It has to be said that things went extremely well.

To be honest, Lin Yue never imagined that he could destroy the moon of the moon star at such a fast speed.

It was even more unexpected that billions of Moon Suppers could be killed at once.

What they are and how high-tech they are, in fact, in Lin Yue's mind, it is not important anymore.

Looking at the otherworldly planet.

Tens of thousands of aircraft, large and small, are passing through several floors there, escaping from the completely destroyed moon.

They were the last surviving group of "Moon Suppers". Lin Yue didn't want to let one go, but the energy reserve of his Gundam robot was not enough, and the energy of the lightsaber was not too much.

After killing hundreds of small aircraft, Lin Yue changed into flight mode again, ready to land on a planet in another world.

After all, on the ground, he still has a lot of things to do.

"Fei Yue, I destroyed one on the side of the moon, and there may be tens of thousands of Lunastrians who have fled to the planet. If there are any near your control, be sure to kill them immediately!"

I sent this message to Fei Yue, however.

Failed to send.

what's the situation?

Lin Yue looked back at the moon that had disappeared, and seemed to understand something.

Next, I am afraid that the world will be in chaos.

The flying Gundam robot turned its back down, and soon broke through the atmosphere and came to the sky above a vast ocean.

Lin Yue found an island and landed slowly.

It's still daytime here.

"It seems that it hasn't been that long since it came out... Did it land in another hemisphere?"

It seems that during the process of entering the atmosphere, a lot of energy was consumed, and less than 10% of the energy was left.

"It's a bit far from the refuge... Huh? There seems to be a spaceship over there?"

Lin Yue put away the Gundam and took out the small aircraft.

This thing still has a lot of energy, Lin Yue got into it, activated it instantly, and immediately caught up with the small aircraft.

The small aircraft did not stop flying, but flew eastward with Lin Yue, and finally landed beside a Gobi Desert.

Here, there are still dozens of small aircraft docked, and there are several alloy houses.

"Are you at camp?"

Lin Yue saw that the group of people seemed to be gathered here, discussing something.

He found that even if the group of moon hunters landed on the ground, they were all wearing spacesuits and helmets, which was just enough for him to mix in.

After changing into the space suit in the cockpit, just as I was about to put on the helmet, I found a touch position on it.

"Huh? There are icons on it?" He took out his severed hand and clicked on the touch screen, and a light screen appeared.

On the light screen, various functions are marked with icons.

"This can't be the function of translation..." Lin Yue saw an icon on it that was a silhouette of a person, and there were icons of various character conversions around his mouth, and he felt that he had discovered a new world.

After clicking it, Lin Yue opened the hatch and walked down.

Suddenly, the voices of those people outside came to my ears, but they were translated!

"...What are you talking about? Reconstruction? In this damn place?! We're not those lizards!"

"Our homeland was destroyed by that bastard. I don't know how many companions are left. I must kill him!"

"Hmph, this is the fate of underestimating that person. I have suggested to the higher-ups countless times that I should kill this person first, but no one listened! It's too late now!"

"I just said that there is no need to do this show again, but it turned out to be such a mistake. We have worked so hard for so long, and the result is all over!"

"Hahaha, I suggest killing all the bugs on the earth, revenge!"

"Yes, kill them all! Except for Lin Yue, they are all a bunch of trash. Even if we only have such a few people, there is no problem!"

"I have already searched for my companions. There are 49,231 people connected to the main network. It should be no problem. We can revive the population!"

"Kill those bastards first, and then kill Lin Yue!"

"Yes, in the end let him be the last earthling, living alone in this universe forever, hahahaha..."

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

What the hell is garbage.

"Can you understand?" he said.

And that group of people turned their heads to look at him tens of meters away.

"You are not talking nonsense, we... wait, this face... Lin, Lin..."

Lin Yue smiled, took out the Gundam, and flew into the cockpit in front of the group of moon dwellers.

The light beam long sword was pulled out.

"Make me the last of the earthlings?"

A sword swung down.

The extremely high temperature emitted by the light beam sword easily melted the bodies of these people.

The screams did not let them out.

"Besides these seventy-one, are there 49,231 people left?"

Lin Yue jumped off the Gundam again and walked towards the small aircraft. He saw that the one that the person got off before had a specific coordinate map showing the aircraft of the other 50,000 people.

They are all clearly marked on the light screen one by one. ,

"The kill list, right?"

Lin Yue directly put other small and medium-sized aircraft into the storage space, and picked up a person's severed hand.

The previous one doesn't seem to work anymore.

"With these flying machines, chasing the surviving moon hunters doesn't seem to be a difficult task, but it's definitely not something that can be done in a short period of time."

Now, there is no communication tool.

The world channel and regional channel are completely unavailable due to the disappearance of the moon. Although other functions of the system do not seem to be affected, the human beings who have always been unable to contact are now like a pot of ants.

And those 50,000 little moon dwellers will also inflict the most horrific revenge on all human beings!

Thinking about this, Lin Yue flew towards the group of light spots closest to him, and looked at the area map. On it, his location was quite far from the shelter.


"It's a pleasure to kill those guys on the way home, isn't it?"


For Lin Yue, there was nothing more incomprehensible than the IQ of these Moon Suppers.

When the main planet was destroyed and there were less than 50,000 people left.

This group of moon occupants didn't even begin to retaliate against humans.

Instead, they tried their best to gather together from various places according to the signal of the light screen.

As if they had to act collectively, they finally came together.

In the end, it was discovered that there was a completely unfamiliar existence in this flying army of less than 30,000 people.

As for Lin Yue, he quickly started a no-nonsense battle, and one by one, he and he knocked down all the small flying machines of the moon hunters with various weapons at hand.

"There are seven left? These seven are still smarter."

After knocking down all the small aircraft, Lin Yue checked the light screen and found that there were still seven escaped.

Putting on a new small aircraft, Lin Yue chased it all the way, and finally stopped in front of a door.

The ancient gate of the secret realm.

Lin Yue looked at the nearby refuge village, then at the ancient gate of the secret realm that had been opened, and knew what to do.

"They actually escaped into the secret realm, but based on their remaining fuel, there shouldn't be much left."

Lin Yue looked around, it was quite close to Feiyue's refuge village.

Moreover, it seems to be next to Liu Kai's old refuge village.

Looking around, Lin Yue was also a little puzzled, how could there be an ancient gate of the secret realm here?

Isn't the ancient gate of the secret realm supposed to be a place where there are people and refuge villages?

Just when Lin Yue was in doubt, he suddenly heard a strange singing sound, and this extremely unpleasant, vaguely incomprehensible song sounded not too far away from him.

As for Lin Yue, he also immediately saw a person who was not too familiar, but he also had a deep memory.

"Guo Lei? Good guy, are you still here?"

"Hahaha, I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm so hot, I'm not afraid of you, haha! Lin Yue, if you don't take me away, I'll wait for you here, wait for you, hahaha!"

Not far away, the one with stains all over his body, dust on his body and face, and greasy hair was that Guo Lei.

He is now muttering all kinds of messy and incoherent words in his mouth, jumping out word by word.

Lin Yue looked at Guo Lei and found that he was crazy now, as if he had been stimulated mentally.

Guo Lei was the one who had a deal with him at the beginning of the disaster, and later found out that he had joined Liu Kai's refuge village a long time ago, and the so-called deal at that time was only ordered by Liu Kai.

And after Liu Kai went "crazy" and killed several people and got involved with the Lizardmen, most of the people in the original refuge village went underground with him, leaving only people like Guo Lei who stayed here.

Last time, when Lin Yue came here for reconnaissance, he saw Guo Lei and got information from him once.

But at that time, he felt that Guo Lei seemed a little abnormal.

At that time, before leaving, he had thought that Guo Lei would go directly to the nearest refuge village of Feiyue, but it turned out that this was not the case.

Unexpectedly, this person survived several disasters in this barren place, and survived miraculously.

"Here, here is this for you, eat it." Lin Yue took out a piece of barbecue and handed it to this poor or magical guy.

Guo Lei took the barbecue and gobbled it up: "It's delicious, it's amazing, you can still eat barbecue in a spaceship! Liu Kai can't eat it underground, he can speak lizard language, and Lily Callahoo wants to kill him, hahaha !"

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows and glanced at the ancient gate of the secret realm.

The seven people inside couldn't run very far, and it was only a matter of time before they were killed.

Lin Yue got out a large diesel generator and connected it to Gundam's power supply.

It can be charged a little bit, and if it doesn't work later, I have to go back to the refuge to get the Gundam.

Speaking of which, what Guo Lei said just now has some deep meaning.

Lin Yue raised his head, looked at the gloomy sky where the rain was no longer falling, and then looked at Guo Lei who was gnawing on the last bit of meat on the bone in the mud.

Liu Kai can't eat meat underground, and Lily Callahau still wants to kill him?

As for Liu Kai's ability to speak lizard people, he already knew it.

"I want water, water! Liu Kai won't give me water, the underground is too dark, the lizard people are too disgusting, they are almost killed, the idols are very interesting, very interesting!"

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows, a statue?

Did the lizardman die?

After handing Guo Lei a bottle of water, Lin Yue felt as if he had come into contact with a strange place he had never been before: "Guo Lei, are the lizard people going extinct?"

"Yes, yes, they were all killed by people like horses, by big dinosaurs, hahahaha, Lily Callahau is also being killed, Liu Kai is running, he doesn't care about me, I'm back, hehehe... "

Guo Lei, who drank a bottle of mineral water, jumped up and down in the mud. It seemed that the eating and drinking just now had restored some of his strength.

Lin Yue thought for a while, and seemed to understand why this guy was able to survive so many disasters.

It should be that Liu Kai came back later, seeing him pitiful, he was taken to the underground ruins, helped him survive disasters again and again, and even saw the colossus.

Later, the lizardmen were killed less and less by Xiaomeng and the horned tribes. Even Lili Callahau wanted to get rid of Liu Kai, and Liu Kai let Guo Lei return to the ground.

Coincidentally, after chasing and killing most of the Moon Suppers, he came here after chasing and saw Guo Lei who seemed like he hadn't eaten anything good for a long time.

"Guo Lei, what else do you know? Where is Liu Kai? Where are all the lizard people? If you say everything, there is still meat."

Although Guo Lei is crazy, he still seems to have a little bit of rationality.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so clear about those people and those things.

"Meat! Give me meat! I say everything!"

Lin Yue took out a large piece of barbecue steak again and gave it to Guo Lei.

"Delicious! Delicious!" Guo Lei gnawed frantically, "Liu Kai is with the Lizardman, they are all at the Colossus, Liu Kai is very afraid, Lily Callahau has a bomb! I want water, water!"

Lin Yue handed Guo Lei a bottle of water again, knowing where to find Liu Kai and the remaining lizardmen.

The old place, the oil river branch base.

Liu Kai and the rest of the lizardmen all ran there...

In other words, Xiaomeng and the guys from the Shenjiao tribe were really crazy, they were about to be wiped out by others?

Lin Yue was speechless for a while, good guy, I was so crazy to kill the lizardmen before, but the efficiency is still not good...

As for Lily Callahoo's missile, he has already seen it. If Guo Lei had encountered it earlier, Lin Yue would have known about it earlier and made better preparations.

However, it's not bad at all.

Looking back at the charge of the Gundam, it has almost reached 50. There should be no problem in the secret realm. As long as this thing is not used crazily like in the universe, it will be fine.

Lin Yue raised his head to look at the sky, the dark clouds became much thinner, and even the rays of the setting sun shone.

It's dusk again... By the way, have I not closed my eyes for almost three days?

Only then did Lin Yue realize the importance of this matter.

For two days in a row, they have been eliminating the Moon Suppers, going to heaven and earth, forgetting the existence of time.

That is to say, when they were in the spaceship warehouse, they took a break for a while, and almost spent the rest of the time fighting and killing.

Do you want to sleep?

Lin Yue frowned, thought about it, and said goodbye.

Get rid of those seven people first, and then you can sleep well.

After confirming again on the light curtain of the small aircraft that there were no other signals from the living moon hunters, Lin Yue put the Gundam into the storage space, and then glanced at Guo Lei who was rolling in the mud.

He also threw the small aircraft into the storage space, and put on the superalloy flying armor.

When he turned his head to look at Guo Lei again, he was gone.

Where did you hide? Maybe sleep in some mud puddle.

Lin Yue observed tentatively at the door for a while, but found that there was no ambush by those seven people.

He quickly turned on the flying mode and rushed in.

However, he unexpectedly discovered that it was raining inside the door!

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