The people of the moon, that is, the moon dwellers, should have all been wiped out by now.

Moreover, the moon they occupy has been completely destroyed by him now.

It seems that there is no need to use these twelve gemstones to open the ancient gate, only the human beings can go back through the ancient gate of the secret realm next to the refuge village?

However, after Lin Yue thought about it, he felt that this was not possible.

Just now Xiaobai said that only by passing through this door can the "chip" be destroyed.

And this so-called "chip"...

Not to mention, is it the system?

Perhaps, the Lizardman and the werewolf were both implanted with this kind of "chip" and possessed a system, and they were also viewed as "playthings" by the people of the moon.

And as the Moonmen got bored with them, more humanoids were thrown in, and it wasn't until the first humans were thrown in that they found more fun.

Today's second survival game, with more than seven billion human beings, has brought unimaginable excitement to these moon people.

And one of them, and the most special one, Lin Yue, also gave them an unexpected extermination action!

These "chips" implanted in the collarbone of human beings carry a high-tech gadget called "system", and it would be more convenient if this thing could be brought to the earth.

However, it may also bring unimaginable disasters to human beings.

After all, the storage space alone is extremely buggy. As long as the space is large enough, it may be unimaginable what can be done!

It can be foreseen that if people with bad intentions take advantage of this, they can even easily complete criminal activities that were extremely difficult to do...

The stability of human beings may be destroyed or not.

"It seems that everyone who is alive in the world must pass through here and return to Earth."

Lin Yue now knows very well that there is only one way.

"Master, Xiaobai has another question."

Xiaobai looked at Lin Yue, and then at the ancient gate of the secret realm not far away.

"You want to ask, how to deal with those strange beasts on the earth?" Lin Yue immediately understood what the little guy was thinking.

"Yes, there are many, many more of them than imagined. Although there are only three disaster gods in the werewolf mythology, and the mythical giant beasts corresponding to these three disaster gods were also killed by the master, The rest are just ordinary mysterious beasts, but even so, they are extremely dangerous to humans."

Lin Yue nodded.


Sending all the Horned Clans and Little Ice Lizards to the secret realm and letting them kill mutant creatures, the best they can do is to clear out the strange beasts in a small area of ​​the secret realm.

"Xiaobai, do you have any good plans?" Lin Yue did have some ideas, but no matter which one, it seems that there are disadvantages now.

For example, the werewolf...

"Master, unless the master can evolve all the little ice lizards to the level of the little six sons, otherwise, even with the werewolves, it is impossible to wipe out all the strange beasts in the secret realm."

"Wolf-headed people can't do it?"

"Yes, master, although the wolf-headed people can obey the master, and Xiaobai can be sure that even if the wolf-headed people are scattered throughout the secret realm, they will not escape and hide, but their combat effectiveness is inferior to that of the god-horned tribe. Even if the number is enough, it is by no means impossible to achieve such a great achievement." Xiao Bai affirmed.

Lin Yue nodded, indeed.

The werewolf's individual combat ability is really not very good, and it is really just a little bit better than humans.

But compared to humans, their ability to use weapons reasonably is much worse.

"It seems that the only way you said is the only way, otherwise, we can only let human beings slowly destroy them by themselves... By the way, Xiaobai, do you know where the creatures on the original earth have gone? ?”

"Master, about this, Xiaobai is not very clear, it is not written on the ancestor's stone tablet." Xiaobai replied.

"Is that so... Xiaobai, now I have fewer doubts in my heart, but there are indeed some things that I still don't understand the reason... But forget it, the most important thing now is to take over all human beings next, and through this Daomen."

"Master, that's true. Only when a large number of human beings return to the earth can we start to solve this matter."

As Xiaobai said, he flew to the side of the ancient gate of the secret realm.

"Master, Xiaobai is going over there, and try to let the God-horn warriors destroy as many strange beasts as possible."

Xiaobai opened the door as he spoke, walked into it, and disappeared behind the door.

Lin Yue walked back to the shelter.

He is thinking about a question.

Now, can human beings return to the earth thirty-seven years later, control the earth as in the past, and become the actual ruler of the earth.

I am afraid……

For a short period of time, this idea is simply not realistic.

The different world survived for nearly 60 days, and on the other side of the earth, it was already a world that was completely destroyed and almost destroyed by nature and strange beasts.

After the human race lost its system, the remaining population was only two billion.

Although it is said that among the two billion people, they have experienced several disasters and have a deeper understanding of survival.

But to be honest, I am afraid that if human beings want to return to the glory of the past and make the earth as convenient and suitable for human habitation as before, it may take decades or even hundreds of years of development.

In this survival battle, among the dead human beings, there are countless elites from all walks of life, and there are also countless experts in various fields of science, culture, and research.

Not to mention, so many mysterious beasts are still entrenched in every corner.

Maybe the test will really start after humans go back.

"It seems that there must be someone who must do something... Although I really don't want to be a savior, but now it seems that maybe I really have no choice!"

Lin Yue took a deep breath, and he began to pack up various resources in the warehouse.

In the future, he has much more to do than now.


Days passed.

During the period, after Xiaomeng and the others came back, they immediately went to the secret realm to support Xiaobai and the others, and Feiyue also brought good news.

After conveying the message that everyone can return to the earth, all the living survivors surrendered to Feiyue, accepted his leadership, and began to move towards the Youyou River base in batches, and the fastest ones have already arrived. .

More and more people have rushed over from all directions, and a huge gathering area has been built on the vast land in the southern part of the wilderness.

Moreover, the number is constantly expanding.

Human beings have finally seen the dawn of the end of the survival game after surviving disasters one after another. Everyone's face is filled with hopeful smiles.

"It's time to open it, Master."

During these days, Xiaobai, who led the Horn Clan and the Ice Lizards, wiped out the strange beasts in the secret realm covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, and finally returned to the ancient gate of the secret realm.

It saw an affirmative expression on the owner's face.

"Humans, go home!"

Lin Yue drove the Gundam towards the Shiyouhe base.

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