Lin Yue knew that Lily Callahau was always a hidden danger, but unless this person could be caught directly, it would not be easy to kill her.

What needs to be solved more urgently now is those behind-the-scenes masterminds who have already taken action. He has solved a lot this trip, but compared to the total number, it is still quite far behind.

"There are hundreds of millions or billions of black hands behind the scenes? The moon doesn't seem to be that big... They live there, but it seems that they have to do it... After all, this side of the other world is obviously much better than that bare moon. Bar?"

Lin Yue is actually quite concerned about this point.

By the way, that group of people... always calling them "behind the scenes" seems to be flattering them, but with their combat effectiveness and crisis management awareness, they are really terrible.

Lin Yue thought about it and decided to name those people "Moon Suppers". It seemed that this name was more suitable for them.

After all, it seems that there is no such thing as a "final boss" at all.

It seemed, and even made people feel, that they were simply "weak", and they didn't look like strong people at all.

Specifically, it is like ordinary people with high technology.

No matter where it looks, it is actually not that powerful. There are some technological products in the sky, so it is not an opponent at all.

"Could it be that for this different world, they are actually..."

Lin Yue suddenly thought of a possibility.

Perhaps, this different world is much worse in all aspects, and it is simply not suitable for those "moon dwellers" to survive?

As for the secret realm, those strange beasts on Earth...

Lin Yue remembered the first mythical beast Kamberak killed at that time.

There was a lot of soil and plants on the back of this thing.

At the same time, it also has the water mist in the back that can extinguish the fire source.

In the myth of the wolf head man, it is called the "God of Calamity of Destruction", the God of Calamity carrying the earth on its back, and it conceives all plants and life.

On its back, there are grasslands and giant trees, and the sea is hidden in its back. When it is not angry, the land of the wolfheads will be stable, but once it is angry and the sea rushes, the whole land will be shaken and collapsed. That's why the wolfheads called the mountain-like Kamberak the "God of Calamity".

And the other second mythical behemoth is named "Beverly Xis".

This calamity god is also a god who occupies a considerable position in the myth of the werewolf. According to legend, Beverly Xis has two heads, one with a lot of teeth, and the other with slender hair. Under its head, there is an extremely long neck, and its tail can release a lot of mist, but once it gets angry, the mist will also contain poison, destroying all life. Beverly Xis, that's why he was called the God of Calamity by the werewolves.

The third mythical beast, which Lin Yue has not encountered yet, is named "Skirapek" in the myth of the werewolf mentioned by Xiaobai. horned mythical behemoth.

These so-called "mythical behemoths" are all in the secret realm, that is, on the other side of the secret realm, and together with a large number of alien beasts, they are destroying the earth that originally belonged to humans.


If it is interpreted in reverse, the mythical giants should have been monsters in this different world, existing together with werewolves and lizards, and they were their "disaster gods" or "gods".

Both the alien beast and the lizardman were originally creatures on this alien planet.

In addition, if those mythical monsters are eliminated, the alien beasts will also be eliminated...

If you think about it together, can it be considered that the mythical behemoth is a creature that "reforms" the earth and the planet of another world? And the alien beasts are the helpers of these mythical behemoths.

And they are the tools to transform the earth into a suitable tool for those who live in the moon!

It should be what they are after to return the earth to its original state.

As for the planet of the other world, it is more like a substitute for the earth, the werewolf and other alien planets that those who live in the moon regard them as a substitute, so that this planet is somewhat similar to the earth, and has become a huge number of humans and humanoid creatures testing ground.

Rather than saying it is a "survival game", it can actually be understood as a "colosseum".

The one who won the first victory, as far as we know, should be the werewolves, and they once ruled the entire planet.

Afterwards, the lizardmen sprang up and wiped out the werewolves to the point where they could only dwell in a large valley.

As for the lizardmen, they were confined to this area with humans, far away from other alien creatures.

Seven billion humans parachuted into this different world, and after several disasters, there were less than two billion people left.

And this is the result of the devastation of the so-called "disaster" once every seven days.

In the first survival game, a total of 100 million humanoid races and humans were added, and the final result also made these aloof moon dwellers quite excited.

And after so many years, they once again tied all human beings to this planet, and they seem to think deeper.

For fun, but also to take over the planet.

Lin Yue deeply understood.

If the "moon dwellers" are not completely wiped out, even if human beings return to the earth through that door, there will be a third or fourth survival in the future.

From beginning to end, they are the toys of these moon dwellers!

He feels that he can indeed do a lot of things alone, but there are also a lot of things he can't do.

In any case, as long as human beings cannot unite, it is probably impossible to completely wipe out the Moon Suppers.

"What the Lone Wolf can do is quite limited. We still have to let Fei Yue and the others do more. The so-called surrender on Lily Callahau's side is actually not too stable..."

Turning on the World Channel, Lin Yue also saw the information that Lily Karahao led all forces to submit to Feiyue, and on the regional map, the light blue color blocks have covered almost one-fifth of the area.

Next, Fei Yue's work will actually be very simple.

"Lin Yue, what did you do? Why did Lily Callahau suddenly tell me to surrender? Also, where are you, on the moon?"

Lin Yue glanced at the still continuous black rain outside the cockpit, and replied: "I'm back, it seems to be quite close to you, see you in half an hour, we'll talk about the details then."

It has to be said that the flying speed of this Gundam after being transformed is really too fast.

He didn't fly above the clouds because he didn't want to provoke the huge spaceship. If he was discovered again, he might not be so lucky to make another assassination next time.

One-on-one tough, Lin Yue doesn't have much chance of winning. After all, no matter how weak the opponent is, the spaceship will not allow him to play such a high-altitude decomposition smoothly.

"However, after all, this high-precision research workbench seems to be a killer weapon. I don't know if it can really become the strongest weapon against the moon dwellers in the future?"

Lin Yue continued to fly forward with many thoughts.

According to the area map, it took him less than half an hour to return to the sky above the refuge in a straight line, and directly became a robot and landed on the ground.

He saw Fei Yue whose mouth could fit into a big fist, and Xiao Bai who was very happy for his return.

"Damn it..." Fei Yue looked at the Gundam robot of the same height, and now he couldn't use other words to describe his current mood.

What's the situation?

It turns out that what Lin Yue showed me was the real thing, not a model?

I'm weak, okay?

"Would you like to say something else?"

Lin Yue frowned, isn't Fei Yue familiar with this stuff?

"No, I said, I play with models, are you really here, did you make a mistake?"

Fei Yue felt that he could no longer believe that this is the truth now, Gundam, what a guy?

Good guy!

"It's okay, Xiaobai, I made you worry. As you can see, I'm fine, but the ones above seem to have suffered a lot."

Lin Yue hugged Xiao Bai, the little guy was still trembling with excitement, and seemed quite excited.

"Master, Xiaobai was going crazy at that time. I really didn't expect that the master was taken away and returned to the moon? Master, it seems that he has killed many behind-the-scenes men on the moon, and his body smells like blood."

"Ah? You killed those guys? Lin Yue, you...are really not in the same dimension as us." Fei Yue finally realized that Lin Yue's safe return from there really proved this point.

After all, in his cognition, the mastermind behind the moon should be absolutely invincible. After all, the level of technology, according to previous guesses and understandings, must be several centuries ahead of the earth!

"They are so weak that it is difficult to understand... You can think of it this way. I feel that the lizardmen are more difficult to deal with than them. To be honest, they are just empty-handed. This time, I probably killed Xiaoten Wan?"

Lin Yue recalled that when he went there, the spaceship was a thousand people smaller, but when he came back, the spaceship was full of people. There were almost a hundred people in a small space.

"Little ten thousand? Lin Yue, if I give you another chance, can you kill more than a million of them?" Fei Yue laughed.


Lin Yue recalled that there seemed to be a huge device like a protective film above the lunar city at that time, which isolated space from the city.

If it is destroyed, will it be possible to kill hundreds of millions of Moon Suppers at once?

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