Under the scorching sun, Lin Yue worked energetically in front of the soilless cultivation suit.

The soilless cultivation set covers an area of ​​50 square meters, which is actually quite large. It is equipped with quite a lot of nutrient solution, spiral tubes and sponges.

Taking them out of the plastic bag one by one, and then installing and configuring them, also took a lot of time.

But fortunately, this thing needs a lot of water when it is dead, and then there is no need to do anything.

"One unit needs 2 liters of water, and one unit has 1 square meter. It can be used for 20 days... My dear, 100 liters of water in 20 days is OK."

Even if you pour all the water you have, it's still a little short.

But thinking about the huge rewards that this thing will give later, this is not a big deal.

Moreover, things like water are actually very easy for him to obtain.

As long as you don't mind killing the insects, that's fine.

Sprinkling the leek seeds that came with the soilless cultivation kit, as well as the seeds of radishes and chicken feathers into the cultivation tray one by one, Lin Yue looked at the vast ground and put his sight on the small plastic greenhouse that had never been used.

Since we want to start planting, we simply do it together. If we let it go, it will take time to do it again.

Lin Yue also has procrastination, but he doesn't want to put himself in any passivity in the future because of procrastination.

What's more, in the middle of the night today, the second disaster will be foretold.

At that time, if you prepare related things for the second disaster, many things will be too late.

Lin Yue chose a simple plastic greenhouse, and soon the system beeped.

[Plastic greenhouse (small), covering an area of ​​8X30 meters, please select the location, the area that cannot be built will be marked in red]

Um? This seems to be a lot more advanced than before?

Lin Yue made his choice and quickly found a location that was not marked in red.

He also discovered that it seems that some uneven places will be judged as red by the system. Too high or too low will have a certain impact on the construction of this greenhouse.

【You built a plastic greenhouse (small)】

With a reminder from the system, a plastic greenhouse with a length of 30 meters and a width of 8 meters appeared in front of Lin Yue's eyes!

The structure of this greenhouse is made of metal, and the plastic film is also quite transparent. After opening the plastic door and entering it, Lin Yue immediately felt a sultry heat coming from his nostrils.

The greenhouse is about three meters high, with strong light transmission, and the temperature inside is really hot and humid. Lin Yue really couldn't stand it, and after a short while, he came out quickly.

However, this temperature is quite suitable for growing crops.

So, what to plant and what to plant?

Lin Yue didn't think it was a good idea to open up a piece of land directly on this wasteland.

The snow wall during the previous snow disaster has been completely melted, and the snow water has also been absorbed by the dry soil.

You must know that snow water is corrosive to a certain extent. Lin Yue has already experienced this firsthand, and those whose heads turned gray before have proved with life that this kind of water is formed after the snow melts. Terrible.

Let him grow vegetables on this land, he is not that stupid.

Vegetables have to take root and absorb the trace elements in it. If you eat the vegetables grown in this soil into your stomach...

Lin Yue felt that it was impossible to continue like this.

"It seems that the soil in the greenhouse has to be replaced, either to make a large wooden trough, or to find a plastic sheet, cover it on the existing soil, and then dig a hole..."

After thinking about it, the second method is not worth it. It is time-consuming and laborious to even dig a hole and then find a plastic sheet.

Lin Yue made a large number of planks out of wood, saw them to the right size with an iron saw, and then used a hammer to connect them with nails...

[You got the design of the wooden planting box]

Sure enough, this is still the case, and the convenience of the system is rationally used to find some shortcuts.

Otherwise, if you work hard, you will be tired.

[Wooden Planting Box: Wood X2, Iron Block X1]

There are wood and iron blocks, and Lin Yue immediately began to make them.

And the wooden planting boxes made are indeed much more beautiful and stronger than the ones he made. Almost one is half a meter long and half a meter wide, and it is also about half a meter high.

After Lin Yue made fifty of them outside, he placed them in the greenhouse one by one, but even after they were all laid out, the interior of the greenhouse was still quite empty.

However, the road is a step by step, and Lin Yue has no such ability for a while.

The two bags of 30L humus nutrient soil obtained earlier were brought over, and Lin Yue poured one bag into it.

Um? What... just a little bit?

Poured the second bag again, it seems that it is not enough?

After a simple calculation, Lin Yue patted his head.

Good guy, the volume formula of a cuboid is length X width X height, then his planting box is full and needs 125 liters of soil!

No wonder, the soil is half piled up.

So, where can you get more nutrient soil?

Survival Point Mall!

[100L of humus nutrient soil: 100 survival points]

not cheap...

What about the marketplace?

I searched around and found that someone was actually selling it.

【Seller: Kirk Brown】

[Trading goods: 50L three bags of humus nutrient soil]

[Required: Design drawings or other]

[Seller's note: This thing can grow vegetables! You don't know, do you? 】

Oh wow.

Isn't this Kirk Self Raiders Brown, who is second in the standings, an old acquaintance.

Lin Yue directly opened a private message to him.

"Want water? Or food?"

There was a reply almost instantly.

"Lin! I don't lack water and food. What I lack is... you know, that red thing that will make people feel good physically and mentally."

Lin Yue understood.

Offered for 100ml wine.

"Oh, my favorite! That's a little too little, though, Lin."


Lin Yue didn't hesitate and closed the system panel directly.

Go for your own strategy.

"Pfft?" Xiaobai saw the smile on his owner Lin Yue's face. He didn't know what was going on. It just jumped onto the stone wall and crawled on it.

"Xiao Bai, look at the family, I'll go get something good first."

The good thing Lin Yue wanted to do was naturally a wooden treasure chest.

Now that we have made up our minds to cultivate the land, we must use more snacks for the land and get more water out.

Soon, he also started hunting mode around here.

Time also flies by in the process.

In the case of being unable to go to the secret realm, Lin Yue was able to devote all his attention to hunting.


"The 72nd box? It seems that there are quite a few mutant creatures." After obtaining a lot of water and food, Lin Yue took out a bottle of Waxihe pure water and unscrewed the lid.

Cool water entered the throat, moisturizing fully.

In this moment of rest, Kirk Brown has completed his own strategy.

【You lost 100ml of wine】

[You have obtained 50 liters of humus nutrient soil X3]

And just when Lin Yue flipped through the trading mall again, he suddenly discovered that someone was actually selling what he had always wanted!

"What's the situation? Opened? Or from the secret realm..."

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