The sanctuary stands in the wilderness just like the original.

The train stopped steadily at the station in the refuge. After Lin Yue got off the train, a large number of Horn Tribes who followed the carriage also got off with the little ice lizards.

After that, the little ice lizards set off with the car again to bring back the remaining Horn tribe.

Although what I wanted to fight before was a protracted war, but after the Moon Supper is eliminated, the next disaster will not happen again, and there are still three gems to be found. After finding all three gems, we can Let all human beings return to the earth.

The gate is only on the side of the Youyou River base.

"Before Feiyue brings all the other humans here, get the three gems in his bag, and confirm that all the lizardmen on the altar are wiped out... Speaking of which, there is still a lot of work and it is urgent."

Lin Yue took a deep breath and looked towards the location of the main refuge. The white figure flew out from a large group of black horned tribes and landed beside him.

"Master, it doesn't seem easy this time?"

"Why do you say that? In fact, it's quite relaxing. If it weren't for a good night's sleep, I would definitely be able to come back soon..."

Lin Yue yawned again as he spoke.

In fact, I didn't sleep very well at that time, not to mention only a few hours, and sleeping on the wooden bed deep in the ground was much worse than the space capsule.

Speaking of space capsules...

"Master, what are you going to do next? Now almost all the fighters of the Horn Tribe have come. Except for those lizardmen who surrounded and suppressed them, there are now almost 17,000 people. In addition, the werewolves are also outside the door of exploration. If the master If necessary, we can send millions of werewolves over to wipe out disobedient humans."

As Xiaobai said, an expression that Lin Yue least wanted to see appeared on his face.

"Xiaobai, werewolves are not used to deal with humans."

Lin Yue stared closely at Xiao Bai's eyes with a serious expression.

"Master, then, what should we do if those disobedient humans appear, has Master thought about it?"

As Xiaobai said, he looked at the fighters of the God-horn clan.

"The reason why some human beings want to make troubles is because they are trapped in this place and cannot go back. If we have the method and power to go back, then making troubles is a very stupid thing."

Lin Yue thought of Lily Callahau.

This person is indeed a hidden danger.

In this different world, this person is eager to take the entire human group into himself, and he did it a long time ago.

But what he did plunged the entire human race into panic and chaos.

Countless refuge villages fell apart because of her, but she didn't immediately give more assistance to the people in these refuge villages, but just placed them, and they all became her nominally governed directly.

Compared with Fei Yue's approach, Lily Callahoo's approach is more like a bandit who used conspiracy to conquer.

Although Lin Yue felt that the world needed a savior, it definitely shouldn't be this person.

"If possible, I really want you to kill someone, but this kind of thing is not easy to do."

"Master is talking about that Lily Callahau." Xiaobai guessed right away, "That person is always a threat. Xiaobai also said that he wanted to kill this person."

"Is that so... What do you think?" Lin Yue recalled the last time he drove a Gundam to the opponent's main refuge village, but the opponent was indeed not there.

At that time, he didn't ask any questions if he gave the main refuge village all of a sudden, but that would only make it more difficult for Fei Yue, and it would be easier to make the conflict more acute.

After all, the World Channel was still there at that time, and those who "anti-Linyue · Feiyue Alliance" could use this to do...


If we were to directly attack Lily Callahau right now...

She has a million mouths, all for nothing.

Moreover, now that the information is so blocked, the other party may also want to take action.

As for the main refuge, I am afraid that the other party will definitely go back.

"Xiaobai thinks, you can give it a try. As long as the master gives Xiaobai their coordinates, Xiaobai can let Feiyue and the others build a road to kill this biggest threat in one fell swoop!"

"Xiaobai, I think it's okay. In this way, you fly to Feiyue first and ask them to send someone to get the car here. The other party is not stupid. Even though they said they would surrender last time, in this situation where there is no means of communication Under the circumstances, it is absolutely certain not to talk about martial arts."

"Xiaobai understands, master, how many god-horned and wolf-headed people do we need to bring?"

"Ask Feiyue how many people can drive trucks. Besides, let the mothers hurry up to find gems, and the speed must be fast."

As Lin Yue said, he went directly to the underground warehouse to find various materials for making trucks.

Indeed, I felt before that the human side is actually not finished at all.

Even if Lily Callahoo didn't make trouble now, she might be stabbed in the back later.

It's better, just come here to cut the weeds and root them out!

Anyway, the World Channel is gone, who knows if Lily Callahau is still alive?

The other party probably thought so too.

Soon, Lin Yue put the Gundam away and started to recharge, and then began to collect and disassemble it non-stop.

The large amount of resources obtained from the designated secret place before, of course, there are also many cars and trucks among them. Lin Yue broke them down into various parts and design drawings before, and now they just come in handy.

Soon, one hundred huge trucks were manufactured by Lin Yue, and they were placed one by one in the open space outside the refuge center.

There shouldn't be any problem transporting 10,000 Divine Horns.

If it is a human being, of course there can be more.

Moreover, if Lily Callahau was not in the main refuge, Lin Yue certainly had second-hand preparations.

Xiaobai also has a flying dragon, which of course can be regarded as a third-hand preparation.

Lin Yue waited for a while, Xiaobai, a young expert in efficient messenger, came back from Feiyue's refuge.

"Master, they will bring over 200 people later, is the master's car enough?" Xiaobai looked at the neatly arranged cars and realized that the master was going to be serious this time.

"It's okay... If it's not enough to reproduce, it's okay, Xiaobai, how is the gemstone situation at Feiyue, is there any progress?"

"Master, I just found a piece, and it seems that the news has just come. Fei Yue should have already traded with the master."

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows, clicked on the system, and sure enough, there was an exclusive transaction sent by Fei Yue.

And above, there is his message!

"Lin Yue, I can only talk through this, and I discovered it by accident. Why, you want to attack Lily Callahau directly?"

For exclusive transactions, other than the exclusive trader, no one else can view the specific information of the transaction, so Fei Yue boldly disclosed this confidential matter.

"I will try my best to get you as many stones as possible to build roads. A hundred trucks are not enough for you to come and find me. In addition, the remaining two gemstones are up to you. That is our only hope to go back."

Lin Yue accepted the rough aquamarine and was also thinking about his next move.

Imperial topaz and garnet, have not been found yet.

Maybe it was in the hands of Lily Callahau.

If that's the case...

It seems that it is not easy to handle.

Like that kind of collectible stuff, the last one or two are always hard to find.

"Take advantage of this opportunity, it is indeed a good opportunity to kill her, Lin Yue, is there anything else you want me to do?"

Lin Yue thought about it, and sent an exclusive transaction again, 20,000 units of stone.

"Let Xing Lingfeng deal with Lily Callahau. If he can't do it, I still have two alternatives."

"Okay, wait for my good news."

Lin Yue closed the trading panel, holding the aquamarine in his hand.

It shines brilliantly in the sun.

"Master, what will happen to the lizardman?" Xiao Bai continued to ask.

"Let the Horn Clan in Shiyouhe base do it, and then, let Xiaomeng lead all the ice lizards in the base, plus two thousand Horn Clan, to go to the secret realm and kill as many strange beasts as you can .”

"Xiaobai understands, Master, Xiaobai also wants about two hundred robot dogs. If possible, how about letting them follow Xiaobai?"

Lin Yue knew that the little guy seemed to have his own plans.

"No problem, you have seen how I set it up, if you can operate this thing well, tens of thousands of enemies are nothing at all."

As Lin Yue spoke, he demonstrated it to Xiaobai again.

The robot dogs in his hands are much worse than those of the Moon Sagittarius.

But the advantage is that it does not require more materials and more unsolvable techniques.

After letting these little guys unfold the solar panels, Lin Yue was relieved this time.

It's almost done, next...

Just as Lin Yue was thinking, the train full of people from Feiyue Refuge Village stopped, and as soon as they got off, they were shocked by a hundred trucks lined up neatly.

"Boss Lin, you... are too strong."

The one who spoke was You Siyuan, who was surprised when he came by train, but when he got here, he found that there was something that surprised everyone even more.

A hundred large trucks were produced as soon as they were said to be produced, and Lin Yue was indeed so strong that there was no limit.

"It's not enough, I can add more, You Siyuan, I've talked to Fei Yue about the matter, you must wear Xing Lingfeng when you go, of course you can't let him know where he is going, besides, Fei Yue must not go Hit Lily Callahau, who..."

"Understood, that guy is said to be a bit evil, and he will never let our boss take risks. Don't worry, boss, I promise to bring you the bastard's head." You Siyuan knew that this trip was indeed very difficult. Thrilling, maybe more than imagined, maybe even more in the eyes.

"Then I'm relieved. I'll give you 10,000 troops from the Horn Tribe. They have strong combat effectiveness and mobility. They are more suitable for large-scale legion battles in the wild. Of course, you can also be in charge of covering and mopping up from behind. , if the weapons are not enough, I can still provide them."

As Lin Yue spoke, he pointed to the God-horned tribe who were standing by in the distance.

You Siyuan took a look and immediately turned back: "Brother, can those...that group of humanoids be trusted? You know, they are not of my race..."

"Rather than 'believe it or not', it should be said that they are my subordinates now. If I say a word, they will kill themselves at any time. You should be able to understand this level." Lin Yue knew You Siyuan very well. concerns.

Indeed, he originally had such concerns.

But now, with the strength to kill the more than 21,000 horned tribes at any time, Lin Yue still has a gemstone necklace that can completely surrender them, basically he doesn't feel that they can do anything wrong own unfavorable situation.

Moreover, for such a period of time, the willpower, fighting power and loyalty they have shown really satisfied Lin Yue.

The God-horned tribe admired force, and the arrogance in their bones made them have a deeper level of admiration and awe for him.

This kind of worship and awe is also the root of their loyalty.

At least Lin Yue can be sure of this.

If there is any small action, don't say anything else, the little ice lizards are so smart, if you tell Xiao Bai, probably all he can see now is the corpses of the Horned people all over the ground.

"I see. Since Boss Lin is so sure, and they seem to listen to you, then this matter will be easy." You Siyuan thought for a while, and then pointed to those big trucks. How about adding a hundred more."

"Do you have other ideas?" Lin Yue raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, although the boss didn't say anything, but we really want to be more radical. Apart from directly slamming Lily Callahau, we will also wipe out all other hostile refuge village people in one go."

"Oh, I didn't tell Fei Yue, it's not okay, although I quite support you to do this. How about this, after you kill Lily Callahau this time, if Fei Yue has ideas, come to me at any time Get trucks here." Lin Yue pointed to the ground, "Two hundred trucks are fine."

"Understood, Brother Lin, since you said so, there is no problem on our side, and besides, how many Shenjiao people are following the car?"

"Ten thousand, if the opponent is a cold weapon, this one can be worth two hundred people. If there is a group attack, humans will have no way to suppress it unless they have heavy firepower."

Indeed, the crushing battle between 20,000 and hundreds of thousands of Lizardmen of the Horn Clan is still vivid in my memory, and it may be even worse for humans who have complicated emotions and are not in the same mind.

"Boss Lin, I'm really afraid that you won't be able to hold, but it seems that I'm thinking too much. I hope they can be as powerful as you said. This time... if I can really go back..."

"Okay, don't set the flag, go, let's talk about it when we go back."

Lin Yue sent off the mighty convoy, looking at the back of the car, the horned people who were eager for new battles, knew that the remaining time in this different world was really running out.

"Maybe things would have gone better if so many people had stuck with it in the first place."

Lin Yue sighed for a while, then looked at Xiaobai again, who had been listening quietly just now.

After completing the conveying mission for Xiaomeng to lead many little ice lizards to the secret realm to destroy the alien beasts, it sent all the Horned tribes to the truck and gave the order.

Now, it seems to have a deeper understanding of what Lin Yue wants to do next.

Like Lin Yue, it was thinking about a lot of information in its extremely clever little brain.

"Master, will humans come back after they go back?" it suddenly asked.

"Without the disaster and still with the system, the different world is really just a paradise for human beings."

Lin Yue frowned tightly.

Without disasters, humans may prefer the simple life here.

Of course, if the food problem can be solved, mutant creatures can reappear, and other humanoid creatures do not pose a threat.

Human beings may not be sure, they will abandon the already barren earth that is still occupied by alien beasts.

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